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I am in the U.S. being oppressed by the zionists.
Is there anyone out there?
Isn't everyone who isn't a zionist being oppressed by zionists?
You may be right.

Do you have any thoughts on what may be the best ways to oppose this evil?
Still here, any others?
of course
death to israel and death to israels allies
Poor response so far.
I know there's more out there.
The VIP board seems to be just trolling and casual threads, i'm not sure this will get much of a response.
There is wars now
OP here.
I'm still around, I will reply sometimes, see if I can get help figuring this out eventually.
Join the club
OP, where are you located?
Are there more of us out there?
Feel free to post in this thread
Right on
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why be a whiny anti-zionist when you can be an anti-semite? it's easier, you get more bitches, and the debates aren't stupid.
When did this happen?
I am here, OP
The picture is too dark I can't see it good.
I think it's a flare Anon.
Send out more flares.
It is the only way
You must find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to win.
No surprise here.
USA is like a big Shit heap, piled ontop of a large mound of Shit,

all sitting ontop of a gigantic Shit platform made of Shit
Spoiler Alert:

This doesn't end well for anyone.
Where is my hat?
The Zionists are truly evil OP. I will pray for you.
Terrible. Who let things get this far?
Get to the bomb shelters, when does the drill start?
Are they more interested in all the memes that we got
You must leave to a different island. Choose wisely.
These are the end times, things will only get worse.
Where can be found a peaceful country in these times, almost nowhere.
I don't think alcohol will solve this one.
> Name one example where the less you have in common with someone the better your relationship
Never thought I'd see nazis being in support for homosexuality but aight!
Lock and load anons, lets take a hunting vacation.
Under duress?
I find it bad to be under anything OP.
Try to get yourself Over duress instead. That should help.
Nice flare OP. I want some of those to shoot off for fun.
Help out the anon. We must form a chain of helpfulness to reach him.
I'd start by shitposting on 4chan
Great idea anon
Oh gosh, everyone's in trouble lately.
What a crisis
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That would be an explanation.
OP, how exactly are you a prisoner?
What happened
*Processing your request*
Sounds like you need some air support helicopters and boots on the ground. That should help.
The wars look to be expanding across the globe, do what you can to stay safe out there.
We feel your pain OP.
Continue to fight the good fight.
You need a larger distress signal, we can hardly see it.
No one in America is oppressed, except for maybe blacks now that they're no longer being watched by the police
Great pic. The red flares can be seen easie though.
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can confirm, I'm a zionist, and I'm not being oppressed by zionists if you don't count myself
War is not a real phenomenon. Conflict is just the natural state of the Psychotic creatures of the ruling class.
These people cannot rebel and overthrow tyrants? Tyrants rule everything lately.
If you are poor you can even use a bow and arrow or craft one. Any weapon is better than nothing.
Why are anons under duress? Everyone should be free to live their best life.
Just run away from the direction of the forest fires. You may survive yet.
Where are the anti-Satans? That is what we really need.
Maybe they cannot understand you.
Have you tried using sign language?
The Earth is just a really big war game. Winner takes all.
Same here OP. I am oppressed for many years.
It's demonic parasites, they want our loosh.
Hurry up
I would send 2 flares next time.
I'm sure that would fix it.
I knew it.
Is anon an amerimutt?
Which state?
There is no safe ground.
Good can't win if too few are willing to fight.
This war will last many days
All good people are oppressed in this world. It is a world ruled by evil.
You could move to a different country anon.
We're stuck in our predicament for now. Or try to fight it in discrete ways.
One option is becoming a refuge.
Find where it is safe for a person to escape to.
Fight back anon.
Far too many people are oppressed these days.
Everyone hate oppressors.
Me too anon.
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There is nothing any one can do except take up arms , congress will not do anything since most of congress is ran by jews , or they married a jew . its the end of times and the fake jews want to enslave humanity .
In a boat?
Keep looking.
Opression is showing up everywhere these days.
Time to relocate then.
God punishes everyone who tries to harm the Jews.
It's them evil Jews again.
The internet is dead maybe.
You mean the Zionist genociders?
Fight and hide, then fight again.

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