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what board are you from?
what's your favourite board?
what do you think of the other boards?

I'm an /out/ist and /extraflag/ger
/k/ is my favorite, but I honestly spend more time on /pol/.
spend a lot of time on /o/, some on /mu/, and I go to /b/ and /gif/ for ylylylyls.
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/cm/ is my favorite board
/pw/ is my home board
I visit /sp/, /wsg/ and /pol/ too.
/a/ is where I am from
my favorite would be /an/ and /wsr/
/fit/ is full of gay faggots.
/adv/ /x/ /m/ /mu/ /qa/ /v/ /biz/ /fa/ i'm everywhere watch out
I'm a /fit/ /biz/nessmen
i only use biz

i like biz

other boards are for poors
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/co/ is my home
/trv/ler here, I miss traveling so much and can't wait until things get back to normal.
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>can't wait until things get back to normal
they already are since more than a year retard
/trv/ is the worst board only behind /a/ pedos
/pol /biz /ic
>/co/ walks into the room
not so fast pal
/vrpg/, /fit/, /cm/
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/int/ and /vg/
muh pumpkins
i keep coming back to /g/
i get specific information from /vg/ and /k/
i enjoy the discourse of /o/
i jack off to /hm/ and /cm/
i shamefully visit /lgbt/ and /soc/
i'd never admit to teenage years on /b/ long ago - yikes
i'm a /g/ tard who moved to /lit/
sometimes I also browse /wsg/ because it's the comfiest board
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in descending order of board quality: pol, x, vip bant, g, sci
/b/ 2010-2011
/fit/ 2011-2013
/g/ 2013-2018
/k/ & /out/ 2017-now
let's dump this here https://youtu.be/fx2Z5ZD_Rbo
/tv/ is my home board, /lgbt/ is my second board, i also occasionally visit /biz/ and /ck/
>what board are you from?
>what's your favourite board?
used to be /qa/ and before that /fit/. i mostly browse /bant/ and /g/ these days.
>what do you think of the other boards?
not much. /ck/ and /biz/ are nice. /lgbt/ is a cancer that should be eradicated.
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/r9k/ and /biz/
in that order
also will occasionally visit /biz/, the "wackier" red boards (bant/s4s/r9k/b/etc) but it's mostly the big 3
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putting this here
What is /extraflag/ger?
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>what board are you from?
uhhh I go around, I guess. mostly post on /vp/, /mu/, /vr/ and /k/. used to visit /x/ and /ic/ but not so much anymore, the former is shit and the latter... i'm just burnt out on art and dunno how to get back into it
what's your favourite board?
/vr/ is probably the best for discussion to shitpost ratio overall out of this lot
what do you think of the other boards?
I've been spending time on /ck/ lately, it's nice. not big into cooking but it's cool to see a niche board where the typical election tourist faggotry hasn't taken hold
Mostly on /vt/
Same - it's literally the only way to post storytime threads without dying of old age
>/tv/ walks into the room
>what board are you from?
>what's your favourite board?
/his/ and /bant/
>what do you think of the other boards?
I'm glad 4chan exists and there are a lot of boards that speak to my interests at the time.
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I was posting on /b/ in 2004 and I literally ran leftypol for 4 years. Still mod 7chan.org Now I main /biz/ and /g/ more than anything.
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/mu/ is my home but /a/ is my favorite board. eventually post on /g/ /wsr/ /jp/ /i/ /s4s/ and more recently /p/.
>what do you think of the other boards?
all (including the ones I browse) are filled with cancer. /pol/ cancer.
really cool to see a 7chan moderator here. i am jealous, wish I could have experienced 2004 /b/.
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Pol fags are the most terminal form of cancer and should be kept off this board by force.
I usually don't use my trip, but, this is /vip/ so I figure fuck it. If there is any board to trip on it's this one. Everyone said /b/ back then was bad, but, it's kind of a you don't know what you got till it's gone kind of thing, kek.
i almost exclusively post on /int/
/x/ and /g/
schizo gentoo postan
/pol/ I like collecting rareflags too

literally 950+ posts made by me in like a week

on the TAAF flag
now I am using South Georgia

soon going after the United States Minor Outlaying flags
Using a vpn to destroy rareflaggin,
>dunno how to get back into it
its dead anon, its not 2012.
It got destroyed by WIDESCREENS
>/g/ and /x/ poster
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came for /biz. ony here for a few months actually so i'm still exploring. /pol is nauseous, i'd rather not. it's too farr right for me
>/pol is nauseous, i'd rather not. it's too farr right for me
you'll come around eventually
Originalfag bro
im a 2016 redditor :(
>what board are you from?
used to be /qa/ but now I spend every waking minute in /mu/’s kpop general
>what's your favourite board?
>what do you think of the other boards?
I don’t
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When I started using 4chan it was pretty much just /b/, but that was back in like 2008 before it was strictly a revenge porn board. I think sometime around 2010 I started going on /mu/. Back when they loved indie rock shit like Deerhunter and Animal Collective, before the modern era of Fantano humping. (Maybe it's not that bad really, I don't go on /mu/ much anymore).

In 2012 I got into anime when a friend showed me Madoka Magica, and I started going mainly on /a/. That was what I'd consider my main board for years, but I would also go on other boards if I ever wanted to discuss something in particular. Oh and around this time I was also pretty active on /vg/, in Katawa Shoujo General for the better part of a year (go ahead and judge me).

For a while I was enjoying /pol/, mostly in the runup and afterglow to the 2016 election. That was fun. But I think after Trump went full MIGA the board started losing its quality, and then when he lost in 2020 it just got even worse with all the denialism. Nowadays /pol/ is pretty much like going on Facebook and reading things that my insane aunts and uncles like to post about how they are in on some big secret about what's REALLY going on, and how they "do their own research" and such. I like to say that Biden did to /pol/ what Trump did to SNL.

Nowadays I mostly use /a/, /v/, /vt/, /vg/hgg2d, /ck/, /biz/, and /tv/ on rare occasions.
I forgot to say what I think of the other boards. I guess it's hard to say without going there. I think /tv/ is probably the funniest board on 4chan, all the best memes come out of /tv/. Stuff like Baneposting and Architectposting, Sneed, etc. I also thought it was funny when people lost their shit over the whole Gadget thing.
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> /g/ /biz/ /mu/ /x/
> /g/
> containment boards should become separate from the rest of the site under a new url
/g/ /sp/ /vr/ /vm/ /pol/
feels good to not have that stupid captcha anymore.
/tv/ was my home board for a while. I bounce around a lot. /r9k/, /ck/, /x/, /int/, /b/ when I'm really bored
Formerly frequented /b/, /v/, /tg/, and /jp/, now spend my time on /an/, /out/, and /vt/.
/vt/ is probably my favorite board right now because it has the highest concentration of fascinating schizophrenics and femoid clique strangeness to observe.
I visit a lot of various boards just to see what's happening and broaden my horizons.
I'm from /pol/
hee hee he >:)
I never got the extraflags plugin to work, but I like the idea. I'm from /int/ /pol/ /g/ /sp/ /adv/

adv is nice to read sometimes, I don't really post a lot unless it's on int/sp

int is probably my fav
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/biz/ homeboard masterrace here
>I never got the extraflags plugin to work
it's not difficult, if you come to the general we can help you
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I go back and forth between /out/ /fit/ /g/ and occasionally/g/ for my daily coom
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/lit/ mostly. /biz/ for a while until I lost all my money...
/wsr/, /biz/, and /vip/ in that order. They are on my bookmarks toolbar.

/u/ for faps, /v/ for when I get bored but I removed it from my bookmarks toolbar because I was mad that I kept getting banned from there.
i feel like bumping this
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hi /vt/ bros
/ck/ is my home board
i go to /d/ when i want to masturbate
i also like /a/ /vr/ /vrpg/ and /vst/
i like helicopters
/an/, /b/, /v/, /d/, /trash/ and on the odd occasions: /g/, /k/, /o/ and /t/
When I first started using the site, it was just /x/, but stopped using it after like two or three days. Then I moved pretty quickly over to /co/, /lgbt/, and /vt/ when I found out those existed. Eventually dropped the latter two because I don't watch vtubers much anymore and I'm not a tranny anymore, but I still go on /co/ daily. I also always keep the watamote thread on /u/ open, but I don't go on the other threads there.
I browse /a/ and /g/. Sometimes /bant/ cause I can't stand /b/ since some years.
Fit, out, b, gif, k are my usuals
Can I post on this board yet? Or is my pass still broken
still vt
/ck/ and /an/
/sci/ and /his/ mostly
i lurk /lit/ sometimes
i used to fap to /s/ /hr/ but my dick dont work no more
/int/ellectual, but also /sp/ee, /g/entoo, but mainly /int/. /ex-yu/er.
/toy/ and /vg/ are my favorite boards. I've unfortunately also started using /r9k/ again.

Nuke /b/ and /pol/
Looks like it's still broken bro, sorry
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/a/. Sometimes /mu/ and /jp/ but I hate them.
Looks like you don't have to be intelligent to be a mod on 7chan.
first time on /vip/ -- holy shit, this thread's really been around for nearly 3 years, huh...

started using 4chan for /d/, /aco/, and /b/ initially (/b/ was just 'cause it was the only board i had heard of as a newfag besides maybe /pol/),
i've since branched out to /lgbt/, /cm/, /trash/, /vg/, /wg/, and /w/ (in about that order).
these days i think i frequent /r9k/ more than the other boards for some reason.

hi /d/ bros
/k/ is unusable outside the generals, which are the only parts of the board that are on-topic anymore. It's all /int/shit.
I find x and pol to be the only intellectually challenging places in all of existence.

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