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We're playing videogame together.
I pay $20 a year so I can phonepost from work about Final Fantasy XIV
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Among other things.
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Needs more zerg
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I quit years ago over FC drama
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Please look forward to it.
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The game is not good.
As far as MMORPGs go, its entertaining enough.
It has too many cutscenes. But the visuals, characters, and gameplay is stunning. If it went the way if WoW with how they structure their quest lines it would be perfect
For $20 a year you can phonepost about FFXIV while not having to be in the absolute shitshow that is /xivg/.
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/vip/ers incoming
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Yea, verily we must needs become as /vip/ers, such that our mark may be known greatly as the pennants of nations afar.
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It's less not gooder than many other popular games. And, once you have done the grind to unlock mostly everything, you have a plethora of options to waste your time on.
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Very Important Pictomancers
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Testing a picture
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Sex with lalafells
you need a pass to post here right?
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xth for sunsluts
ok cool
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post VIP butts
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