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Tom says hi
Hi Tom
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He says hi back
Based dog
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So everyone who posts gets a Tom pic? Sure I'll roll.
What's wrong with your flooring? Tom deserves to walk on something that's been properly aligned.
By far the best thread on this entire website right now.
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:( I think the flooring is fine
Hello Tom!!!
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He says hi back
I want to pet the shit out of this dog
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is tom short for tomato?
are you sure?
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Hi Tom
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Hi friend
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NO >:(
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i think tom SUCKS
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He got groomed :)
Would pet 10/10
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Lookin' good, Tomato!
Lookin'... bad?
Tom NFT when
What am I supposed to say?
Nice things
I did!
His name isnt tomato :(
Can i post my dog jojo or is this thread just for Tom?
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Tom approves. Post Jojo
What's Tom short for then?
Mor tom pls
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Thank you
Tom is best dog
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He is. Thanks for recognizing Toms greatness
Those dots on his belly seem like nips. Yet he has a dogdick. Is he trans or something?
You know men have nipples too right
Never noticed nipples on a male dog before. But Ok.
Do you have nipples?
Yes. But I'm not a dog.
There aren't male animals without nipples
You win this round
Have a good one mate
There are no winners in war. Only losers.
Tom is against war
What is wrong with you
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Just tom
short for tomato
But pronounced "Toe-mah-toe"
Need me some more Tom
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Thank you
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Does he do a Doge?
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He does a pupper
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b o y
Tom is best dog
Second this motion
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Of course
Please stop posting my pictures online you faggots
Thank you on behalf of our entire organization
Please don’t use hateful language like that, and also please don’t falsely claim to be Tom, the best dog ever
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This isnt the real Tom, hes an imposter. Tom would never speak like that
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Nice dog
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He says thank you
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b o o p
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Hi Tom
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Hi friend
What kind of breed is he? How old? Where did you acquire him? What food does he prefer?
Terrier Schnauzer mix, 8, hes a rescue
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a hidden Tom
Tom is a cute little fella. I'm glad I got to see him today.
I bought a pass just to say I love Tom
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Wow. Tom Thanks you.
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Hi Tom!
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Tom's a sexy little guy
Dont objectify tom
What if he likes it?
He doesnt
How do you know?
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I know him personally
I miss Tom
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Hes here for you
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Have you trained him to brutally maul any negros that enter your home?
Tom isn’t racist. He brutally mauls everyone, without prejudice, who enters OPs house.
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Tom would never. He is a kind and loving soul
What if an intruder was attacking your wife or children? Would Tom just watch?
No Tom would save them
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Tom is a good boy
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Tom is a great boy
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Good morning, Tom
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Good morning anon
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Tom is here
When do we get video of Tom?
King Tom
Tom has a token now.

On pump fun Solana

CA: BU9LbBghUCLBcqReFMWL3vTht8CfmCkBi3PA3XJCpump
6 days without a new Tom pic? We need more.
Sorry I was busy!
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amazing! tyvm tom is the best
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Yeah he is
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Very nice
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Cozy boy

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