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I'm tired of paying money just to have my bans follow me around.
you shouldn't be getting banned more than 3 or 4 times a year unless you're an abject shitposter actively seeking to make the site worse.
based and banpilled
Well if posting without a pass wasn't such a hassle now I wouldn't care about being banned...
How does that even work exactly
You get a ban with the pass from one ip, switch it and it won’t work because of it?
Yes. Pass users have their bans both tied to the IP that generated the ban and the pass itself, so any device logged in with that pass carries the ban as well.
never ever renew passes
it's even worse when a certain board janny is specifically targeting you out of spite and the mod he's buddies with occasionally slaps you with a 3 day for simply telling someone to shut up or posting a completely on topic image that is not nsfw in any way whatsoever. literal persecution
If you're not getting banned regularly on blue boards your posts are probably reddit-tier.
>panties don't generate posts
you're a vip anon. jannies have this unspoken code to hold you to a higher standard, I figure mostly because we're the ones who are more likely to talk about the site.

plus most trannyjannies don't have a pass and seethe for...



I thought your joke was funny anon.
>discussion of [insert media here]
>make unpopular take
>banned for trolling
Why does this keep happening
Moderation performed not out of need to keep order in the community but out of personal spite.
do the mods even look at this board or ban anyone on it complaining about bans
I can only post in this thread if off the main reply tree.
same. That's really shitty. Just buy a new pass on a new email everytime
Female vagina panties should generate a lot of posts
mods are fucking retards the 4chan standards are low
I don't even remember how long it's been since I've been banned
two years? three years?
plenty of warnings though
Do they do shadow bans too? For the past couple weeks, only the text of 4chan loads (no links, no images, no textboxes or buttons), on any device or any browser, but just do fine away from the home network, so it's clearly an IP targeted denial. I keep procrastinating on resetting the router which is on me, but as a policy matter it's not mentioned anywhere. If it were an actual ban, I'd know where I stand. My pass is actually not affected, it also works away from the home network.

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