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Quality across the entire site is really going to shit. We need email verification on every board, flags on most boards, and VPN blocking measures. Low quality Indian posters are drowning us in shit.
Flags and forced tripfagging are already in place on problem boards. Same with vpn range blocking. Indians are still a problem but /vip/ is the pajeet free bunker
I just want flags on all of the non snail boards. Especially /biz/.
And /g/! Tired of hearing some thirdie claim to work in the "tech industry" when you know he's talking about a call center in Mumbai.
agree /biz/ should have flags
the email registration hasn't stopped the obvious mass pajeet shilling
admin doesn't want to stop samefagging on slow boards because it kills a lot of the discussion
>says all that
>posts ai slop
i don't know about it, broski...
Not an argument
It is, you want to get rid of Pajeet posting, but you're using their cancer.
American use of AI is based and just for fun to create a vibe. Jeet use of AI is for scams. Go back to /ic/. Not interested in your seethe.
The internet should be racially segregated. It usually is to a large degree due to language barriers, and you get a healthy small amount of cross group sharing, but damn the British for pushing English in India then yielding control.
If I had to guess, I'd say the ratio of posts I read complaining about Indians posting on 4chan to posts written by Indians on 4chan is 50:1.
if a board has flags, it turns into an /int/ discord, or /pol/ shitflinging. Its 4chans worst feature no doubt

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