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I know that jannies can see me samefagging and I don't give a fuck. Sometimes I even report my own posts so I know they have to see it
>Sometimes I even report my own posts so I know they have to see it

truly gigabrained move
make a rule-abiding post that insults the janny, knowing they legally cannot remove it
Pretty sure I'm on some sort of report block list
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>tfw the mods can see that I spend 14 hours a day posting on 4chan just replying to myself over and over pretending to have conversations using slightly different typing styles so other posters cannot tell
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Based. This is how I farm (You)s. The best part is when a smart anon realises that the IP count didn't increase at the start of the thread and points it out but their reply gets buried.

I am descending into schizophrenia.
Yeah there's probably records of all pass users with their activity.
Been wondering that myself, that reports made by my pass are automatically thrown out. Almost nothing gets removed on one board when I report the shit out of it. Yet there's a mod there that almost instantly deletes posts with certain triggers.
I'm not sure if you're replying to yourself there but my trick is to just log out of my pass, toggle airplane mode on my phone, and log back in if I'm feeling like samefagging at the beginning of a thread. That way, when I post, it appears as a "new poster."
>Been wondering that myself, that reports made by my pass are automatically thrown out. Almost nothing gets removed on one board when I report the shit out of it. Yet there's a mod there that almost instantly deletes posts with certain triggers.
I especially hate it when I get banned for something, come back and report a post for the exact same offense, and it just stays up.
I had a friend who got ban for telling the truth jannies crossboarded and ban him for any little thing till he said reddit faggot got a one year ban
>got ban for telling the truth
suuuure. It doesn't look good whenever someone glosses over the explanation like this.
I did this and somebody maliciously reported me for offtopic but jannie didn't delete all my posts like they wanted. Ha!
how the fuck do you get banned from fucking 4chan
You will get banned if you complain about the jannies in a direct and calling-out way. (don't. i got a 3 day ban for that)

The rules are real.
For one, you can just ask.
If you post saying "I have no self control, I waste all my time on 4chan and I need to study (for uni, I am over 18), please ban me for two months", then the purple man will descend from above and help you study.
>This post is an example of what to say, I do not want a ban, thank you.
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I swear I'm not being paranoid when I say I'm on some sort of watch list. Sometimes my thread will get autosaged within 15 minutes and deleted out of the blue even though everything has been on-topic and sfw
Might depend on which boards / generals you frequent. /agdg/ on /vg/ for example has 1 or more mods who are also "big personalities" in the /agdg/ discord so they play favorites a lot and stalk posters who commit wrongthink
I no longer frequent /vg/. You know anything about /v/?
Mostly total anarchy. It seems like jannies are lucky if they can even find a mod online at any given time to start banning shit for them.
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I thought only mods could see that
yeah jannies can't see that, they're basically regular users with a delete button
>with a recommend delete button
Janny can’t do shit but report, they just get prioritized mod attention
He knew
That makes sense given how merely calling someone a tranny or telling him to self harm usually gets deleted and sometimes banned. I stopped using my pass when making such posts and just rely on my mobile not being rangebanned and filling out the captcha. I only use the pass for reporting and on other boards with less corrupt mods.
this thread was in page 11 when i madr this post
Bump frog threads
Janny can delete post, delete thread, or delete photo. This is common knowledge anon.
Based frog bumper
Wrong faggot
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You actually have to do that sometimes just to get threads going, especially on fast boards where you compete against coomers, AI dump threads, and the like. It's sad, really. Having to fake interest just to have organic engagement.

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