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rupert update
thanks for viewing this rupert update
How is Rupert doing?

He still a happy katto?
Rupert has no balls.
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yea he is here is another picture
most domestic cats are sexless
How's Rupert doing?
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here u go hes doin very well
Looking Comfy
Looking very comfy!
Keep us posted now and then about Rupert OP!
thanks for providing this Rupert update
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thnx he is
here you go another update plus a message from rupert himself

push him off the tower. rupert is a bitch and so are you
That's Mean...
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rupert update
any updates regarding Rupert?
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phoebe update help
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yeah hes 1 year old
happy birthday rupert
Happy Birthday Rupert!
Happy Birthday Rupert! You are a nice cat!
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thx here's a new Rupert update. here he is asleep , he likes this hammock more than his cat tower now
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whoops it flipped
rupert does NOT resist on a different axis, the picture just flipped
He looks very cozy and cute
thanks he is
fuck rupert and fuck you
>here's a new Rupert update
I am pleased to learn Rupert deigns to join the rest of us in the common gravity well. It could make hammocks very complicated otherwise.
I look forward to the next Rupert update.
is Rupert prepared for all hallows eve?
Rupert's quite the dapper lad.
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yeah he was
here it is
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rupert update
The cat
Is Rupert enjoying 2022?
rupert is a stupid bitch and so are you
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ruper updatre
yeah hes a cat
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rupert UPDATE
rupert is a bad cat
no hes not
he's shitty and so are you
ur being rude
you're a loser and rupert sucks
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rupert update (bonus tux)
mr rupert I need some advice
my best friends cat absolutely hates me and will bit and scratch me :(
how do I make friends cat like me?
try and be in the same room as it without paying attention to them, then they might realize you are not a threat and become more curious in interacting with you
wake them up by screaming at them
I'll do it myself
they didnt hear you
rupert is a noob
they buddies
Rupert borrowed my car and returned it with no gas, wtf!!
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rupert update
hes curling

umm rude



smack him in the face hard
How is Rupert?
Rupert is currently skiing in the Alps
hes cute
hes back home now from his holiday
declaw him
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heres another ruper update
kick him
do not kick the rupert
kick the rupert
nose so boopable
punch him
yeah it is i always boop it nice dubs friend
rupert deserves to be punched
no punch
also: need more rupert
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here he is
I've had a pretty crap week.
Rupert thread makes things better.
Thank you, Rupert.
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no problem friendo heres another update
body slam him
feed rupert treats until he is satisfied
poison rupert's food
please pat rupert for me
he likes ham i give him ham sometimes
i did and he liked it thank u for the idea
pet rupert on the head but then call him a retard and piss in his ear holes
im only going to do that first part
cute kot
fuck you
Cute cat
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thank you

heres another rupert update
very nice rupert, it was $20 well spent just for this photo.
does rupert ever speak into the microphone?
no he just meows into it
can we get a vocaroo?
i will try and obtain one, possibly through the use of ham
distant purrs and some meows
haha rupert go mrrrr <3
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rupert update: he is two years old
kill rupert and then yourself
cute kot
happy birthday Rupert!
may all your days be full of treats and cuddles and pleasant naps in sunshine
Testing, cute cat
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thank u here is another rupert picture sleeping in a storage box
Rupert looks very content with the box
no frisbee golf until rupert wakes
>bleh day
>Rupert thread
>day better
Thank you, Rupert.
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RUPERT update he is sitting in my laundery basket

yes he was, i didnt think it would that comfartable but he does. hes been in it multiple times since then
true he is the offical frisbee guard

thnku here is another
rupert dead
please post a rupert update
hes deceased
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reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated
It's good to see Rupert still doing well
Rupert photos make my day.
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rupert visting /vip/ as part of his grand tour, seem as hes already known here i will use this thread.

hes a very important cat
nice cade and nice thread
plz say hi to rupert for me and pat him for me thx
Is Rupert excited for Christmas?
Hi Rupert
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meow (from rupert)
ok i did
thank you
What did Rupert get for Christmas?
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nice hat Rupert!
Rupert is a big cute
I liked Rupe-rupe until I found out he has his own Facebook page where all the normies worship him.
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its not mine you know

catnip he likes it


hes very cute!!
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heres more rupert
hope you're having a good day rupert
What a good cat!
Nice condom packet
Rupert updates always brighten my day.
Thanks, Rupert.
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thank u
no problem heres another one friend, he likes to sit on the windowsill
push him off the ledge
hes not there anymore he jumped off
trim his whiskers
handsome fella
made my day
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thanks here he is outside looking very majestic
Rupert has an outside bed?
He is a lucky kitty.
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poor kitty, I can't imagine cutting my boy's balls off. why are humans so cruel
how is Rupert celebrating Independence Day?
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>domestic cats are sexless
well so am I
How's Rupert going?
i put it outside if its nice weather

he's three years old!

with a nice a meow

thank u
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heres a picture of his party
true dubs
don't tell him it was me
Is Rupert looking forward to autumn?
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here is an exclusive vip rupert photo he really likes sleeping on my legs but only if i stretch them out
Rupert + Snow = ?
the stripes line up sometimes
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it hasnt snowed here yet
nice find
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here is a rupert on my table oiutside
I love rupert
I've seeded your ruper/t/.
fag cat
Shut up
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Me too
Here's another picture
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rupert update here he is biting me again in my garden
cute bites
Awww he's so cute.

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