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The Satanic terrorist organization that is the U.S. government answers only to their master, Lucifer, whom they worship.
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Well that would certainly explain a lot.
Drain the snake-pit!
Satanists are just atheists who like dressing up like Dracula
That does make sense.
I think most world governments are like that.
Kil the serpents!
A snake is a fitting image for them.
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this is the way
muh freedom
Puppets controlling puppets now?
Why do we let the Lucifereans have so much power?
When does it end?
Damn I hate evil serpents
So what should we do about it then?
More of the same different day.
Who is the puppetmaster?
Great drawing!
Poopey Poopey Poopey pee
RIP US gov 1776-2001
Evolutionarily mal-adaptive forces of self-pleasure and greed and power.
The USA leadership is a big snake?
You learn something new everyday.
I always thought they were Reptilians.
The end is near!
The NPC sheeple do not care OP
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck
Snakes they are
So much hate against America, but they probably deserve it.
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There is nothing wrong with being a Satanist.
666 is America's number, you didn't know?
Remember to watch out for the fangs, sometimes they are poisonous.
It's a Serpent sympathizer
Snakes slither along the ground again today
Very true, the Devil reigns there
Is that legal?
I seen the snake symbol some have on a pendant.
They wear it with pride.
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
Snakes is good for catching mice aren't they?
When they are evil they are truly evil
They should all hang or burn really. Where is the justice?
Americans are a pathetic joke and cower in fear of their government. Until that changes, things will ve much as you see.
"muh freedom" won't exist much longer anon. Then where will you go?
Does this mean that they slither around on the ground looking for a quick meal?
Well I've killed more than a few snakes in my day. The dirty critters are no good.
I’m actually pretty cool with this if true. Theocracy is generally a bad idea but this particular instance seems to be working fairly well. Much better than the various Islamic examples or the Buddhists of Burma. It’s nobody’s business who they worship in private, and if they want to troll the christians behind some “In God We Trust” mask, more power to ‘em!

Hail Satan.
What we must do is end the Satanism
May they all burn in Hell for it.
That's just it. You found out the truth. It is supposed to be some big secret, but everyone discovers eventually.
"It's the Devil"
Snake is big
Care we must
Ban the puppets
Americans think that they can do nothing and all their problems will just magically disappear. This is not the case, and America is no longer a first world country.
Why are snakes always a symbol for bad?
No, no, no. It is the aliens from the Orion system who are doing this to us.
Sure, but most people are too comfy, they might not even take any action.
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the first lifeform. it's trying to take over the universe.
The Serpent will swallow us all up.
>The Satanic terrorist organization that is the U.S. government answers only to their master, Lucifer, whom they worship.
Your point being..?
Great, just what we needed to hear.
Why have they chosen Lucifer so readily? With their pentagrams, satanic sacrifices, and their black hearts.
Serpents and other nasty creatures slither about freely in this world, are we all blind?
Everything is an advertisement now and you can believe that every company sells your data to the highest bidder, than they sell it again.
Evil usually wins and is unstoppable I would guess.
More of the same. They been evil since the beginning, they were just better at hiding it then.
This is all good and true, but at the same time, hasn't it always been?
Satan's minions are numerous.
This serpent has lives far too long, smash it with rocks.
How do you know they are satanists? What do they truly believe in? Do you have copies of their (un)holy books? I doubt it.
Can you send these demons back to Hell somehow?
It is more complicated than that.
Serpent people are bad
The serpents here now are descended from a long line of other serpents going back as far as anyone can remember.
Make a big snake pit and light them on fire.
More like a lizards people.
Just enslsvement
You just made all that up. I don't belive you.
Eat the snakes.
Run away from the giant snakey.
The snakes are after me too.
Please answer! >>123942
Cut the strings already.
Satan has won I think.
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How can anyone deny that Christ is God when there's so much evidence for it? Paul's conversion is huge, considering his past life. It shows anyone can be saved.
Atheists were initially outraged by the Big Bang theory, denouncing it as Christian propaganda. The concept of the universe having a definitive beginning echoed too closely the religious narrative of creation, making many atheists suspect it was a ploy to insert faith into science. They vehemently championed the steady-state model, which maintained the universe had no beginning, to avoid any semblance of divine implication. Despite this fervent opposition, the overwhelming tide of scientific evidence (by Catholic scientists) eventually established the Big Bang as a cornerstone of modern cosmology.
How Anti-Religious Bias Prevented Scientists from Accepting the Big Bang
> In its most nascent form, the idea was known as the hypothesis of the primeval atom, and it originated from an engineer turned soldier turned mathematician turned Catholic priest turned physicist by the name of Georges Lemaitre. When Lemaitre published his idea in the eminent journal Nature in 1931, a response to observational data suggesting that space was expanding, he ruffled a lot of feathers. As UC-San Diego professor of physics Brian Keating wrote in his recent book Losing the Nobel Prize, "Lemaitre's model... upset the millennia-old orthodoxy of an eternal, unchanging cosmos. It clearly implied that everything had been smaller and denser in the past, and that the universe must itself have had a birth at a finite time in the past."

>As Keating continued, anti-religious sentiments provided underlying motivation to debunk Lemaitre's theory.

>Hoyle, however, did not. Over the decades, as more and more evidence lined up in favor of the Big Bang and against Steady State, the aging astronomer dug in his heels. Ironically, he behaved like the believing zealots he scorned, relentlessly defending his debunked theory until his death in 2001. Lemaitre, on the other hand, remained humble and equivocal about the Big Bang throughout his life.
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Look up what Naksh is. Islam is contradictory with itself. Muhammed is at first peaceful when he has no army, then when he becomes a warlord it suddenly becomes violent, and the violent verses abrogate the previous ones due to naksh. Does that sound like the word of God to you? Christ is God. Naskh means that when two verses in the Quran contradict each other, the later verse is the correct one and cancels out the earlier one.

This is stated in the Quran itself (2:106 and 16:101). Few non-Muslims know about naskh, and Muslims exploit this ignorance to trick outsiders about what the Quran really says and teaches. Naskh is also why reading the Quran in chronological order is important. Traditionally, the Quran is not arranged chronologically, which makes it difficult to determine which verses have been abrogated.
>i saw a vision therefore jesus
How can anyone consider hallucinations to be evidence of anything?
Snakes = bad.
It is said they can summon demons to aid them.
It is a snake future.
Do the Satanists outnumber us?
These monsters are everywhere, they certainly do outnumber us.
I seen that exact snake yesterday. It must travel around a lot.
Cooked snake anyone?
Stopped in to ask if we've won yet?
How many of these snakes are there?
No one likes snakes.
The serpent is spreading its evil ways.
Is it not lizards?
Nothing ever changes.
Kill snakey
How many snakes per human?
Could be.
1or 2 at least.
Down with the satanists.
Bad snakey
They even ruined the planet.
Most know by this year I would say.
Use the satellite phone.
Hail, Satan!
Will it end in July?

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