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I started playing this just a day or 2 ago and it's been interesting, but not in the most exciting way. You're supposed to solve a murder with an Asian partner, but the amnesia of a guy with horrible alcohol and drug problems is much more enticing so I want to find out more and more info about him. So far all I've got is that he's named Harry Du Bois and he has been a good cop until he burnt out from stress. I'm trying to find his gun, but my only lead right now is that it was sold to some woman. I think it might be the girl near the dock, but I'm not sure. Could be because she uses the word "pig" a lot and that came up during the conversation with the owner of the pawn shop. I need to learn more though so I'm going to update this more as I go on for fun. I need to make use of this pass since I have one now.
Also I guess it's kind of important that I chose the Thinker archetype for Harry. I didn't want to choose the others since they didn't feel like the way to experience my first playthrough.
(If I'm redditspacing a bit, I apologize. I'm a college boy and the lectures paired with the amount of work that gets put on me makes it a bit more natural.)
Better post screenshots of your epic moments
Also reddit spacing

looks like

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It would appear that the game has a lot of interlinked missions
>Day 1
I did the mistake of talking to the station before doing any police work and then I also went ahead and ran my mouth to the corrupt Union fat cat with the lazy eye. He got multiple metaphorical knives stuck in me and made me his bitch. That happens sometimes, I think (this is pure cope.) Afterwards, I managed to pay my damages by selling these nice rims that Kim had in his motor carriage, but I feel kind of guilty about it because he obviously was going to put them on his wheels. The day is a bit of a blur, but I remember Kim only reprimanding me because of me not getting enough information out of the Union boss. How kind.
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>Day 2
Lots and lots of running around. Found a homosexual smoking maybe 40 feet away from the corpse. I need to talk to him on Wednesday at 21.00 so that's a thing I actually need to wait on. I might do some artistic self-expression on the wall. The girl who is ruining the wall that also hates the woman on the boat. The woman on the boat is named Jayne or something. Not really good with names. I think she's called Jayne. Anyway, she gave me critical information about the world and lots of experience that I can now place into many of my lovely skill categories. After this it was sort of a dead-end apart from doing "side-quests" that unfortunately had to be done. Everything seems to be interlinked.
>Talking to the corpse
I forgot to mention that I talked to the corpse.
Kind of a dick, but he spoke the truth (I think?) and he also gave some info on my name. Harry. "Wouldn't I, a French-themed police officer, get a more French-sounding name?" I thought at this moment. The whole seeing myself as the corpse in the dream thing was interesting. Lots of information gathered, but I think the truth might be that I've barely gathered any.
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>Day 3
This one is a bit of a blur because I played it while drunk, but I'm going to reconstruct it as well as I can.
I woke up and I ran downstairs, because I was going to talk to the Hardy Boys, the main suspects of the lynching that I'm investigating. Through trial and error, I was able to get them to confess to a lot of information throughout the day, but this is something that I can't really explain further in this moment due to chronological issues, so let's move on to the interesting part, my lost badge and gun.
I had lost my badge and gun in a drunken 3 day bender and because of it I had gotten lots and lots of shit from the people down at the station. Ergo, I was in deep shit and I needed to find them so I could get my status as a "reliable cop" back. (I also needed the badge so I could get information from this self-proclaimed ultra-liberal businesswoman.)
So! I had gotten 100 reál from the Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy that I found inside a Cargo Container, so I was able to pay for my room during Day 2. This then got me thinking what if there is something interesting in the fishing village on the other side of the water lock? Maybe a shop or something. So I went there since it had just been repaired. I needed to find the driver who went crazy and drove over the pawn shop and into the fishing village, after all (This game has so many side missions that I need you to just roll with what I babble out in each post.)
On the other side of the waterlock I find a motorcarriage embedded in the ice. I had to wait for the ice to melt so I could find out who owned it and you might not need more than 1 guess to realize whose motorcarriage it was (Guessed it yet? Of course you have.) It was fucking mine. The good news is my badge was inside of it so I finally got to know my real name. Harrier Du Bois. I was correct to assume that I would have a lot more French-sounding name considering the game's setting.
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So, through shit, mud, and poor people I walked back to the Union Fat Cat in picrel. He had given me the knowledge that the gun that I had sold (Yes, I sold the gun at the pawnshop for booze money) was bought by a woman from the fishing village. She waves it around by the fish market at around 22:00 and 02.00 apparently, so I had time to go talk to the homosexual before going over to meet her. The homosexual had 0 useful information. Neither did his "Sunday Friend" aka his lover from a bureaucratic institution. Total waste of time, but I got experience points from it so I guess that's cool.
Afterwards I of course move over to the fish market. The lady who has my gun is actually a fucking lunatic hag who has police sirens on her back. At first it felt really dangerous to try to get the gun from her, but after a quick skill check I realized that "God damn, there are zero bullets in that gun." taking the gun away debilitated her so I was able to also get my hat from her. I wore that hat once and probably will leave it in my inventory for the rest of the game.
Once I was done with this I went ahead and did an exceptional job at getting the body down from the tree and examining it. 10/10 policework from me. Very thorough.
Afterwards, it had hit 01:32 and my good friend and partner Kim left to move the corpse over to the police station morgue. I couldn't do much since it was so late and everything was closed, so I took a bath to get the smell of death off of me and then it was off to bed.
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I wanna blow Cindy's back out on a dirty floor mattress in the coal room!
Love this game. Keep posting OP I'm enjoying reading your thoughts.
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OP here
So I took a little break because June started and I basically had a proper bender where I drank, smoked, and celebrated my birthday a week after my official birthday because my sisters could only come with me last Saturday. I'm now back and ready to see what Harry has to offer me in his interesting little detective situation.
I hope I remember the plot of day 4 even after all of this. I got a good memory so I think I can gather all of it back from my noggin.
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If I just had a piece of dynamite or something then I would blow this God damn door to pieces and shrapnel. Hopefully, it'd kill me in the process, but that's not what would happen. I would only see an explosion on my screen while I myself would remain unharmed, as I sit behind a table that I do my taxes on.
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>Door (Unopenable)
But I've gotten through every door thus far...
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Such a warming presence. Just the image of Dolores Dei remains. Be her fictional or not, she comforts me in a motherly way.
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Man. I really like the sound of her accent. Really tickles the ear in the right way. Interesting pronunciation of words.
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Why does Harry look so much like me? Why does he behave so much like me? The conversations with himself and his brain. The need to cling to a culture from years gone by. The constant dumb thoughts that still get humored.
It's starting to concern me because if the most relatable character I've seen in a piece of media is what I've so far gotten to know as a once-a-great cop turned 50-something-year-old alcoholic and speed addict, then something isn't exactly right with me.
Oh well. I'll continue on playing and discard the thought. I won't become like that. I go on 4chan. I won't even get a chance to fuck my life up like that.
Although, crack might do wonders for my narcolepsy. Better stick with nicotine for now, though.

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