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File: file.png (19 KB, 184x428)
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does anyone even use these?
photon supremacy
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i think futaba is ultra comfy
literally cant use anything but Tomorrow
same. I wish they had other dark themes. The names aren't in green in Tomorrow, which kinda sucks, I wish it was at least different from white (same as all other text except links) if not green, but oh well.
yes, making all boards look blue is nice
I use them on pink boards so that if someone takes a screenshot pretending to be me it'll be clear that it's not me from the style
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Photon is pretty good. Tomorrow is alright if you have eye problems.
your waifu loves it in the ass
I use Tomorrow at home and Photon at work. Pretty comfy.
You can use OneeChan on top of 4chanX.
Photon is the worst one, ossan
What's the point of photon, exactly?
This is the ugliest fucking thing I have ever seen jesus christ
I use Yotsuba B on every board

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