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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
05/04/17New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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How would you change 4channel for the better?
I'd bring back /asp/ and kill /xs/
No ads for pass owners. Seriously we're paying why should we need to see ads?
Merge /a/ and /b/ again.
turn every board red
Add downvotes to post, no upvotes though. They would only be visible to the poster but would be fun to know how mad you made people.
bring back /qa/
that's it
Add a meta board, one very similar to /qa/ but make it clear staff don't officially use the board
Isn't /s4s/ a meta board
/s4s/ is a goofy funposting/OC board
Delete /pol/. The amount of people who try to bring the bullshit from there into other boards is insane.
Delete /pol/. They can fuck off to infinitychan.

Move porn threads from /b/ to /s/. Make it clear /b/ is not a porn board, there are boards for that. Let /b/ be true random again.
Delete /pol/. It's bad enough with /v/ becoming /vpol/ and threads about dei and "that's woke" outnumbering the ones about actual videogames,
remove /qa/ from the board directory completely and actually delete it instead of just locking it.
make tttt red
new board: blue /soc/
Make a board to contain all the eceleb talk
more heavy gatekeeping. i am not sure how this would be done
I'm glad "delete /pol/" has so much support here.
delete /pol/ and remove /qa/ entirely.
Limit board moderators from being able to global ban. Pissing off some loser /v/ mod shouldn't mean that you can't post on other boards, it makes no sense.
Delete pony and lgbt with a blanket ip ban for anyone who posted on either of those board
Bring back the rule where you can't see anything on 4chan while you are banned
Make a /loli/ board and an /AI/ board and Links to either type of post will always be safe and not a banable offense so long as you say what it is beforehand
this, i have proposed this as well. call it /fren/ or something
More site-wide sanctions to prevent or reduce the presence of bots.
spin off /pol/ into its own website, it's too big to kill now
delete the social boards and anything that encourages rolling threads like /vg/
Bring back IP Counter.
well if you get a gold pass you should have a gold pass vip section, kind of like this but more.

make it cool to be a gold pass.

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