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Clearly, the wizards over in /x/ are deluded and have no clue what they are talking about if they can't even afford to post here. /Vip/ers, show us your magical prowess.
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(((Deep Gull Inhale)))

>The Archangel Michael descended to me from the sky and phased through my glass sliding back door in 2015 and I began to perceive it as if I was also this ball of gold light about the size of a basketball at the same time as it touched the glass and triggered muscles I feel while watching ASMR where it entered the living room where I resided in prayer to say the least and I looked up at it and (In Order Image Steps 1, 2, 3, 4) formed and when the smile finished I fell into myself and


>I'm remembering backwards now, memory is strange Post-Telepathy. A sword came to me, a ghost sword came to rest in my chest. It was small, and I say rest but what it did was cut open a hole in the soul that lives "under my heart" and disappear into it where I began to see things really casually totally normal no alarm bells as my brain shows the sword turning into a targeting interface entering my heart looking for lies inside of me with The Holy Archangel approaching.

I am proud but I do not want to type anymore. People can and do hate this for every reason they can find. I've told people. Nothing significant has happened but I've seen a pillow levitate literally i between a friend and I. We were about to be making something to eat and he poked his head into my room and the pillow floated about two feet and we both froze and watched it fall. Great show.

>show us
As in: anything that you can do again to show it works.

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