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Is it possible for jannies/mods to identify you? Can they see your IP range, pass info, etc?
>can th-

People are getting arrested the very same day they make death threats.
jannies can't but mods can, how else would they ban you? not like everyone has to sign up with an email just to post oh, wait...
According to this post not even mods can see IPs.
>how else would they ban you?
They probably just click a button
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I'm convinced my pass is on some kind of blacklist and getting fucked with because I am constantly getting the "this pass is in use by another IP" literally within a couple minutes after posting. I know phone IPs are dynamic but they don’t change THIS frequently. It’s a bullshit error prompt in the reply window because when I log out and back into the pass, it gives me the “success your device is now authenticated” message 95% of the time instead of a real “in use by another IP” message with a specific amount of minutes left. It’s really costing me posts where timing is important at worst, and a nuisance that wastes my time at best.
That's because you're allowed to use another IP after a certain number of minutes. Even if it says "success" later it's still a different IP, you're just past the required cooldown time.

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