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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
05/04/17New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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Literally no new boards in 5 years, no new features, no new passu only benefits ever, only price goes up and it doesn't even match inflation.

What value does 4chan even provide anymore, all our memes come from X and reddit now, and you can't even post pics over 4MB leading to crushing of all anime pics I post, most artists upload 36MB PNGs you know.
I will not renew my pass
>/v/ spinoffs were 5 years ago
The fuck
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>>132189 (OP)
>and you can't even post pics over 4MB leading to crushing of all anime pics I post, most artists upload 36MB PNGs you know.
This is a skill issue, 4MB is plenty for 99% of art and you can batch-compress shit that easily with something like Honeyview. Be thankful 4chan doesn't forcefully compress images under 200KB like every other social media site.
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No, that can't be right.
>>132189 (OP)
>Literally no new boards in 5 years
I dream of a containment board for eceleb dramas
Allow pass users to post images 2MB above board limits, have sound on their webms, and have a priority queue in post reports. Then I might renew, because I'm not paying and I'll just use AdBlock and a Captcha Solver script for next year.
I want a wholesome crossdressing board free of negative influences from /lgbt/.
It's too niche and will be dead-board. Just use
I wonder when they'll decide if that trial board "bant" is staying.
"Memes" don't exist anymore
>>132189 (OP)
>still no /ai/ board
>/v/ is still split into 5 different boards

idk why they bothered making /bant/ when all they had to do was add the "no porn dumps" rule to /b/. It really feels like mods don't even acknowledge /b/'s existence anymore, despite being the board that gained 4chan it's notoriety.
4chan provides the option to say nigger in a casual way.
I remember a time when this board was for niche sub culture and the geeks there in to post and communicate with. I remember when the board was under 1 million users. It would be dope if it went back to that, yeah.

>social media

Kill yourself.
trial ended in 2018 when it lost it's italicized denotation in the directory
>>132189 (OP)
>all our memes come from X and reddit now
I miss when we were ‘final boss of the internet’ :(
Still not a bad place for a casual chat about something or other. And /t/ is great for finding rare movies/series.
This is a wider problem of cultural production being close to dead overall.

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