what do you think internet would look like if you couldnt make money off of it, fe. youtube was so much cooler when people werent trying to get as much money and views but just making funny shit or posting cool shit they done, i dont really like internet rn
it would be so much better. I miss those days. I used to feel that way on 4chan but it’s been off lately.
>>130403Strictly speaking, it would either just barely exist or not at all because no business related to it would operate, including even the service providers. It'd all have to be volunteering, so maybe some hobbyists and maybe some researchers.Assuming that we mean just that the monetization of it didn't develop beyond like early youtube stage, I don't think it'd be that different from back then. Without the economic push, the developments would probably be much, much slower, especially on the frontend part. I think it'd still be useful enough to not just be treated as a fad and lose popularity completely, but it wouldn't be as dominant.
>>130506yeah it would be fun like 2006 random fun