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It has become more and more obvious that the U. S. Government, or large parts of it, are attempting to reestablish the psychopathic Nazi regime.
I farted
Are you trying to see if /pol/tards pay for passes?
What else is new.
God I hope so.
They can't since they are all under 18.
Tell me exactly how that would be a bad thing?
This or is zombies.
What's wrong with experimentation on people?
that would be based as fuck
I wish
I wish.
You're right.
Almost feels like 1930's again.
let's hope 1933 comes sooner rather than later
Is that good or bad?
Don't tell our secret.
Goyims thread
Its the global warming, covid, lgbtq movement.
But wait if that was true wouldn't /pol/ be all for it?
Bring on the pain.
They would like to bring back slavery as well.
Well now we know the truth.
Thankyou OP.
Thought that happened a while ago.
U.S. is of course the spawn of Satan.
The satanic psychopaths of the U.S. government will try to drag us all down to hell with them.
Again, or did it never go away?
This post is just a distraction.
Maybe we should leave.
Drain the snake pit!
I wish this country was that great
When will this happen?
When can i buy the nft of this?
America is much more evil then Nazi's
Everyone is NPC's, evil people, etc.
They will just watch it happen.
How did you know?
The ICE detention network in the US is pretty much concentration camps with the farce that anyone with a legitimate case can prepare their own legal defence for their hearing while in ICE facilities.

All the libraries are outdated and do not have a computer system in place that makes finding similar cases like your own to put before a judge easily. Everything in ICE is geared around minimizing immigration and maximizing incarceration. This could be because there is a healthy gang network established in most ICE facilities both in the general population and with the paid staff but as a processing system for immigration, it's pretty laughable.

How on earth is someone supposed to read through books of 200 or more cases and find ones that apply to your situation when there's only an hour per day allocated to the library and legal books are not allowed to be taken outside of the library.
Thankyou for letting us know.
This thread hasn't gotten much interest.
Bunch of faggots in this thread right now. Hows the weather in Tel Aviv JIDF?
Ha. They should be available any day now.
I wish this were the case
Actually in general wish the US were the borderline-fascist WN state that libs seem to think it is, instead of the engine of world liberalism that it really is
I left the toaster on
It is happening for sure, there is something to be said for the irony of it.
They seem to get a special joy from concentration camps.
The end is near!
Does anyone have any ideas, Anons, any solution to the growing evil before it envelops us all?
Yes, just ignore anything that is unpleasant sounding that should work out well.
And they are trying to keep it a big secret.
Well, secret no longer!
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Just what we need
Provide more details.
Is that what they are doing then, very tricky.
Wtf I love amerifats now?!
Burn it with fire.
Is that all?
Anons have resigned themselves to subservience you are wasting your time.
Not the Swastika again....
Are we there yet?
So much bad news
That's for sure.
The Nazi's are back and more evil than ever.
How fun
Is this way our rights are being taken away?
No, you don't, you fucking retard. You would be one of the first sent to the gas chambers for participating in "dissident online discussion forums" such as 4chan.

This Anon here might be right.
The question then becomes how do we fight back while we still can?
If the show fits wear it?
Ten years ago when I was watching a train cross the tracks, a helicopter flew by and swooped really low.
In my younger days we didnt have all these fancy-pants electronics the kids got nowadays and we got along just fine didnt we.
Well history does tend to repeat itself
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End Nazism
I see it too. I would like to move to Australia and get away from it all.
I better load up on the groceries then.
That reminds me of this loud noise I heard and then poof no more noise.
Keep it moving, nothing to see hear folks, and don't read the original post.
I wish
Haven't they already? Sometimes you just have to look under the surface to find the truth.
These things always happen. Some of us Anons are struggling just to survive, how can we fight off Government(s)?
Something to worry ourselves over, or just more of the same?
Were the Nazi's even this terrible?
The overwhelming majority of posters on /pol/ are bots and/or discord spammers with passes.
What % of 4channers would you say buy passes?
Actual users? More than you'd think, but not that many. People have auto-captcha solvers now, so I would suspect it's less than 10% judging from /vip/ activity. I would say 95% of /pol/ thread starters are bots or discord raid groups with passes and 80%-90% of posters are same (in order to bypass IP range bans and other wide-net bans as well as VPN shenanigans). /k/ is nearly unusable because of this Russo-Ukrainian shit outside of the generals, the jannies actually moderate the generals, and it's the same posting style, activity, and buzzwords as /pol/.

Every now and then they'll raid another board and the jannies let it happen as long as they keep it to a small number of threads.
I hate the bots
many people buy pass because they are behind a CGNAT and their whole subnet is banned.
A resurgence of these people again. Why does this always happen?
The government should be having a bigger problem with American patriots than with Russia right now.
Where's the fight in you people?

I don't think it's a nazi regime, but it definitely is psychopathic and aimed more so at americans than those outside of the US, although those too remain targets depending on national interest.
No word is suitable as a descriptor to be honest, as you will immediately draw the ire of apologists if you describe whats happening as nazi,communist, tyrannical, authoritarian, evil or simply wrong. Whatever color you want to paint the development of the US government over the past two decades with, I'd argue its going down a dark path.
We were slacking off, not watching closely enough.
If the US keeps losing the trade war to china and becomes increasingly unstable the average person will vote for it.
It's the Nazis.
It's the Reptilians.
It's the Satanists.
Well pick one.
We shall see if the Nazi's can be stopped this time as well as they were previously.
Yea it is. They must be working with Satan.
>using since4pass in options on the board where only pass users can post
It seems someone here is under 18 and it isn't poltards
If they wanted us to know they are Nazi, they would call themselves Nazi again.
>U. S. Government, or large parts of it, are attempting to reestablish the psychopathic Nazi regime
Promises, promises...
Oh you
I disagree. The US govt is doing everything to follow China
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Civil disobedience is a good thing.
You mean an Ashekenazi regime, because Biden has the Jewishest cabinet of any president.
Can they do this so easily? It must be they have been planning this for several decades if not longer.
Won't work again due to covert activities and sabotage. How can you be certain the "New Nazi Party" won't be infiltrated the day it's set up?
As an american I can say that we are a democratic aristocracy and we at least pretend to take our citizens opinions into account.

Our only solace, in other words, is how much our economic elite are willing to pretend to stand by their lies, only to be undone the next election cycle.
Experimentation on our own people, constant warmongering, apathy, amongst other issues.
I would say the OP is correct.
Yes, yes, of course. This is plain for all to see. They aren't even bothering to keep it a secret so much anymore.

What we really want to know is are these terrible monsers even Human?
Pay more attention anon. See what happens when you lounge about, not keeling a look out.
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jews were the real "nazis" the entire time
have you not figured that out?
pretty much everything they accused the nazis of was a lie
Watch out for this. I don't doubt this for a second, and it's building up to be an even nastier atrocity this time around.
Clearly there is almost no good left in this world.
Is that the new American flag now?
Oh geez. This was supposed to be kept a secret and know they all know.
No don't tell anyone about their secret. Everyone can just remain in the dark about this.
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society doesn't need to be oriented in one particular taxis in exclusion of all others. it's fucking boring. i like the weirdos. mahiro says "No!" to nazism
They are preparing the gas chambers soon.
seems like things are going well, then
But who is running the Nazi's, aliens?
I am not surprised nor should anyone else. We have allowed rule by filth for too many generations.
There is no fix, it is too late, no?
They are making an effort, but alongside a collapse.
Sharpen your swords, we must be ready.
Are you sure about that?
This and climate change are posing a challenge to our way of life.
Why make your shadow government the regular government when your global dominion can be held completely in secret? No one needs to know WHO their fascist dictator is, it's just important that you HAVE one.
Remember the Alamo!
That is terrible library hours.
They are all pledged to serve Satan and do his rituals.
Is that their new flag?
Nazi psychos will murder us all eventually, try to have fun until it is your turn.
The jews in the biden admin are making this their top priority.
So colorful
Too many cowards here anon.
Is it over yet?
I hope they don't gas us.
Yes we all know how much the US government hates Israel and Jews
Who is the new Hitler?
Good info. Most people around us don't seem to care about anything except money though.
Evil never rests.
Pretty much anon.
Things will be bad before they get worse and worse. Humanity has failed.
Humanity has destroyed itself. Most of them deserved it really.
We must stop them.
And this time they've had longer to plan everything.
Tbh america should just turn communist. Capitalism is not working out for you guys
First step would be sending zoomers to reeducation camps.
Nothing is working, they're too greedy.
Americans should suicide, they're useless.
Many sit by and watch, they care to do nothing.
In time they will grow from being useless to being useless and old.
Did the Nazi's not fail their last attempt. What are they bugging us for this time around?
The monsters of the world have made their way to the offices of this country.
Things really aren't the same, and maybe irreversibly so.
They're monsters.
Experimenting on people is very bad.
And what to do about it anon?
The flag is ruined.
The evil regimes can all burn in hell.
They love Satan too much.
Is it just Nazi psychos or Nazi psychos plus other psychos
luckily the SCOTUS shut them down 9 - 0
Down with the Nazi genociders.
That is unfortunate.
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>The National Socialists burned books about transgenderism and outlawed it. The United States is establishing transgenderism and promoting it through various means.
>The National Socialists kicked out the Rothschilds, and the jews, the United States is dominated by jews in positions of power, both in private industry and in the government.
>The National Socialists vastly improved infrastructure, infrastructure in the United States is crumbling and deteriorating.
In other words, pure nonsense.
Another era, another Nazi party. Don't let them win.
Some monsters never go away.
They be destructive
This government is evil incarnate.
Beyond any doubt.
I agree, that's why Biden must be stopped
Chop off it's head.
Oh yay, as if things weren't bad enough.
It just collapses in
you can't kill an idea
They funding terrorism.
Satan is their master.
And they worse than the original Nazi's.
You knew?
Well fuck it
>step 1
>elect a felon as president
It always was the Nazi's or a very similar people.
Every time.
It's begun.
With the globalists if it's not nazism its satanism.
Marxists want to extinguish all the whites and fascists want to preserve us. You must pick a side
All things end in time.

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