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Shoe me your cool miku stuff!
Miku, Miku. You can call me Miku..
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Nice, I'm officially retarded.
I also have Miku sleeves for my Magic decks.
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And a sakura plush.. I have another but I can't find a pic rn
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And all the miku secret lair cards!
They cost a fortune..
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Found her, that's my 2nd Miku plush. She's my fav
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I really wanna get a snow miku bodypillow but it's 250 bucks.. already got Marin and Megumin
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Got a Fallout Migu too but sadly I could never find a mod for her real outfit or hair so I went with what was available.
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my whole room is a miku shrine, I think I have 10 miku plushies at this point

though i'm not like those spendy spendaholics on myfigurecollection, those ppl buy everything miku like some kind of compulsion and its kinda in bad taste
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Well don't leave me hanging, show off you stuff! I wanna see!
Also, love your bunny miku, same as mine >>130489
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here's a few pics
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I also have a counterfeit fuwafuwa miku in my car, I don't know where I'm gonna put the dodeka fuwafuwa miku I preordered dropping early next year.

Keeping stuff in the boxes, eh. I always tear those open the second I get back from a convention.
and I cut the black tie off mine cause that thing is so horribly scratchy. Makes sakura unfun to cuddle.
I wish it was easier to get these stupid plushes... I haven't found a single fucking site that sells them. Got my 2 from japs at weeb cons
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Ive gotten my plushies from cons during the timing when they're being re-released in japan + 3-6 months so they can hit cons in southern california, and then hobbylink japan because they open preorders for certain sega prize plushes now.

It doesn't cover everything, plushies get sold through different retail channels than figures, so you really have to look around.
Genuine fuwafuwa mikus are scalped to hell when they're not in their narrow re-release window and most listings are fakes.
Do NOT buy one unless the listing outright says genuine SEGA prize and has a good refund policy (amazon/ebay) because there's tons of fakes and the fakes are often horrific. (my fake miku isn't this bad)

In the past I tried mandarake but only 2 classic miku plushies have appeared on there since 2022, it really sucks.
You should also look into local resellers who preorder sega prize stuff, I don't recommend reseller for prize figs or scales, but for plushes it outweighs the negatives (markup) and it guarantees you'll get one.
Otaku Owlet in socal is one near me, they seem to have direct connections to the chinese domestic market, so they get official moeyu miku apparel stuff too.
For more niche mikus like the magical mirai mikus, you really have to dig around with local resellers, sometimes they show up at cons but they're niche, if they import anything they wont last long.
Of course, I can only speak for living in socal, it's probably not this easy anywhere else.
Also I forgot, miku plushies are something you really really want to buy at brick and mortars if possible, they're made in china and have enough manufacturing slop that they all look kinda different, some are simply more well put together than others.
I don't think a fake plush would bother me.. as long as the plush itself looks good and is sturdy enough for cuddling, I'm game.
Big thing is I don't put mine on shelves. They are in my bed, getting cuddled, rolled on, thrown around in my sleep.. and I really don't wanna have to repair those things every week.
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I've got this big migu flag from aliexpress. It's hanging a little loose and is obviously plastic garbage but I don't really care for "real" merch as long as it's good merch.
The flag is like 2m wide and cost me maybe 5 bucks.

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