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>have a pass since 2016
>getting banned for absolutely random shit
>posts that clearly don't break the rules and would never have triggered bans for most users
>mods on IRC are justifying my bans on the fact that I have 80+ bans in my record
>despite the fact these 80+ bans were accrued over 8 years
>and most of the later bans happened because "lol you already have a bunch of bans in your history so you should have been more careful"

Okay what the fuck? Can we talk about this?

The pass keeps your 4chan history in sync. It makes bans pile up. Eventually mods will start having less tolerance with you, and this will lead to even more bans (which only reinforces their bias against you)

In my opinion this system AT THE VERY LEAST discourages people from renewing passes. But honestly it makes me feel like not having a pass at all.

A pass's ban history should either reset periodically or only show the past year's worth of bans (with more being discoverable by a website admin so they have a fallback if in-depth investigation is needed)

I don't have any hopes of changing the system but I just wanted to vent my frustrations since it's the 2nd time this year I'm unfairly banned for bullshit on the grounds of a long ban history and I don't know what the fuck I can do other than just nor renewing my pass.
Also whenever I bring this feedback to the mods in the IRC they just say "well maybe you shouldn't have broken the rules so many times"


The average user can just go on their life not breaking the rules. Or they can just keep breaking them. It doesn't matter. Mods won't assume bans registered in the same IP were made by the same person because IPs are dynamic.

Me, on other hand? I'm already fucked. The game is rigged against me. I'm already getting banned for non-offenses. Mods already won't give me the benefit of doubt. There's nothing I can do. Even if I "changed my ways", if I did a small dun goof in 2030 the mod would still say "hey he has over 100 bans let me slap a 30 day ban for this small offense".

I'm deeply unsatisfied with the current system
>he didn't renew his pass every year from the start when they started this retarded shit years ago
Guess I'm not renewing my next pass to avoid this bullshit. Do you have any advice on what I should wipe clean to avoid the bans from transferring out? I already know they use cookies but not sure if they use more than that
Man they can even go as deep as knowing certain specific shit like specs of the system you're using for posting I'm pretty sure..I can't imagine the interface they're using or mannerisms they have for checking our shit if we break rules..but yeah i think bans are tied to passes. And we know people have methods to ban evade. So i can only imagine our info is like wispy to an extent.
>system specs
I'm sure it doesn't go that deep, they don't have access to that from your browser. Back then bans used to be tied to IP only, recently they've also been tied to cookies, I'm wondering if there is more than that but likely not
I know it's like """half a joke""" but didn't moot get cucked by the fbi and 4chans like a big honey pot? Sides that..idk man, you can even google it..there's ways websites can know this shit.
As I thought, all hardware shows as
>Unknown. Detection not supported or is blocked by browser setting(s)/extension(s).
They only really know the GPU (useless information) and network information
Oh and they don't know the exact GPU btw, just if it's AMD or NVIDIA
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They got it right for me actually.
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Sometimes the ban is just 'replying to off-topic threads'. Sometimes 'replying to off-topic posts'- That's the most random usage of the ban function.

Also every board have had problems with moderation banning over private interests (see: russian janny/mod).
My pass is from 2017 and you know, you can add up a lot of bans in the span of 7 years.
OP here I got banned again ever since posting that. Then the ban disappeared from my IP somehow, I posted something and got banned for ban evasion. The original ban expired and I am not even sure if I can post again, gonna do a test by dropping this post and waiting 24 hours.

I'm so fucking tired of being persecuted for having a pass. Definitely not renewing that shit again.

My last ban was for asking in a Lovander thread if the heart shaped stuff on her comes out or if it's part of her body. Literally discussing a video game character. The mod on IRC said that my question had sexual innuendo and therefore isn't appropriate for /v/ (???). I swear they don't know their own rules and what sort of puritan shit is that anyway? People have been discussing porn games for a long time on /v/, the only rule is you can't post actual porn imagery but you can discuss the games without problem
3 days ago

>I post something
>3 retards copy and paste my same reply

>get banned 3 days for 'spamming'.

Not even old school forums were this autistic.
What happens if you try to use a pass on a permabanned IP?
Does it just perma the pass automatically?
That's why you get a new pass every year. Keep the paper trail short.
>The pass keeps your 4chan history in sync.

Incorrect nigger opinion. Post history is only linked to your IP not your account.
I have literally hundreds of bans over the 15 years i've been posting. I've even been given lifetime bans twice that were eventually lifted. If you can't cope with tranny jannies and modniggers you're on the wrong site.
>Incorrect nigger opinion. Post history is only linked to your IP not your account.
No one here said anything about "post history". We are talking about "ban history".

Ban history is definitely kept in sync through many footprinting techniques, among them the pass.

The mods know my ban history from ever since 2016. This is only possible because of the pass. After all, during that time I have moved my residence, switched my computer or formatted it dozens of times, switched internet providers several times, and so on.

If there is no post history attached to the pass that's a good thing I guess, but the ban history is the problem at hand.
Did you try accumulating hundreds of bans in the same pass? Because that's what we are discussing here.

I've also been banned hundreds of times before the pass, and it was never a problem. I was always treated like any normal user.

With the pass, though, the mods clearly have much less tolerance with me. And when I ask in the irc why I'm getting 7 day bans for stupid things that are not even offenses, they say it's because I already have so many bans.
I've been using the same pass since 2020. Never been banned after registering. The same tier of shitpost that would have earned me bans before are just quietly deleted now. You must have offended gook moot.
I'm sort of a notorious shitposter so that could be it.
Sometimes it bans the Pass, sometimes it doesn't. I think temp bans are less likely to affect the Pass, but perma bans seem to go to the Pass. It might be to do with cookies too.
It always bans the pass. It also automatically bans the cookies and possibly other forms of footprinting.

Do a test. Get temp banned while using a pass. Pick your phone up, check /banned, won't be any bans. Log into your pass and check /banned again. The ban will be there.
i bump all the frogs
>Gets all the frogposter passes banned
Most intelligent frogposter
Frog thread bumped
It is very frustrating and stupid that I keep getting banned for “off-topic” posts on /tv/ and /sp/ like that’s not the entire fucking board. I never even make the threads either, I just reply to them.
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The mods on /k/ will ban you for the dumbest shit
did you, uh... read the ban message, sweaty?
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I've been banned probably 100 times this year alone and I don't get random bans. Blatantly off-topic/terrible threads do seem to get removed quicker but that's it.
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