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I am the Author of this document and I am from Australia. Today, I sent this document to 23 world class professors from Ukraine, Russia, USA, Italy, and Bulgaria, and requested for them to conduct a review.

This initiative is designed for immediate implementation and compliance with international standards. I have been working non-stop to try make it go viral for days.

Please note that for many, it may look unattractive at first glace. This is because I have balanced it as perfectly as possible, and it has included a significant compromise from both sides, but comes with several positive gains for all of us! It is completely normal to be sceptical of such a proposal, and this is due to intensely deep historical distrust between nations. The document has been crafted without any bias, and also with hope to pave the way to a peaceful future for us all.

Please support by sharing this message. In my opinion, it is breaking news.

Happy to be contacted by appropriate officials from the Australian Government. They have already been informed about my identity.
peace is gay

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