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My 3 passes expire in a few days, finally. I bought them at a low point in life, you have to be at a really low point in life when you're paying to post on this site of all places. I wasn't sure I was going to live to see them expire but I promised to myself that if I did, I'd quit this damn site at least for a while. That time has come, it's nothing personal against you guys or even the jannies that oppress me. I just need some time away especially with yet another US election coming up. It's going to be absolute hell in here for the next year or so, I know that for sure.

I'd suggest you all run away with me but I know most of you won't. If you do stay, I just have a favor to ask. Try to keep this thread alive for as long as you can. Use it for whatever, doesn't matter. I just think it'd be sweet to see it still up whenever I come back as a reminder of the old times. If it's not, I can at least view the archive and see the slow, painful descent into cancer that will occur over the next few years.
You have my word, OP. I will keep this thread alive for as long as I remember. Best of luck in life.
indeed, anon, this website is dead with no clear replacement that has strong consensus from the users
>I bought them at a low point in life, you have to be at a really low point in life when you're paying to post on this site of all places

I bought my pass when I couldn't post on 4chan due to my grandparent's having mobile internet, and honestly felt pretty similar
I only bought a pass because I use a VPN. does that make me so pathetic? it's only $20, and I have some spare bitcoin hanging around that I mined when I was a teenager and wanted free money
>have some spare bitcoin hanging around that I mined when I was a teenager and wanted free money
same exact reason I bought the pass
didn't even realize I had the bitcoin until I bought the pass actually
forgot about mine for a long time as well. stopped mining because I barely made anything, but when I came back to them years later they were actually worth something. not much, just enough for the odd small purchase like a pass.
I just like not having to captcha on b
>posting on /b/
>buying a pass to post on /b/
what the fuck...
File: cat crying.gif (451 KB, 220x220)
451 KB
451 KB GIF
i bought a pass to post on bant
this was the last thread in the catalog until i made this post
tim jim

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