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The abuse of the Palestinians by evil oppressors must end.
How long will this continue?
Many years it would appear.
This is terrible, no one cares to help these people?
The end is near
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wow OP that's pretty anti-semitic of you
What can be done?
That is very far away from me.
This world is maybe ruled by Reptilians
The media rarely even covers this occurrence, so maybe few even know of it.

Must not be in their agenda?
Not enough profit in it
fun experiment: tell people about things that Israelis did to Palestinians but swap the nationalities so it's about Russia and Ukraine. When they act horrified go "sike, that was Israel!"
good point to be made.
Terrible op
All evil originates from the Devil worshipping American scum.
Hadn't even heard about this, just goes to show that the media only pushes its own agenda.
The world is changing and becoming a terrible place, or maybe it is just more of the same that comes along in waves.
Until the oppressors no longer control world finance and media.
Well damn, is the whole fucking world going to hell in a handbasket?
It seems to come in cycles. Life is good for a while than bad for a while.
If it gets bad enough though....
This is some stupid ass shit that is happening.
Evil people need to die.
both side need to make peace
Until the final solution
This reminds me of a song I heard one time
That is just one of many wars now. People are trash.
Why not help them poor people out.
When there are so many crumbling building everywhere, a world in decline.
Oh that sounds like a bad news, don't we all hate bad news?
It can only be remembered if you don't forget...
This reminds me of a vacation I took one time to a location that was rowdier than I expected.
Surreal photo. Looks like a video game I was just playing.
Do they got a war over there?
This is just the beginning of the bad times to come. Is the world economy not falling off a cliff with no chance of return.
I stayed in Egypt for a few months in 2014. The whole time it felt like I was in the middle of a bad action movie
Have you ever considered that maybe God isn't on the side of muslims and is on the side of the Jews since every attack on Israel has been a miserable failure despite Muslims being inherently and repeatedly violent
Send them some guns in the mail to help
Send in the reserves.
Too many greedy, evil person everywhere is it not?
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Have you considered that (((they))) have a stranglehold on world governments due to their scheming and usury?

And why wouldn't God be on the side of the Muslims, the ones that follow His word and have His book? Why would He side with the Jews, that push for LGBT+-, cause conflict, wage psychological war, attack innocents and allies (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, King David Hotel Bombing)?
I mean I wouldn't consider a book that says the sun revolves around the earth his "word"
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1. Where does it say that?
2. Why would God side with the Jews that call Jesus and Mary names? Over the Muslims that believe Jesus is God's Word?
I mean they support 9/11 so what do you expect


compare that to a handful of dancing jews
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>compare that to a handful of dancing jews
Sure, let's compare, schlomo
3. Why did the dancing jews know about 9/11 beforehand?
4. Why did Isntrael do 9/11?
5. Why are jews such retarded pieces of trash that they corner themselves then start kvetching?
6. Why are jews so insecure they constantly have to insult the Arabs, which are commonly seen as exotic, fierce, and handsome in comparison with the jews that are almost always cowardly, sneaky, and deeply disgusting?

>The fight of the Palestinian people is the fight of all people against a common hook-nosed enemy
you obviously have not interacted with any arabs
>you obviously have not interacted with any arabs
Is this the best you've got? Any Arab would've answered any of my 6 questions right away, bitch

Dancing Isntraelis

Bla bla bla.
I just want to know if I help fight do I get free beer?
When surrounded by evil there's not much we can do.
It's almost insurmountable and if anything is getting worse.
Opression is so terrible, and has become too regular.
The tormoil continues
That is very rude. What they do that for?
1. Learn to read your own book.
لَا ٱلشَّمْسُ يَنۢبَغِى لَهَآ أَن تُدْرِكَ ٱلْقَمَرَ وَلَا ٱلَّيْلُ سَابِقُ ٱلنَّهَارِ ۚ وَكُلٌّ فِى فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ
وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱلَّيْلَ وَٱلنَّهَارَ وَٱلشَّمْسَ وَٱلْقَمَرَ ۖ كُلٌّ فِى فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ
Amongst numerous other verses
2. False premise.
Hsve never been there, it was really that bad?
*blocks your path*
We have made Our stake with the people of Palestine and Iraq for Israel has sides with the great Beast Brandon of the West, and their prophet KFR. It will not be until the day of wrath that we know either Us or the true identity of KFR.

This conflict is now in the God of Heavens hands, for the Rider of Revelation fights tirelessly and vigilantly against KFR already and always.

Just keep trying to raise awareness.
If you think of anything else that might help, that'll be good too.
Just for public information, rockets fired to kill Israeli citizens by palestinians misfire and explode and kill Palestinians more often than they actually kill any Israelis lol
1. Still waiting for where it says the sun revolves around the Earth
2. No, it's not
More tormoil over there, things are bad here as well.
Fight oppressors everywhere in this world. They are all alike wherever they reside.
So many people are suffering in this world.
palestine is fake and gay. israel should've maintained 67 post-war borders and done a mass relocation, so you fucking sand niggers would shut up since all you respect is violence. no hard feelings
War and more war. This is a land of neverending wars.
They would like oppression to be the normal state of affairs for us all.
where is this gif from
The warfare is widespread.
You humans and your silly wars.
The global warming is caused by constant conflict of which there is no end in sight.
not much longer.. once the US collapses then Israel will be gone in the blink of an eye
You can find where that is by looking at the rubble.
The wars are neverending.
It is impossible to stop.
Free Palestine
The ruling class is psychotic so life is all about abuse.
How to fight from outnumbered and outgunned and defend from tyranny?
Use battle tanks anon, those are pretty tough.
Free Palestine
Free Palestine
3 for free??
I agree
That aged well.
More is happening now.
Free Palestine
Jews are way too cuckoldy for supposedly running the world. They've given out so much land they didn't have to give out.

And yeah, thanks >>123634, where is this gif from?
What will happen next?
Many children dying.
The rubble is everywhere.
Far too many are dying.
Mass starvation. They are all starving.
How can they eat, they are being bombed?
Not again
Free Palestine!
Bomb Palestine!
Yes, they have suffered enough
It is a lot of bombing anon. They let their greed, and their lust for blood and power take over.
Is there no end for their obsession with power and money.
I do not believe so.
It is not just Palestine that is losing, we are all losing from what is happening here.
We are in a new era where a highly polluted world and vile acts have become common place.
We've been losing for quite a while now.
Those with the most power have tended to also be very evil people in this era.
A poor time to be living through overall.
What an evil mass murder is happening here.
Much of Gaza is in ruins.
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Until the election probably
Stop oppressing them people.
Many starving people here now.
The Second Amendment supercedes any right to live one might think they perceive so I think I'll just be in my star room and know others are also in their stars but thank you take care. :)
The only reason for a Christian to help the poor is for A Christian to build an army. Objectively, the Christian is a foolish life. Even if embodied to the point of Rapture, There Is Only Truth.
This is a war on the Palestinian children.
Evil world anons.
what happened in October 7?
It is tyranny
Why no aid for Gaza?
it'll have to wait until the resurrection, I fear. anyone can see the evidence that we are in the end times by drawing 7 eyes out faces with 10 horns. be warned, it's cursed. unless you destroy the image on dinner way it will leave behind a curse. so be for warned
Gotta get those shekels
So greedy.
Why such a great abuse for so very many months?
>How long will this continue?
as much as good need to punish them
Think of the children.
Palestinian are the oppressors
USA send them even more money to commit genocide. Despicable.
Such horrors.
Everything destroyed.
Noted. It is good to bring awareness.
They enjoy to murder, what's the big deal?
More oppression

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