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Why are Americans so cowardly?
Their government abuses, torments, and tramples on the rights of the U.S. citizens, and there is little to no response.
These aren't just your average cowards, no.
This is some truly epic, historical levels of cowardice on exhibit here.
Because prison sentences in the US are 5x longer than other developed nations
There is no country on this earth that doesn't trample on the civil rights of their citizens. Your entire point was built on a fiction you told yourself.
Muh 'other countries is bad too so we should all just bend over' argument.

No thanks, let the government only trample on those who are willing stool pigeons like this anon, and leave the rest of us alone.
Almost looks like he's volunteeting doesn't it.
Because to many basedboys and feminist
They need to grow a pair of balls for sure
Shit sucks, they are destined for a lousy future.
Fuck em, they're too much chicken-shits
Wow, that cat does a really poor job of mouse control.
You said it OP.
I think that's what it all boils down to.
So they are scared?
They must protect their rights, or they will lose them.
So true
That is just really sad.
Is that an American cat? Hahahaha
The fight against evil may have to start elsewhere if at all. These people do not seem up to it.
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I voted for Obama in 2008, didn't vote for him in 2012.

I voted for Trump in 2016, Biden in 2020

Yes, the world is a fucked-up place overall. But if you're an American and you are reading this, you are one of the luckiest sons of a bitch the universe has ever seen. You are financially, militarily, and culturally dominant over everyone else. You enjoy one of the highest qualities of life the world has ever seen.

The problems of our nation would not be fixed with violent revolution since we already have our basic needs accounted for. When people are starving because their leaders are hoarding the food, cough NK cough, then there is something wrong. However, you niggers just get on food stamps if you don't have any money. Therefore, there is not really a huge problem in getting basic needs met, you're just mad because you can't afford a second house, a boat and an additional wife. Newsflash, you don't need those things and you can get by just fine without them with some spiritual discipline, gratitude, meditation and a decent social support network.

Yes, the jews are in power, they are greedy as fuck but that doesn't effect you as long as you don't buy in to the upper echelons of society where money is just a number and does not at all correlate to value. Once you get to the higher end of things, it's basically just scamming people for big numbers for the quality of something you can find much cheaper from a Christian who's doing it for Jesus, not because they want to be rich.

Support your community, live humbly for God and you won't need to murder anyone. It's not like Ready Player One where when you kill a rich person, they explode with coins, you run into the pile of coins and they get deposited into your bank account automatically. Shit doesn't work like that
Isn't that the truth. Even if we can take back out rights, some would say it's already too late.
Americans are shit, that's old news
Americans just hope to beg for scraps from their Satanic leaders. Never has a people lost their rights so quickly as has happened to these pusillanimous, pathetic, spineless creatures.
It is a country where the men aren't really men at all. There is women and then the other people while anatomically different are this sort of also womanly, pitiful, subservients.
Look no further than the stars and stripes to find the homeland of those who are weak-spirited, gutless, cravens
That is a fraidy-cat
They are just scared. Things will end poorly for everyone in the long run.
They are chicken-shits. That has become normalcy.
But, when the Earth is in ruins they will regret it.
>Never has a people lost their rights so quickly as has happened to these pusillanimous, pathetic, spineless creatures.

Your country happily stripped everyone's rights away during the Scamdemic in 2020, just like mine. Every country on Earth did.
I think the power lines are screwing with their head. That and the 5G.
Take control of the stage, there is still time yet to save the planet from psychotic rulers.
The struggle is real. Only now it is a fight, a fight against slavery.
>There is no country on this earth that doesn't trample on the civil rights of their citizens
what about Bhutan
They cannot find their balls.
Maybe that is all they know how to do
what about Bhutan?
There is no solution.
And they always were. Once you can see that you can have a better undestanding of our history.
Better climb even higher up the tree, those mice look determined.
Our society is a failure. You can feel the failure in the air because we haven't done anything to disallow it.
But the mice are so numerous
You don't want them to risk all their nice things just because Lucifer is taking over do you?
They welcome and worship Lucifer as long as they can keep their shiny rocks and trinkets.
The cat should chase mice away, why is it so afraid?
They're brainwashed me thinks.
Boomers worship comfort, their children hope for it.
No one wants to earn shit, and on the off chance you do you are shamed for it because you're supposed to be chasing comfort and not "ruining" everyone elses chance at it.
Actually I'll have you know that us Americans hide in much taller trees than that.
My head.
They are literally just chicken-shits. It's doubtful we can make any progress whatsoever.
I vote against the republicans every day though
That causes cancer.
Most will wait till it is too late, then they will take action, laughingly.
The government here barely does anything, it just takes a quarter of my paycheck to pay for seniors diapers
Looks that way
They don't even care.
It is sad that OP is correct.
That is a lot of mice.
Yes, hunt them down one at a time if you have to.
The air is poisoned, and it has affected their mind to turn them into cowards.
That is a poor excuse.
Mostly they were born cowards in my opinion.
Brainwashing and rule by intimidation.
what rights lol
What rights does the is trample on and can you give examples!
Anon, what?
I'm not sure what you're saying. I keep my eyes and ears closed constantly to avoid negativity, and cannot see anything bad happening.
Those in power have ravaged this once beautiful Earth all in attempt to satiate their greed. It will continue to get worse as time passes.
Yet very little is done about it other than a few protestors here and there
One day anon.
Try a protest. If that doesn't work take it a step further.
Cat eats mice.
Cowardliness has become the normal here.
We live on a shitty planet, and it could get worse.
Americans are overrated, probably shouldn't expect much from them old has-beens.
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State is a memetic parasite, dumb fuck, your chains are of your own making, ignore memeshit and stack sats.

The US is the greatest nation on earth precisely because it bends the knee most fully to the superorganism Economy
Round up the mice.
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>Why are Americans so cowardly?
>Their government abuses, torments, and tramples on the rights of the U.S. citizens, and there is little to no response.
>These aren't just your average cowards, no.
>This is some truly epic, historical levels of cowardice on exhibit here.
So many mice.
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somebody is bitter because they live in a shithole country and don't have much.
Give us some fighting for once.
They blinded.
Run away cat. They're going to get you.
It is a good thought.
Maybe it is a tree cat.
They not have any balls to them.
Did their balls get cut off?
That's very sad.
So cowardly americsns.
We have to wear masks when we protest because people have smartphones ;_;
Yes, where is the response?
They are sleeping, maybe later.
They can't get off their asses.
Things could get even worse.
This is the end.
You imply the power of the state in this current globohomo surveillance hellscape would have no problems showing their fangs to any sort of resistance?
The ocean is dead now.
Greed and other evils have too much control.
Blame it on the sun.

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