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Wake Up.
Many of us exist like Indentured Servants in this country and they plan to keep taking away more. They need to face some consequences for having their boots on our heads.
Remember that it is far easier to destroy something than it is to build, and it is far easier to make a mess than it is to clean a mess.
These people do not deserve to have a future.
I don't care if we have to destroy the whole fucking Planet.
Fight Back!
Not the whip again!

Oh man, you said Friday was my day off from being whipped.
I can see that dudes buttocks
Get your head out of the gutter anon
Let's all protest about the Americans getting a whipping.
Is it the plan of the wealthy elite to get ahead by poisoning those they see as their lessors? Does this plan really make sense to anyone?
They're too afraid, no?
That's sure bad. Life is often challenging, but slavery is just wrong.
It is the aliens. Remember all them crop circles, and abductions?
Some new 'restrict act' they're trying to murder us with as well.
What is a crop circle anon?
Rally the troops!
Soon patriotic people will take back their homelands and evil tyrants will be sent away.
I will head to you OP, where do we start?
Destroying shit isn't fighting back.
Now is your chance to dethrone the evil that has tormented our people for eons.
Right there with you buddy. Made it to 1~2% and now I grow plants instead. Correct answer is to not play. Use barter / crypto. DOn't earn in FIAT.
Something must be done OP, I hope you are able to make a difference.
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>do community college
>make 30k a year in IT
>save and work and switch jobs until I get 90k
>never take vacation
>pay off school
>buy a condo
>buy a car
>have some investments
>2 economic crashes
>countless economic layoffs
>condo worth 30k less
>"investments" worth 20k less
35 and less than 40k in savings. I'm never gonna retire. It's impossible. I did everything by the book. It's bananas to think I lost more money taMy only hope is that walmart greeters will still be a thing in 2050 so I don't have to live on the streets.
Im trying already anon, geez
OP is right. We must start caring.
Only those who aren't paused in a state of cowardly fear are able to fight back.
>Many of us exist like Indentured Servants in this country and they plan to keep taking away more.

honestly anon? You can't change the system. The only thing you can do is LEAVE. It's time to get the fuck out of this country and move to Chile.
They do not want you to retire. As wage slaves we just work till we die.
They are unable to fight back. Their minds are in a prison.
They don't want you to do this. They want you to be broke and starve instead.
Just stand there and do nothing while the top wealthy people steal everyone's money to enrich themselves.
That's the spirit. Demand the end of tyranny.
Is not bondage the norm and we should learn to enjoy our whippings? Or they want us to believe that.
The whip is upon us again.
America is a farce.
No. I'm gonna sit here on my large rear end, and couch surf till they come grind me up for meat.
This is the only path they have left for us.
Revolutions usually start due to economic factors, Anon...
They like their shackles.
They just sit and watch as the shackles are placed on others.
End slavery
UFO is real. I saw one.
Or it is a trick to distract us from our enslavement.
>Made it to 1~2%
Sure you did, anon
OP, can't you let the frogs enjoy their boiling pot in peace?
Anon, I can give a quote that reads: fool me once shame etc., etc.
But instead let's question why they are constantly trying to fool us and hide their evil schemes.
Too much greed.
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>someone else please do something, stop sitting on social media and go commit some crimes!!
>t. posted from my 4chanpass because I never go outside

No thanks, I'm more comfortable here on my couch than I would be fucking up telephone polls or electrical transformer stations or whatever the fuck you're hinting at
Is that even high enough?
We must all fight.
It already is slowly being destroyed. Maybe if we speed up the process some.
End the tyranny
Anyday now, it will begin.
They are scammers.
Yes anon, you get the whip.
It's always something.

The wealthy need more money to even survive in the increasingly terrible world they are creating. It is a vicious cycle.
They are destroying the world.
Keep your shackles on. It is a crime to remove them.
The lazy and the greedy people
I think they feel more secure with their shackles on. The ruling class has done well to weed out those who aren't easily subdued.
Too many weak americans leads to a shitty country.
Break their whips.
They like getting stomped on anon. They've learned to enjoy it.
You may be right.
I feel sorry for the very young people who have little to look forward to.
That is when the aliens make a design in a field of plants that can be seen from overhead.
Americans are a weak people by and large. I think they were bred to be slaves.
Whatever happened to karma. Is the system governing karma broken now?
End tyranny.
We can all fight this.
Slavery is uncivilized. Why are we allowing them to bring it back?
The wealthy are far too greedy.
We may be headed for collapse.
Before or after the earth is in ruin?
>I don't care if we have to destroy the whole fucking Planet.
>Fight Back!
Fighting back unironically is going to save the planet from these psychopathic oil tycoons who has the government by the balls because money is influential and influence is power.
Yes, resist.
Sure, point me in the direction of the enemy.
Many people are like a big shit in this world.
Rise up and defend yourself.
America is broken.
They must awaken.
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The political corruption of Money is the cause of our current problems.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, a worker CAN'T sell their labor for less than subsistence, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicaid? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets), a HUGE and on going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that the fiat grift also suppress incomes of white collar workers by tricking them into believing the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why mechanical engineers get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 30 or 40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the floor.

Even immigration, seen as a driver of wage stagnation, is merely a justification for further debasement, or do you think the goblins come here for our magic clay and not our social welfare spending?

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.
World stays crappy unless we resist.
Stop slavery and oppression.
Let's burn them out of here.
Give back our rights.
Enslavers just need to die.
Why are we still playing their dumb games with them?
Slavery bad.
Is anyone here?
Yes, we stand up against this.
We struggle and fight against evil constantly.
This is the end.
Rise up against your oppressors.
Why fight it? I enjoy being oppressed and stomped on regularly.
I'm sure.
The comfy whip?
Will they wait till it is too late?
Destroying is fun.
They monsters.
Storm the castles.
Haha, you got more whips
Look for solution.
First they have to get off their ass.
A lot of them are real failures, can't expect much from those.
Their asses are too big.
Big ass and no balls?
Is climate change a hoax?
The average american is a snake, they won't fight for anything.
The Earth is dying, are they too late?
>The Earth is dying
How so?
What a mess, that is what they've done to us.
When to start?
They scared again.
Can they?
So much drama from USA
It continues.

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