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ITT: Board recommendations

It's been a while since we've had a new board, I think it's time to add one. @hiro @admin @RapeApe.

/reg/ - Religion and Spirituality. /x/ isn't a good platform for more "serious" discussion of these topics, and spirituality is really blowing up in the mainstream adjacent sphere with neo-buddhist thought from the Qualia Research Institute, and with youtubers like Religion for Breakfast. Lots of people are curious about the foundations of religion dating back to the proto-indoeuropeans (PIE), the philosophy of religion, and spirituality in everyday life. Not to mention the huge population of people interested in historical Catholicism on 4chan.

/med/ - Medicine. This board would be fucking hilarious I think. It might even be helpful to a good number of people. It could be home to serious discussion on nutrition and diet, supplements worth taking, Ray Peat, Attia, and Huberman discussion. Actual medical doctors could "verify" with the mods in order to receive a special signature similar to the 4chan pass signature. Imagine all the stupid medical problems people would discuss lol. "I only ate peanuts for a week now I am shitting blood! Help!!"

/arch/ - Architecture and Urban Design. This board would have a healthy amount of discussion related to Strong Towns, Not Just Bikes, and the growing Walkability / 10 minute towns movement. There could be generals on using software like archicad or Rhino for rendering of architectural concepts that anons want to build. My only concern with this board is that /gd/ is currently a failed project, however I think there's far more mainstream interest in the topics of /arch/ compared to graphic design.

one more:

/fem/ - Women's Interests or Female

yea yea, this is an anonymous forum, not necessary to distinguish gender, bla bla bla
crystal ., coffe and all its offshoots proves that a fem-focused imageboard will be successful, there are already a good number of women here on /adv/ and /cgl/, and I think the discussion on the board would be fucking hilarious honestly

I think the vast majority of posts will end up being sincere, but seeing the trolls post the most depraved, insane shit while pretending to be women will be continuous lol-fuel.
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/arch/ and /med/ would likely be dead boards

I propose /twi/ which stands for Twin Angel, referring to the Twin Angel franchise featuring the girls from Twin Angel.
why would /med/ be any more dead than /fit/?
I think it would be incredibly popular actually
Yes. We need new boards
No one is going to use it, other than for the reasons that they might use it, in which case they would naturally prefer to use /fit/ instead.
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it would be a really popular board actually
okay. but it what if it wasnt
don't even want to think about it
>I propose /twi/ which stands for Twin Angel, referring to the Twin Angel franchise featuring the girls from Twin Angel.
I concur with this post (yes I am the same person who made this post but I can concur with my pown post )
Split comics (+capeshit) and cartoons into two boards, you cowards.
don't care
I do
/in/ - Internet
yea an interent culture board might be kinda cool
>internet culture
Like what? Wojaks and frogs, or more like rick rolling and willy wonka memes?
Serious suggestion - AI related board
Not serious suggestion - Eceleb board
all of the above. why not?

discussion of the history of internet culture, modern memes, etc
Not sure how controversial this is, but all of the gacha generals need to be forcefully moved from /vg/ to /vmg/ - /vmg/ is dead and could use some life.

/vg/ is way too fast and smaller generals can be archived in as little as an hour at certain times of the day and it's annoying seeing 4 or 5 Genshin Impact threads taking up space in the catalog, and in addition to that every other big gacha game usually has at least 3 threads up at once.
>it will get invaded by trannies and incels
but i would love a /medicine/ board with generals dedicated to specific illnesses
exactly! it will be a really popular board I think

I know it will, but it will be so fucking funny I think it might be one of the best boards on 4chan
/med/ would kill so many people its not even funny
lmao no it wouldn't retard
make it so mobile posters get their mp4s automatically converted to webm
or just allow mp4s? why don't they?
bumpin for /twi/
/jp/ needs to split, all the 3DPD shit is killing it.
why can twin angel content not be discussed on /a/ or /jp/

give me one single reason why twin angel should have it's own separate board
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Oh shit we can draw on this board?
Anyway, I think we need a board to discuss crypto, split the board between /biz/ and whatever you call the new crypto board.

Have a board for ecelebs so that /v/ and /tv/ can stop bitching about them being posted, and jannies can stop taking them down where they are most relevant, and I can discuss my OneyPlays in peace without having to post about Smiling Friends first on /tv/.
I'm okay with bundling my eceleb board idea >>124217 into /internet/. That seems like a good idea and will ensure that it's not a dead board.
I agree, shit's annoying. I hate when I'm using my iPad and have to download it into the shitty VLC media player app so that I can view a 6-second shitpost.
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Wtf the picture you drew is NOT safe for work!
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Honestly /g/ is SO flooded with generals, I'd wager at least half of the threads in the /g/ catalog right now are generals. Maybe something like /gg/? That way we can keep /g/ to the (poor) discussions that happen there otherwise.

please just fucking ban discussion of crypto on /biz/ its fucking cancer
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You religious retards are already 3.6 billion people strong. Why do you feel the need to insert your ideology into fucking everything?
I've said for years we need a board for discussing web-based content. Not just "e-celebs" but other websites and that kind of thing. I would call it /www/
you think there is a general "religious" ideology?
Yes: The belief in magical sky wizards.

It's all the same retarded shit.
You don't sound very intelligent.
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/l/ - Lolikon
>With a strong focus on Japanese Lolikon doujinshi, art, video games, stories and videos.

/ai/ - Artificial Intelligence
>All things related to AI generated text, audio, video, imagery. Discussion about emerging tech, e.t.c.

Without these, 4chan may be doomed to a fate of eternal newfaggotry. We must see a shift in the timelines and make the appropriate changes.
Please make a seperate religion board, /reg/. Also, a trucrime board, /tc/.
Yes, a seperate board for religion will save /lit/ and /his/. A seperate board for philosophy /phl/ would be nice too.
/twi/fags rise up
Bumpin for /twi/

AI board might not be bad
>/reg/ - is there even enough interest in this throughout 4chan? What's to stop it from being shit? The users? That's a laugh!

>/med/ - feels like all it would take is for someone to post something that gets a user hurt for this to be shut down; /fit/ could be a fill in for this, technically

>/arch/ - Why not use /n/ or /out/?

>/fem/ - that's what /soc/ is for
>/reg/ - is there even enough interest in this throughout 4chan?
Yes. More than half of the discussion on /his/ and /lit/ is about religion.
>What's to stop it from being shit? The users? That's a laugh!
Just like any other board then. But we really do need a religion board.
Anon. I'm an atheist and I think religion board is really needed, look at the state of /his/ and /lit/.
feels like you guys are trying really hard to argue against us ever getting a new board and I'm not sure why. literally all the boards mentioned in this thread would be a welcome addition
agree, /ai/ or /gg/
Agreed, especially /twi/
>Honestly /g/ is SO flooded with generals
/int/ as well
I don't think an /intg/ or /gg/ board will be as successful as /vg/ is. there are thousands of video games that require their own forum for specific discussion and that's just not really the case with technology or international culture

still, I think it would be good to see the mods try and make more "generals" boards
Minecraft board. Internet celeb board (containment), crypto board (so biz can be actually good again)
>crypto board (so biz can be actually good again)
this is the wrong direction

we need a /fin/, a finance board for finance discussion
bogleheads, private equity guys, commercial real estate guys, investment bankers, richfags in general

basically a more elite version of /biz/ without the crypto retards
Yeah alright good idea. /fin/ would be a great board and probably very well cultured. We need more non-faggot-loser boards that actually come up with funny shit
Please please mods... make a religion board.
That way when the Jesus-botherers invade /x/ like they do on a daily basis, we can tell them to go there.
>>/reg/ - is there even enough interest in this throughout 4chan? What's to stop it from being shit? The users? That's a laugh!
Better than them shitting up /x/. No, really. That shit needs to be sequestered.
>/l/ - Lolikon
this was tried a decade ago and it didn't end well
More like two decades ago, minus a few extra years.
We need a /twi/ board too. These fuckers are shitting up /wsr/, >>>/wsr/1388571
I saw some guy spamming it on there and immediately thought of this thread

It's me by the way
>It's me by the way
Something needs to be done about /trash/. I don't know what though, feels like several generals there could use a more thematically appropriate board.
We need /ai/ board.
there's already a vtubers board, there might as well be a kpop board because kpop threads absolutely dominate /mu/ for at least a year.
kpoop nigs should be exiled to their own board.
Bumpin for /twi/
Unironically a furry board. Considering it's under a global ban, it deserves to have a containment board. That and >>125162
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I'd love to see seasonal boards. Like a Halloween one during fall or a Christmas one during winter.
That's a good idea. Very festive.
/asmr/ board would be the most comfy board
interesting idea but might be too niche
fag thread
I've always thought a sfw equivalent to /b/ or /r9k/ would be nice. Porn essentially ruined those boards
/ecel/ - a board specifically for ecelebrities, so people can stop shitting up /tv/ with literal nobodies.
We don't need new boards IMO, I believe users should be reporting more rule-breaking posts and the duplicate thread rule should be made global. Additionally, I firmly believe jannies shouldn't be taking initiative and skimming threads to delete posts within the thread, especially when the thread itself should be deleted. They should stay on the reports page and delete posts from there.
>duplicate thread rule should be made global
I have never heard of this rule
It's officially only for /mu/ and /soc/ but is somewhat enforced elsewhere.
A philosophy board is very mech needed.
containment board for ai. hate seeing ai art spam in vg threads
Make it a "gender discussion" board instead. It could be a containment board for all the "moid/foid" spam, not just the crystal cafe stuff. Also, ban and move all discussions and complaints about gender.
/par/ the parenting board. Most of us anons are well into our child bearing ages and have kids of our own. Would be nice to have a place to talk about raising kids without the typical Facebook group LGBT faggotry indoctrination. I literally got banned from a dad group for suggesting that the OP not raise their kid to be a faggot.
I want this just to see how awful it would be

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