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Big news: 4chan will let (You) buy/renew with credit cards again
Why the sudden change? Have they not been crypto only for many years at this point?
Dunno, just saw someone else mention it.
>This payment will be listed on your billing statement as "OWO.TO".
owo.to has nothing on its page and there's no results anywhere online, I wonder if 4chan/Hiro made their own payment processor.
You'd think the biggest barrier to buying the pass being removed would get redtext on every page or even a short sale
>You'd think the biggest barrier to buying the pass being removed would get redtext on every page or even a short sale
It is really weird, there is not even any information on their news page. I guess they are just testing things before they make a announcement.
Thank you, I was sick of having to use that shitty scam site and spending $30 to post on 4chan. Fucker still hasn't given me the Pass I bought last week.
Update: It seems the payment panel blocks non-US customers from proceeding with payment, even with Cashapp, where the country dropdown is grayed-out and locked to US. Switching my VPN to a US server fixed it and I was able to pay with my credit card without even refreshing the page.
haha what the fuck i just bought a pass today because verification doesnt work on my new shitty flip phone. i didnt even know it was crypto only before, i havent had a pass since 2013
It's pretty wild how the last news post that wasn't just some art is still about Hiro's takeover.
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it worked for me , i just paid for my 12 month sub . used my AMEX
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Nice. Now I don't have to pay an extra ten bucks to some jerk just to use a card.
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Works on my machine! :^)
Oh wow the only reason I buy buttcoin is for these damn passes. One transaction cost me $35 total for some reason. Glad I could use my credit cards now.
Bought my pass from him a few days ago and still haven't received it. Tried to go to the site and apparently its offline right now. Whatever I'm just glad Hiro finally got his shit together and I can finally use card again to buy a pass. I refused to buy shitcoin just to dodge captchas.
>linking your post history to your real identity via CC
you deserve what happens
Oh no, glowniggers will know how extremely based I am!
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I paid 20 bucks to draw this
Its not like I'll post cp tee hee
>still no option to pay with paypal
>the pass renewal site with the cherry icon is down
I don't want to give my credit card info to hiro
is there a workaround to use paypal?
Is that site legit? Do they store out credit cards?
It just uses Stripe. owo.to/Hiro can only see the last four digits of your credit card. Looks like it also supports Cash App Pay.
how do we know it's actually legit?
for all we know the site hosting (owo.to) could store all data entered there
after all, it's not "stripe.com/hiro"
do you see what I'm getting at?
yeah but i want to use coinbase, the problem now is i have to make a burner wallet to send shit to coinbase so i can't be tracked. Real pain in the dick
Does it allow prepaid cards? He'd have to manually disallow that w/ Stripe to not accept prepaid cards I bet.
Second this question
I paid 20 bucks to say that you can't draw for shit
one wrong click in the wrong file and its over for you

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