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File: 08732495.jpg (218 KB, 1200x1224)
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Fuck off Ahmed
Sums up Biden's presidency right there.
That's what he'll be remembered for.
Stop shilling your towelhead narrative
He always fucking something up with his old shitty bitch ass.
Stop samefag bumping your thread. No one gives a shit.
he is an old shitty bitch.
That's him alright, what a monster.
Great comic.
He a sadistic old bitch.
Lynch his old bitch ass already.
Mass destruction here.
Terrible actions

All that money for destruction instead of repair.
No. Not true. Absolutely retarded in fact.
This is implying Joe has the mental faculties to have any sort of plan or even know what country he is in at a given moment. The image should be talking about Bidens handlers, not Biden himself. He can't even take a fucking shower by himself.

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