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The U.S. Government is one of the most evil entities ever to exist. They stage things like 9/11 and mass shootings to make it easier to take away our guns.
Imagine what evils they will unleash once we are sufficiently disarmed.
True that.
They are some monsters for sure.
What do you expect?
The U.S. is of course Satan.
If your line in the sand hasn't been crossed by now then you don't have one and the gun is meaningless. It's just another version of a funkopop.
I am watching what they do.
We have the right to bear arms, they should not be trying to infringe upon that.
Suggested course of action?
I don't fedpost.
All true.
Let's get rid of the corrupt pieces of shit.
We are all so scared of the feds.
I know, let us go run and hide!
What we are seeing is Nazi's part 2
The Great Satan it is.
So how does this story end?
It's not looking good.
>The us government is one of the most evil entities to exist
>They stage things like 9/11
Your on the wrong board >>>/pol/
OP, no one really cares what happens in the dusty old USA.
We've got our own matters to attend to.
USA is evil, this is old news. They don't call it the Great Satan for nothing.
Exercise the constitutionally protected right of rebellion.
> 10. [Right of Revolution.]Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.
Good point there anon
Yes, but did you see that new movie that came out Yesterday?
Exercising your rights to freedom while you still have them.
This is all new to me, I never leave the basement.
Let me make some random comment about foreign countries, that'll make it all better
So evil, how can they be stopped
I do not envy anyone who has had the misfortune to uncover what is lurking beneath the shadows in this country. It is a pure, and limitless evil. I can only wonder that it is the root source of evil itself in this world.
Often by double checking I have seen things we either know or don't know.
/pol/ website
They is some bad, bad people. Why they gotta always be like that?
If we all knew what they didn't want us to know, where would we be?
More than a few people as of late have exposed some of the evil that they are trying to hide from us. How much remains hidden?
Why such little action, are they incapable of holding their rulers accountable?
Well just watch as the
World continues to be ruined by evil people in positions of power.
Yes, and most are aware of the scamdemic as well.
Haha. Anything we don't like to read we try to send it somewhere else. Am I right?
The Apocalypse feels close, how much longer do we have left till it all ends?
What else is new. Earth being destroyed, who cares, I'll just pretend I didn't notice that.
Anon, it almost feels like you are posting from some other planet. Where are you located?
Evil tyrants take more control every day.
Is everyone to scared snd cowardly to stop this?
What's the great Satan up to today?
Oh more nasty crap again I see. Who would've thought?
Tell all your friends and help raise awareness of the growing government cesspool.
Make no mistake. They are coming for our guns the second they can get away with it or deceive us into handing them over.
Evil baddies getting you down anon?
I heard it is the Reptilians
They should all be hung till dead. That is at least a good start to turning things around.
That is all true.
I feel like a few people have at least woken up, but many many more need to.
Are we not yet all traumatized by the great evils done by our leaders?
I had lost my guns in a boating accident. How unfortunate.
Gimme back my guns.
No one better take my guns away.
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Wait until you have a look at the chinks
Same here, my guns and my gold. Too bad.
Buy more guns, and more ammo. Always good to have.
Watch out for the Tyrants of this world best you can dude. They enjoy our suffering.
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Those are the bad people man.
Correct, time to remove the brainwashing.
That is bad news brothers. Our overgrown government is always doing stupid shit, time to squash these dickheads.
End the brainwashing
Watch out for the evil governments.
You can win or you can lose if you take action.
But, if you take no action you will certainly lose.
naw nigga

I sleep with my guns every night
It is terrible that so often our rulers are evil.
Evil people are addicted to power and so they are more likely to seek it out than others.
They're mind controlled
Great premise for a post but your reasoning falls apart man.
No kidding. If they don't want to make us their slaves, they want to kill us. Which will it be today?
I slept with your gun last night
They are doing all that they can to keep us ignorant of their plans. How few still are awake in this age of mass propaganda.
Well the wealthy elite plan to survive the disaster that they've brought about using underground shelters. Underground, like the coach roaches that they are. That is the only way to survive the mess they made.
Great, so what kind of evils are they wanting to do to us? Do I even want to know?
The future for anyone in the younger generation is not looking good at all.
That is what happens when their elders are cowards and evil.
The hydra keeps growing new heads. Is it unstoppable?
Gun ownership is a right not a privilege. Everyone should own several.
That flag is crumbly, just like the country.
The answer to everything is war, and destroying other countries.
You can only decide whether to take action or not. Some people will do nothing no matter what. That is just how they are.
This is a cycle. The new evil regime doesn't want to seem weaker than the prior evil regime.
The gates of hell have opened, because we have not stopped this great evil.
Will any of us survive?
Than do not get sufficiently disarmed anon.
You will have to be very good at survival indeed.
Americans with all their gas guzzling, bad attitudes, and greed. Forest fires and other pollution are destroying everything. Pretty soon they will be hoarding clean water to sell.
The elephants in the room of the day. Greed kills Oceans.
Yes, they got us all with the plandemic.
Can that still not see it on their own yet?
That's true. You know them well.
That is real for us
That flag can be fixed with some careful taping.
Is government insane?
Just let us burn then.
It is infinite evil
Are we just going to keep speaking in deliberately broad terms?
Like, what exactly has our government done?
Let me play devil’s advocate real quick.
>TSA after 9/11
Okay. I’ll give you this one. What else?
The COVID-19 pandemic? What exactly did they do? A shutdown? Big deal. You mongols still didn’t have to get the shot. I know tons of people who never even got the first one.
Anything else? As far as I’m concerned, it’s the same shit different day. The government is run by self-interested assholes, sure, but there’s no grand conspiracy. I still have a job, I can still buy a plot of land in Podunk, Nowhere. I can still buy a car. I can still travel across the country as I please. I can have a house, a wife, kids, and go to church whenever I want.
What am I missing, anon?
Well all my guns are hidden, or I mean lost.
I lost them all. How very absent minded I am.
What great evils do they plan next on this great globe? Probably more genocide.
Stay vigilant.
I see this everyday.
Soon enough.
Genocide, concentration camps, mass torture.
The more our rights deteriorate, the more difficult things become.
That is true.
Possibly, they are Demonic psychos.
The future is Satan.
Yes, that is what they plan unless we can stop them.
Satan is the present even. His minions are controlling things and spreading his wicked ways.
American leadership has been in control of this world for very long. If their intent was to create a hellscape they've done very well for it indeed.
Another day, another evil american crime somewhere in the wirld.
Not just somewhere, in multiple areas all at once.
The balance must be restored to a state of equilibrium.
They got the mind control too. They love that shit, the monsters.
Monsters are running the show.
But enough about Republicans and their failed coup attempt.
All politicians are monsters.
Bad country.
America evil.
Government is the bad guys. Real nasty people in my experience.
No more oppression.
They brainwashed.
Nasty buggers.
Is your government insane?
What can stop this.
USA is satans army.
Just your normal run of the mill sick fucks in politics here.
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what is their endgame?
Mass murder, genocide, slavery
US government monsters.
They're fucking psychos for sure.
They bomb other country.
They want slaves of us, and ill treated.
NPC nation.
Americans are trash
Maybe they don't even care.
Fire will cleanse us all.
Maybe they just misunderstood.
Let's try it again.
The sun will get them soon.
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It's the 4th of July, happy Independence Day!
A trigger flag here.
Gather the pitchforks.
Heated debate there.
evil presidents
you completely missed the plot

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