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one day i will be happy
not yet
but one day
how about now
give it some more time
next week if i'm lucky
how about now
still unsure
perhaps saturday morning i will know but it's better than when i made this post
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You will never be happy. Life is suffering. The sooner you accept that the better of you will be and the faster you will be able to start carving out a more comfortable living.
how about now
anon are you ok you didnt answer me today
im okay bros i am baking cinnamon melts right now
thats good to hear thank you for the update i hope your cinnamon melts turn out well and are very delicious
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i may have used too much sugar. we'll see soon.
one day friend
thats ok im sure they will taste good
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they are slightly dry but overall a success
all you anons are welcome to come over to share
glad it turned out to be a success anon
are you happy
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it's hard to say. i need to stop relying on outside factors for how content i am with my life. i have good days and bad and think i am better off now than a year ago.
it brings me great comfort that 4chan is always around for some good keks, i love you guys
but it seems like you are happier now than when you posted this >>115563
which is a step forward
proud of you anon i hope you start having more good days than bad days and then the bad days are far and few between
how about now
this was the last thread in the catalog until i made this post
i did it again
this was the third last thread in the catalog until i made this post
Oh fuck off. Buddhism’s whole “muh life is suffering” angle is such whiny bullshit
i did it again
I bump all the frogs
I would unironically be happier if 4chan ceased to exist one day. "You're here forever" is literally true.
Hopefully one day, I too will be happy.
I'd be really sad. I've been on 4chan for over half of my life. I love you guys.
how about now
still working on it
not just yet but it's getting there
i appreciate the update what are you doing to accomplish your quest for happiness
Get a wallpaper with anime cat girls, you will never be depressed ever again!
frogs are cool
Okay how about now?
i have been very sad and lonely the past few weeks for reasons unknown
even when spending time with friends
been having a good week :)
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not there yet. alas we continue.
I hope you are going to be happy bro
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working on it
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its been almost 2 years now, what improvements have you made in your life?
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I wish I could be as happy as I used too be with my ex-wife, I hate my life now.
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do you like my drawing?
I wouldn't know what to do without 4chan. The rest of the internet isn't 'anonymous' and it's amazing just how bad things get.
things are better now than when i made the thread.
this thread was last in the catalog when i made this post
You're a hero

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