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Everyone loves Yeji. Very true.
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very true brother
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brothers are we here
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yejibros i love the new loona album
i didnt listen to it, should i?

yes, voice is soty
word i'll go listen to the full album instead of playing the mic drop steve aoki mix on loop
i'm a diehard orbit with a $2k spent on merch and even i don't like 12:00
update on this, i've had the steve aoki mic drop mix on loop for the last month.
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what up
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post xmas waifus
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yejibros merry christmas
heres a mix
Eunha is the best
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hello brothers
So true brother
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good afternoon brothers
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yejibros we successfully renewed our yejibro gold account with crypto
nothing can stop us now brothers
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yejibros the ability to post yejis every 30 seconds is worth paying 5x as much for
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very true brother but don't give hiro any ideas
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yejibros we cannot wait for the new release
yejibros how are we liking the new release
brother they look good and yeji raps surprisingly well but overall it is a very cringe song. yuna should not have been made to rap.
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rosiemen we are here
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yejibros it is a sad day we will miss our wife ryujin
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hello my indonesian brothers
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brother we are canadian
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yejibros they say we are very rich
>my voice is aoty
very true
only the richest 4channers have a pass brother
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any sharkman in
jeon basedeon is cute
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just us shartman
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arinchads will we ever stop taking Ws?
poorfags are crying about captcha again
yejibros we have always wondered why /vip/ does not show the number of unique ips in a thread
hide low ip numbers i guess
umm.. hello???
i forgot this place even exists
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hello brother
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so this is where all the kpg chads are
yejibros we are here
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yes brother we are everywhere
yejibros sometimes our thread watcher tells us that this thread has a new post and we get excited but when we check it there is nothing new it is very disappointing brothers
yeji a cute but desu senpai baka I'm more of a dahyun type of guy
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yejibros our very important thread is in danger
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I will save it
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yejibros /qa/ is gone this is our home now
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hello brother
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happy belated halloween brothers
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agreed brother
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yejibros we want our comfy threads back
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yejibros are we staying here now?
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yes brother
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for the time being brother
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brother when are they bringing qa back brother
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we don't know brother but we must stick together through these trying times
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yes brother we believe in us
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yejibros we dont feel so good
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yejibros we have wanted to do this for many months we are finally free of the folder menace
we hope we can refine the script to yejibro standards brothers it really makes hydrus more convenient
brother this looks very complicated we are too stupid to understand
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it is a userscript that downloads an image along with a text file containing tags brother
we then import the image into hydrus (https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/) and hydrus will automatically tag the image with the tags from the text file
much easier to tag images at time of download than go through them one by one later
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yejibros dogs just got one of our chickens
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yes brother
yejibros we fucking love yeji
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yejibros we renewed our vip pass
yes brother
Gen 2 mogs every other Gen desu
yejibros we are here
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hello brothers
test 🍀
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yejibros as of today we have given hiro 100 yejibucks
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yejibros we still havent started our crypto taxes
yejibros we have finally started our crypto taxes and we want to kill ourselves we are never falling for this meme again
wheres her feet though
Yeji is pretty hot brother
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hello ketchys
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brother what user script is that? could we have it?
I buttfuck the butt,
of yeji the slut,
I make her scream,
my cock is like a beam,
I'm deep in her tush,
I cover her mouth make her go shush,
the pin in her rectu ever lingers,
so she bites my fingers,
I slap her across the face,
now she's staring at my cock like it's a mace,
I go deep in her throat,
make her squeel like a goat,
ohhh I'm about to cum,
I squeeze her nose with my thumb,
my seed flows in her belly,
her breath's gonna be smelly,
but that's just classic yeji,
always being edgy.
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hello brother very sorry brother we caught the rona a few weeks ago and have been absolutely useless ever since
some things have changed but it still works the same way
we tried to throw a readme together hopefully it is sufficient
girls from 711 stay up all night
i've had a pass since they were implemented. fuck captcha.
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yejibros the mail lady misscanned our package when she delivered it and we will soon be faced with a moral dilemma
yejibros the mower part we ordered 2 months ago finally came we ride at dawn brothers
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yejibros now the freakin ignition coil is dead
Guys. My bra is chafing.
very true
we love loona
very trve
i love bugs
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We are here...
and we are queer
my girlfriend is obsessed with K-pop girls, to the point where she consider herself to be bisexual
yejibros we
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>pass posting yejibros
just us shartman
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Yejibros, we're still banned from /mu/ for two more days but we wanted to announce that KPOP ... will indeed be saved. You don't need to worry
yejibros we fell for the stable diffusion meme and have all but lost interest in kpop
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Yejibros we replied to the JAV poster today and immediately ate a 3-day ban from /mu/ for posting "off-topic". We are the elite of posters, this is literally theft and unjust. We summon the yeji council to resolve this matter
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we caught a 2-week for replying to a b*rneyfag post on /qa/ and a 3-month for posting in a p*do thread brother we dont mess with rule breakers anymore
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yejibros if god wont give us a kgf we will make one ourselves
who dis?
yejibros we shook our penor after a piss and got some pee in our eye
yejibros we hate cryptocurrency but more than that we hate the irs
Do we post male kpop stars in here?
yes brother
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yejibros, secretly we are very big tripleS fans, ever since AAA debuted we've been hooked. started to catch up on signal and now enjoy tripleS daily and know all there is to know about them. but we can never reveal our powerlevel to /kpg/ so keep this a secret please
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yejibros today is yejis birthday
happy yeji day brothers
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>3 years
where bean
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terrible news brothers
lia is on indefinite hiatus as of 230917
we can only hope she recovers quickly...
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yejibros we are playing skyrim
More like KPOOP
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It's gonna be kino, you just wait. Quote me and tell me what you think of it when it releases next week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9wjxEmglHo
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hi guys <3
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hey you came all the way here to bully me!!!!!!
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class:y comeback when?
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sounds like k poop
Bootleg japan
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it's just not the same without lia
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yejibros we purchased our renewal yejicoins early hoping the line would go up but due to being pabos we have already paid $5 in fees
it's all worth it because we want to post our waifus in peace and protect her honour sometimes. If need be we'll post her on cooldown and win the argument by having more pictures out than the other guy.
yejibros we need to be more inclusive so more people will post
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kav when
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yejibros we got a real camera very cool brothers we didnt know there were that many stars
yejibros we've resisted the temptation of eating fast food for a month
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It's another tripleS release, brothers. In less than 11 hours Girls Never Die will have released. Please tell your opinions afterwards
yejibros we are reading pride and prejudice
yejibros we're getting fat because it's too hot to exercise
yejibros we are not entirely sure the cute girl at work is a girl
yejibros we told our yejidad we thought we had chigger bites and he told us to call them chegroes
yejibros we had a dream that we went to the grocery store and when we woke up there was no food in the refrigerator
yejibros we are eating everything we can get in our mouth and we still cant break 2000 calories we are going to be skellingtons forever brothers
yejibros we has a dream that former idol heo gayoon had a sex tape and we woke up with a raging bone ready to fap
that is very convenient brother
yejibros stanley steemer gets carpets cleaner
yejibros we bought elden ring but our cpu is too shit so we are going back to dark souls 3
if you buy a new cpu, make sure it's low wattage so it doesn't get hot. i made the mistake of getting a 105w cpu and it burns my balls in the summer.
Bro you need better airflow in your room if a 1 inch square inside a computer case is burning your balls.
we are planning on a 7600x (105w) brother we dont do anything intensive enough to worry about heat
i keep my computer under my desk. i have nowhere else to put it.
yejibros we are freeze drying ice cream
>dad doesn't trust the internet
>tell me to buy $60 from amazon
>gives me $60
>the total is $65 after taxes

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any sharkman in
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yejibros our lovelia has returned time to celebrate brothers
yejibros our small nap turned into 9 hours of sleep and we missed the garbage truck
>Packages (572)
>Total Download Size: 2413.07 MiB
>Total Installed Size: 8950.81 MiB
>Net Upgrade Size: 378.67 MiB
yejibros we havent updated in months we are scared brothers
yejibros should we keep the greasy mullet look or go back to shaved head?
yejibros our ac broke and it's too hot to sleep
yejibros our mother ate the last ice cream...
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