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>Decensor Guide

Bubu Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JIeqeLrpms
2.4 Event Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXq0Mqi0L_U
Catbox ver: https://files.catbox.moe/2288f1.mp4
Bubu (The Geomancer) Operative Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2kuFIaDylI

>Snowbreak 2.4 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
[Dec 19 - Jan 23] Expedited access to Story Chapter 14 Pt. 1 “Maze of Darkness”
[Dec 19 - Jan 16] Supreme Battleground
[Dec 23 - Jan 06] Endless Battle
[Dec 26 - Jan 09] Seven-Day Carnival
[Dec 30 - Jan 13] Shadowy Peaks
[Dec 31 - Jan 14] Heartfelt Messages
[Jan 06 - Jan 20] Containment Protocol
[Jan 09 - Jan 23] Hero Games

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Dec 19 - Jan 23] Bubu -The Geomancer | Gilded Blaze
[Dec 19 - Jan 09] Eatchel - The Cub | Blitzing Fangs
[Jan 02 - Jan 23] Katya - Dawnwing | Aurora Sands

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form

Previous: >>507702168
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acacia thread
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Tess Kotkin
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granny love
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Fenny meds
Fenny game
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Uh, bros? I got this icon after grinding Bubu's affection to 30. Who is she?
Its fucking snowover
>every day at the same hours
Man, at least change it up. I'm noticing.
I love my fish
Do your hits RATMAN!
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GFL2 was so bad, this will be crap too. If they can't even copy the x-com formula correctly, I don't think those devs have the talent to make good games.
its not even official, its a fangame
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>grinding bubu affection to 30(delulu)
Anon... you need to let go...
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I have a strange feeling that I've forgotten someone, someone who shouldn't be forgotten.
https://youtu.be/XFp__bBHs5M?si=HZajLB_e47HwR_o3 the only game snowkeks should be worried about
MICA fans delusional as usual thinking their jank "games" have been anything but coomer skin collectors
Nah, I prefer GFL2 as the Snowbreak killer. At least they don't have playable males
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You already did this shitpost mate
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get better material
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> open world slop
Why would that have anything to do with Snowbreak or GFL
femAdjutant will save Sn*wbreak
it IS SEA hours so we can't expect the brightest of posts
They aren't trying to murder the game intentionally. Yuri in games like this is fucking stupid too. Plus only playable Edda will save us.
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I wish seaslug makes this bug official in some way
>it's open world so it invalidates the tps gameplay
>tps gameplay
Yes, the gunplay is enthralling
Why should I be worried about a plagiarism case waiting to happen?
no need to be dishonest
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>anime warframe
>mixed toilet
oh yes, def snowkeks killer. Not like it will compete with wuwa or something similar.

Worse, it's Warframe in anime coat of paint.
>Cherry pick 20s of gunplay in a 24min video

lol, lmao even
Maybe try killing an actually good game next time lmao
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snowkeks lost
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no snoggers can beat my score
I wish the story was fun to read and not a fucking slog. :'c
it has some great chapters like rozan's and cherno's
this one was also good desu
the race to the finish minigame was better last patch
not bad for a pc game. I'm impressed Seaslug.
lmao, another auto battler, AFK journey made 5x that on release. GFL is dead in two months.
i have a fucking bubu fever
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eat shrooms to feel better
Why doesnt reports work bros
Seahours seajanny
why is anon posting the dead girl?
bubu gaga
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4Enya battle damage skin doko
4Enya swimsuit rerun doko
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It's ......... gone, right?
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I have returned from holidays, and through my eighty saved rolls, managed to grab Bubu. Jiisan is a happy man now. I love chinese girls. Geomancy is one of those systems of divination I've never looked into regarding Chinese culture, so I'll have to read more on it. It's a good excuse to get back into reading more anyway, now that I've brought back all my old books on China from my old house.
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>4Enya swimsuit rerun doko
Same. It's the only enya outfit I don't have.
erm they're both pc games
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Damn, Enyabro mains THAT?
Enya Cherno marriage on anniversary.
Third Enya swimsuit on third summer patch.
No they are not. There are PC games that are also on mobile and there are mobile games that are also playable on PC. Learning the difference might save your life someday.
but they're both on PC
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it's painful
I want to collect all the Enyas
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Are chinks legitimately incapable to copy genshin's colour palette?
Enya's body was made for sex
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Get in the Enyaball. You will not be asked again.
is there a webm of her ultimate animation while in her swimsuit?
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The combat system looks even more boring than zzz
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If there is, I don't have it. Sorry, anon.
it's all good
if none pop up anytime soon I'll probably just go learn how to make my own
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Good luck, anon.
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Can you keep up with me?
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I think I'll buy a boat
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I miss this guide
He still plays, he's just been busy supposedly.
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Tess, please. I think I hear my pelvis cracking.
She won't stop until Mumu gives her another arc
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yes do better
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The queen of slopa
10/10 design ultra sex
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sure thing buddy
ok I give up
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Chernobros never recovered from her putting on shoes.
I can't wait to eat authentic Shuozhou dumplings next patch
I can't wait to read GoS with voice over next patch
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Weren't we supposed to get new story chapters fully voiced? Or at least they said something along those lines back at the anniv QA
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We now have a nice trio of Shuozhou girls. Wonder if we'll get a fourth next year.
What do you guys suggest I do in this game?
After I started playing it for a few days life got busy and I only had enough time to occasionally log in, skip a stage to use up my presence, get the list of daily tasks done and claim BP points, which is just a few minutes of time whenever I do it. I haven't really "played" much of the game, aside from completing the event story missions and rolling for a few characters, for half a year and there are a bunch of different modes that I only remember hazily at best
they said earliest 2.5
participate in the events
clear underground purge
tactic evaluation too if you haven't already
paradoxical labyrinth also gives you a lot of currency since they added the buff archives
sweep your first 4 difficulties in the weekly neural simulation(you may have to fight the bosses if it's your first time)
make sure to do your personal files daily to get dupes for your limited characters
ignore star master
Is Tess only good for sex?
>make sure to do your personal files daily to get dupes for your limited characters
That's one thing I've been doing consistently. Being able to grind out your characters once rolled instead of having to roll for them X times is a rather pleasant system
Thanks. I'll just go down the list and start with the event and underground purge then
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Bubu farted
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My zero self-confidence in public wife, Tau
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>Go to sleep, happy thread
>Wake up, SEAshitters everywhere
>Gone by the time I'm back online

Do they just randomly get bored one day and start again?
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More like 0 emotional skills. Alive for hundreds of years and only for the first time learning to love.

I can help her
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Did seem like a random raid. They were attacking a few other threads at the same time for some reason.
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GANGES, we need more dead juice
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>Siris after the holidays.

This IS a heavy fanservice game...That's why all the comments about this being a coomer game are so hilarious. People somehow think this game is more hardcore than others.
Siris and Eatchel need a diet
Siris and Eatchel need a cum diet
Eatchel, full on cum.
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Eatchel stole my lunch!
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time to exercise
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This skin is way better than I expected. I'm really tempted even though I don't use Katya
This is a fake post.
I would never say that.
Bubu has a perfect figure.
>At least they don't have playable males
Cool, do they fix MC to male to have male pandering too?
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katya will always be the best girl
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I fucking love Katya
I love fucking Katya
I love Katya
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She needs more skins MuMu + ChongChong.
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yggdrasil pays her in happy meals
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katya won
Caroline deserves a little flirting for how hard she works
Last week I said to Tau that we are spending too much, so I decided to deduct the fries from Caroline's pay
Tried using M0Bubu on Paradoxical Lab. Got skill issue there because her ult magatama keeps on resetting in every new room and have to rely on her normal shots.
Katya game?
I love how expressive her eyes are
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Your lunch was a gallon of cum?
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Are we fucking back yet bwos?
The :3 that saved snobble
nope, 3 more weeks bwo

She stole my bottle of freshly squeezed Adjutant.

t. Marian
Who's our best milker now? Is it Bubu?
Bubu is quite high on the boobie chart
she is the biggest in her height category
bubu, katya comes in as a strong 2nd place
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i'm getting crayon-eating marine vibes with this one
>girls with better titty
>girls with better booty
>girls with meatier thighs
>girls with with a hornier personality
>girls with lewder outfits
>girls more aggressive about pursuing adjutant (Read: raping adjutant)
What, exactly, is the point of Enya again?
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Lis deliciously toned and spandex’d tummy….
Making babies. A lot of them
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Enya is our gigastacy that mogs all the other girls when she feels like it.
>What, exactly, is the point of Enya again
To rival the amount of clothes Fenny has.
nursing handjobs
Ara ara~ mommy vibes
To have all of those in a single package and being able to take Adjutant whenever she wants without even trying.
>likes kids
>born from a prestigious academic family
>is gentle and takes care of you at every opportunity
she's wife material
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everytime i sprint with yao, i get boner. I can't play the game with onehand
>gentle and takes care of you at every opportunity
Our reopened wounds says otherwise.
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Her skins are so good but surprisingly her office worker outfit does it the most for me
Enya will get a new unit that will make her meatier and lewder and she’ll also get another 3 skins and will be even more assertive and then you’ll be sorry!
>vergil says balls and gives you a better character
when are we getting our own anime sword girl?
Enya game
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canon wife
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Bro, your Haru?
Enya ball
get the fuck inside, Adjutant
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no, i meant something like picrel
now i kinda want an actual chuuni nerd girl
true this game lacks a ryoshu
having only meursault sucks
true this game lacks a mesugaki
having only edda sucks
I am glad that the game does not lack fishing.
Having Star Master 2 Rocks!
That'll be Acacia's new exosuit
Definitely an Acacia Alter, that womanlet wielding a massive odachi.
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Katya is sex
Haru will get an additional sword with each new version
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Do you know who yall are forgetting?
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Gonna need a lingerie skin for Katya real soon Mooz. Real soon.
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I don't forget any of my wives though?
Same. And the uncensored version needs to be sheer enough that you can see hints of pubes.
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None of the girls have bush, titagen makes the pubes fall out
but imagine another shortstack like bubu, but a nerd
she can even clash with acacia, since she is a nerd from the past, while she is a nerd of the current time, so their tastes don't mesh together
+potential insecurities about being a shortstack/or superiority complex for being bigger than acacia
can even make her a msgk and tease adjutant constantly for staring at her curves + potential temporary alliance with acacia to double-team your dick
the possibilities are endless

steal my ideas mumu, PLEASEEE
Katya has a canon bush though. You can see it through her lingerie here >>507973856
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i want another shortstack like bubu but in reality i think we need a loli or hebe character like acacia
We need a tall flat hag who complains about how she's expired goods. Bonus points if she watches magical girl anime with Acacia.
Nah, that’s clearly the threads from the lingerie bro
okay, i actually got hard thinking about outis
>that’s clearly the threads from the lingerie bro
It really isn't though. That pube "lingerie pattern" is not visible anywhere else on any part of the lingerie. It is wholly unique to her pube area, where her pubes would be.
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Weeb Acacia with an odachi versus renaissance nerd Vidya with a zweihander
Who is more delusional, pubefags, footfags, or pitfags?
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>>507976314 (Me)
Supporting evidence.
Pitcreeps think armpits look like slimy pussies, but pubetards see things that aren't there to begin with
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No, even if you circle it in read it still isn’t there bro…
how about a girl, that beats the shit out of the adjutant and then fucks all of his girls right in front of him, cumming inside all of them with her missive futa cock and balls?
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Good timing Haru
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>Pitcreeps think armpits look like slimy pussies
False. The "pitpussy" was created by someone who doesn't like armpits, and then Twitter took over and it became a meme that people pretend to like. Pic related is what true pitfags like. When Fritia lifts her arm in this webm, to show you armpit, ribs, and side boob, that is the exact wakipai that true pitfags like. True pitfags thing "pitpussy" is disgusting, because it is.

Katya's lingerie picture clearly has pubes in it. That is the only spot on the entire image where the sheer has that patterning on it... and it's exactly where her pubes would be... because it's pubes. The sheer effect (the one that's actually pubes) should look like the sheer effect that's right next to it, but it doesn't, because it's pubes.
go ask mumu if it is or not
Im busy I can’t do my dalies right now, haru please…
I don't even know how to do that, and if it involves social media, I'm not going to do that.
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Fritia is too sexy
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you forgot to take them anon >>507923852
I'm just using my eyes, bro. You could try using your eyes too and stop being a virgin who is disgusted by pubes.
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I can hear this webm
this shit is so insane, it's like they're trying to push it as far as they possibly can to see how far they can go before they get hit with a plagiarism lawsuit
all of the music is 1:1 AutomatA music, I don't even think they bothered changing up 1 note

but frankly, after seeing WF1999, I hope they're successful
I just wanna see Ligger jobless
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I really like this random event
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it's adorable
like an anon said recently, Haru has maxed cute stats
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hip breaking segs with grannacia
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Bros no she will speedrun breaking YOUR hips
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Edda just loves choking
I love turret sections
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Not true!!
>it's just jank Warframe
Ngl, I had some slight hope for DNA, because Warframe movement is kino and anime girls are kino, but this shows that they could not actually figure the movement out, so all you're gonna get is the typical soulless Chinese reproduction slop, where to the untrained and naive eye, it "looks" like Warframe, but to anyone who is experienced or can sense the ever elusive "soul", it's just trash slop.
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Is this an available costume for her? Cause I like the jacket
Some animations are 1:1. Some scenarios are copied and recolored.
Unfortunately, no. She has a really nice tummy in her actual outfit though at least.
Yeah, I'm aware. From the video, however, it's clear that it does not have the polish that Warframe has, and that moving around in DNA does not feel as buttery smooth as it does in Warframe. It's just soulless Chinese jank.
Fair enough
The snow... is broken
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how did the snow break? did Siris sit on it?
Eatchel bit it.
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The only thing Tau believes in is me!
Frito-sama...my search history doko
I wish this secretary slut outfit was a skin of hers
Add surfing and crafting mechanic to Star Master you useless gremlin.
Edit Fenny's profile to say she weighs 100kg
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I want this version of Fenny
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now she knows what you're really into...
the devil has many faces...
>100kg Fenny on a treadmill desperately trying to lose weight but you sabotage her with cake
Seaslug, hire this guy!
Fenny should get plumper but only because she is suddenly pregnant
Having the wi~ves get pregnant would be a good excuse to put them on the backburner story-wise and have a chance for the neglected girls to get some focus and marriage
Be cute and sexy!
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I am!
Problem, nya?
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I forgot to attach this image to my post... oops.
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No problem
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Jesus fuck, playing coop with Fatfish and nuFrit in team is a fucking absolute niggershit. These two continously keep throwing mobs in the air so you can't hit anything.
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scare eatchel again and see what happens bubu
just relax and let them do all the work.
Not as bad as Vydia
your veggies?
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I can go no faster...

Also thank you god, the 4chan captcha isn't so cancer anymore.
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Cute, need this animated.
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The Champion
>this utterly defeated fenny
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nonsense. Fenny won.
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2nd in the valkyrie games and 2nd place in the adjutant's heart
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>these fangs
She's snek in disguise
and I'm ok with that
Canonically false
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cope. lyfe won.
shitposters are pretending to have waifu wars again
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Lyfe won.
Blue woman bitches getting uppity again
Blue women lost bigly (except Katya, Katya won)
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Been awhile. Kinda nostalgic
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>The Champion
>Takes what she wants
>Always gets her way
>Always wins and has multiple achievements

>The Runner Up
>Cried in her room till was taken pity on
>Has a complex to the champion
>Will ride her status as first wife till the end of time

The superior one is clear.
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Fenny Rock!
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Knock knock...
Does Mauxir self insert as the NPC?
Those mobs are already ded the moment they got yeet'd, anon.
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But I'M the Adjutant and Fenny is my number 1
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Wow! Does the Lyfe have a rock? I think not. Fenny won.

This is my rock. I named him Rock.
>the heroine in Star Master 3 is a big-tiddy girl with glasses who is very good at everything
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>She's also a nun!
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why is she so overpowered?
The power of Visualization. Or...Vidyaization
Just wait until she gets her full Sharingan
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Bwos! Am I seasoned now?
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Good job bwo
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That's right bwo, start at 1.7?
Bubu is actually damn strong. A bit immobile when that's a factor but she dishes out damage like it's nothing.
I have and will continue to buy all Katya skins
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When I do major damage as Bubu considering my low invest team, her at M0 with only T1, I shudder to think her max potential.
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Katyafags (like me) gonna fund this game alone.
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Thanks bwos! Nyes, started with free Enya. So glad I started just in time.
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Good job bwo, I started 1.8 because I spent too much time messing about with re-rolling and being indecisive about starting the game. Now I am Enyaless...
>Why do they keep staring at me
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watch at 1:20
one can extrapolate that she's approximately equal to Lyfe
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Lyfe has a great support in Fenny though. It feels like Bubu's potential with a support that assists her novel playstyle could be big.
It's really becoming an issue
There simply isn't any substitute for what Fenny support does, and she's too important as of right now to Lyfe, Fritter, and Bubu
Hopefully the free support in 2.5 addresses this
New Yao will be a free support with a SG and exposed navel
Mumu told me in a dream
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MuMu, we need to talk. I just used 17 rerolls trying to get any thermal roll on a singular logistic piece. Not a single hit.

This is by far the most tilting experience of the game, considering how rare they are for no reason. All 10 event store pieces useless, 6 from premium battle pass and single I saved up, all gone. This is what I was hoping you would fix in 2.4, not re-rolling a primary stat (though that was nice).
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Yeah this is an issue, I was praying Fenny wouldn't become crucial to the Bubu strategy considering ammo but she is. It's just too good even with her T5. My Eatchel has a T1 but so outmatched by Fenny Starshine, not even close despite the synergy you'd imagine with Eatchel for Bubu (ATK stacking).
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Hopefully Chen and Yao are ballistic based so we have some more support options.
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Adjutant, you were late for our daily dinner.
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What if I am early for our daily workout on the bed?
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I was busy eating turtle, eel, and pineapple. We’re skipping the dinner tonight and getting straight to breeding
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I'm sorry Tau, I was shopping for a new goldfish and cat. I'll make it up to you by spending the rest of the evening with you, but I don't plan on resting.
Sorry, Tau. Mauxir and Acacia got in an argument about a paycheck and I had to step in. Everything should be fine now.
She isn't actually that important to bubu, since bubu already reloads near instantly. The main thing she offers her is just more damage, which is more easily replaceable as we get more supports. That's one of bubu's biggest selling points, she can go fennyless allowing you to put her on the other side.
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You're the only person I've heard who attempted the tedious rerolling. At least you can't lose with any upcoming girls since.
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I didn't realize the 100% banner was 0.1% till far too late...
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She's the only reason I'm still playing this game. When her 5* drops, I'm going to whale her to m5 and then quit the game.
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raiden! stop that blade!
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Just another day in paradise
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cute cat
>she’s surprised he was on time
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>If I sit still like this, they might not notice me.
Is Chen still salty about the drink?
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>Is employed
>Calls herself a NEET
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Silly Acacia, I already was a NEET That's why I work so hard nowadays
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Your milk sir.
Thank you, though I usually drink it straight from the source.
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Snoggers are in repose
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>He rerolled on the 100% banner
I'm sorry I wasn't in the threads to guide you anon.
You reroll on the 50% banner hoping to get lucky with all your resources and event gains from Chapter 1.
I have never once rerolled a gatcha, seems dumb to do it. I work with the characters I have until I get someone I like, or if I don’t get a single character I like after a while or my first character is someone I really don’t like I just drop it.
I'm still waiting for some form of endgame, difficult co-op or light versus
There's just not much to do for weeks at a time
didn't ask
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Bubu SEX!
Bubus great and all, but how about an even shorter agent with even bigger tits?
Bubu's little sister, Bu
>Edda Height
>Esther Bust
>Edda Height
>Edda Bust
>Edda Love
>Edda Sex
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Can we make Acacia sexier? Is it possible?
Give her huge badoonkas
Give her smaller budding mounds
I want a network of kuudere science experiment lab rats that can sync their memories and shit. Probably best if they are flat too, for extra moe.
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>I work with the characters I have until I get someone I like
I do this but only if I get a rare character, If not i restart the process.
>or if I don’t get a single character I like after a while or my first character is someone I really don’t like I just drop it.
This is precisely why you reroll. Nobody wants to play as a character they don't like after using up all their resources.
It's better to reroll if the process is short enough to get a character you like rather than invest multiple days in an account you'll just end up leaving. Snowbreak and other gachas are better these days because of pity honestly.
You want even flatter Misaka sisters? Consider aged-up multi-colored Eddas.
I'm planning to record more webms today
I was thinking about recording some for lyfe street code since I've never seen any. I'm open to suggestions
Aged down ideally, but really I think it would work best with black hair, pale skin, and a general dark aesthetic.
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>Can we make Acacia sexier? Is it possible?
Reject breast changes, Acacia's size is perfect for her.
We need to see more of Acacia's ass.
Give her a slightly bigger butt and a miniskirt on her new costume.
Then give her an ability that causes her to bend over and her skirt to fly up when used.
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it looks like she doesn't have any unique interactions...
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Still the best recruitment scene.
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why do i have to pay money just so haru can figure out how to give lap pillow?
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This update is surprisingly quiet. Where all the drama? Where doomposting? Where tourists?
No point in doom posting, CN still likes snobble and they are actively talking about it. I'm sure MuMu and Chong are doing their best for the next update. I would like something new, like coop capture the flag or battlefields against ai or something. My money is on Snobble Kart for the next update. It will be janky as fuck and you will like it, or else.
Tau's ass on my face
Well it helps that there's no usable ammo for raiders this patch.
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last one
ded gaem. everyone has moved on to other games
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Cherno my beloved
Idk I came back after I saw bubu
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I have a Bubu fever
this patch was made to just give the devs more time after the 2.3 incident
even though the story was good, there's no new content to talk about
If it was to give more time, 2.4 would be 5 weeks too, not 4.
There is a rumor that Snowbreak is going to die on 3.0. According to several CN post recent posts by Mumu and KangKang suggest that 3.0 has started to be worked on and that they are planning to address how slow the weddings are coming. According to Kang's post he is exclusively writing 3.0 but will be QA checking everything leading up to it. He says to expect 3.0 to be huge and have multiple choices. This is leading CN to believe that you will be given multiple choices on who you marry and the story will adjust to which two you chose. The drama comes from the other two camps, one who believes that this means we will get multiple banners and only one free character as that has been the only thing promised, and the other who believes that some marriages will just be costumes and that some characters will be shafted. The costume group specifically believes this is how they are going to shove Nita and Haru out as they are the least popular and many Nitafags are roiting.
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>snowbreak dies on 3.0
>3.0 update will be massive
>didn't start with "I have some new from my uncle who works at Seasun"
terrible post
At least they tried to put effort into it. But if I were to make a comment, it would be better if they made a fake screenshot of "Kang's post" to make it more believable. kek
they don't wanna miss chinese new year
why would it die when the small playerbase on steam gets it to the top 100 sellers on steam each update
in their 2nd anniversary no less
I heard a rumor from my CN friend that Snobble food was so successful, that Seaslug is planning to shut down the game in favour of opening Snobble restaurants all over asia.
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Why does she dress like a slut
It's over... Better not spend just in case.
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Actually in the Snobble world this is seen as normal and socially acceptable clothing. Dressing like Tau would be considered slut behavior.
Snobble has its own laws...
I miss fast threads
>He wants drama
I, for one, like that snobble's 15 minutes of fame are up (in the west), and that the community is comfy again.
busy playing better games ofc
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anything bubu related is making me horny
bubu NTR would be amazing
We already have Lyfe for that.
uhm.. okay...
of fuck
ahm batu kham
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If it wasn't for Bubu I would have quitted this game.
She is too amazing in every sense of the word for me to do it now.
this is borderline criminal, what the fuck
she is showing so much skin, she is basically naked
We're getting enough NTR thanks to fenny.
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I might have just enough gems saved for Eatchel sig.
>confident cherno
I am confused but also horny.
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In addition to this:
>Team tension is at an all time high. There is a bigger divide between big breast lovers versus. flat lovers. The lead devs have refused to speak to each other in the weeks leading up to the 2.5 release.
>Logistics have had their art changed numerous times, however, the, "flat lovers" inside the dev team have tried to sneak in attempts into lowering the chest size of certain upcoming logistics.
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>snowbreak will die not because of feminist attacks
>but because of the flat vs big civil war
I know this is just shitpost but
>who believes that some marriages will just be costumes
Am I the only one who would actually prefer that? I don't see why they would have to make yet another alt if their previous version is fun to play and you have alredy invested in them. They can use the new kits for new characters. And they can make alts for anni and half-anni.

Also, since when is Haru unpopular?
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Never seen Fritia's echo before, as expected of the professor.
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Honestly 4 marriages a year is quite a lot considering they are baked into the canon too. So has to be done in a way that makes sense in the canon and feels good that it happened rather than some garbage system like GF2 which is massively disappointing and frankly insulting.
I guess we can skip Frito marriage. She can be the ringbearer or something.
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Frit has exceeded expectations, it's only 1-2 years before Fritia-sensei becomes Fritia-Wife.
I would whale for Acacia in a wedding dress in a heartbeat
I mean they can make it 6 per year of they make the summer patch another wedding event. Only who would be the lucky sluts who will get marriage swimsuits.
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When the evil women and hag guerrilla's join forces to cause even further disruption in the civil war.
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I'll be taking Frit to M5 along with Vidya
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traditional Shuozhou wedding ritual
>I don't see why they would have to make yet another alt if their previous version is fun to play
If balance remains good and tight among DPS characters like it has been since Cherno's release, there's no reason that Cherno/Siris/Katya/Fritter/Bubu couldn't simply get wedding skins
They should hold off on Vidya and Marian for a long time until they get better forms, because these obviously wouldn't sell well
The remainder are in varying shades of a gray area based on other factors
>since when is Haru unpopular?
Since pretty much forever
The two or three Haru posters here aren't indicative of her overall popularity
It doesn't help that she's always been crap at NS outside of Fiends and all the newer characters mog her outside NS too
what stats for bubu?
atk, index and crit dmg amplifier?
atk>crit dmg>index
I much rather have the wedding units as opposed to just costumes
it makes canonical sense too because they are supposed to conquer their deiwos
Fenny didn't take full control of her deiwos tho
that's pretty impractical in terms of time though
we've got what, 16 characters who need theirs, on top of any other new characters that will come out in the interim
let's assume we get two more next patch, cutting it down to 14
we'd then need to have 7 per year just to cover existing girls in anything resembling a reasonable length of time, and anyone waiting 2+ years for their favorite to get hers is bound to be unhappy—that degree of patience is a pretty damn big ask
What about crit rate?
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giving one of the girls a halfassed marriage is also a pretty big ask
we can marry units outside of double banner patches, the devs will have to figure it out
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Seaslug's marketing team is making a good use of their budget recently by making commission to content creators like this one:


Original file:
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cute fish
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>Bubu bondage
Hot. Remember, her safety is your number one priority when you tie a girl up for some sexy fun.
Fenny don't need no daywoo
Fenny only needs Darling
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Here is another one:
Uncensored version:
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bubu love
Based. Promote Bubu more seaslug.
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this is a good way of using the player's money
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Another old one:
Does every new girl gets as much love as Bubu? I am amazed by the amount of content people are doing, even if it's slopa.
t. newfag
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We had a couple of downer months where the game was censored (though you can undo that easily with a config file edit), the story was sabotaged, and we lost a girl from that story that quite a few people were looking forward to. Bubu ended up being the replacement and she's just so much better (though I do wish we'd get a brat someday).She's fucking sexy and her personality is very lovely. Katya had about as much love from fans
bubu is winning so fucking hard it's unreal
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Another one for Bubu:
Unfortunately the content creator didn't provide the uncensored version:
However, he usually uploads the uncensored version to his YouTube channel a few days later.
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yo mama!
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even though I don't understand anything they're saying
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who gives best paizuri?
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bubu's huge fucking bubus
bubu drained me dry
so i can't get her gun
how fucked am i?
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Not a big problem. Unlike Fritter who has mechanism locked behind her sig. Bubu's sig is just a boost in numbers. And if we are talking about meta, I have strong feeling that Bubu is Seaslug's bait to drain everyone's refund bitgold in advance for the incoming real meta unit BIG CHEN.
Shuozhou girls draining poor bunshikikan beyond dry
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watch out, she is coming
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>Fritter who has mechanism locked behind her sig
Frit doesn't have a mechanism locked behind her sig. Her cope also gives stamina cost reduction (though at a weaker discount 25% vs 75%)
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Bubu is a trap. You should save your gems for the Chen.
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Bubu love
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Anon, it's time to take your meds
I fucking love Shuozhou culture
Bubu ended up being better than expected. Guess a simple, dumb girl is irresistible to a lot of people.
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Qingying is better than Bubu
i'll willingly let her suck everything out of me
wait a minute, those aren't meds
those are condoms
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Noticer Forgotten......
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I still have enough stocked for BIG CHEN and her weapon.
who would win?
a dominant, confident woman that no need no man
or a goofy uhhh shorty with coins
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Bubu sweep
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little Chen...
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Bubu is too strong
You have to admit that Bubu is the dumbest name ever conceived
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Enya can't keep getting away with this...
and i love every bit of it
You have to admit that Bubu is the cutest girl ever conceived
Bubu's picnic basket...
Its time to let go anon.
Renegade scriptwriters have claimed another heroine.
Remember though, it's footfags' fault that she is unplayable. Whenever you ask "Who has the worst fetish?" Remember, it's footfags.
holding hands with Bubu
Bubu is a piece of trash.
Just stop.
broski, Snobble is a feet game
>t. Ching Ying
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Bubu is a miracle
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Holy shit, I know it's immature but while watching the Bubu video I decided just to click on the Snowbreak page on BiliBili and turned on the translation.

>The dust no-go zone (PC version)
>"Breaking Zone" is a light sci-fi 3D girl shooter game that supports mobile, PC dual-end experience. You will join the Heiddal squad as an analyst and fight alongside the apocalyptic."
>Game Name: Dust-Ban Zone (PC Edition)

Why do they hate dust so much? Is that why we are fighting alongside the apocalyptic? Chuckled for a good minute.
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I fucking hate dust
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Dust is the enemy, make sure you sweep and vacuum regularly
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The whole drama was triggered by footfags raging because they thought she lost her foot virginity by stepping her barefoot on a male NPC before killing him.
Did you know that Dust is the leading cause of Sneeze phenomena?

Dust Hate
When foot ball?
nigga i didn't even get the chance to read the chapter
i just found out they canned a footslut when i woke up
Qingsimps get more dishonest every time they show up
Just let it go, she’s gone and nothing will bring her back. We got Bubu out of it and she’s better in every way.
Wallpaper Engine doko?
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It's snover bro. We lost against the whoreses.
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our last match was on the 20th bwo
There's a recording of the original story on Youtube if you're interested.
Story starts at around the 11min mark
Whokin please… my knees hurt… please stop using me as a chair…
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Damn, now that's a good panty shot. Bubu stocks go up. I had a dream where I rolled 10 on her weapon banner and got 3 Bubu guns, not a very interesting story but it was the first time I've dreamed of Snowbreak so Bubu has gone further than others at least in that respect.

Very cute fish
/vg/ match when
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Hnnngh this Katya skin is so good. It legit looks more canon on her than a lot of her other outfits. Katya my beloved.
You have to read the CN version, the trannylator helped us by mistake this time
>You have to read the CN version
Unfortunately, I can't read Mandarin so the EN version is all I have to go by. It had a few oddities but I felt like it was an overreaction to toss the whole thing instead of just editing the offending parts. Regardless, I think I like the newer story direction more and I really like Bubu so it's not all bad
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>I feel good as new now!
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think BIG
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we lost bwo /lcg/ won the cup

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