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File: c3d.png (214 KB, 800x434)
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Which board has the worst jannies?

For me it's /tv/
those were they do it for free

it's a board about video games and the tranny freak janitors there ban threads about video games
/k/ mods will ban you if you criticize Ukraine in any respect. I’m not even talking about Russian dickriding, I’m talking about getting banned because you asked why Ukraine is still losing.
/mu/ because they allow constant duplicate k-pop generals
/tv/ jannie bans just for participating in an OT thread now.
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moot addressed this nearly 10 years ago; you can't win in a war of attrition against general threads
/g/ because it's basically unmoderated.
>150 file limit
>no /kr/
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nothing to do with jannies, the rules explicitly allow it after the bump limit is reached

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