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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
New Year, New Glasses Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
WRC Club: https://rentry.org/vrgwrc23
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft (Vanilla+): https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft (Dungeon Crawling): https://crawler.vrg.party
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5
Bonelab: https://rentry.org/bonerlabeu

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 19:00 UTC (20:00 CET)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Thursday at 11PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 13:00 UTC/11:00PM AEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 19:00 UTC/20:00 CET
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEST
EU Bonelab: Saturday at 18:00 UTC

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>507384748

>Upcoming Events
Midnight Express - January 18th
/vrg/ Vault 2024 - January 25
lol you beat me by 12 seconds
>NY Classic Glasses + the usual Shaders
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As promised last week, Friday Meet will be hosted and posted in the thread tonight!
Just plain ol' regular Friday Night meet, this time posted in the thread so it will be somewhat moderated
If people come and like it we can do it more, if people don't come and don't like it then nevermind
i miss contractors
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It happens, fishing picture was a good choice.
The usual Fent Friday (Early-ish EU hours) host isn't in so I'll stick one up, come chill, I'll stick some more /vrg/ games from the /vg/league which we haven't watched yet. These rules sound good so it'll be the same.
It was a 50/50 between the glasses and fishing since this thread has a 50/50 chance to stay up and be "the new years eve" thread or need a new bake, in which case woulda done glasses then
new link?
I'm being a normalfag right now sorry.
catbox is down right now
someone can alternatively upload it to https://desu.si/ or https://pomf2.lain.la/ or mega if you wanna be GEI
Football Friday - Games to be shown:
/vrg/ V. /xivg/ at 23:00 GMT
/vrg/ V. /psg/ at 00:00 GMT
/vrg/ V. /@/ at 01:00 GMT
will be there in a little bit, it's been a while frens
How do I use my q3 controllers as knee or feet trackers and then use hand tracking to move around vrc and have upper body tracking? It should be possible right?
nigga just buy some slimes from a filipino child factory
Out of the question. I'm saving cash for a racing wheel and flight stick.
We're doing capes instead of glasses this year.
should have bought pico and get 60 bucks decent FBT
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We should have a new thread up by then, but I figured it made sense since I'd seen some posts asking about them.
Already had them downloaded, so here's both
Stay fresh king.
"he's bullying me"
https://www.uploadvr.com/bricked-quest-report-christmas-2024/ ZUCC DID IT AGAIN
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Speaking of footie, there will be a quick NA instance @ 11:30pm EST tonight to watch the match we were scheduled to watch last weekend but never did (/vrg/ vs /@/).
Some have called it the match of the tournament.
It seems only those are affected who hasn't updated in a while and kept quests in storage for a long time.

>didn't test installing newest updates on an old version of the firmware
>warranty ran out
>offered to buy a refurbished unit as fix
are we getting free store shit again?
Zucc techsupport will kindly offer you to buy a refurbished unit if you're out of waranty period
>Some have reported being told their headsets are out of warranty and their cheapest option for replacement is a $150 refurbished unit.
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Wow... Playing Elite Dangerous with your VR Headset is so fucking immersive. Really felt like I left reality there for a second.
>Quest 2, 3, 3s affected
>not Quest Pro
No problems here.
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>non-pattern recognizers when they see pattern recognizers recognizing patterns
Soccer? I hardly know her.
>unmoderated soccer instance will take over the friday moderated meet
its never been so over
no mods no masters, fuck janies
Flying around for it in a bit was really cool back when I first got VR, couldn't really get into the actual game much though.
still wont give us VR on foot
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:: /vrg/ Vault 2024 | January 25, 2025 ::
Take your time to look at your screenshot folder of 2024 and reminisce through your memories with friends and anons alike. Submit your favorite memories of 2024 in VR! It can be pictures, videos or items - so if you have some spare moments this weekend, get through your screenshot folder and send them in!
Up to 3 happy memories per month so let's go down memory lane together anon.

To make things easier, it would be great if the pictures are named or sorted accordingly (with the month/date in the filename), for your convenience there is even a .rar with a pre-organized folder structure available for download:

The files can be sent via
e-mail: vrgvault@gmail.com
Discord: vrgvault
or just reply to this post with a link to your uploaded image folder.

ANYTHING GOES: Keep in mind that even though the vast majority of photos and screenshots will probably be from within VRChat, you can also share remarkable images from other games - it just has to be /vrg/-related, i.e. games or explorations coordinated in the thread.

FOR ITEMS: send the mesh (no udon please unless you know what you are doing, cause there won't be time to fix it, it will just be shoved into the LOD slot)
Any item that you want to place in the /vrg/ vault 2024 is welcome!

FOR VIDEOS: Just the youtube or any link to it would be good, we'll chuck it into the video player in the map.

FOR WORLDS: Send the wrld_id of something you made this year

Important Dates:
Jan 18 - Final day of submission
Jan 22 - Late submission (non-optimal spots in the map)
Jan 25- /vrg/ VAULT Exhibition
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>rx6600xt 8gb
I want to play pc vr games (wired I think?) like alyx and beatmeater, how bad is the quest 3s?
It's a pain (and VERY expensive) to get a vr set in my country and there's no warranty or repairs so no way I'm getting the 3
I can also get a pico 4 for the same price as the 3s. I don't want to buy accessories if possible
Quest 3s is litterally Quest 2 with slightly faster cpu/gpu. Same old shit lenses and no proper IPD adjustement. Pico 4 is way better.

Unless you're planning to play quest exclusive games get Pico 4. 8 gigs of VRAM is no much, but you can handle games if you don't supersample too much. For never games you will have to downsample a bit.
tell me which shit hole you live in
Pico 4 is going to be better than a 3S for PC use,
If you can find a Quest 2 cheaper somewhere, it's basically the same as a 3S for PCVR and has access to most of the current standalone stuff if you care about that at all.
You're probably going to need some accessories either way, but you can get by with just a better strap and some way to connect it to your PC.
Pico 4 is pretty good out of the box. If he has a decent router he's good to. I would recoment AMVR faux leather facial interface, to be able to get closer to the lenses and overall comfyness and a power bank, so you can last longer than 2 hours.

Also Pico 4 super cheap FBT is good option to have if he tries to get into vrchat.
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>rx6600xt 8gb
Get Q3 since you will at least have a library of native games to play on it, and they will look better than anything your Favela Box PC can render.
Considering how piss easy it is to pirate Quest games this isn't a bad option either.
can i submit more than 3 for some months, they arent even pictures of me, just funny pictures :( and also some months i dont have much
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Yes you can submit more than 3. The (3) is merely a guideline on what to aim for. But definitely submit more if you have more happy memories of your friends in there :3 The guideline's purpose is so that no single person gets spammed across all the images. If you're submitting different anon photos that's actually a plus and you should do so
i like taking pictures of funny things that happen and usually never take selfies lmao so my folder is filled with dumb shit of varying anons
Was going to use my quest again but the update thing worries me.
Agents are closing in on their position.
you should read the article.
VR isn't expensive enough if I still have to talk to 3rd-worlders
I AM a rando and I WILL be there :3 don't vote kick on me you silly boys~
How can you be a rando if you're posting here?
No one knows me anymore. I hang out with TDA normies and I became a TDA now.
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>no one knows me anymore
Then let's start fresh! As long as you post here anon, you'll always be anon to me and not a rando, that you can trust.
so long as you're from here you'll be fine, you'll probably be bullied out of your TDA and offered a booth to swap into but thats optional i guess
Thanks anon
Yeah I'll wear a booth avatar while I'm there
>he hasn't seen a thread rando
how new ?
If they use the thread consistently, they're not a rando by definition
I know it's been out a week or two, but I'm just now getting a chance to play Contractors Exfilzone and I'm pretty surprised.
The backpack and some of the grabbing stuff could use some work. Would be really nice if your backpack floated when you let go of it like in ITR but overall this is pretty good for a "mod" of their base game. Or a mod of the mod of the base game.
the healing mechanics make it difficult to use my physical stock :^(
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Facts are facts anon. There's logic to the words we use
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>physical stock
I got shaky as fuck hands what can I say. There is aim-smoothing in contractors but it might as well be aim slowing and it feels unnatural.
Fucking thread randos taking up space in my instances, get out reeee
I remember some white name coming up to me in a gamerip or something, asked why he werent a cute booth. Said he mainly played games with /vrg/ or some shit. Asked him if he played VRChat, he said not much, kicked him from the meet, never saw him again lol.
Thread randos, when will they learn.
Pavlov is the only one that has aim smoothing that doesnt delay your movement by 5 seconds somehow.
You don't decide who a thread rando is, *I* decide who a thread rando is, and you start to look an awful lot like one, so you better shut your whore mouth, or else...!
I'm fine with you killing people based on their appearance and actions.
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The Final Friday Mahjong of 2024. Come drink and clack tiles. https://vrch.at/0a7cj77r
Calm down fluna
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Gentlemen, the year is ending and some of you are wondering where the Feels Bar is. This year has taken a toll on my motivation, sometimes it feels like I just shouldn't get out of bed and some days I don't. But then I remember these events and everyone who looks forward to them. Those who appreciate the work that we put into running a little event. I am therefore obligated to not disappoint, not just other, but myself. I don't want to say "Damn I should have done that". SO even if its a little late /DinnerCircle/ proudly presents the Feels Bar on Saturday, 28th at 10pm EST. We plan to have LIVE MUSIC played by different anon(s). Myself as the bartender, and (You). I know its the end of the year but, please drink responsibly!
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I always appreciate this, and you, and everybody else involved in this, so thanks!
I will come to you bar and order and drink wholecow milk and you can't do anything about it
>drink wholecow milk
das rayciss, muh mane
But yeah, I bet there will be some "cows" present, if you know what I mean.
whats a contractors
dead game for dead eu hours
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i'm looking at the "must have" apps for quest and everyone says virtual desktop but from what i can see it's literally just a "virtual desktop" which i can already do with the meta app
>tired of sitting in front of your pc? now you can sit in front of your pc, but virtually!
does it do anything else that makes it useful?
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The last Friday Jong of 2024 (and forever) is still happening, come kill you liver and your mahjong (soul).
>grab vr headset for vring
>the quest boot screen is faintly burned into my lenses
gee thanks zucc
If this isn't a shitpost, it's the lowest latency and highest quality way to access vr apps on pc. You can install and launch steamvr and run it through virtual desktop for wireless. Any other way has a lot more compression/less configuration/ect.
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Friday Meet live, now posted in the thread and with mild moderation
feel free to pop in if you want, if its a rousing success we can do it more often, if not then nevermind and cant say nobody tried
this is the future you're paying for faggot
Thanks for the attempt anon. Hope it goes well!
My quest 2's charging/pc link slot is a little damaged and I need to hold the cable a certain way to get it to connect to my PC, and the connection flickers even then. Have any of you encountered this before?
I looked up the problem and all I could find was part replacement tutorials.
I was thinking of sanding down the plastic a little bit and pulling it forward with tweezers
to piggyback off what the other guy was saying it's also way easier to use than meta link IMO.
It's wireless only, it asks that you have your router connected to pc by ethernet but there are usb solutions that work as well (or so I'm told)
Thanks for hostin. Was nice meeting you yesterday
tfw no rando gf
3/4 new table come join one last time
It'll only run for like 30 minutes.
Plus I usually moderate furries or ask them to change avatars
Quick /vrg/ divegrass instance up
oops unlocked link https://vrch.at/ksfmv2da
no problem! it was nice meeting you too!

>love VR more than any other gaming right now
>rarely play things in VR because I want to prolong the magic as long as possible

What do I do bros? I want it to feel magical as long as possible, but I want to play VR more the more I play it.
So I made an avatar for a friend recently. How do I... give it to them?
either avatar_id sharing so they favorite it. you upload it to their account using their account credentials. or you package the unitypackage and send it to them
How do I package it?
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Rightclick the scene file in the project folder the avatar is in. Right click Select dependencies. Right click Export
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i love you guys
What about the package maker in the vrcsdk menu?
I have never used that before
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instance hopped over
Now I get why we rarely seen yuru the last couple of months. He was pregnant.
Who is the father?
my wife...
So how do they use it after I send them the package? They just open it in unity and upload it as their own?
the absolute madman
Barred from Washington DC he is considered a threat to national security in 14 different states*.

*His t-shirts undermine the strength and authority of the Presidential Office and weakens the resolve of America's allies.
Mom! The thread is being gay and retarded again!
i will slit your fucking throat
>friday main instance without furries or randos
maybe it's not as over as I thought
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Parlor's closed
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Love you too anon
im scared to log in aaaaahhh..
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Do it anyways
instance hop
tfw no instance hop gf
>without randos
Don't make me join.
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coomers btfo
who is this
newfriend I believe
They should post less selfies of themselves but occassional is okay
ive seen them enough in /trash/ with enough "content" that i figured they were an alt of someone desu
didn't think id start seeing them in blue thread
Thanks for Hosting! It was very chill and fun to meet NA friends in a /vrg/ instance. Felt nice and homey
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Walkabout Mini Golf!
1300UTC today! (This is in 3hr 18 minutes)
Hey they're posting SFW content in blue thread so it works. They join instances posted on the thread and also hosted an instance once, so they're quite active and wanting to actually be part of the tribe. So far my opinion of them is quite good
thanks for comin peeps
not looking to make it a weekly thing just an every now and then thing, but it was nice having a vrg homies instance on a friday, definitely gonna do it again at some point, glad some others enjoyed
all i did was say "ive only seen that they exhibit behaviors that are usually indicative of alts historically"
just stfu please. just fucking be quiet for fucking once and sit this one out. its not even that important. all i did was make a comment. dont chime in on every fucking thing man. just fucking stop.
sorry, I'll post less of those
pictures of yourself over and over can get stale quickly and emanate "give me attention"
pictures of friends and cool/funny things are always welcome though
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I will not stop posting about random inane thing in the basket weaving thread. And will continue to reply to people's post I fancy including (You)r well made post.
post more, I like them
i like you most the time, but fucking hell you still need to learn how to stay in your fucking lane and realize you shouldn't have a comment on every fucking thing.
Very chill, very nice.
true, I don't feel comfortable enough with anyone to take pictures of them yet
just whip the camera out, everyone loves getting their pic taken outside of weird coomers when theyre cooming
selfies especially lewd ones are ok for the trash thread
attention whoring is "trash" so it goes there
as long as you keep it fresh and post new stuff nobody can complain in the trash thread
this thread is for vrg main instance group pictures, world exploration pictures, event pictures and so on
nsfw, lewd, attention-whoring goes in trash
I didn't post the first one, and the second one was taken by another anon, but I agree
watch out it's the thread police
>avatarfag starts avatarfagging
>cue unrelenting falseflagging because its easy as fuck to pretend to be le avatarfag
the sad part is its not even the first rodeo on this train.
>last thread lasted 4 days
I don't mind a bit of avatarfagging
>thread length is the metric for whether its ok to avatarfag or not
you're missing the point.
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people spend way too much time worrying about "attention whoring" and not enough time worrying about posting pictures so people who visit this thread can see what vr gaming is
Me but unironically
>attention whoring is willy nilly and ok and not an issue
>on the website where attention and identity is the antithesis to its core
i get that we're always going to be outside the ideal because our biggest metric is a social game but like
come on man
stop being fucking retarded
Casino instance when?
Generals are already in contradiction of the core identity of this website. Who cares.
not an excuse to be a retard just because everyone else is doing it.
Any good videos on the Varjo XR4, specifically the Focal Edition?
Apparently unusable for anything but sims and even at that it's not great.
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>watch a random youtube video about math
>the presenter is a troon
>"oh, and btw I'm a cofounder of the game studio who made budget cuts"
Everything makes sense now.
I also understand what "TransCorp" in the game actually stands for.
no it's not
that's only if you came to 4chan in 2005 and thought the whole website was /a/, /b/ and /v/ and you spent the last 20 years only going to /a/, /b/ and /v/
this website has always had diverse board and thread culture
slow boards with slow threads have always defacto'd to "general" style thread culture because the threads have a topic and they're long lived so the discussion always widens in order to fill the dead thread or keep a thread discussion going
creator threads where people create things have always defacto'd to pseudonymity because people create things and the thing they create acts as a signature identifying them
this doesn't mean people dox themselves or go by their first proper name in the thread
it just means in the game dev thread the anon making the lolirapesim game repeatedly posts development and people start going "oh hey lolirapesimdev how's the progress?"

/vrg/ is a general on the board for generals
it is also a creator thread
people create avatars and worlds and events and content and they can be identified by the things they create

anyone who tries to make the unique /vrg/ culture fit some kind of /b/ or /v/ rule template fundamentally doesn't understand the purpose of the site and the existence of different boards, different threads and different board/thread cultures going back to the very founding of the website

it's so lolirapesimdev can post a .gif of a stress test of his engine upgrades without it being tied to his real life identity
and it's also so as anonymous you can tell lolirapesimdev "this is disgusting kys i hope the fbi catches you" or alternatively "that's some nice tech i can't believe you can run over 10,000 loli's in a car on your scratch c++ game engine at a silky smooth 120fps nice work!" and not have your real life identity or your gamedev thread pseudonym be attached to those comments
something both lolirapesimdev and the people commenting on his content can't do on any other website
No fuck off, generals were a mistake
then fuck off back to /v/ and make a vrchat thread and hang out there
This so much. What a reasonably made post about what the heck this site is for.
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>discord troons are trying to tell real anons what 4chan is about again
Generals are a necessary evil for long topics to run on faster moving boards. Never forget they are evil. If you want a permanent location for something, try making your own subreddit. Maybe run your own reddit because it's pozzed as hell and basically just steal the organisational idea and have anonreddit. Remove usernames, (keep accounts though because fuck the overhead of dealing with no-account posting), remove karma, and just have the subreddit system where people can manage their own little 'generals' I mean 'subgenerals' I mean 'subreddits'
and thats also why this community is so fractured and full of shitty cliques
when everyone was from /a/ or /v/ we had some common culture
now theres linuxtards from /g/ simfags from /o/ and troons from /tg/ thrown into mix
i have nothing to talk about with those people because we have no shared hobbies no shared board culture and completely different expectations what vrg should be
theyre not randos by definition but theyre no different from some pug rando in effect and honestly should just be segregated into their own thread
>election tourists who caught up on 4chan "culture" through a wiki and youtube videos never went to a draw thread in their life despite them existing for two decades
>my low effort attention whoring is as valuable as your high effort art
>/a/ and /v/ is 4chan
>the 70+ other boards on 4chan aren't actually 4chan
if you want /v/ culture in your vr thread or vrchat thread you go make a vr gaming or vrchat thread on /v/
just like how there's a gamedev thread on /v/ everyday that starts with "so how's it going?"
don't come to the general board and complain about generals like you're going to change anything after over a decade of their being a general board made specifically to bring back /v/ culture to /v/ you shit for brains retard
Avatars in Virtual Reality are in-fact high effort art that showcases people's personalities into tangible Virtual Forms.
I read that as woman parts
SELLING WOMAN PARTS $3.00 a pop! Pre-order now!
shut up, nigger. you suck
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yea nah go make your cope thread on /v/ already
Slime event 2.0 when?
i hate fags
fags ruined vr
>zero active instances on vrchat in saturday
ded gaem
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Walkabout Mini Golf!
Join lobby 'vrg'

If full, try 'vrg1'
>seated mode is either broken or non existent
glad it came with the headset i guess
No, mine !
forgot image
>people spend way too much time worrying about "attention whoring"
i haven't heard anyone say the word "attention whore" in like over a decade
It's not really game you want to play seated, combat is basically rhytm game.
then i suppose i wont be playing it i stand 8 hours a day at work i think thats enough
That's fair but quite a lot of VR games are standing only kind of deal.
that's hella cap, you can play arkan shadow seated lol
i couldn't grab the cape no matter how far back i put my hands so her was no gliding
That's cause the game is being run by 3 interns while Frontier desperately try to make money from Jurassic Park games.
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>Play Lego Bricktales
>Have fun
>Run into that one level
>Feel absolutely retarded
God this is embarassing.
are you in the wrong thread?
>turn on MR
>it's amazing and cool as fuck
>but the game resolution is halved
REEEEEEEEE. Quest 4 now I need more processing power!
niceeeee, thanks king. We'll place it in
can questshitters fuck off and make their own thread already?
strange i looked it up and didnt see anything about VR or MR in anything about the gam
should we make a third thread for games with crossplay?
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Metro Awakening is good
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Thanks for the host! Despite the comforting design of the map, I found the holes quite tricky.
Didn't realise the scores were blocked mb
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I usually take a backup screenshot of the scoreboard before the group photo
thanks for the golfing golfers and hostan, was fun!
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im going to rape you yuru
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Someone sounds mad and jelly.
>NOOOOO! Stop discussin VR hardware and games in the VR general!
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Thanks for the save, I ought to start doing the same
kek. saved
No it's a also a VR game. Try it out.
>can questshitters fuck off
New VR owner here. As a new Meta Quest 3S owner am I really considered a VR casual pleb? What are the most powerful VR do you guys use?
Don't worry that guy is just mad that VR is going in a direction he doesn't like and he takes it out on everyone who buys into that direction
quest 3s is fine though you should have at least tried a base 3 first it does have better lenses
>strange i looked it up and didnt see anything about VR or MR in anything about the gam
It's really confusing because I noticed some games will have a built-in VR feature while other games will sell it as a VR version. Bricktales has a Meta version.
what is the best single player golf VR game? can do PC or meta quest
God please let the shitfall megasex 8K be good so I can buy it on eBay in 2 years
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Physics wise it's Golf+ for golf proper and Walkabout Minigolf for minigolf.
can they be played without one of those stupid attachments?
Have you played a VR game before? Just use the controllers
of course was just curious it if will track right since those seem so popular
The grips might be stupid but they are fun. As long as the controller gets tracked the games are perfectly playable without grip attachment.
ah ok just want ed to be sure i didnt need to wait for shipping before i could play
>Can't use Vr headsets outside
So fuckin lame
can this be overridden with QGO?
To a degree but it will be laggy.
buying a headset soon and getting into VR
i will finally have the courage to do karaoke
Maybe if you set the cpu and gpu clock speeds to max
Touch Pro started flashing purple and white, but it's all good. Don't scare me like that.
That's usually FW update or playspace loss.
sorry pimax dream air shidded and farded all over shartfall yet again
oh its you ok you can both be my wives how does that sound?
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Any interest in karaoke in an hour and a half
Yes, see >>507957391
Though I don't know if his "soon" meant within the next 90 minutes.
Nice an excuse to stop working on my avatar
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You guys are so cute
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Surprise Into Blacked.com in 15 minutes. We get all the rocks.
babbys first vr rythm game
honestly its kinda nice seeing people excited about VR even if it is just quest sloppa or ports from PC
im just trying not to think about the new wave of underages/retards into VRC while im happy for them
Anyone know if the VR mod for Gunfire still works or did it get patched out?
You need to downgrade your version for it to work
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Lobby up, join EU room code
please record in a half decent FPS
im going to track you down and take photos of you and post them in the thread implying that they're selfies and make everyone think that you're attentionwhoring
im going to track you down and have sex with you
I wish soneone would threaten to take photos of me and post them in the thread implying that they're selfies and make everyone think that I'm attentionwhoring wtf...
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that sounds like fun! if I made my eyes purple, would you be able to find me still?
Can we do a clean slate and just make /vr2g/ desu
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Metro Awakening is a good game
Someone invite me to the splintercord with all the people who hate vrg please
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/vrg/ lied to me! Quest has lots of awesome games!
Like what?
how long is it?
Name three.
9-10 hours
might be worth playing on hard if you're a skilled shootie but I only played on normal.
no it doesn't and it's also trash for pcvr because the compression is incredibly obvious
is it more survival or horror?
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Horror action I suppose, it's the same as the other metro games style wise.
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Karaoke is up now we will be using the new updated map

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> { that's right! name them! And when he does I'll say they are all shit and make him look like a fool! I'm so clever }
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I will join in a little
Stop using Steam Link. VD with h.265+ at 500mbps over WiFi 6e is clean and free of compression.

Even before when I had shit modem wifi stuck at 100mbps the compression I would get was far less obstructive than the internal reflections and fresnel glare of the Index
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i love this post. feels like classic 4chan.
That's cool and all but have you tried naming one (1)?
what if we took photos together but we used the flying camera setting and made it seem like it was taken from a distance like a true schizo stalker would and upload them?
>VD with h.265+ at 500mbps over WiFi 6e is clean and free of compression.
im assuming you're talking about h264 because the quest can't decode h265 at that bitrate fast enough lol
you just have incredibly poor eyesight. even with higher bitrate it's still easy to see if you aren't straight up standing still
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I've owned a CV1 and index, i've tried vive, OG quest, as well as a few other oddball ones. I Had cuck pucks too.
I sold it all off 6 months ago and bought a quest 3 on FB marketplace brand new for $300 and pocketed the extra cash.
Quest 3 is still king to me, even for PCVR.

>Wireless streaming is near flawless over wifi 6E
>Passthrough is actually usable unlike every other fucking headset ive used so i can piss, grab a drink, and pop in a zyn without having to rip off my headset
>With virtual desktop you can use the simulated full body tracking so you don't have to fuck with pucks, just calibrate and go. It isn't very expressive or perfect, but is a hell of a lot better than 3 pointing with zero effort
>Has functional hand tracking so you can put down your controllers if you are just standing around bullshitting you can have a drink in your hands
>With a $40 head strap you can have a magnetic external battery that will keep you going for around 7 hours with the internal battery, longer if you put the pack on charge when it runs dry while using the internal one
>Better screen and lenses than any other commonly available headset
Good blacking, blacks.

Only so much I can do to make shit fit in 4MB.

Have a free Bamham, there, done. Asswrath 2 and Asscreed are also pretty fun.
Those are all shit.

See what a retard you are?
m8 you can force some games to render at 3000x3000 via QGO and see what a native image looks like even if it runs at 20fps
using VD on godlike even with 150mbps bitrate is good enough 99% of the time you never barely notice artifacting and especially not in niggerchat wheres its all high contrast anime avatars and maps
>using VD on godlike even with 150mbps bitrate is good enough 99% of the time you never barely notice artifacting and especially not in niggerchat wheres its all high contrast anime avatars and maps
150mbps looks like actual smoking garbage
at this point i'm convinced everyone that shills this shit is half blind
I'm sorry you hate fun, anon.
Anon you just don't like games.
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God can someone just make me a better strap that doesn't have a fat knob on the back?!

I like to lay down and sit up in bed with my back to the wall!
at this point it's he says she says dilemma and you'll never believe anything that you dont personally try
The knob on mine is obscured, but unless your using the shitass factory harness you can't really avoid having something back there
When you said lots of games I would have assumed there would be something other than the giant name studio productions in your list.
>you'll never believe anything that you dont personally try
but i have, that's why i'm saying it looks like shit?
>Wireless streaming is near flawless over wifi 6E
quest 3 niggas, honest question. is there any input lag? i mean does it feel like it's running natively?
>is there any input lag?
yes. its always going to be higher than native by some measurement. is it noticeable? maybe at first but i got used to it pretty fast and unless i and looking through my nose plate and moving my hand and noting the difference in game movement its whatever
not worth for VRFps tho
roughly about 12ms on average. unnoticeable in 99% of shit. Somewhat noticeable if you're playing rhythm vidya but not horrible.
OK, Dungeons of Eternity, Metacity Patrol, Golf+, Ultimate Swing Golf, Shattered, Dawn of Jets, Dig VR, Silent Slayer, Vendetta Forever, Action Hero, Dead Second, Lies Beneath, Clone Drone in Hyperdome, Mecha Force, Plastic Battlegrounds, DUST, Slot Car VR, Drakheir, Downtown Club, Arcade Paradise, Death Horizon, Wall Town Wonders, Espire 2, Umurangi Generation, Retronika, Power Wash Sim, Triangle Strategy, Ghostbusters, Ghost Signal, Homeworld, Infinite Inside, Inkeeper VR, Pixel Dungeon, Zero Caliber 2, Indeath Unchained, Split Second

All games I played and had fun with. I'm sure some of those are multiplat but CBA to check.
not this meme again we literally had an arc where this number was shown to be nonsense
Dungeons of Eternity
In Death: Unchained
Journey of the Gods
Real VR Fishing
The Climb 2

All deserve mention

Thanks for the lists though I'm gonna save that and check them out
Journey of the Gods isn't available on store anymore so you have to pirate it. It might or might not have problems with new FW because it still uses old SDK.
That's sad. I played it a long time ago and is was such a good game with comfy vibe. It came out on the original Quest and PC Meta store.
Vive Pro 2 full kit is $800. Is it worth getting it as a QPro owner looking for something comfy and to get in the base station ecosystem?
>not worth for VRFps tho
If you were trying to be super competitive Master League is apparently still a thing, I could understand caring about it, but as someone that was super skeptical about going Index to Quest 3, it didn't end up being something that I really notice.
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Are there any modern vrchat udon/world creation tutorials? Everything on youtube is 3+ years old
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New Onsen house.
the lenses are utter shit. only thing i ever bought that i sent back within a day
sorry anon but I've tried to fight this battle before and they never listen to you even if you own multiple devices to compare and contrast against
yeah I liked what I've played of it I really need to play some more!
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>Logo everywhere
>Photo of pedo on wall
Classic EU.
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>Umurangi Generation
>set in the cyberpunk dystopia of Tauranga
they should've done Christchurch and whenever you are having fun a massive earthquake hits and rapes your entire playthrough
t. superior northern islander
imagine not playing robo recall
The holographic glowing marae cracked me up.
the whanau are not gonna be please about this one bro
Play the Oculus PC version instead.
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It's not an issue for me in any VRFPS either. Going from a native wired headset to a Q3 and then switching back to the native wired to test my personal performance in a few non-rythm games, I didn't notice any difference but I do lower wireless bitrate to keep controller movement feeling responsive so maybe that's where the difference in opinion stems from. Not everyone tolerates the same level of compression in the same way not everyone tolerates being leashed.

Quest wireless PCVR isn't perfect, it's a trade-off between compression and latency; if you need low-ish latency you increase the visual impact of compression by reducing the stream settings, when latency doesn't matter you increase bitrate and other settings for a better visual experience. You're not going to be able to get minimal compression with minimal latency in regular games.
forgot to post, thanks for having me!
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Making this post to redo the 15 minute bullshit
>he doesnt save his cookies
is there a trick to getting IMU FBT set up quickly and correctly? when it works it's truly special, but then one of the trackers slides down my leg and I'm never able to get it working quite as well again for the rest of the session
Thanks for hosting! It was a very nice time. I knew I was right to believe in you
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did some AMAZING exfilling with P, its a shame J wasnt there but holy fuck, we had some insane raids

thanks for playing friends
>AMAZING exfilling
thats an oxymoron
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what does anon mean by this

no what does anon actually fucking mean by this
never forget I died from starvation with 8s on the clock to exfil
i'm gonna stuff so many chocolate bar in my backpack from now on
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Here is the definition. Or do you mean what I mean with it in this specific instance?
lmao if i realized i have a syringe left maybe both of us could have made it out
it was hidden behind the ocean of shit in my backpack
anon i know what an oxymoron is
>anon i know what an oxymoron is
Then I don't understand your confusion

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