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>What is Worms?
Worms is a classic turn-based strategy game with astounding gameplay customization. Armageddon despite being released in 1999till is getting support with cool mods, and official updates.

Game goes on sale fairly often but you can also download the game for free here (all versions work with each other): https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dAXkqtQNjb_T5E5MSqXqZk0xzQdPdjY/

>Collected Custom maps, sounds, fanfares, flags and graves from past threads

>Hostpack Starter set (contains maps, schemes, and custom terrains)

Check what lobbies are currently open with https://snoop.wormnet.net/snooper/, or if you'd like to be notified when when a /v/ lobby opens up, get https://worms2d.info/Great_Snooper

Lobbies and threads will be often be notified here and will usually be present at
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage

Previous thread: >>823877
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Useful stuff
[YouTube] Worms Armageddon Big Tutorial [English subtitles] (embed)

>Bigger Menus that scale to your resolution
Windowed fullscreen is natively supported in the latest update, just go to Advanced options to change it.

>Custom generated terrain themes, with bigger generated sizes and custom mission support (and who knows what else in the future)

>Text to Speech feature that gives you a custom voice depending your name
https://worms2d.info/WkTTS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

>Other Wormkits that you might want to check out like key rebinding

Maps, content and other resources can be found in
Arcanists > Worms
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Worms Rumble > Literally any other game

Hosting a lil'
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
wheres all the players tho
Hopefully, v3.9 will include drop-in support, so people don't have to use the Snooper in order to be alerted when lobbies are open. Otherwise, I'd probably play more often.

3.9 is coming, r-right?
>3.9 is coming, r-right?
well i will be back tomorrow begging for games, just remembered this shit existed after like 20 years or however long its been
what did you guys accomplish in the lifespan of the last thread? i have a gf now
leave and don't come back
sorry took me so long to respond, i was raping your girlfriend
Does she (male) play Worms?
this is a looped in reverse gif , there is no way to walk backwards in worms
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>there is no way to walk backwards in worms
>he doesn't know
don't tell him
she is a worm
Imagine the cock vore
>with low gravity, you are immune to falls from high places
he doesn't know...
This guy doesn't know all the autistic little details about this 20 year old game, what a loser
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Why is Beach so fucking ugly bros? Why must it be the default terrain?

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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
Coming, worm/v/ro.
where's the wrom...?
thanks doc
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it's over.
me too
thanks to wrom
Where can I find these worm-loving gfs in my area?
I've been wondering why did no one else thank the doc.
Still hosting for 22chan, like in the last thread.
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
Meme magic strikes again. It's official.
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Check it out.
And a couple of highlights
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Hosting again
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
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More highlights
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A power surge killed my PC. I just hope I didn't lose my Worm files.
I'll be back someday.
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Shit forgot pic, I hate phones but most of all, I hate rain. And worms, hate those too.
most functional Mustachio PC
That thing is cursed I tells ya.
I'm more cursed than it but that's besides the point.
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this explains the sudden hashrate drop in my botnet
what a shame your pc got fried. your gpu won the silicon lottery, a real mining champion, y'know?
As long as you host in my stead I won't get angry about it
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I'm so good at worm haha
Worms was played, will post some highlights later.
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bad eggs 2 > worsm rumble
if you'd seen the vagina i have you'd make that face too
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sorry forgot actual pic
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Aside from playing the challenges, is there a good way to unlock everything?
type 'boggysentme" on the main screen
Thank you anon, also checked
You don't need to grow a mustache to be able to host.
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nice try big shave shill
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Shave right the fuck now.
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this idiot must have seethed when this happened!
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Always be seethin'
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Some gameplay videos about the board game are already up
I guess it does replicate some of the chaos in Worms to a degree while still trying to be a decent game, for a dice chucker at least.
You mean even other players? Yes you could but it'll be a little bothersome to fix. Basically you have to change the default soundbanks in the DATA folder into the english files. Basically copy the "English". soundbank folder and rename it to each other default soundbank
How the fuck do you get this shit to work? Hours of regedits and property changes, and still a fucking black screen. Retards on the forums are as useful as a brick of rotten worms
You on Linux or something?
Steam, win10. I ended up just pirating it. Why the fuck is that the solution
idk, worked perfectly out of the box on my end.
I got it on steam and worked perfectly. If you alt tab often it can break but changing it to windowed fullscreen fixed everything
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>Board game scheme in real life
He has abandoned us....
Thanks doc
I can host some games today, starting from 20:00 CEST (23:30 India Standard Time for you)
room: /v/
password: rage
I can't do the needful sir, sorry.
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I really really like this image.
i bet you we won't play today
How much are we betting?
my life
RIP anon.
Simpleton City.... Home...
Kill all ropefags
t. ropelet
how the fuck do I load in custom levels as a host?
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Oh I got it, sorry, it has been over three years since I touch this game
Did anything change to hosting in these years?
Trying to host a game, my game appears in the server list, but whenever someone connects they never can
using gog, ofc
there's a lot more wormkits hosts tend to use now but in terms of just hosting a room i don't think anything has changed?
at least, if you have wormNAT2, that's essential unless you've enabled port forwarding

You most likely are missing WormNAT2, or port forwarding.
My group couldn't get port forwarding to work, so we just used hamachi in a lan game which did work.
Okay, maybe it was WormNAT that I was missing
At the end yesterday I ended portforwarding and playing through direct IP and worked just fine, it's just that clicking through the community browser and stuff is more convenient
If you're talking about using commands to host and edit game variables, WormNAT works just like when you host via server with port forwarding
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Idk how I lost the passion for Worms to be honest, just one day went poof.
Still one of my favorite games but for some reason even if I think of hosting, I sit down and I just can't even click on the game.
i could host a normal game, no rope faggotry
Would anybody be down for a game in a bit? Maybe in ~30 minutes
im down in 30 or so
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Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
since its near impossible to organise games short notice, i am formally announcing now that i will be looking for games on friday evening
>near impossible to organise games short notice
watch this short notice game
hosting in #anything-goes
Sneed's Feed And Seed

Playing standard games with 2 more people, so 3 in total, in case you cannot count
maybe with someone more
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reopen, by the way, though we'll be missing at least one person
blonded went to eat crumpets and pray to the queen so dont worry he wont be displaying retard mode anymore tonight
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oh dear
get back in, reopened
we bought like 20% of the total copies of worms rumble ever sold, this is not our fault
Reopening this in a short while, stay tuned
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Chuck's Feed And Seed
The usual
Starting off with 4 players
>randomly changing the name of the room to not include /v/ so that my filters don't ping it on bigsnoop

Absolute no-brain retard
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all built for my average sized human cock
Right side of the map is heavily unbalanced
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Why are worms so horny?
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idk I just like making maps with images i likes
Wormlessness is an omen of terrible times.
>Not even Worms is safe from wojak shit
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What happened in life to make you be like this?
soijaks are just funny little dudes
let's wrom

password is rage as usual
4.0 when
when will those fuckers just open source the game
4.0 is all but ready but apparently all things must be run through Team17 first and it seems like that is a huge fucking obstacle.
Imagine the smell

BRING BACK THE SUMMER OF 1999 ... PLEASE GOD.....please.........god let me go back....I would do anything
We need another Covid. It was the new golden age for Worms.
Why and how does WMD have more active players than Armageddon?
Probably because it's the newest one and normalfags don't know any better. But it might be closer than you think because a lot of WA players play with a pirated copy rather than Steam version
I sure hope not. It's hard to find normal lobbies in this game.
>tfw can't get this shit working well on my Steam Deck
I think there was an admin that managed to play it here, but you lack enough buttons for it not to suck. If somebody made a mod for it to make it work like the PlayStation version it'd be better but still inferior.
*anon, I'm stupid lol
Zoomers are too stupid to make WA work
I miss worms
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Have a clip from yesterday to cheer you up.
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Boggy flip
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/v/oggy B Pro Skater 3
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Ah, the board game collab, good times.
I lost the finished maps please help me and post them if you have them
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Found 'em, phew. Knew I couldn't just have lost these gems.
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Also found the amazing Mission editor program anon made and never shared, what a disappointment.
These are really cool
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Wish more people had participated, but the ones that did made excellent challenges.
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Even if you don't host as often I'm impressed just how long you anons have kept these threads alive, I only played a but during the Pandemic threads and that was years ago.
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Worms will never die!
actually a worm lasts about 4 years. then they eventually eat their own shit which is toxic to themselves and die of poison.
had a few worms games recently here.
could always use more players
Making a bg map is way too difficult, I'm not even sure how the guys that make those extremely precise tasks design them in the first place.
How DO they make the maps actually? I figure it's trial an error until they find that exact pixel that works for their devil task. If I remember correctly Deadcode shared some templates of map positions for Battle Race so maybe he shared some board game oriented ones.

Or autism, that can answer it too.
maybe some tasks can be done in reverse order. for example, lucky grenade shots can be made on an almost empty map. you throw a grenade at the wall, see where it bounces, take a screenshot once it lands, and then add the goal where it landed and a few obstacles away from its trajectory
but yeah, it involves autism anyway
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I meant to make a /v/eekend in the past to rekindle some wormin' but apparently I'm range banned from posting files on /v/ so it's quite literally impossible for me to make a thread.
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I miss you wormbros...
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Why so serious-a?
Because of no host.
You anons told me you wouldn't let Worms die...
we got an event going on in like 1 hour from now

Merry Wormas everybody.
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Oh no…
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
We stil up?
yep, completely full tho
Lobby has closed, ggs to everybody that joined, good to see you again!
ggs, was quite fun
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I have 5 worms armageddon steam keys left for a giveaway that didn't get grabbed. join and hit me up for them and I'll dm you them
How nice of you anon. Hope others put them to good use.
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Happy New Year wormers

I want to create maps using Paint but I can't.

Should I use photoshop or paint.NET ?
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Paint.net should be fine but the only problem is you won't be able to use indexed palettes to make the map actually work and therefore you'll need to run it through some other program or converter for it to load in-game. If you're comfortable with photoshop or GIMP I'd suggest that, you can find more info here: https://worms2d.info/Colour_map#Authoring_instructions
That's a great map.
Makes me be at a Loss of worms
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lads, i just started to play this game, can you tell me which part of the opponent worm should i aim at to always get 25 dmg from a shotgun? i noticed i sometime get less even when i'm really close. i tried to aim for the head but looks like i either failed or it's not the right place to aim.
Shotgun is a literal laser gun, meaning it basically hits a pixel and THEN it explodes the terrain.
You hit that pixel anywhere in the worm's body and you'll get the 25, you're probably missing, hitting terrain then having that damage the worm, giving less damage.

tnx anon
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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(Monday, January 15th, 12:19 GMT)
Worms Reloaded Campaign Mode (No Level Skips) in person at Games Done Quick

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And the sequel
kek that was a great speedrun
Did he feature a worm in an episode of his show?
What did you do, naughty anon?
i thought i was rangebanned but apparently it went away on its own
Lucky you, I've been range banned for half a year on /v/ and it hasn't gone away
That's a shrimp.
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>It's just regular worms
Well, I guess he technically did feature them after all
I've never seen any Youtuber that has played Worms even know the actual controls
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Got some unposted webms from our last session.
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Are there any custom maps that have KF's Jersh in them?
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Idk what that means but you can easily make maps yourself, they are pngs.
forgot to mention, I hosted lol.

fuck off normies reeeeee
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>Still rangebanned from /v/
It's never going away…
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Please don't kill me for the stupid question but,
I wanna set up a room for some anons on a board. Is it as simple as downloading the game and creating a room or do I have to adjust some settings or download a mod or something?
I've only ever played Armageddon locally.
Unless you port forward, you'll need to install a wormkit called WormNAT2. You can read about how to host here >>1003048 and the worms wiki
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unpack the two dlls into your WA install directory (next to WA.exe) and you're good to host as normal
more info:
Thanks for spoonfeeding me, bros. We managed to play for a bit but my net is probably shit for hosting as we disconnected right towards the end of the game.
Just as fun as I remember though.
Glad you had fun anon. What board did you host for?
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Thanks the mod that unbanned the file block, we are so back.
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Forgot to post these 2 highlights from last time
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I've never been good at kicks, my reaction time for repressing space takes too long and I bonk immediately
Can anyone explain to me why they removed the ability to change water color, number of waves lines, and custom gun options (# of shots, explosion size, dmg, etc) that was available in Worms 2 but not in WA? I don't understand why they would remove this seemingly simple changes that allow us to make good games?
Not sure, but I'd guess custom guns got removed because of balance or bugs. Water color is actually still present in the game and you can change it with the chat command /h2o which will start cycling the colors until you stop it with /h2o again. The number of waves can also be changed by pressing the key that changes background detail.
Thanks for the /h2o reminder but for the background detail unfortunately it removes the other stuff in the background as well, not just the water level.

I dunno it all seems like something that could be easily patched in these days and would vastly improve the experience vs using the little * 'stars' method of weapon power etc. which makes no sense vs numerical values.
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>I dunno it all seems like something that could be easily patched in these days and would vastly improve the experience vs using the little * 'stars' method of weapon power etc. which makes no sense vs numerical values.
I completely agree, for now we CAN use numerical values for different weapon strengths but using a third-party editor like the one in tus-wa.
When are you fags hosting again. I might join
Life's busy atm sorry
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Wrom :)
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my beloved
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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It's over I guess.
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Voted our little nigga in, wish I had the creativity to suggest a different kit for the players, I was there when people were first drafting the kits in https://arch.b4k.co/vm/thread/207477/, if I recall correctly I did some proof of concept images for them, idk which ones specifically anymore. I like the armor concept but I'd like to see a more traditional shirt/short that encompasses our beloved board, dunno what that'd be though lol
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Also I saw the Dokapon rep, we need to get them in!
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Obligatory Worms edit from the latest template fad
Yoooo, an old timer, hope you've been enjoying the ride so far!
We have two "football" kits.
Here's one: https://files.catbox.moe/75nal8.png
And here's the other: https://files.catbox.moe/e6sjvt.png Install CS:Source, nigga
We're always looking for suggestions for new kits, so if you have any ideas, just chime in and let yourself be heard.
>Install CS:Source, nigga
I love it.
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Semi-related, but what Worms clones would you guys recommend if I want to play something different for the novelty factor, while also having at least some fun doing so (unlike e.g. Wormux)?
I only know about Liero
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Hogs of War maybe? It's 70% off on Steam right now.
el host.
I hoost
There was a Touhou-themed being hosted on /v/ not too long ago, idk the name though but looked neat.
le hosto
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I always liked this game mode, no strategy, just funny worms exploding.
Rest in peace, doc.
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Interview with Deadcode
i didn't realize napoleon dyamite was a real person
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Did he say when we'll get 4.0
3.9 coming this year.
Future updates will be faster because DC struck a deal with T17.
He is excited to show new features he's been working on.
His favorite scheme is Team17 and Battle Race
Least favorite is Mole shopper
That's all that doesn't have to do with TASing iirc
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it's time.
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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what the hell is that?
its me
Be careful with that grenade.
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Riot pixels indeed.
>3.9 coming this year
Bold fucking claim
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God himself said so
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It's over wormbros.
kino is back on the menu
>requires 3rd party account
aaaand it's ruined
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He actually did it this time
How do I get this working on Linux? I'm GGn so I can get the steam release, scene release, original ISO etc
I think you need to run it through wine only
I installed the wine version with lutris. I hate that I have to install a bunch of shit but pure wine didn't seem to do that trick

maybe this script will do the job for you, but I really don't know a thing about Linux so I can only wish you the best of luck.
>but pure wine didn't seem to do that trick
I'm using Wine 6.0.3 (from Linux Mint repos) and only had to run the GOG installer, then enable Direct3D 9 (shader) rendered from options. What happens in particular when you try installing it?
Well lutris (wine-ge-8, install script from lutris.net) works but I get no sound. The test sound in the wine configuration does produce sound but nothing in game. I keep on digging
Try an older, non-GE build of Wine. I've also had issues with GE when it comes to WA.
I fixed it, needed to install lib32-pulse
Linux guy here, anyone wanna play with me? I joined a lobby and it was some bullshit with crate rain and the ability to use multiple weapons in one turn. Haven't played in like 20 years, I did a practice game and the training
I could but later. I do wonder if you're able to host on your own though, have you tried using WormNAT2?
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: >/v/
Pass: rage
Kaos is great though

it's not a question about how would you host but a question if WormNAT works well on Linux.
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I made a Sassy bank using Worms R*mbl*'s sounds, download it.

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what the fuck
Poland memes, nobody would understand.
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>Rumble gnored
it's over.
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I just finished a pack for a team based on The Binding of Isaac. I put 5 Fanfares, an icon, a grave and a sound bank (sounds come from both the original and Rebirth). I hope someone enjoys it.
Pretty cool anon, thanks. I'll upload them to the archive, however you uploaded 2 .ogg files that I'm pretty sure do not work with Worms Armageddon.
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I also updated the Sassy Bank because I wasn't happy with ow3.wav, you can download it and change it on your folder.

Also hosting
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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There is a good amount of porn of this character apparently, I learned that today.
>however you uploaded 2 .ogg files
Can't believe I let that slip, how embarassing. Here's those 2 but corrected: https://files.catbox.moe/vl0ip7.zip
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No worries, I uploaded them with the rest of the collection.
Howdy, I recreated this classic map because it's my favourite and it's connected to childhood memories of mine of playing it with my friends. 20 years later and we are playing it again. I wanted to make it bigger just to have more of it, just for fun.
I used paint first and then Gimp regarding this instruction because of the limited colour palette yadda yadda: https://worms2d.info/Colour_map
In testing I can play on this map just fine. But there's no stars flying on the sky, and it doesn't have a background. Clouds are way above the landscape, which is fine, I assume due to the scaling. What am I retard missing here?
the background elements are gone because your map palette has too many colors, gotta reduce it to 64 to have it display perfectly you can do it with Gimp easily.
the clouds are high up because they stop at your image's ceiling, which is very far up from the rest of the map, you can crop it as long as the height can still be divided by 8.
Much obliged, that worked
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If you post the final version I'll add it to our little archive, glad to be of help.
Sure, have fun with it
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And one version for fort fights
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Thanks for your contribution, anon.
One last suggestion is to go into the game after checking the map out and save it with a background that fits it best for added aesthetics also because the default is -beach and it fucking SUCKS.

Here's a link with how every background looks like https://worms2d.info/Colour_map#Choosing_a_background
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Ah thanks, I absolutely filtered out the background part when reading quickly over the instructions in the Knowledge Base just like with the Colour Limitation part regarding 64 colours and so on
The art of choosing a background image for a map is often ignored by most people, most people play with black background anyways and it is so tragic.
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Room: /v/
Pass: rage
where's the patch that adds the indian voices back in?
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everyone post webms of h*st getting btfo!
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the other host...
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he is the chosen one
is that shake at 0:16 from the host slamming his fist on the desk?
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I'll admit, that was pretty sick.

That's the classic PgDown to "lol" to PgUp combo.
But is it good?
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You'll have to find that answer yourself, I don't have a newgrounds account so I can't actually see the NSFW posts, proceed with caution, from what I gathered that artist is into some weird shit.
when do we play?
When (You) host. Maybe make a /v/eekend thread on /v/, it's been a while.
>Worms Armageddon will only load the first 156 bitmap flags, sorted alphabetically. Any flags beyond that limit will not show up in the custom flag list.
I hope somebody made a module to fix this
didn't know that, it must apply to graves too then.
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if you really need more flags, you can delete the ones from >User\Flags\Default. this will give you 55 more slots
if you need even more flags, you can make use of the fact that the flag is embedded inside your team file upon exiting from the team editor dialog, so the original flag .bmp no longer needs to reside inside your flags directory once you create your team
>the flag is embedded inside your team file upon exiting from the team editor dialog, so the original flag .bmp no longer needs to reside inside your flags directory once you create your team
What if you do that then enter the editor again, would the flag get deleted since it can't find it on the folder and it has to show something in the flag selector?
the team file stores the original filename of the flag/grave and a copy of the bitmap. you should be fine to edit the team once, save it and never save it again via editor. if you need to edit the team later on, you can temporarily copy the .bmps back to flags/grave directory and make your changes in the editor
Do not fuck the Hatsune Miku Worm.
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Hey look what I found, would you say this remains true to this day, or have the tides of time changed the general opinion into accepting board game is a top 10 scheme?
I've got a room up for the /v/ thread if any of you lads are awake over here.
Kaos #27?? its gotta be top 3 these days
Kaos was never too popular with /v/orms for some reason.
nothing that resembles shopper is top 10
I liked Darts a lot, sad to see it on spot #26
intermediate has come way back up since this i think
it's just teams on autogen maps instead of ffa on meme maps now
Why not teams on meme maps?
most of the meme maps are actually kind of terrible to play on once you get past the initial funny factor, like terrain that's either way too hard to traverse or way too flat, darksiding holes, huge or tiny map sizes, etc.
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what an idiot haha
Where can I get this theme it looks nice
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
>missed it
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
already gone?
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Currently gayming
For the record, I won't play for too long, it's already 3:30AM
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join now or never.

Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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In which folder do I throw such terrain files? Installed the wkTerrainSync already but am unsure about the location of said files
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Worms Armageddon/DATA/Level
Thanks friend, that works. As I understand, I just need to have my friends download and put the wkTerrainSync files into the Worms Armageddon folder, they need to enable WormKit modules in the advanced settings in the menu. Then the terrains will be loaded automatically onto their PCs once I choose them for a game when I host. That is correct?
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That's exactly right. Have fun.
We have some thread-unique terrains in the archive if you wanna get those too btw.
Thanks, downloaded and will check some out later.
>worms graffiti
That reminds me. When I was a wee lad and sometimes got to borrow my sister's boyfriend's Playstation plus his WA-CD, I always became fixated on it after playing for a while. I remember trying to draw the weapon grid pattern from memory on a sunny day outside on the sidewalk with chalk. I distinctly remember drawing the bazooka and holy handgrenade. Must have been like 6 or 7.
WA still holds up to this day on all regards. The graphics are just as sharp as I remember them
>The graphics are just as sharp as I remember them
They've gotten sharper too, including the frontend https://worms2d.info/SuperFrontendHD
is the download in the op up to date?
Should be, you can check the version by hovering on the Worms Armageddon logo in the main menu, we're on 3.8.1 3.9 soon!??!?!
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
is there a difference between the servers in the pirated version and the servers in the steam version?
The "pirated" version you're likely thinking of is, strictly speaking, just the GoG release (as GoG games do not have DRM). But no, GoG, Steam and CD versions can all access the same server.
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
Looks like the wormnet is experiencing some heavy lag. We'll play some other time
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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I wonder if the game has some sort of rigged mechanics so shit like this happens. Some games like Spelunky will try to cheat so things fly your way and kill you.
in all fairness there was much leeway for similar trajectories to those still snipe the red worm
Sometimes it does seem the game is out to get you.
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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Wormchads keep winning
Where my nigga boggy b at
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Laying dormant until the coming of our lord and savior 4.0
Every now and then, I think about getting into these games, because I've tried them before and they're pretty fun. Then I realize, 99% of the playerbase still playing online is going to be doing shit like that, because they've been autistically playing the same game for the last two and a half decades and I stand no chance of doing anything but getting dunked on repeatedly.
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My guy, here's a recording of the same people playing.
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ask them to set their team to less than 8 worms while your team has 8
fuck these other threads i don't even play wurms
okay, got the game. Is there some secret multiplayer community that only connects through IPs I'm not aware of? Wormnet through the menu seems shockingly dead compared to the steam player counts.
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You gotta enter the Wormnet > go to online > #anythinggoes channel > enter a lobby
Generally people are already playing and you can only enter a lobby that's open by the host, otherwise it's basically hidden, lots of people snooping on that would join if you make a lobby yourself, but lemme welcome you by opening a game RIGHT NOW

Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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Ninja Roping – Part 1 [Basic Rope Controls]: https://files.catbox.moe/cw6bnb.webm

Ninja Roping – Part 2 [Reroping Direction & Angles]: https://files.catbox.moe/z1ehxw.webm

Ninja Roping – Part 3 [Speed & Parachute]: https://files.catbox.moe/zz2bgd.webm
thank you anon, these clear things up a bit
Also check out the two tutorials mablak made recently
Worms Armageddon is once again on sale on Steam if you haven't gotten it yet for some reason
on GOG too https://www.gog.com/pl/game/worms_armageddon
Hi bros, havent play any worms game since i was a kid. Found out about the sales and i have a some questions:
Can i play with snoop people even if i get the Steam version of armageddon?

are W.M.D, Reloaded and Ultimate mayhem good games ( played it on Xbox like a million years ago)?
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>Can i play with snoop people even if i get the Steam version of armageddon?
Yes, you can play with anyone. The CD/GOG/Steam versions only differ in DRM method being used (CD check/none/steamapi).

>are W.M.D, Reloaded and Ultimate mayhem good games ( played it on Xbox like a million years ago)?
It's the closest one to WA in terms of gameplay and general look and feel. You can check it out if you're looking for some new single player experience. Multiplayer is dead and there is no crossplay to help it. The maps are generated by stacking multiple pre-rendered images on top of each other to create a landscape. I personally find those landscapes boring, because the land is massive and explosions do jack shit to it, so you're unlikely to drown other worms by digging through land.
It's the definite edition of many Worms games released on that fucking engine.(Open Warfare, Worms 2007, Open Warfare 2, A Space Oddity, Worms 2: Armageddon, Reloaded, Battle Islands, Revolution, Worms 3 Clan Wars, Battlegrounds, Worms 4). Basically a dumbed-down game for casuals and children. Multiplayer is probably dead and nothing of value was lost.
>Ultimate Mayhem
I didn't play it, but I enjoyed Worms 3D. WUM is basically the same game. Also, russians fucking love it and keep making weird mods for it.
Thank you bro, i hope i dont get fucked too bad in multiplayer, last time i tried a niche old multiplayer game was Dawn of war 2 and it was painfull.
i wish people organized worms forts under siege games
Never played it, what's so special about it?
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Never knew I needed double jumps until now
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Some highlights
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made a quick lobby but forgot to post the info lolololol here's a couple highlights
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It's 80% off if you haven't gotten it legit. By the way, anybody knows if there's been any news on that "Anniversary Edition" that got leaked in the Epic Game Store thing last month?
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Tell me now and tell me true, what's the best scheme for you?

Did you hear about that Steam Shadowplay feature they are implementing? Some anons said they had some issues recording to make webms, hope that helps 'em.
The Full Wormage on meme maps
Too bad it ends up being a Donkey spamfest every time.
>Tell me now and tell me true, what's the best scheme for you?
Good ol shoppa
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Man, the rest of the games feel kinda weird to play, at least 3D has its unique charm.
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Let's WxW

Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
Here's your feature-lenght film bro

>By the way, anybody knows if there's been any news on that "Anniversary Edition" that got leaked in the Epic Game Store thing last month?
Get ready for another Open Warfare rehash
you just know that he will plop right after that hhg hits water
Why is EVERYONE in WMD wormnet a spic? You'd think they would be playing Armageddon since it runs everywhere
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They might be console players, why are (You) playing WMD though?
Armageddon is too childish for them, I'd wager.
>They might be console players
WMD doesn't have PC-console crossplay. Heck, it doesn't even have Steam-GOG crossplay.
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
couldn't remember if i'd shared this before or not
Looks like it is on the archive on the part 3 folder, unless you updated it to fix some volume or clip choice or should be good.
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
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Enjoying Arcanists?
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What all does this mean for someone like me who's never played Ultimate Mayhem but has it sitting in their liberry
It just adds Text-to-Speech to WUM.
I meant any implications beyond that, like how Wormkit is for Armageddon.
I guess this opens the doors for more people to create kits for WUM (i doubt it).
Felt better in my childhood...
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WormKit does not provide any additional functionality aside from loading wk*.dll files into the game (which takes like 10 lines of code to implement). All wormkit modules must implement all their hackery on their own due to lack of any modding API. Nowadays it is a bit easier, because you can copy&paste shit from existing open source modules, but still requires some skill and dedication.
Given how underwhelming and niche WUM is, I doubt anybody will care to make dll mods for it.
I wish T17 tried their hand at 3D Worms again (or ask Sega to do it like it happened with the first one). The main problem with 3D Worms is that ot can be too easy to plop people, and I think WUM tried to balance that by making weapons weaker on the blast department, also no interaction between worms like knocking or sliding, these niggas get magnetized as soon as they touch the ground; while this makes it more balanced it also makes it very dry and underwhelming.

Maybe it should be a real-time 3D artillery game.
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Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/orms
Pass: rage
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Based, loop the bungee return so it's and endless bungee fly lol
room up
room down
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
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