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Vtubers are neat.
I agree
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vtubers are cancer
English vtubers are kinda gay though
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for me, it's Wawa
Any rakkun enjoyers present
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yubi yubi
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Bumping with Shondo
Hi fellow Shondophrenic
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Uh oh!
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woman moment
>ENG vtubers can't go five seconds without doing some irresponsible mutt shit
Not even remotely surprised. English-speaking vtubers are nothing but cancer
Highly overrated and rather boring
It's still oK to watch them because that means you probably do something else in the meantime
Her face
pikamee wasn't..
so they killed her
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Fish go in the tank
Pika come back...
I remember back when it was just Kizuna Ai doing things. I don't know what's all up with all this drama nowadays.
vtubers are gay
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