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ITT: We laugh at poorfags who can see this thread but can't afford to post
I just bought a pass to tell you I’m not poor and to go fuck yourself
Why would they want to post here? I barely want to post in this garbage /b/ clone and I do have a pass.
>implying they would even want to post
It's an exclusive club. That in itself makes it desirable to join.
>I barely want to post in this garbage /b/ clone
yet here you are
Wow how perceptive,
It wasn’t letting me post at all for the past couple years so I finally broke down and got the 1 year subscription so I can reply and make posts again. In that amount of time I went nuts about Jews 10x and now everyone thinks I’m a racist lunatic
No one has even made a thread on this whole board in 2 days.
Quality over quantity
Imagine entering captcha
lol poorfags
I have yet to see any evidence of this "quality" you speak of.
4chan is opposite land. shit posts are the quality ones. the evidence is all around you.
Only pajeet shitcoin scammers don't buy passes
sir please understand, they need to feed their mini pajeets even if it means filling captchas like crazy for another year
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nice balls
>*slaps them*
You just reminded me I need to renew my Pass.
lol fags
It’s a small price to pay to support the last large place on the internet where people are still allowed to speak the truth without censorship and I’m not constantly seeing a manufactured agenda crammed down my through. Also nigger.
>verification: not required
I don't think anyone outside pass owners opens this shit board
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I like being better than other people
>being poor
Only a poor person would feel rich for spending $20 on a pass.
No one in this thread ever said having $20 makes you rich.
But not having $20 definitely makes you poor.

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