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/vip/, be honest

How would you have reacted if he died?
Sad, angry, and scared knowing that there's a civil war coming.
Initially I would be thinking that it was unnecessary.
I would always claim that it was bad that it happened , but I would always be thinking to myself "Good, he was a criminal and a liar, and he encouraged other crappy people to act that way as well."
Liberals are truly evil people.
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This would be my reaction >>128856
But then everyone realizes it was all staged because he never released the official medical report
Let’s not pretend like conservatives don’t fantasize about murdering millions of people. You don’t get to have a fucking board dedicated to talking about how much you guys want to kill gay people and non-whites and then turn around and talk about civility.
Relief, honestly. I’d never kill someone, but I’d be relieved that someone crazy enough to do it stopped him from taking the presidency.
mental illness
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Yeah, I agree.
The same way he would have reacted if I died.
I would have been relieved that I wouldn't have to hear his crap anymore, but that's not enough to want him dead

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