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How many dislike having a little Pussy-Bitch as a President?

To me it is a big embarrassment.
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Do you fags have to ruin everything with your shitty political takes?
piss off trumptard you are not welcomed here
True OP is true.
Who voted for this fool?
Nobody, and that's the crux of the issue.
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All the faggot bumping his gay useless thread no one cares about.

Pol cancer GET OUT

same fag*
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>How many dislike having a little Pussy-Bitch as a President?
>To me it is a big embarrassment.
We either get an old quack like Biden or some other evil piece of shit, does it even matter?
Is this the new clown leader of the American political circus act?
That's right.
And he's got one foot in the grave.
That about sums up everything then huh
Yea, he really is, but what can you do, the world is garbage.
Has democracy failed and ended completely now then?
I see nothing but failure anon
It is time to look at reality for what it is.
The United States of America is owned and controlled by a people that are SHIT.
Yes, I dislike that as well OP.
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How about now, fat?
Haha, are seeing America's worst day now then?
This is nothing new.
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I wish Biden was a "Pussy Bitch" instead he signed 72 Executive Orders in his 1st 3 days of office...
Biden is very empowered in fucking up /our/ country with Globo-Homo bullshit
This is the worst President, no?
Just an old piece of garbage. Hopefully he croaks soon.
The rot of the sewer infests the whole country. Where are the calls to drain the sewer?
YOU piss off, commie faggot. I agree with OP.
Yes what a lousy leader, get rid of him.
What, that old man in the office? Does anyone even pay attention to him anyway?
Good point OP.
I've had shit come out of my ass that would make a better president than Joe Biden.
Ha. There's one thing that's true, although the post isn't fun to read.
I get him confused with John Mccain all the time lol
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He's just a creepy old man. He must've got the pity vote.
Did not most politicians get there start as some type of a criminal.
Now that they've made it into a legitimate field, if you want to call it that, they are still good for little else.
You can't win with these loser politicians. They are up to no good.
Who's up for a vote recount again? That's always fun
He look like my great-grampa. Who's idea was it to make this old geezer President?
Imagine being so politically illiterate you base your political decisions on whether or not some one is a "pussy"
Is this why his approval rating is so low?
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No his approval rating is so low because he keeps doing stupid shit like breaking up a rail strike but dems will still win in 2024 p sure.
It's all part of the master plan to fail at everything. As we can see it is working
Biden has been cleaning up trumps mess. Cope.
Joe Biden is the best president in US history.
Is this a crack at his political party or you just don't like the guy?
nta but both
Everyone insults the others in politics, but they're all rotten eggs.
I just ignore it. Politics has been stuck in comedy hour for too many years now.
>cripples China's semiconductor industry
>proxy war in Ukraine making US wealthy
>1.7T bill passed

That's just the tip of the iceberg (of achievements) anon. Get with the times.
Every time I see something I don't agree with I blame it on /pol.
He may well be a Bitch, but what would you expect it seems that we always get the bottom feeders.
That truly is embarrassing OP.
One day I was eating with a fork, and I decided to try eating with a spoon instead.
It is too early in the morning for me to be reading these type of threads.
Back to the reddit.
A weak President means a weak country. Why is there not more concern here?
Just lousy
You win some you lose some. You never know, next time we might get someone decent in office.
Followers of the Devil. I predict they will keep running the country into the ground.
Yes, we know.
It appears to be contagious amongst our politicians.
Joe Biden is a Hoe. Hoe's and other failures need to be eliminated from the government in my opinion.
Your President is a piece of trash.
Your country is a pile of shit.
Your businesses are scammers.
What will you do?
Peepee poopoo
Poopoo poopoo
Well I mean do a cowardly U.S. populance deserve any better than a piece of shit President?
Exactly right.
The sad part is it's not even a very entertaining circus.
Muh freedom
Welcome to the Shit Show. Bring plenty of popcorn.
I too am watching this 'shit show,' although I prefer to eat potato chips whilst being entertained.
Did anyone even vote for this fool, or he just steal the election?
I like Joe Biden. He's done a decent job so far. Much better than the previous bozo.
He a big jackass too
Sure blame it all on the insane psychopaths in charge who are running things into the ground. You are forgetting that everyone answers to somebody else, and these people have sold their souls to the devil. Thus the devil is the real culprit here.
Nothing but crooks
He's trash really, and ugly. Eject him.
Careful, Biden is leader of the psychos
Well, at least he wasn't actually elected. It would be even more embarrassing if anyone had voted for the brain-dead paedophile...
This old geezer should retire already.
he's the complete definition of far-left and alt-left
Biden is a deceiver and piece of shit!
That would be me OP, I dislike it. I disapprove of having leaders like this.

Biden is nothing but a little Bitch.
Ugly fucker.
Isn't he a politician of some kind?
All true, but it is very unlikely anything will change for the better, as always.
First post best post.
Hahaha. Funny, but true.
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you are all pathetic for paying for 4chin
This man waa a born failure. Did anyone for a second really think he was capable of fixing anything? Nearly the whole world has become broken now.
It is not even possible to fail a country worse than what we are witnessing
no its all a distraction and the ultimate cringepill is not seeing through it all and making it your entire personality
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That stuttering, gumpy, one foot in the grave, shriveled up, old ass creature is an American president?
Does it even have a pulse?

Americans must be brain dead.
It can't all be his fault. It is the summation of him and many others like him leading to a catastrophic failure of the system.
This is a terrible president and cannot do a good job.
how do I enable/disable premium badge
Am I banned?

how do I enable mona font everywhere, i kind of like it.
I think he's achieved some interesting thing but I hope he'll double down on infrastructure investment next term
Those in charge are terrible and conniving. They are sure to slowly dismantle and part out our resources as to make sure as few people notice as possible.
If the collapse is not entirely upon us it is closer than ever. We can thank only our politicians for this catastrophe.
The economy is bad?
Here is the formula for the current mess.
There's a whole lot of filthy, trashy people in the country, and those keep getting elected into office.
Scam based economy
Why can't we get someone who isn't filth into office, is it really that difficult?
One piece of trash after another running the country. Then the next guy will be a piece of crap too. Not too hard to predict.
Who could like such a terrible politician.
Well what are the odds that a greedy piece of shit who is addicted to money and power will do well as a leader?
Not too great as we can see.
An old, creepy, weirdo, fraudster who bought votes. That is how things are done now.
What, our 'Great' leader?
Turning the Earth into a barren wasteland is all part of the plan. Didn't you know?
All wrong. Biden has everything all figured out, he is just waiting for the right moment to act. Then boom, the whole country will be paradise.
Just hold your breath anons, should be any moment now.
The system is broken. Only a few things are working correctly. Can it be fixed?
I'm not a democrat but he's doing a great job right now. US economy is strong, inflation is down, alliances are solid, geopolitical goals are being met.
It's always a good time to blame some one.
Yes, but will they never convict him of all the crimes that he has committed.
America looking shitty.
Couldn't be the fault of the people running it?
First ban lousy Politicians. Then get rid of all the wealthy CEO's.
There ya go.
They would like us to split the blame.
I would say they each share 100% of the blame.
What if some other greedy piece of shit takes his place.
Just be a good cattle and quit posting this stuff OP.
You are doomed to have shitty ass politicians forever.
Not forever anon. It isn't taking them too long to destroy everything.
You complain about a politician and then some troll will tell you to vote better. Our votes never counted towards anything.
Terrible president there.
One side wants to destroy the country quickly, the other wants to destroy it slowly.
This jackass will lead us all into the grave.
America is greed, and fraud.
Eurofag here. We would be lmaoing all day at his senility if he and the britbongs weren't trying to start WW3 next to us.
He too old
Old geezer with dementia and Alzheimers.
I think "Joe Biden" isn't even real. The true Joe Biden has likely been dead for years, and they're just using this guy's name and face for their agenda. Otherwise why would they be fucking around with CG "press conferences" and stunt-doubles wearing 5 covid masks?

Think about it.
Don't remind me that he is President, I try to ignore and forget bad news. Keeps me sane.
He's doing a very lousy job, just fire him already.
Politician bad.
I miss the flags like in /pol/.
Biden may lose next election.
Yea, screw him. This might be our worst president yet.
Are we not all losing in this game?
This ship is surely sinking, thank the captain everyone.
They get the leaders they deserve.
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This is a garbage heap compared to what the country once was.
Trump lost
Bla bla bla...
Complain about the politicians.
I've seen this before. All the politicians are terrible for eons, this is nothing new.
Biden isn't real, it's an AI.
No real human is that useless.
The guy he wanted to have arrested is also a wannabee dictator and posted on to his own twitter proudly that most people think of revenge and dictatorship when they think of Trump. This gay ass pic rel is unfortunately not inaccurate. This what the republicans plan with project 2025. Kennedy aughta be president, neither of this fucks are worth anything, in fact they are both worth less than nothing.
If he does lose it better be to Kennedy and only Kennedy
Biden is an absolute failure. He has failed not just America, but other countries as well.
He always was and a greedy bastard at that.
Maybe we could get rid of Biden. But could we get rid of all the other shmucks after him as well?
It never ends.
Burn it all down and start over.
Yes, we can.
Time to get into the noose making industry.
They could put a robot in charge and it would do better even.
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I want my leader to not be the cock holster for Vladimir Putin.
Like Pic Related clearly was.
Yes I also want a leader that will lead us to nuclear war and who is a cock holster for Zel.
You've just noticed now he has Alzheimer ? Better vote right next time
I am embarrassed by this pathetic old clown as well OP.
I am a neoliberal capitalist. I am not a communist by standard. I think, although there is no god, that the constitution is the closest thing to holiness and I love Reagan and Bush Sr. Trump is the biggest failure since McGovern. There is fraud in every election, but there has never been enough to change the federal election results. You are ruining the image of gun owners across the country and are trying to start a civil war. The second one of your guys fires at a police officer or a military official, I will enlist in the national guard and fight for the union. You will rue the day you tried to take on the democratically elected government of the United States.
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you were saying?
Politicians are dishonest.
I really find Ghislaine hot. Reminds me a bit of the waitress in always sunny.
The voters have failed us all.
Crappy politicians suck.
This old bitch is fucking up again.


Again? More like a constant, continuous, neverending fuckery of the country.
Feces in a fancy suit.
He garbage.
Think outside the box. If he is purposely trying to destroy the country, then he is doing an amazing job.
It's been like that for all of history. Politicians all fucking suck and even if you agree with them or are in their party they'll still find a way to do some fucktard idiot shit
He's a shitty bitch.
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Biden completes the set of awful, terrible failures in office.
Collect all 4?
The country is broken.
He screw up everything with his bitch ass.
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How can a literally senile person have the highest odds of winning right now?
Which of these shitty feces shall they vote in?
Hopefully neither. But if you put a gun on my head I'd vote for the one who isn't trying to start ww3.
They both some old Bitches.
Old yes, but only one is senile.
FFS, which graveyard did they dig this piece of shit up from?
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They flipped.
Lookin like they pulled him out of a casket.
Yes. Put that old creature back in it's casket and let it be buried in peace.
Wealthy elites are really evil.
he's gonna tank like a bitch if they don't replace him this year.
What's the next act of this circus clown?

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