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>Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1 - 鬼 HUNTERS | Gameplay Trailer

>Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1 - 鬼 HUNTERS | Cinematic Trailer

>Fight as a Ronin in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1: 鬼 HUNTERS!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Mariah Carey Ushers In Fortnite Battle Royale’s Winterfest 2024!

>Renegade Raider and More Return in Fortnite’s OG Season Shop!

>Introducing a New Text Chat Experience in Fortnite

>Fortnite OG is Back on Dec. 6, and Here to Stay!

>Fortnite Goes First Person with Ballistic, a Tactical 5v5 Shooter in Early Access Dec. 11!

>The Stadium Lights Up for Snoop Dogg in Fortnite Festival Season 6!

>Fortnite Crew December - Lady of Cranes

I will not post in this thread.
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Fortnite Ballistic 2025 FPS game of the year award
why do you niggers never wait for post limit
Truthpost. Its joever
because the world will end if the bus driver makes the thread or something
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Consensus /fng/?
cute and cheap
must buy for sure
I was wondering why the fuck is his bundle so cheap for all that stuff then my jaw dropped when I saw he's only 800 v-bucks
Male skin enjoyers rule fortnite and this general
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>trying to save founderbux since my reserve got blasted this month
>they keep releasing emotes that look good on my fortwife
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Good shop
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I kinda like it
I’m shocked he’s 800 will cop niw
>boundless yet again
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p good but it's getting tiresome to see all these skins come by and nothing of my oni gyaru miku
No reina or winter skye as usual
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You could’ve paypigged the pass day 1. I can get the OG styles. I hope you realize there hasn’t been a variable outcome for OG style eligibility. With all these shop skins, it’s given if you own what you bought, nothing to do with play.
You know what you do have to buy and not play to get? The battle pass. Something all the skins are linked to
You will never, ever, be a real woman.
its only because they sold his BB separately.
if they were bundled like normal, hed be 1200, which is still cheap but not too far off.
you can tell how much fun the fortnite team has designing male and furry skins, they go really unique with them
then when they make female skins it’s just the same old basic bitches in normal clothing…
All the trash that they bring back every week, and you're calling it good?
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>800 for Bread Dog
Is it because his back bling is sold separate?
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>get a new skin
>keeps thinking about female skins
totally not obsessed or something, 5 layers of projection, misfire, some dumb shit and stuff
I'm starting to think Epic really DOES like the gay furshitters more than the rest of us...
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>three 0 v-buck resets
name the last good female skin
>skin designers get creative and make a female skin that isnt a basic bitch human character
>it gets poo emojid on fn.gg and nobody buys or uses it
it hurts because id buy a lot more female skins if they consistently did interesting things with them. guess ill continue patronizing faggot skins until it changes.
We just keep winning
Based that they sold everything separately. The backbling is what Im interested in. The skin itself is too faggy and homoerotic like all furfag skins.
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>Britestorm Bomber
>Brite Bomber
Hola Dotsy
>skin designers get creative and make a female skin that isnt a basic bitch human character
>it gets poo emojid on fn.gg and nobody buys or uses it
who are you referring to? Aubrey?
They started pumping out lower price skins/bundles near the end of Wrecked through AB and Remix (Boss Obsidian, Briar, Nix, 10-Ball,) nice to see them continue again finally
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kek wtf are these proportions this shit look like ass
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common crosdresser melty
Literally me
Any good gliders for Karuta Harley?
botted website
>female skin enjoyers complaining about the male skin’s ass
Trans lexatroon
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Here i fixed it so it's not embarrassing and exposing as a degenerate for you
I mean he just uses either Oscar or Polar's body, I assume.
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business as usual
has nothing to do with his ass, he looks like a lanky retard. his arms are like 80% of his height which is what i was referencing you dumb turd worlder furfaggot lol
lel the falseflags are so obvious
Furgods just cant stop winning.
It's the guy that steals your gf watch out
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It's tempting
I don't want to have sex with the funny bread dog so I don't care if his proportions are wacky. Enjoy Snow Opal when she releases
This lobby needs a hero...
i have a skin in mind, but i aint sharin her, shes my wife.
other good examples would be triarch aurora or keleritas.
aubrey is a basic bitch human, but retarded.
unfortunately its accurate 99% of the time.
>Boundless slop back already
I'm so fucking sick and tired of seeing this shit in the shop every week.
no one will ever know my secret
>children pay >$18 to get the "comp viable" skin every time it shows up in the shop
>epic games is expected to not have it on a 30 day rotation
name another skin that would consistently do similar numbers.
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No wonder he is only 800.
With all these shop skins, The OG style is given if you own what you bought, nothing to do with play.

Right now, there is no player who owned any skin during the “original owner” period and has any less OG styles to another player who also is an Orignial Owner. It’s tied to the purchase.

With battle pass skins, this is tied to battle pass purchase, we don’t value battle pass items separately, they’re all part of the battle pass.
Since youre on mobile this is how you open the original file to get an uncompressed high resolution version, gaylord
I'm just here for a good time
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>the new emote is a Meghan Trainor song
something feels wrong
But we have Mr. Incredible now
it made more sense the first time you posted it.
neither one is comprehensible though, congrats.
Is Miku in the game yet?
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not sure what to put in the upper balcony
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come back in a month
dis nigga playing lego
Jan 14
There is no player who has any less og styles than the other, assuming they own any skins with og styles. It’s tied to purchase, not play. Therefore, any person who bought a battle pass, even if they didn’t complete it, can get any OG style for it, even for skins they didn’t unlock.
Some people have a bias because they “earned” it, thinking that the company has the same philosophy as them.
when the reality is you could’ve paypigged it. We don’t care if you earned it, we care about money lmao
it sucks when they give the decent choreography to the dogshit artists.
in fact, theyre even trying their hardest to fuck with decent songs when they make emotes. that slight speed up and clap in smooth operator makes it sound like some tiktok slop.
You should seriously consider buying CP2077, because apart from building, FN and CP game mechanics fit well together.
>t.bus fag
Wait what for real?
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pic rel
>my argument? shitposter tranny TRANNY
it really is sad how you fags keep picking fights and ignore the big fat melties you keep doing
>few days ago had a meltdown because generic protagonist male got shafted over generic protagonist female
feels good being both a male and female enjoyer and not having literal whos living rent free in ym head, and oh yeah, i'm a straight white male who will always be a male and i'll be staying happy all christmas and new year, unlike you homos kek
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>last 2 rows
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does he have it in him to let anyone who bought the pass get OG style,s even for skins they didn’t get in time?
post helsie doing the new emote
>pic rel
wrong pic?
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I can't decide which one of these horny girls I like more.
Night Rose appeals to me way more as a character, since I love her lore and she hits on my love of reformed evil women. But Shiver has a ridiculous body, bigger horns, and is much more fun to actually play because of her cute little tail.
We don't know, the "leaker" who claims it is very unrealiable and sometimes just outright lies
hes a bottom
Night Rose, what kind of question is this? Right looks horrible
Both of them can't hold a candle to Ramirez
if she is the next festival pass then yes
your posts are cognito-hazards.
youre trying to argue that every piece of content in a given BP is available to the owner, and that people who earned them through play shouldn't consider the unlocks to be sacred, as anyone could just pay for the pass and all of the levels.
unfortunately you failed to account for these facts:
>youre a larping ESL
>your argument is dogshit and serves no point whatsoever because, again, youre larping and have no basis for your claims
thank you for coming to my tedx talk
There's literally cel-shaded leeks in also cel-shaded teal bags around Seaport, she's in
There's a non zero chance it's just like the IT collab
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Hitler would have loved this game...
golem get ye gone
That was years ago. They wouldn’t do shit like that in modern Fortnite.
I don't know why you guys keep replying to the omegaschizo, you know he's doing this shit in bad faith, just let him reply to himself or filter his shit
based busfag killer
Can’t refute my argument lol
Finally have a reason to buy Holo-Back
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you have autism lol
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Thank you
I was getting worried
I know it's a lot to ask
I really can't leave without it
It's somewhere nearby
>omega schizo actually has a solid point
So why does he continue to shit up this general
Burger flipper Headhunter or Britestorm Ramirez?
if your argument had any basis, they wouldnt have re-released the season 1 skins with an XP requirement. they would have just sold them in the shop. by forcing players to earn XP before they can buy wenegade waiduh, its more likely that they do associate play with higher level BP unlocks.
QED faggot.
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He had to swap since his main shitpost material is going away, Black Knight
Er no. That’s how you could originally unlock to BUY them
Are you saying they won’t have a purchase requirement for legacy passes?
I would buy this if you can turn off the glitching out part and make it a solid color
It's cool but way too expensive imo
I started playing this game for Desdemona. Haze was the first skin I bought.
or you can just open it and change the m
Worth every penny, got it, time to serve
Eh, the customization made it worth it for me, though I get Founderbux which skews the value proposition
There wasn't anything like it in 2020 which matters too. I still have that overpriced magma wrap sitting in my locker because it was the first animated wrap
im not saying anything about legacy passes because they dont exist (at the moment) and its nonsensical to argue the hypothetical.
youre trying to say that play is not intrinsically tied to BP unlocks. im giving you an example, that you can see right now, to prove the contrary.
until they actually do whatever "thing" youve based your schizo theory about, its stupid to make up larps about what timmy tencent or any of his overworked funko pop consumers are thinking.
It stays compress and you get a shittier image
Dotsy troon
Unlock to purchase. You still need to buy it. I’m that way, it sets everything as fixed for purchasing. There’s no variable outcomes for og style handouts. Anyone who’s bought an og style item. Has the og style (unless they are a new player obvs)
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This good boy is baked up and caked up!
Doughberman has risen to the occasion and is now available in the Shop
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>bought jolly jammer like two weeks ago
>really like her a lot and use her everyday, even now
>bought 5000vbs worth of gear, emotes, wraps and jam tracks specifically for her
>plan on using her the whole year, not just christmas
Fuck, what's going on with me?
>no ass
>caked up!
fake news
Using a Christmas skin outside of December is cringe af
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Only because her legs are so dam thick
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That's just the effect Rio has on people, for me though it's using Japanese skins to fit the season
there is a variable outcome, its called "you didnt finish the battle pass and cant use whatever skin styles you failed to unlock".
its really simple actually. if you played the game more or paid for the BP levels while the BP was running, you would have it. if you didnt, you dont.
until the contrary is proven to be true, that is how things work currently. schizo theories do nothing for your (assumed) situation, sorry man.
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They'd never say this for a female skin lmao.
> there is a variable outcome, its called "you didnt finish the battle pass and cant use whatever skin styles you failed to unlock".
its really simple actually.
This just confirms you won’t think past letting your precious digital goods be made available to others, even if you get compensated for it because you’re a sad little man, who’s going to troon out because you can’t handle reality

They aren’t going to give variable handouts to players. This isn’t how, and is never how it’s worked.
The bottom two are top tier prostitutes
the glitching with that one eye sticker in the bp makes it very kino though
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Because we rule >>508004520
Don't care.
You're getting Christmas chear throughout the whole year!
Dude I earned all these items and letting passlets get all the shit I grinded for would make me feel like shit bro. I EARNED these items
What was the edit for?
>OGs getting uppity even though they’re getting compensated
again with the hypotheticals.
i dont give a rats ass how they decide to re-release BP cosmetics. i started in fucking chapter 4 you retard, im not getting "compensated" for anything.
the reason im even arguing this with your brainlet ass is because youre pulling shit out of thin air and youre trying to read the minds of upper management in order to will your fucking SKIN STYLE into existence. like are you fucking serious, youre here schizo posting over a fucking COLOR? just buy another fucking skin thats available to you, there are thousands in this fucking game.
>why do you want something you paid for?
Fucking cuck mentality. You OGs are fucking pathetic
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Feels good to be king
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I love double standards
I think V is alright, show me another skin that has metallic magenta hair and samurai jacket, Valerie is a no nonsense chick not for sex.
>why do you want to date Jessica? Just date all the whores like Bridget or Stacy that will let anyone fuck them for 20$
O yeah that does make sense if you're an early player. Founderbux also help
you didnt pay for it OR earn it, thats why you dont own it. if you played the game or paid for the levels, youd have whatever it is youve mind broken yourself over.
also calling me an OG when i just said im a ch4 latefag is fucking hilarious, thanks for that.
yeah nah i think im done, enjoy your ramblings man. hope it works out.
Returning player here. If legacy passes are coming, can I get sun strider’s OG style? Didn’t unlock him back when I bought the paaa
He's made out of bread, what the fuck are you looking for
Why are you so mad?
>buying tiers mean you own it
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Post Gaming Legends skins you are hopeful for in 2025. Terry for me.
wake me up
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Smash terry, KOF terry, or street fighter 6 terry?
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Knowing the retards at Epic they'd chose females because Garrus would he the obvious second pick and "i like the relationship between female Shepard and Garrus so I chose them instead of a male Shepard"
wait what
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my new years resolution is to get better at fortnite
I'll pass being an animal skin buyer. I'm surprised he's only 800 though.
How does that relate to anything
Both are great Rose even more, but that's bias on me
>troon seething about a bread dog
Sorry we won
Will omegaschizo win or lose next month
Vertex looks like a ruthless assassin in service of a totalitarian government who doesn't even flinch at murdering random people including children. Just fully brainwashed animalistic psycho killer with a single purpose of crushing dissent. I will purchase him
>is a shiba
Chances they give Karuta Harley a style for her hair just like Rebirth?
Pokemon already beat them to the name Fidough so they had to take what they can get.
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>Sanallite backbling
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Not exactly hopeful, but would fangirl at the sight of.
Like we're talking a guy who walks with an apes posture, hands open limply waiting for a neck to strangle and communicating only in a series of rapid clicks only others in his particular class of assassin and their handlers understand
wont know until they release a pass that had unlockable styles in it
>first one was c1s4
were in for the long haul unfortunately
Hes a permanent loser
Schizos don’t win anon
yeah i guess but they could have just made it look like a doberman if they were backed that far into a corner
and free idea, Ciaba-Shiba (ciabatta)
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something for delta
I get knocked down
you're never gonna keepmedown
I'm not Asian
I'm not yellow
Just did my first battle royale, there any point at fireman carrying enemy players?
i do it sometimes to get their revive card to a more difficult location before killing them, but only when im 100% sure its safe to do so.
once in a very long time ill just carry them around with my squad until they bleed out or dc in frustration.
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JJK wave 2 when?
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you can help squadmates get easy headshots/damage for quests i suppose
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gildhart my beloved
to the epic employee who lurks here, please fix his scarf someday
when we get attack on titan wave 2 and naruto wave 3 (never)
He would look better cel-shaded.
Never been the case
What happened to the anon that leaked darth Vader
The one from 2 years ago
That shit is hilarious, so much disrespect.
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Because the second they go a little heavy on the boobs/ass slider, they get rejected internally, probably. It's easier to just get the same female body and put clothes on her than to deal with sexuality restrictions. Meanwhile, there's zero restrictions on how sexual male skins can be. We have gotten two shirtless ultra-buff male furry skins this season alone.
It's insane how males are sexualized so easily but all females can get are shorts or an exposed midriff.
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Yeet their ass off a cliff for the disrespect.
Or grab them and have a friend use the Party Favor emote to fuck them in the ass.
That was a one and done. He never posted again.
I couldve gotten her. Didn't because she didn't have a big ass.
I remember him saying he would have more to share though
He probably got found out, wonder what happened to the giga leak guy, probably executed outside Epic HQ
I mean it was 2 years ago and he hasn’t posted since so I don’t know what you’re hoping for at this point
>Hightwire (Pack leader)
>Kimiko (female)
>Meow skulls
>Raven Team Leader
My bitches, all of them
giga leak?
kind of a weird coincidence that Poison was the first jam track in the first festival pass, when the default dance was stolen from Turk dancing to Poison in Scrubs
only took a full year since the metaverse-slop update to put those two together
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>hunting rifle in the loot pool
That's great. Ignore this anon >>508010252
Buying a skin only to not use it 11/12 months in the year is the ultimate cringe move.
The one that confirmed OG styles yeah
>tfw this character made me make a e621 account just to have easy access to my favorite pieces
I curse you Tim
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There was a leak near the beginning of 2024 (like marchish?) that laid out all major content
>speaking VA
no thank you
Og styles for skins you didn’t get in the battle pass but still bought?
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>Falling for the bait and switch
he was NGMI anyways
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Seconded. I've been cucked out of so many good photo ops by his scarf getting stuck in his armor.
Correct. You weren’t here for that?
i'm more surprised they did it twice. Fortnite plays have one track minds constantly.
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>Festie Fill
>3 people on Switch on Easy
C5S2 called, it wants its sweat skin back
Good on you got using Basedmax and showing that idiot who's boss
Did he just rape his own teammate to death?
Average tranny/gaychad interaction kek
Not necessarily. RTL's (my) timer just ran out.
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I wish, I her teammate
nah cerberus was everywhere along with artemis. No one clung to Aphrodite oddly.
High heels are coming on Jan 3rd
Phantasmic pulse looks cool but you swing it like you've got a sore back
>high heels releasing any time within the next few months
Bimbo team leader here I go
is that doro?
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We'll never get these but I can dream.
built for men
What's was your first refund /fng/? My first was Chun-Li. She just looks too ugly compared to other Chun-Lis.
First refund was the white default Soccer guy
First refund ticket use was Ark because 2k for stiff wings backbling wasn't worth it
When doro goes ban for ban against dotsy
yes, Will fortnite add doro to fortnite and be the first gacha collab? i hope so because nikkers always win
no Og styles are only for players who got it during the original period. that is literally what OG styles are made for.
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I love his backbling, reminds me of those stupid block cats from the mario and luigi games
Source or you're a major faggot.
>When doro goes ban for ban against dotsy
What does this mean
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>earn 6 or more band stars in a 3+ song set list
>earn band stars with others
i intended to refund toon meowscles (first skin) for kitbash (first skin i wanted). i was one day outside of the 30 day return ticket period, so i asked support if they would do it for me anyway.
they said no.
couple of months later i bought a second hand founders code and havent given them a dime since.
Get on and play the juice wrld and somp anon
can someone post the 2025 roadmap leak? the one with skibidi toilet, I can't find it
I’m not playing if I can’t get og omega. Simple as
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>that feel when still considering getting Master Chef even though I haven't played any Halo since 3
why'd they have to actually bring him back
Can you also not post then
you don't play to begin with faggot
Get him anon what are you doing
you don't know when he will come back, besides, what else are you saving for?
hey dumbfuck we already know when the next update is so just by saying jan 3rd we know its fake you fucking moron
hello fellow RioChad
Artist forgot to color one of her chest straps lol.
fuuu i just realized heels will improve heroic hope
i want to pound rio's tight hapa pussy
What's a good cope for Demi? She's so hot in that Chinese dress.
Black widow. Her ass didn't look as good as it does in the lobby pose.
None of Hopes skins will look good with heels
Valeria on the other hand, she already has heels and will look good with different ones
I keep forgetting to buy this coom emote when it's in the shop, when is it scheduled to come back?
>keeps the degenerate version in his hard drive
uh huh you're totally above that
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Calling for the drawfag who made this
I erase both as soon as I edited it; I'm not a gooner loser
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I didn't make it, but I can draw.
This emote is so cute on Lexa! I like seeing her evil face. Pretty sexy hip sways, too...
Damn near everything's cute on OG lexa.
Thank you Epic lurker for bringing Shadow Ops back.
Very convincing that you're not, lmao
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It's mostly for the funny
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That's just how powerful her cuteness is.
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Now if he could only bring back Rue that would be awesome
based and sponge pilled
He's not that powerful
Ideas for Doughberman’s glider and contrail?
Dearest Epic Lurker,
I would truly be grateful if you would ever so graciously bring Takara back.
It is the Japanese-themed season after all.

Mancake's since it's his dog
The baker's dozen contrail in the shop might work.
Where is this confirmed?
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I think the boons are pretty well balanced, except maybe the water boon is too powerful. They all feel like bonuses, and I don't feel like they're necessary to win gunfights. This is in contrast to the entirety of Chapter 5 where I feel like there was always some McGuffin that I needed to have in order to survive.
Yeah it’s all pretty balanced which is the first in a LONG time. Wish we had a new pistol instead of the old silenced one though.
someone ate his ass
>tranny gets called a tranny
>has a meltdown
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Find a flaw
post helsie
1200 vbucks? Really?
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don't forget to sub to his crew if you're waiting for Migu
5 layers of projection
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Don't know how to convert to mp4 so take a catbox (It's not burpsie or a porn link dw). Probably the best moment I've had in this game now
Finally a good crew pack
This is the best crew since Katt
I'll sub when Miku comes out. I "own" the battle pass and I have all the other passes completed.
I actually just wanna know if there is more of this guy
Only sought after cuz of how rare and exclusive it was.
Otherwise it's pretty boring.
I'll sub on the day before snoop dogg goes away if Miku is officially announced
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Anyone posted this already? Mecha Godzilla might be a style for Goji (no, not the showa one)
Good the showa one sucked. Monsterverse got the design right.
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It got dropped with the drift kicks that leaked
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Either him or Sonic
Monsterverse looks generic, the only memorable thing about it it's that it laughed one time.
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You might be surprised, but your statement is incorrect!
I said legends
Dante is (allegedly) going to be added, I don't got much options here
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I just want Ada and Wesker
>ask for gaming legend wants
>weebs come out of the woodwork
Japanese based website retard
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Lets say that Fortnite added voices for characters so you could ping things and have a character call out what you did to allies. And lets say they gave everyone two packs for free - male and female default packs.

What would you consider a fair price for a voice pack with a few variants of all possible voicelines (like "Enemy here behind that cover!" or "Behind the cover, a bad guy!", etc) and some flavor lines? And lets say that while they're themed after specific characters, they would be usable with anyone.

Would (you) pay 500 vbucks? 800 vbucks? What would your maximum price be to use Meow Skulls or Goku's voice?
Most recognizable characters are from nintendo (also japanese) so what are we left with? Pretty much nothing but weeb shit. Also fuck you demifiend would be alright.
this isn't /a/ or /jp/
it's not a safespace for you embarrassing weeb loser outcasts
I would unironically pay 2000 vbucks for a Grey Delisle voice pack
Nigga fuck you
one free (You) for your farming during the Japanese season
4chan is an anime website and anyone who thinks that it isn't is a tourist.
Voice actors are entitled as fuck and charge out the ass. These would be 2k v-bucks.
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the current season is literally set in japan
did we ever get any more news on those 4 new game modes
Don't let the smile fool you.
>Nyanja pov before getting his gold style
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>dark skinned Lexa
I will now join your incessant Lexaposting.
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(Haruka jumped off the bus without pinging. I'd better get going...)
depends which voice actor they would hire and how it would work.
Would we be able to spam them?
What if they release a voice pack and the voice actors die at a later date, would the voice pack be sold again?
What if they hire a voice actor, he record his lines and a month or two later, he dies but Epic wants to add new voicelines? Will they use AI?
What about robotic voices (examples: the bonzi buddy's voice or microsoft sam's voice), would they sell it for the same price or a lower price than a normal voice actor?
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I really don't want this unless I can mute it completely. I'm cool with it in STW but BR sounds like a nightmare.
Maybe 1k for cheap VAs they can find online, 1.5k+ for professionals
Upwards of 3k+ for real celebrities like MrBeast, Billie Eillish, or Eminem

no thank you
Motherfucker, add more kicks before you psyop me into paying for some other bullshit what the fuck
Weird face shape and her facepaint around her lip looks like a shitty little soul patch especially for the lego version.
Someone pointed out the Logo on it belongs to the antagonist humans of the franchise that have no affiliation with MechaZilla at all
this game unironically doesn't need more customization slots, shoes are a literal walking ads with 90% being collabs 10% being originals
>still no Void Mode
Epic, I beg of you
Fortnite is a giant ad.
yes but there should be a limit, it's clear they were made by that basketball gamemode but fuck, at least balance it to 50/50 or in the worst case scenario 75/25, there are literal shoes that are recolors of the battlepass ones, should've 100% been the same shoe with different styles
She sounds so sexy without even trying.
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Yes but it's one of those ads from when media was good and they used sex to get you to buy things
as always we look to fall guys for the answer
all that game did was add a chat wheel, and epic said "how can we monetize this"
not only did they add emoticons that you pay for individually, but they also added messages that play a bean voiceline along with it. an example is a surprised bean wizard with the message "wow" attached, and a surprised-sounding line plays.
i could see fortnite doing something similar, recycling a bunch of stw voicelines or getting the VAs back to do new ones, but charging for each one of them.
tldr not a "voice pack", but a bunch of generic voiced messages that they can sell individually.
mfw the media is sexy with no unnecessary sex scenes fr fr no cap i have no face
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He is coming...
and it could be a great ad, but they have fumbled the bag recently
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id say he's the most recognizable of the franchise
Bro really posted the homeless dude down the street and called him "recognizable" lmao
i want a single not-just-a-guy rep. give me a cartoony one or something out of left field instead of another guy from an another "adult" game.
as much as i hate the series fnar wouldve been different at least.
If you need help to complete this mission Jonesy gives out head at hopeful heights
fatfingered fnaf, im tired
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I am going to get a lot of mileage out of the mariah carey xmas wings, but im still I got the gold dress one
ah my bad
don't worry then, I make this kind of mistakes too.
take care anon.
What skin is this?
thats star fox bro
marcus fenix
wait what
nintendo collab?
>he doesn't know
>he missed them all
oh no no no
Nick Wilde from zootopia
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if you're reading this, that means that the universe has energetically aligned you to this message. the message is: you should play as remi
Big Chuggus
Good skin but I didn't have any V-Bucks on me and Slumber re-entered the shop so I needed some
>that goth slut from Danny Phantom
>That cat whore with the tight ass suit from Tuff Puppy
Add that sex into Fortnite already Tim
Wheres my wife Jeanne
No offense, bro, but I don't play male skins. Congrats on your win.
is it bad that the character I recognize most is Emily Elizabeth
Probably. I recognize like a dozen of those characters and have never seen the shows they're attached to. I have no clue who Emily Elizabeth is.
>stumble upon this guy
>yeah, nah, proceed to destroy walls around him
>is immune to husk damage

Fine, go get medkit
>it clipped under the map
Raven team Syd is a cute skin!
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I'm very, very happy that Raven Team Syd is its own skin so RTL didn't become assimilated into it the way Ragsy did
She's too dark. Why is she so dark-skinned when Syd is light-skinned and Asian?
I wish Corvus had RTL expressions
common bird enjoyer L
>quadra and maybe NWH Spidey tempt me, but don't feel like going through a bunch of bullshit to keep putting down v-bucks without assurance some of the other stuff I want is coming back
it's not a race i guess, but gotta ward the temptations off
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The darkness inside her is overflowing and also asians get tans
ive learned not to buy collabslop unless i really want it. they come back constantly, especially now that disney obviously told tim that he has to start bringing back the "rare" shit so that he can pay back their investment.
epic fucks up non-human face rigging/animations way more often than they dont. for example, meowscles has those big bulging eyes in 9 out of 10 emotes because they decided he should look retarded every time he does anything more pronounced than a neutral stare.
Please make Thunder available again Epic, please
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Wheelchair anon here! This is my dub for day 40 of my dub a day challenge. Share your dubs anons! :]
No but also yes
>shockwave grenade into a wall clamber
oh neat
Hags with heels
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in today's episode of "oh yeah this skin exists"
Sex with >>508042262
hey its that skin people who subbed for princess Lexa got as a bonus due to being the month after her
if she didnt have big puffy eyelids id use her more
ruins her face
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so basically we're going to get 200 skins that look like pic related?
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this but with Orin. What a weird crew skin. It like they had something planned for her but went nowhere with it.
either that or theyre going to start doing galaxy slop because that galaxy texture somehow became synonymous with "rare and desirable"
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og styles *fire emoji*
shes one of those concepts where the art was great, but the translation into 3d fucked something up. shes not a bad skin, but there is definitely something that was lost.
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>doing fine, glorious even
>suddenly get exploded for all my shields and a good chunk of my health
>it's a bot with the fire oni mask and now all of China knows i'm here
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she also appeared in Lexa and Orin's loading screen (her shadow at least) so they had something planned for sure
And how does he know this when the skins are months away?
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speaking of, where's his shop cope?
>play party royale because i havent tried it before
>kid asks younger kid on mic to do an "emote battle"
>the younger kid (couldnt be older than 7) uses both juice emotes and then starts doing defaults and free emotes because thats all he has left
am i just fucking old
why do kids who were toddlers at the time care about a dead rapper
Orin is a shop skin so he doesn't need a shop cope unless you mean specifically prince Orin then who knows
Cuz it's baby ass music where it sounds like he's crying
he had depression don't be mean bro
thats rap in general right now
hell even eminems got that weird whiny modern negro inflection, it just seems to be popular
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How it feels to have 130,000 V-Bucks while every Fortnite porn picture is about V-Bucks which I don't want or need

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him and the other 'main' leakers are obviously paid shills, only leaking things day before release or when other leakers force their hand and they have to report on it (like with the megaleak, or more recently months of teasing lightning mcqueen because they fucked up and put some of his shit in the files)
she's a greek goddess, so maybe she was a hint toward the greek myth season. but then she wasnt an npc and then... hexa so idk
I'd have depression too if I sounded like a white rapper
>she's a greek goddess,
wait what?
>In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Astraea (/æˈstriːə/; Ancient Greek: Ἀστραία, romanized: Astraía, lit. 'starry, star-like'), also spelled Astrea or Astria, is a daughter of Astraeus and Eos. She is the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity, and precision.

Huh. Learned something new. Even weirder now that she had zero relevance to the fucking greek season.
>he isnt a sugar daddy for his fortwife, buying her emotes and shoes (once they get their head out of their ass and put out some good ones)
maybe your fortwife doesnt treat you like the porn pictures because youre stingy with your vbucks
Reddit is losing their shit over these Winterfest challenges lol
dont they just give xp? no real reason to do them.
the moment seasonal quests stopped giving rewards was the moment i stopped caring to do them.
now that i think about it, they just straight up removed quest rewards from the battle pass didnt they, thats kinda fucked.
I am having zero issues with them. They're easy as fuck in Build solos.
Yes but for normies that probably play once a week they need that XP. They're seething over getting killed by campers camping the NPC
Yiffnigger slop.
I was gonna save all these noir quest for later when miku arrives but then i realized they end in a week im level 236 so i don’t really need the exp
I'm doing them because I'm level 80 (I was 50 when Winterfest started). Again, they're easy as fuck. Just kill the camper. It's like redditnigs can't kill one or two people.
You have to be a Gaming Legend to get in that category. No one cares about Terry but spics and Sakurai.
Hey, the question started off with a literal who.

21 lol. Literally just chapter 5 season 5. Not good enough to get me to keep playing.
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It can't be chapter 5 season 5. There's no broken collab item to ruin the gameplay and one player hording all the medallions.
I might only be level 21 but even I know you're full of shit
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Am I retarded? Didn't the cape used to blend into his back?
i havent been playing much br, but the little bit that i tried seemed like an improvement over chapter 5. not a big one, but at least its something.
i miss early chapter 4, felt like they added a ton of things that shook up the gameplay loop all at once.
If they just add some light building mechanics to zero build it wouldn't be so bad
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I don't think I will gettting another one before 2025
>before 2025
oh yeah. New players get to experience the forced boogybomb fun tomorrow.
>Bread Dog's pickaxe swings like a katana
that's not too surprising. It sorta looks like a stw machete
I don't think there are new players
been saying this for years
>make a build mode where editing for the purpose of fighting and boxing are completely non-viable
>storm circle position influenced by buildings made by players (attempts to keep manned buildings in-circle for as long as possible)
id probably play that over zero build, sounds fun as fuck.
It's a F2P game. There aren't any Christmas babies because you don't have to pay to play the game.
I'm glad these look like shit so I don't feel bad about missing them. I can't believe OG's folded immediately upon hearing they'd get special styles, and then they go on and act like they'd actually revolt if they resold BP slop.
With Call of Duty it legendarily gets a massive wave of kids who's parents wouldn't get them Call of Duty day 1 or from casual gamers who don't play call of duty religiously
it happens with any game that can be gifted really
You're not accounting for the fact that the kids could be getting a console as a gift for the first time.
What does any of that have to do with players who started fortnite in 2024?
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its impossible for a trans person to ever tell the truth, mainly because everything about them is a lie
besides that this is a dumbass take.being anti-anything doesnt make you "weird".
Where did your post say 2024?
>before 2025.
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115 atm, I'm not gonna make it.
youve got more than enough time. someone could start today and reach 200 just from weeklies, winterfest, and one of the dle modes (lego/festival/stw)
I want thunder's thunder roll
goodnight moon, goodnight stars
goodnight /fng/ers
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Doughberman is listed as an Epic rarity skin in the files yet is priced at 800 since rarities aren't a visible thing ingame and therefore don't define the price anymore. That's almost 50% cheaper than he would have been before the rarities were removed.
sorry man, you only wear pants that tight if you want eyes on the rear entry.
maybe hed let you get handsy with his tiny thunder roll while youre punching his prostate.
Is Slalom Style a must have for coomers?
I'm genuinely beginning to wonder if the reason why he released at 800 with his back bling separate is because he looks like he was designed for Lego
pretty sure that the rarities are fn.gg's best guess. either that or theyve been internally making every skin epic since c5s2.
I wonder if this is supposed to imply they had no faith he was gonna sell at that price
personally I would've greatly preferred if he was just a normal animal dude instead of a loaf of fuckin bread but I think he's still pretty funny, if epic actually thought this shit wouldn't sell at epic rarity price but fucking recolored opal would then they're even dumber than I initially thought (and I already thought they were retarded)
Epic really chose the worst time possible to remove rarities by doing it at the same time as the Avatar collab released. In hindsight it was obviously Nick's fault that it was so overpriced since no collabs since then have been like that, but at the time it made it look like Epic was just doing this as an excuse to jack up the prices on everything. And the original skins have only gotten cheaper if anything.
>Release brand new game mode
>Take a vacation
>Game breaking bug makes it so that no one can play Unranked
>Game mode dies
i hope it means theyre testing out selling backblings separate from skins. you know how many BBs i would buy if they werent tied to some fucking retarded outfit?
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To the two or so drawfags here: how long does it take you to go from a blank canvas to a fully-completed, full-size, full-colored finished work? I spent 3+ hours today on just coloring and misc. stuff and I still haven't finished flat coloring. I'm taking my time and trying to do it right but I feel like I barely progressed today.
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Never understood playing unranked anyways, you are going to be put in a losing team mid match with randoms leaving too.
>Implying this is what killed ballistic
Lol this mode was about a decade late. CSGO and Valorant are dead so not sure what they were going for with this besides wasting more dev time on another flop that will inevitably be removed
I like Fortnite Originals over collabs.
FPS mode development isn't wasted, assuming they release a more COD like mode.
I used to but they mostly stopped making good skins in Chapter 2
If you love fortnite originals so much then why don't you marry one?
You're genuinely retarded if you actually believe this.
NTA, but I already have. Rebel is my wife.
>how long does it take you to go from a blank canvas to a fully-completed, full-size, full-colored finished work?
Way too fucking long.
Even in high school my art teacher said I was too meticulous.
I've been trying to get bette and say to myself "done is good", but old habits die hard.
did you know that Shaq trademarked his own name
And not even his son can use that trademark
I've thought for ages they could make a great horde rush shooter mode if they really wanted to. turn horde rush into a full blown killing floor or l4d knockoff with dedicated maps and shit
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When you jump with the bread dog back bling, the dogs float in the air for a little bit and their ears fly up
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I feel like there was a huge missed opportunity to go full-on with the reactivity. Have them howl after a kill, get excited after searching a chest, etc.
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It depends on the scope of the piece. I'm an amateur and pic related took me about 15-20 minutes. A full-scale drawing would take anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days, and I'm sure a more experienced artist would have pieces that take even longer.
>I spent 3+ hours today on just coloring and misc. stuff and I still haven't finished flat coloring.
What program are you using? Flat colors used to take me a while but Clip Studio Paint can lay down flats in a few clicks.
Don't feel like you need to "progress" every single day. As long as you're keeping the rust off, the progress will come in time. Next time we cross paths I'd like to talk to you some more.

This was a hard lesson for me to learn. I used to have that urge to polish turds and would spend days working on a piece when it proved more productive to just let it go and work on something else.
I feel like I'm too much of an autist when it comes to characters I like so if the collab skin isn't *perfect* (which they usually aren't) I won't actually want to run it. like I love leon and re4 but the skin itself is so fucking bad its not even funny, would honestly just run fucking raptor instead
I have no idea how so many people are having issues leveling this season when Havoc Hotel 3 just shits out XP
Chris's alt style is so fucking terrible though.

Also fun fact - when Chun Li released, this thread was constantly shitting on her face saying "her face looks off wtf", and now its the most desired collaboration skin here by far
finally, a reason to reinstall that garbage. Does it work with the epic version or just the steam one?
i dont like the fortnite SF characters much. when they come back i might get blanka and guile, but thats a strong might. i agree with chuns face looking weird, most people only like her because her model was easy to rip and use in porn.
>replacing psylocke with used goods
hey, the tranny is back, did you get an extra dose of HRT for Christmas?
youre so easy to bait that it's insane you gay ass furnigger
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I don't get any of the Havoc Hotels. Like are you supposed to just hide behind a pillar and shoot the guys and thats it?
Every time I buy an emote I regret it a few days later.
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Thanks for you input, guys. It's getting late here so I'll sign off for now, we can discuss more later.
I'm using Krita. I'm sure there's a better way of coloring using groups and alpha masks or whatever. I just have to figure it out.
Thanks again!
to be fair, syd has probably been to many furry conventions.
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Any draw anons feel like drawing the machinist like this?
Now you can ooooooo feeel it.
I've been thinking of buying the Mariah Carrey emote because there's a lot of hip shaking and butt sticking out, but I know I'll never use it.
It'll be OG for a whole year.
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>Lego and Fortnite have not yet launched a line of minifigures
Are they retarded?
I feel like Mariah Carey could potentially disappear for years if she decides she doesn't care about Fortnite anymore. Like she isn't a Shaq or Snoop Dogg or Lebron James who actively does all she can to keep her name/brand relevant, she only really tours during xmas now too.

I don't think she'll disappear forever, but I could forsee her skipping a year or two.
Wish there were more and better emoticons cause holo-back looks preem on Johnny and V
Why sell them for a few dollars a piece when you can include them in sets that cost 20 times that?
If it makes her money then she's going to be a mainstay
I'd pay 20 times that if I could actually get the figures I wanted. We live in the age of 3D printing and print-on-demand services, and Lego already offers custom minifigs at some of their brick-and-mortar stores. How hard can it be to take the 3D models that already exist in the game, convert them to a printable format, and throw some paint on them? They're leaving money on the table.
What is it that bots use again exactly in builds? Fast build or something like that where they drop a quick preset? I really think we should've gotten that. Make your own preset 2x2 structure in the game menu and as long as you got the resources, you can just drop it down mid battle.
dog with the butta
I'm sure you can commission someone to do that. 3d printed plastic is still pretty inferior to injection molded stuff though
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da best skin of course
>Brown anime skin
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Now that anything can come back, will we get a chance to get old exclusive items like pic related? I wasn't into Fortnite back then and missed out on it.
Does seem cute
Never ever latelet
They've started bringing back other quest stuff so sure, but travis scott has been gone for a long ass time too so he'd have to come back first
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you fucking kidding...
the skin and emote are tash
well he could also be blue if that's what you prefer
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we are so back
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>today’s investigation has us accuse Hope of spraying graffiti
>she states her alibi and clears her name
>”I’m not mad, just disappointed”
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Maybe whenever he comes back. Til then, i'll be playing as V/Johnny

Highly unlikely, but challenge reward stuff not linked to battlepasses were never said they wouldn't come back, so, would never say never, but it's best to not get your hopes up so you can only be pleasantly surprised in the future.
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The first time i played this game was for Chun li and Ryu, the second time i tried it was because of TMNT and Snake and the only fortnite original i really like and use is kitt

Fortnite has some very cool and interesting characters and is also capable of making very cute girls like machinist and lexa but most skins barely have any lore,specially outside their season so it’s hard to compete against characters that in some cases have decades of stories, also unless legacy passes happen im never gonna get the rest of katt’s family
nigspeak for boxing, essentially meaning Punch for a punch
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>Give Ballistic a go
>It's Counter Strike without the dreadful spray patterns
>Actually do well because I don't have to memorize shapes and letters that vary in size and orientation depending on if I'm moving at 0.7 meters per hour or 1782.93 meters per hour
>Alt style: Cum Drainer(of human men)
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NTA but that is a big issue with the game - they put their few truly iconic characters behind battle passes, and then only give us cope versions.

Even worse is they ACTIVELY USE THEM IN SHIT. Like they show up in advertising heavily (how many ads have we had with peely or meowscles), meow skulls is an npc skin for playing solo in fortnite festival, and they release merch for them, but oh no you can't actually get them anymore :^)
yeah, but epic doesn't wanna pay the FTC or their customers, so, idk, man.
Trust the plan.
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Finally Got Harley Quinn!!
Very sad to hear about Jinx, but I had the feeling she was never returning after she failed to appear at the release of season 2. Not even the follow up tweet made be hopeful
they know about fortnites gooner culture and want to avoid the cum jar memes
RTL, meow skulls cum jar tribute gonna go crazy and only furfags would do this
This company's scheduling makes no goddamn sense

>let's drop a completely new map with all new POIs, mechanics, and shit to do
>ok let's all take a company-wide vacation where everything goes into fucking stasis until a month into the season

Like it feels like they should either cycle their breaks so the company doesn't come to a halt for a month out of the year or drop a new chapter in like January so they can actually fucking update it.
Chief is the best skin in the game
Where winter wonder skye?
God I miss hammers. Such a shame they're broken in creative and completely ignores settings to not fling props when you try bouncing with it.
Should I buy Master Chief Skin?
I never played Halo
Crazy that epic just invented going on christmas holidays.
I guess it does look pretty bland , ok I wont
He's a solid space marine skin even if you don't play halo, you don't need the whole bundle or anything
I've only lightly touched halo and bought him the first time around
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Does chapter 6 have a island theme?
my friend put in an order for the lego battle bus in november as a christmas present and it gets here in march
I love Reload but I ranked out of my skill level and unranked is just premades pubstomping.
I can't look past the armored diaper
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OG style mockup based on leaked information
spartan armor always seemed to me like its reminiscent of a really buff guy in a speedo
True, but then once in a blue moon you get amazing designs like Fortnite Turtles
>OG players style is purple
You go xisters!
ironically, the fortnite lego sets are among the cheapest
I agree, sbmm is fucked for me now
>>508058092 anon
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It's the color of royalty. Which makes it very fitting for OG styles.
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awful, thank god I can avoid this
I too can cope with the AI prompt
NTA but purple is a royal color and this has been known long before AI sloppa.
Fascinating implications, ai truly is the future
OG styles for Battle Pass skins in Fortnite would be seen as a reward for early adopters, but their exclusivity would cause harm than good. Here’s why this system deserves a rethink:

1. Exclusivity Creates Unnecessary Divides
Fortnite thrives on its diverse and inclusive player base. OG styles, by design, exclude newer players from fully enjoying certain skins, creating a “haves vs. have-nots” dynamic. Players who missed a season due to circumstances beyond their control—whether it’s age, finances, or timing—are penalized, fostering frustration and alienation rather than camaraderie.

2. It Undermines Creative Freedom
Customization is central to Fortnite’s appeal. However, locking certain styles behind OG exclusivity limits players’ ability to fully express themselves. A newer player who loves a particular skin but can’t access its OG style is left with incomplete customization options. This undermines the game's ethos of encouraging creativity and individuality.

3. It Prioritizes Nostalgia Over Progress
OG styles perpetuate the idea that older content is inherently more valuable. This focus on the past can overshadow the excitement for new Battle Pass content. Instead of celebrating nostalgia through exclusivity, Epic could release updated versions or reimaginings of older styles that everyone can enjoy, balancing innovation with fan-favorite aesthetics.

4. It Fuels FOMO and Resentment
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is amplified by OG styles. Players who couldn’t participate in earlier seasons are left feeling excluded, despite their loyalty to the game now. This breeds resentment, not just among newer players, but also among veterans who missed specific rewards.
Both of those cite very modern examples while the one claiming purple is the color of royalty goes all the way back to ancient times. Keep coping though.
it's less of a royal color and more of originally from a very expensive dye (from snails!), while it is used by royalty it is not limited to them.
Yeah and the swastika dates back some 6,000 years or so, are you gonna wear it anyway despite its rebranding?
I suppose it's fitting that you latelets know nothing about history. Here, read and learn https://www.history.com/news/why-is-purple-considered-the-color-of-royalty
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Sometimes I'm just amazed at how much people obsess over what color pixels they have on their screen.
The woke left fears the power of agi
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OGs went from
In mere weeks no less! Sad!
>The OG style on Paradigm was supposed to be a reference to Brutal Bastion and a confirmation of The Seven being tied to The Reality Warriors
>Now they are using that color scheme on every OG rerelease
I don't get it
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>OG shitters will proudly look as gay as they act
OG styles being purple has been a thing since Skull Trooper.
Everyone knows about its history, but when you redefine history to a new modern context, it doesnt matter gayboy
Wear your purple skin with pride anon!
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The apartment is in disarray, with several gaming controllers and headsets scattered across the coffee table. Frasier is pacing near his laptop, gesturing dramatically. Niles is seated on the couch, delicately holding a controller as if it might bite him.)

Frasier: (Exasperated) Niles, you simply don’t understand the magnitude of this travesty! Epic Games has announced they’re re-releasing the Season 2 Battle Pass skins. Skins that I—might I add—earned through tireless effort and dedication.

Niles: (Frowning) Frasier, must we descend into such theatrics? They’re just digital outfits, are they not?

Frasier: (Wheeling around to face him) Digital outfits?! Niles, these skins are a mark of distinction, a badge of honor! The Black Knight, the Sparkle Specialist—symbols of a bygone era when Fortnite was an elite endeavor, not this free-for-all carnival it has become!

Niles: (Adjusting his cufflinks) And yet, from what I’ve read, Epic Games has graciously offered original owners an exclusive purple-and-gold variant. Surely that should suffice for someone as invested in exclusivity as you are?

Frasier: (Scoffs) Suffice?! Niles, it’s a gaudy afterthought, a blatant attempt to placate those of us who upheld the sanctity of the game’s history. It’s as if they handed out Renaissance paintings at a flea market but added a glitter frame for the original collectors.

Niles: (Raising an eyebrow) That does sound dreadful. But really, Frasier, isn’t it better that newer players get to enjoy these skins? Surely, inclusivity outweighs your vanity.

Frasier: (Pointing accusingly) Vanity? You’re one to talk! The last time we played together, you refused to wear any skin that wasn’t a perfect match for your virtual weapon wrap.

Niles: (Defensive) That’s entirely different! My ensemble was a study in virtual aesthetics—a tasteful juxtaposition of metallic blues and muted golds. Not this—this populist redistribution of exclusive content!
I would watch that episode
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(Frasier throws up his hands and begins pacing again. Niles leans forward, growing animated.)

Niles: Besides, Fras, you’ve always said competition brings out the best in you. Isn’t this your chance to prove that true distinction lies in skill, not cosmetic frivolity?

Frasier: (Stopping mid-stride) Ah, Niles, there’s the rub. You’ve unknowingly stumbled onto the crux of the matter. What Epic Games fails to realize is that these skins are more than cosmetics; they are memories. They represent hours of triumph and camaraderie, of victories hard-fought and dearly won.

Niles: (Sighing) So, in your mind, this is a philosophical affront?

Frasier: (Firmly) Precisely. It’s not just a game, Niles—it’s a legacy.

(Niles leans back, considering this. After a beat, he smirks.)

Niles: Frasier, if I might suggest, perhaps the only legacy worth preserving is your dignity. And at the moment, it’s hanging by a very precarious thread.

(Frasier glares at him as Niles casually picks up the controller and starts fiddling with it. The sound of Fortnite’s cheery menu music fills the air as the argument lingers in the room.)

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Tell me how the seasons in OG mode will work?
Will they gradually add the content that was coming out at the time?
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A tranny made this post
Why you made this post anon?
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>It’s as if they handed out Renaissance paintings at a flea market but added a glitter frame for the original collectors.
I know this is ai sloppa but holy lmao
>Will they gradually add the content that was coming out at the time?
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My good friends, post you're current 3x3's.
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I like him but
why not Shibun Inu
Skye's sultry teenage body.
Jap weeb slop cucks like deserve the bullying you get
how much are the butter dog items separately, since I don't want the instrument
People obsess over what they cannot have and as such it leads to jealousy and resentment. The biblical story of Jacob and Esau has many parallels to the OG skins situation in Fortnite. The latelets being the jealous and conniving Jacob who is driven mad by envy and a desire to take what is rightfully Esau's.
anon, shiba inu is a breed
Niles would never call Frasier "Fras"
Maybe we should recreate the biblical story of Cain and Abel. You get to be Abel.
they'd probably also namedrop actual renaissance paintings
At least you're aware that you're the villain in this story.
Cain and Abel sat on a rock overlooking the field, their voices rising like smoke from a burnt offering.

"I’m telling you, it’s not fair!" Cain said, his face red with frustration. "We worked hard to get those original Battle Pass skins. They’re special. They shouldn't just bring them back!"

Abel shrugged, his tone calm but firm. "I don’t see the problem, Cain. If they bring them back, more players can enjoy them. And they’re adding an OG purple and gold style for us originals—what’s the big deal?"

"The big deal?" Cain scoffed, throwing a pebble at the ground. "It completely ruins the exclusivity. Do you know how many Victory Royales I had to grind for that Season 2 skin? Now everyone and their little brother can just buy it? It’s disrespectful!"

Abel chuckled, leaning back on his hands. "Disrespectful? It’s a video game, brother. You’re acting like they stole your flocks or something. Besides, that OG style proves we were there first. Isn’t that enough?"

"No, it’s not enough!" Cain snapped, standing up. "It’s like... like if someone else showed up to the altar with the same offering as you. It cheapens it!"

Abel raised an eyebrow, his voice soft but pointed. "Maybe it’s not about what’s on the altar, Cain. Maybe it’s about the spirit behind it."

Cain glared at him, his fists clenched. For a moment, the only sound was the wind rustling through the fields. "You just don’t get it," he muttered, storming off.

Abel watched him go, shaking his head. "It’s just a skin, brother." But deep down, he knew this wasn’t just about Fortnite anymore.
but easau and jacob eventually make up though
This is one of the coolest designs
After Jacob understands the error of his ways and seeks forgiveness, yes. Will history repeat itself?
>buy Master Chief
>go to XBox Cloud
>can't input anything, won't take keyboard
>game won't recognize my controller
What do
honestly felt like it was a copout since jacob got the blessing after 20 years
Try Xbox Cloud on your phone it still counts
I'm a chaser and I am able to clock one almost instinctively.
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Captain Jones is the ultimate gay goon skin
Hi, Blood. There's new information about this.

According to Fortnite Status, "The Matte Black style for The Master Chief is no longer unlockable. This style is limited to players who purchased the outfit and played on an Xbox Series X|S prior to December 2024."
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/fng/ was on fire. Post after post flooded in, each one angrier than the last. And at the center of the chaos stood Gboon—virtual legend, skull-faced icon, and self-proclaimed gatekeeper of exclusivity.

"Listen up, zoomers," Gboon’s post read, bolded for emphasis. "I’ve had the Purple Skulltrooper since Season 1. It’s not just a skin—it’s a symbol of loyalty, of being here when Fortnite was still fresh. Giving it back to randoms would be a slap in the face."

Replies poured in instantly:
Anonymous: "No one cares, bro. Touch grass."
Anonymous: "The OG style is literally proof you were here first. You’re just mad people get to enjoy it now."
Anonymous: "Imagine thinking your identity is tied to pixels LMFAO."

Gboon fired back. "All these OG styles are a consolation prize! They’re devaluing our legacy. It’s like putting a gold star on a participation trophy."

A reply in all caps grabbed attention:

The thread descended further into chaos. Arguments flared, memes about "Skulltrooper elitism" flooded in, and someone posted a mock-up of a "Gboon NPC" skin.

But Gboon wasn’t done. "This isn’t about me," he typed furiously. "It’s about respecting history. Fortnite’s culture is at stake!"

Another reply cut deep:
Anonymous: "Fortnite culture? Dude, it’s a BR game. Go outside."

As Gboon stared at the screen, the weight of the battle—pixels, pride, and posterity—pressed heavy on his shoulders.
Gboon bottoms for me
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>skin, backbling and pickaxe
I member when crew included gliders, loading screens and lobby tracks
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It worked, bless you anon
More AI slop from latelets who lack the talent and originality to make their own arguments. OGs reference ancient tales of morality that have guided western civilisation for millennia as part of their argument while the latelets just copy whatever chatGPT gave them.
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>All this AIslop
It's a buff furry.
No one normal, aka not gay nor a furry, wants this shit.
Good afternoon, artist didn't, the guy who edited it into a transparent gif did
The dog with the butter
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10 ball TONIGHT!!!
>OGs reference ancient tales of morality
Literally what happened in this thread.
Video with sound?
Tokyo calling!
Tokyo calling!
Tokyo calling!
That's retarded lol
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enjoy using your renegade raider "og" recolour which was designed in chapter 6 in 2024 and released in 2026
Very funny
Will they ever make a johnny silverhand lego, do they add them later by chance? Has it been done before?
we need more dinosaur skins
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You little freaks will call it a cope but I prefer the head of the NWH Spidey over the BP version.
BP Spidey has weird protruding eyes and the head-shape feels off. The MCU Spidey's head is almost perfect.
The thing is Tobey Maguire spiderman would be a perfect cope with the iconic color scheme
I don't like the raised webbing on the suit.
Yeah but no black hunks or random superhero tech costume lines
the raised webbing is tight as hell
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On a cold Christmas Day like no other, I went on inside on my computer to not be a bother.
Up in in a flash, I saw renegade raider returned for cash, but there was a style I couldn’t get, making it trash.
I thought and pondered, “will every legacy skin get an OG style?” I wondered.
It came quick to me about one thing. The chapter 1 season 4 pass I couldn’t completely wring.
The omega skin was something I really wanted. I’ll get him back now, but the possible OG still will leave me haunted.
But why do I have to think about that and fret? the battle purchase itself should would make the style surely net.
I should just need to unlock it right? Not being able to get the entirety of a skin I want, gives me great fright.
But there is a big reason to believe, that the style I want I’ve already achieved.
Any other outcome they do, would be as bad as poo in the loo.
So I sit comfort key with the fact, with omega’s OG style, I might be on track.
Ugly as sin skin and this mfer is begging for it
FOMO rotted your brain too much
>the only thing they're discussing in this thread is skins
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Another lying leaker baka
They should slowdown Dancin Domino too just like they did with Caffeinated. And then you have a 10/10 emote.
I wonder why they don't do these kinds of skins anymore
Hows your lego toy factory tycoon going? I hope they increase storage capacity again I can't keep up with some of these big orders.
Yeah, I expected them to be more lively than they are now.
They're still cute, but they could've been much better.
I'm still upset they didn't preserve caffeinated in its original form and call it "double shot"
So what's your favorite skin?
Ragnarök and Persephone if I had her
Rebel, my wife.
not WIDE enough
Meow Skulls or RTL.

>Gaming Legends
Snake or Chief.
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The one that got away
>Epic was scared shitless because of Hi-rez
>because of. fucking. Hi-rez
>gemini died for the metaverse
Couldn't they release this now? I'm pretty sure Paladins is dead
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Although Jolly Jammer is quickly rising the ranks.
People who bought Astro assassin might argue they deserve it since it's the same skin with a different helmet, if they do release her as a style that would be fair, multiple skins have only changed the helmet or part of the head just fine, why are they not doing it is beyond me, the files were still ingame, or at least in the webpage seeing how like a month ago it showed gemini backbling instead of astro assassin and you could even check the skin it's associated
They've started bringing back quest exclusives to the shop already, most recent ones I can remember are the love and war challenges dual knives from c2s1, so maybe. Fwiw I own rage and travis' glider and I'd love for new players to be able to buy them, as somewhat of a collector it doesn't sit right with me that when travis does eventually return his complete set won't be 100% obtainable if you didn't attend the astroworld event, so here's hoping they do bring them back. Overall I really like the direction epic is handling former exclusives, I don't own any ch1 exclusives beyond the final two passes, but I wouldn't mind newer players who truly appreciate the skins getting a chance to buy them and the "og" palette swap is neat
Astro Assassin is such a fucking awful skin, I have no idea why those retards thought that recycled, boring head was acceptable.
Spic coded anime skin. And that's a good thing!
Friend had a similar experience but bought them anyway because they're just a cool dude in armour skin and the black style has a lot of loadout potential too
we gotta see penny or calamity...
he's made of bread not cake
Gemini died a long time ago before the metaverse was in effect.
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we used to call them buns
There's any way to complete the quests besides joining the the BR? I'm trying to do it but faggots keep killing me in the process.
>hope learned how to 3d model to make herself more attractive

>Pelican 1 plays the Helldivers theme while gliding

What back bling is that
after skibodie loo anything is posiible
>Try ranked ballistics
>Someone literally leaves my team no matter what rank I am
>Literal children who never played a cod game in their life
>Can't shoot anything to save their life
It's embarrassing
IIRC the devs said they didn't want to do collabs, but then dropped a killzone one of all things a couple weeks ago so who knows now
>Try Ballistics
>flash my team
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need my girl alloy back
how come no one uses street fighter skins I thought the collab was popular
they haven't been in the shop in over 2 years
>Last seen: Aug 2, 2022 (880 days ago)
Ryu is too dumb to play as.
maybe when they hit 1000, theyll bringem back
That worked well for jinx right?
>play ballistic
>someone instalocks ping grenade
>proceeds to never buy it or dies holding it
>enemy team throws it through that open window on B Defense every round and pings 3-4 people because everyone wants to rush each point
i hate playing competitive games. there is always a competency gap, but it only gets less obvious after "meta" forms.
He has the cutest butt in the game. I didn't realize he had a cute bulge too. I love Jonesy!
this makes emoji bloat worth having, i think ill buy it
based, dont usually wear backblings but i might with this
>dumb, shirtless and sexy
God I fucking love Ryu.
dear epic games
please change the skin icon next to every players name based on the style/color theyre using
if you do this, i will finally purchase/use the following skins:
>triarch aurora
thank you
That’s been a think since 2017. If they haven’t changed it by now I doubt they will.
Fuck off, dumb fuck faggot
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nta but it worked for the chief
i'm actually curious what licensing rights gaming legends get compared to generic collabs or icon collabs, they seem more tight and limited
This shit is so unfunny
On a cold Christmas Day like no other, I went on inside on my computer to not be a bother.
Up in in a flash, I saw renegade raider returned for cash, but there was a style I couldn’t get, making it trash.
I thought and pondered, “will every legacy skin get an OG style?” I wondered.
It came quick to me about one thing. The chapter 1 season 4 pass I couldn’t completely wring.
The omega skin was something I really wanted. I’ll get him back now, but the possibly unobtainably OG style will leave me haunted.
But why do I have to think about that and fret? the battle purchase itself should would make the style surely net.
I should just need to unlock it right? Not being able to get the entirety of a skin I want, gives me great fright.
But there is a big reason to believe, that the style I want I’ve already achieved.
Any other outcome they do, would be as bad as poo in the loo.
So I sit comfortably with the fact, with omega’s OG style, I might be on track.
I have information about OG styles
It took them 7 years to let you pick which default you wanted to stick with, anything's possible.
quick poll
i figured the new marvel skins would be on a 30 day rotation, especially with disney making their little investment and rumors of a disney-only shop floating around. however, basically everything released during the marvel season hasnt come back since then. so the question is:
>will epic/disney vault their garbage in order to see big sale numbers on re-release, or will the new year be inundated with marvel?
summoning the resolve to start the long and arduous journey of making full loadouts for all of the skins i use
In my opinion the Disney only shop is gonna happend but after the Disney game mode is released
How many skins do you have?
Good luck anon, it's worth it
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Why the hell is this pack so god damn expensive
Why is Poison Ivy locked behind this shit
They should make it silver with blue
couple hundred or more, but i would make presets for about 50 of them. i did it once upon a time before the locker got fucked, but now there is a lot more to account for
>jam tracks (dont have many but still)
>kicks (see above)
>doing every br loadout from scratch
whats worse is that i fixed a lot of the loadouts after chapter 5 fucked them, only for the recent locker update to invalidate all that work.
I still don’t understand why after like a gajillion shop UI updates they haven’t made it so that it shows your equipped skin holding the pickaxe when you hover over it. I know they do it for some but why not all of them? Same will gliders.
3 skins + vbucks, to put things into perspective, there are shoes that cost 10$
It's just game companies being anal about competition. They want their characters on their platform and pretty much every gaming legends skin at the time (when fortnite was at it's peak of popularity and relevence) was just to promote their own upcoming titles on the respective console.
that bundle has no vbucks my guy
wow im fucking wrong, did they just add that recently? i remember seeing this shit at walmart years ago and didnt see any vbucks involved.
It's pretty loaded with items + 1k vbucks, plus basically every old pack got a small price bump when they returned post-lego because of the lego styles now being included
I do. I'm gonna get on now and play as Sakura to spread Street Fighter awareness
unsure how the physical promo looks like, they probably were advertising it like this with no vbucks in sight
Cain right once again
good morning /fng/ers
do you think all the scalpers are fuming now it's back in the shop?
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Retard aviator hat.
I might buy this, just feeling that price is too much for some old ass skins and I don't even want them all , might just wait for something I really want.
I cancelled my crew, I DO NOT WANT THIS GARBAGE!!
Your only hope would be that the final week it is in the shop, the pack goes on sale. It’s happened before
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probs, wouldn't surprise me if they panic sold like two weeks ago when leakers mentioned the pack returning alongside the other 2 or after the update when the legos were updated
you could also wait for the slim chance it gets a discount, right now only the frozen legends is discounted, but with more than a month left, personally i'm waiting, i'm in no rush to play with joker, midas and ivy
Why would epic games lower the price, they don't care
They've done it before
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they suck
all the intermediary stages between base and max look like shit, so everyone only uses the first and final stages anyways. And the colors don't apply to the first stage either. Same with omega and calamity.
also carbide sucks because he's a nig
Carbide sucks because he brings over metal fat husks in stw
Same. I guess this is the cost of having all those other passes attached to it now, that it's just going to be shitty skins like that that come with it. It sucks because crew was on a real streak of clean skins for the past year or so but I guess it had to come to an end one day.
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>almost buy margot robbie harley
>cant get past the man face now that karuta harley exists
have they ever done some sort of encore where they throw in all the winter/christmas skins back into the shop for the final day?
missed Summitseeker Evie a few days ago...
Evie shows up fairly often so you don't have to worry about her
They do sometimes do that
What was the best skin this winterfest?
>But hes not
Christmas Mariah no doubt
I can’t decide if I want the bundle or not. It’s appealing forsure.
>But hes not
Tell me
I would love ANY slice of life character to be in Fortnite. I would jump on a K-On or Azumanga bundle immediately.

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