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File: 1713200267634909.jpg (29 KB, 400x400)
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>buy my pass last year with BTC
>go to coinbase portal
>generates a payment address which I can send the money to from my self custodial wallet
>wa la

>buy my pass this year
>go to coinbase
>there's no option for self custodial wallets anymore
>only wallets you can link are a bunch of web3 ethereum NFT garbage, or use crypto you bought on coinbase
>ok, I'll make a brave wallet and just convert the BTC to ETH
>there's fucking 10 DOLLARS in transaction fees
>I have to convert AGAIN from ethereum mainnet to ether on base to get reasonable fees
>barely have enough left from all the conversion fees
>have to sit there spam refreshing until the fees go down by 0.0001 ETH so that I can send the fucking payment
>it takes about 12 hours to process
>finally get my pass

>all of this despite the 4chan pass page saying they still accept BTC
mods, what the FUCK is your problem?
could've just used a credit card or bought some ltc

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