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File: food.jpg (176 KB, 800x533)
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post what you are eating
i am eating macaroni and cheese
eating potato chips
had salmon rice and green beans for dinner
Literal shit
you should not eat that
thanks mom
ok good
hamburger for lunch
cantina chicken quesadilla from taco hell yum yum
chicken and roasted potatoes and broccoli for dinner
grilled cheese and egg sandwich with breakfast sausages for lunch
leftover chicken and potatoes and broccoli from yesterday for dinner
Food is gay
chicken caesar salad for lunch
steak and potato salad for dinner
I ate two (2) grilléd cheeses
just ate a turkey club sandwich
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I just ate a delicious Dairy Queen chicken strip meal
sausages with rice and a spinach salad for dinner
turkey sandwich and an apple for lunch
spicy chicken and cajun fries from popeye's, dr pepper from sam's club
quarter chicken dinner with wedge fries from the grocery store
ham sandwich with some potato chips
taco bell for lunch
pork chops with rice and mix vegetables for dinner
got hungry and lazy and ordered mcdonalds
grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch
boxed curry with vegetables and rice for dinner
had taco bell again
just ate an egg mcmuffin
i ate tacos today
ate dominos pizza
ate a cubano sandwich
chicken and corn chowder

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