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just renewed for another year
>not buying a new pass every time you get banned
>letting the jannykikes see your entire post and ban history and ips over multiple years
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just burned for another year
this. i'm persecuted by a board-specific tranny janny and what really pisses me off is that sometimes faggot mods agree with the janny and slap me around. a few of my passes expired recently - i don’t renew them and opt to buy new ones instead.
just here to vent some more - these "people" need to be chopped up piece by piece and incinerated
Just bought for the first time
Why do you need more than one pass? Are you shitting a board up and crying about the mods ass fucking you over it?
i don't shit up boards. i don't even post more than 20 to 30 times on most days and it's almost exclusively within certain threads. i've just made a lot of enemies over the years and it appears one of them has become a janny and he mostly only deletes my posts but doesn't bat an eye to most garbage and spam being posted by others. the other explanation is that a group of them are mass reporting me to the point where my posts just get automatically deleted because it hit a certain amount of reports when there's literally no rule breaking on my part for a good percentage of my posts.

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