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Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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I have no idea when this happened, but POI exploration XP has been heavily nerfed. It used to just keep scaling up, like the old Journey's steps did. But now it caps at like 5k. I explored the entire map in admin mode without fighting/building anything, including the volcano. I only got roughly 950k xp, not even enough for lvl 30. For reference on how the scaling went, I did the entire desert (no swamp/highlands) and ended that at lvl 21. I only went up 8 more levels doing the entire swamp, highlands, mounds, snow, and volcano.

This is a huge bummer, because basically every source of XP now is worthless. Killing was cut by half, Journey xp was removed (only 100 per step, no scaling), building xp was removed with the introduction of Construction Hammer, and the time xp is just 1 per second, which only helps in the first few levels. The default leveling rate is so slow now.
What causes your thralls to sink into the ground far below the playable area in single player? Today I booted up the game for the first time since the new update and every thrall I had standing on the ground was way, waaaay below the ground, it's done this before sometimes but it seems like every time it happens they go a little further down. It's not really a big deal since I can ghost under the mesh and retrieve them, I figure this is likely a single player only issue but I thought I'd check and see if anyone here knew what was up.
not sure, i had to once retrieve my horse way way under the map
>can get conan exiles and the island of siptah on Microsoft Store for the same price that would get me just the base game on steam
what gives??
Probably just some contract clause about sales. I bought Division 2 twice because it was cheaper to buy the base game + WONY expansion on EGS than it was to buy just the WONY expansion on the Ubisoft store
good news theres unofficial hotfixes for the new bugs
At least they're not simply disappearing though the floor, never to be seen again
I stopped playing the game the moment i got cut off from playing singleplayer because they added Denuvo and my internet was down due to a storm. Fuck those imbeciles. I am never buying a game ever again from them.
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Oh shit, really short window to grab the current twitch drop. I just checked a couple of days ago and there was nothing, but now it ends in a week.

In other news, apparently the next drop is goingto be a blood crystal katana. I'm looking forward to it.
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I haven't used the scaffolding since BP3 since it was so crap with snapping, giving you no way to make paths. I'm surprised to see they actually went back and edited it to be more forgiving. You can actually get them close enough without snapping to run paths - and also still use the double-piece for snapping a straight path if you want. I'll probably start using these in builds now.
Which mods do you like and recommend?
Which mods to avoid?
I want play Conan again (last time played before magic update) Seems like a lot changed in this time.
You may want to wait a bit longer. The current patch is a hot mess, and day 1 the devs put out an announcement like "yeah, we know nothing works and a lot of stuff broke. We'll have it fixed in our mid-january patch. Buy our displates."

I focus mostly on appearance stuff, things like new armor sets. So skipping over the two dozen armor mods, for general utility I recommend
>Reliable Meteor showers
>Witch Doctors
>Swift Elevators
>Improved Quality of Life
>Edit Appearance (can customize the look/attire of crafter thralls)
To add on to this also get "Chapter 3 Combat HotFix (by Xevyr)" until they fix the combat turning, at least it's mandatory for me due to muscle memory screwing me over.
im not an expert on mods but i started using

no player light (player light ruins the game)
Barbarian hair (base game is stingy with hairstyles and this mod has meme hair)

Mods i want to try that i havent

Snowstorm ex, game should have had snowstorms by default

Sandstorm ex, i want to add Sandstorm beasts to the Sandstorms like the intro

All the latest hotfixes

Maybe for fun, the lightsaber mod
they need a mod fix for the castle spawning too many raiders

This inaccessible area above jungle begs to be expanded
Thanks for the warning, anon.
I use:
Improved Quality of Life
Stacksize Plus
Greater Camera Distance
Unlock Plus

Sometimes, when I'm burned up of EL, I turn on Savage Wilds.
are there any talks on what to expect in Age of War 4th chapter?
I'm surprised at how much I like savage wilds now. I tried it a long time ago and it was mostly empty but they've really filled it out since, it's refreshing to explore an entirely new map and I was caught off guard a bit on how much there is to find off the beaten path. Does this map have any special thralls?
i was wondering if it'll be ships and we break through the east pylons and attack an island held by the Stygians
It's just finishing off the stuff they had already intended to do for Age of War. They said what the final things were during the livestream, but none of it was very interesting. The primary goal is polishing the AoW content they already added, since they won't come back to it once development moves on to the next age.
I doubt it'll be much of anything, content wise. The whole point of switching to four chapters was so that they could alternate between content and bugfixes/QOL

If they were going to do something like that it would probably be the focus of a whole new Age
you guys know how to bypass a fucking CGNAT to host a server?
i've tried using playit.gg but either i can't figure it out or it doesn't work.
There's a lot of missing information to properly diagnose an issue. Where exactly is the hump you're coming across? Can other people connect to the server and not you? Have you done proper port forwarding?
i've got the port opened locally however it's inaccessible to the outside world due to CGNAT jewery
I can join through my local IP however using the tunnel provided by playit.gg does not seem to work.
I'm not sure, I've never worked with CGNAT before. Is there a way to host the server using IPv6?
Taverns are pretty comfy, and being able to seat your thralls and post door guards is neat.
It's something they wanted to do in the original vision of the game. It's nice that despite mtx being a cancer upon all that apparently the guys who originally pushed the vision of what they wanted to make are still there.
Conan Exiltes: Age of Navigation Chapter One.
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>not Age of Sail
That would do as well.
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I finally finished the BP today. The spit is a cooking pit, which meets the bare minimum needed to not piss me off. But the vanir hearth is actually a stove, which is a pleasant surprise. I am all for more decorations being functional. 2/3 emotes work on thralls (Propose a Toast, Pass Out). Neither pet is combat. The cub is passive, like the cats. The hart still does no damage. However, considering its insane +360 hp per vit, plus the fastest pet run speed in the game, Raiden-Bambi might have some use as the ultimate tank. 3 armor sets, 2 weapons. Ultimately it was still just a decoration pass, sitting somewhere in the lower/middle rankings. Way too many clan emblems. In trying to throw together a tavern real quick, I found it to be lacking food decorations of all things (there's just the 1 cheese). Also, there's a lot of errors: cups being marked as tokens, names and descriptions that don't match their items. It felt as slipshod as the rest of the update in that regard.

With the BP done, I can finally start a new char and begin playing tomorrow.
I miss this game. Played it on Xbox back in March before I became homeless. Best survival imo. Rust and Ark didn't hit that survival scratch that Conan has. Glad they keep updating the game. Was hoping see an Unreal Engine 5 version of the game. Just my luck I suppose.
i'm hoping too that they either update it to unreal engine 5 or make a sequel.
I think Conan's setting would be perfect for Unreal 5 realism.
>homeless in tyool 2023
Stop doing drugs
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>Watch how people build their stuff on youtube, learn their tricks and tips
>Download mods for more clutter and more building options or stuff that allows me to build with less restrictions
>Search internet for architectural styles to base off
>Look up how cities, villages and castles used to were made in different times periods and in different places in the world
>Bought those dlcs on some sale too, so I have even more options
>Come up with an idea for a base that should look great
>It still looks terrible and I always fuck up roofs
I'm retarded
>all what he said
>but I'm an Architect IRL
I couldn't imagine still playing this shitshow honestly. I stopped once they introduced a battle pass.
Decided to give this a shot because GoyPass, and whew, its really scratched the carrot on a stick itch. I'm level 18, and just doing random journeys. I've barely explored the world. Do you ever get a fast travel like the Valheim portal or anything, or is it just multiple camps and running between them?
Mod: Waystones
There's a couple different kinds of fast travel. The map room, which lets you teleport to the purple fart obelisks outside most major dungeons, and transportory stones that you build yourself through the sorcery system, which you can have at each base
Or a good old fashioned horse
Any recommendation on a centralized area to set up earlier on?
Not really, the map's not super huge so you can get most resources fairly easily from anywhere in the world. I personally like the lower right corner of B-6 for my first base, since it's got a good amount of iron, Sepermeru is right next door, I can pop into the Jawbone if I ever need silver, and it makes a good staging ground for raids on the Unnamed City
somewhere around Tower of the Bat
Upper left H3.
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As was mentioned, there's two types of fast-travel, maps and stones. Maps are the ones you can start making in the early game, and they let you teleport to any of the 10 obelisks (once you've attuned your bracelet to that obelisk). In singleplayer, one of the more important QOL things to do for yourself is set up a map network: placing a map at each of the obs you've discovered, so you have a way to teleport back once you're done. It's smart to have a base near an ob so it's less travel time returning.

My personal rec is anywhere in the red circle. My first base was there (under Hand of the Maker, top left of circle), and after 1,100 hours and having bases all over the place, this is still my foremost recommendation for new players. Highlights:
>within 1 tile of an obelisk
>center of the game map
>best early-game access to demon blood for making maps
>easy access to every resource in the game except the high lvl ones (no black ice, lotuses, fur, black blood)
Things like fish, ichor, silk, iron, coal, humans, vines, aloe, thick hide, elephant hide, brimstone, horn, and [animal] hide are all things you appreciate having ez access to. Gold and silver can also be found across the many chests nearby, especially after the loot revamp. The downside of this spot is nearby humans (dogs/darfari) hit HARD after recent update, but that's everyone so hardly unique to here. Getting heavy armor early will make up for it, especially heavy hyrkanian armor.

Seper is another good spot for different reasons, more so once you already have 2 maps (1 at base, 1 at H7 for ez demon blood runs). I don't want to recommend it to a new player through because you can cheese progression by grabbing the chests from town, skipping straight to acheronian/hardened steel tier at lvl 1 with 0 risk. It's better to actually play the game properly first. On a second playthrough, you can dive straight to Seper.
is there a fix for the castle continuously spawning guards.
Ive gotten pretty good at ninjaring my way in but the game keeps duplicating the warlord
Nvm i made myself a full set of arena champion armour and a master Hanuman's gada. Ninjad in again and killed him in a couple of swings.
Heaviest ninja ever
Will this work on potato pc? I just bought the standard pack and what's the difference between standard vs complete game?
If you've already bought it then there's no reason not to try
Complete edition comes with a new map and some skins, mostly for architecture. The new map doesn't get updates like the main map does, no castle for the PvE siege for example, so you're not losing much by not playing it
As a newfag, do all created pieces, like a crafting table, generate a no spawn zone, or just housing foundations?
which dlcs are worth buyng?
All of them
ok but what if i want only one of em
Isle is the only one with actual content, the rest are just cosmetics.
when does the bazaar reset? will they bring back the pyramid set?
>watching guides on how to do an easy level 1 purge to get the barkeeper
>they tell people to get a ridiculous long list of stuff
>built a pyramid with a maze inside of it
>and about ten doors
>put some golems within the maze
>purge can't even get past me and the first door to get into the pyramid
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As was said, only Siptah gives "content" (different map). Of the cosmetic packs, I like either Jewel of the West or Argos. One is roman style, the other greek. I love the marble tilesets.
>when does the bazaar reset?
The timers are plastered all over it, mang.
>will they bring back the pyramid set?
Eventually, but when is entirely up to the RNG. It could be next cycle, could be 20 cycles from now.
Siptah looks cool but people are saying its bugged atm
I'm legit confused how this game is still active. It can't be making enough money to offset server costs, can it?
i tested level 2 with the same base
>camp spawns right next to the base. It actually spawned around me
>spawned a bunch of stun locking one skull enemies
>almost died and lost my follower
>after dispatching the skulls was easy
>lost the entrance door to the maze this time
>actually made the base more effective because two golems ran out and started slaughtering the purge camp
I like that I can build a fort that looks like a fort and still be effective during the purge now, instead of the murder pyramid I had before
The combat hotfix doesn't fix how the enemies lock-on to you.
It makes agility dodgy builds completely useless now
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I just started playing again in spite of the ongoing dumpsterfire. Started making a tower but I doubt this spot between Hand of the Maker and Weaver's Den has enough flat ground for purge camps to spawn so I'll probably need to find a different spot for that if I want to actually try the new tavern shit.

You need to actually apply the mod as admin. As admin you type 'dc combatfix' into the console and the UI comes up.
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Also, I've been expanding my tower.
nice design, do you use gathered resources or the infinite free cam build? i noticed streamers use the infinite build pieces.
>I doubt this spot between Hand of the Maker and Weaver's Den has enough flat ground for purge camps to spawn
To be fair, spawning a purge at your actual base is a fool's choice. There's no reason not to make a treasure fort in a better location with deliberate defensive design just for purges. Otherwise you risk losing your stuff if anything goes slightly wrong.
I gather shit first to make the actual shape, but then upgrade/add roofing in creative. Even with the crafting cost mult halved t3 shit takes too long and is too much of a pain to mess around with.
tried to come back to the game but they made it feel so casual now. when we were playing a year or so ago, you had to grind to get material. now you get such huge quantities from harvesting just a little bit that it's insane.
You can change harvest amount in server options.
Yeah, Funcom keeps gather rates on servers at like 4x rates because they constantly fuck things up for everyone and it's an almost perpetual state of compensation.

I always keep gather rates at 1x on my game.
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Twitch drop for Blood Crystal Katana going on right now. I completely forgot and nearly missed it. This is one of the few I actually want. You have until the 15th.
damn i wanted the two hander but cbfd last time.
I wonder if i can watch Anabriella and get this? i like her cozy lesbian mommy voice
How long do you have to watch twitch to get the drop?
Two hours, but don't forget to go into your rewards page and actually claim the reward. You can also check what percentage of that two hours you've watched in the rewards page
Depends on the reward, it can require 1h or 2h. Current one is 2h.
I really fucking hate these new missions "hire a patron" and fucking claiming treasures seems to be broken too.
this battlepass shit has really killed my love for the game
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tfw found an undamaged epic level Mask of the Witchdoctor in a box because I decided to stop and kill some cannibal scum on the way to get a bit of brimstone
i got a mask that gives me nightvision. Now i don't have to snort Pirate powder anymore
I always setup a singleplayer game to finish the BP before bothering with the game game each chapter. In this case, I think I kept my BPer at lvl 40 or so to avoid the dumb challenges. For the record, your SP save file is "game.db" in the folder
>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved
You can just chuck that file to desktop (or even rename it "bu-game.db", or just copy/paste it elsewhere) and then admin mode/creative mode/server setting whatever your way through SP to easily complete challenges. If you still want to play your main SP daily, then once you're done with challenges that day you can swap the BP game.db with your real game.db. For me though, I just wait until the whole BP is done before replacing.
got muh Blood Crystal Katana. Surprisingly easy experience.
Lot better than the old twitch experience of watching for a 'chance' to get something.
Consoles and Roleplayers, both populations have a lot of whales who'll buy everything. Considering the bazaar and battlepass are reaching about 500$ just times that by 200 though it's probably around 800-1000 with how many more just buying a few items here or there. If dune fails funcom is likely just to make a conan exiles 2 with multi-core support, original dev lead that got stolen to dune, etc.
It's the most successful game Funcom has ever made
>basic pirate outfit
>1600 croms
more than the pass
I tolerated the DRM bullshit, barely, as well as bigger expansions packs, but once they started to do twitch drops bullshit, games as a service crap, seasons/chapters shit and time exclusive content I dropped it. For me it was a singleplayer game, not this GAAS bullshit.
Do yall mainly play this on singleplayer or multiplayer? Always curious what players preferred with this game/is more popular.
i play sp, i just want to pve
I've got a server but I'm usually the only one on it
only sp, sometimes coop
I wish this game wasn't designed around MMO aspect. Most of the stuff that annoys me, like respawning instead of normal reloading of a save, npcs having a weird and artificial aggro and respawn rate and lack of npcs to interact with is a direct result of it being designed around MMO aspect
if they make a sequel they should make it more of an open world game with coop
roleplay, that and I just really like decorating houses with mods
I play singleplayer because the only two kinds of server I can find are the vanilla tryhard griefer hellscape and the high fantasy total conversion original setting half-elf half-succubus half-vampire with fairy wings ERP server.
I wouldn't be quite so annoyed with the latter if it wasn't 80gb worth of conflicting mods minimum
pretty much, even if i'd like to, i know thats all i'm going to find.
not to mention a lot of the dev time went into fighting exploiters which is a never ending fight.

Good thing the game is moddable, but I do wish a mod to disable respawning of everything static would exist - that would be the first requirement to shape this game into proper a solo/coop game.
Yeah when i heard they turned the Kurak dungeon into a death trap for pve players just to nerf a pvp exploit. I thought wtf are they doing.
Oh? I haven't done Kurak lately. What'd they change?
Perfect, the thread I was looking for. The age of war Update looks fun. I always enjoyed slaughtering enemies on my sexy barbarian lady. What's the best way to play this if I have no friends?

I've dabbled several dozen hours into the game yet never "finished" any content. Eventually i always end up building a castle that's bigger than what I can finish and lose my interest.
My biggest life hack in conan exiles was setting up bridges and elevators myself to make map traversal as painless as possible. Build an elevator connecting the savannah to the Highlands and if you find yourself taking a detour a lot of the time to cross a river or a canyon start building a bridge.
just don't die in the dungeon or you lose all your stuff permanently
You lose your gear if you die in the Kurak fight now, but aren't able to summon your corpse back to retrieve your gear with sorcery so it's extremely high risk if you're a shitter
best strat would be to run in naked with a star metal weapon and a golem and an empty inventory.
sp. Age of War lets you kinda experience some of the pvp siege content now too.
Also, you can place some stools for random NPCs to sit down and pretend they are drinking (Tavern).
I kind of wanna try to find a decent RP server again but it feels so difficult.
>yamatai tavern set in bazaar
>all promotional material and description shows it being a normal, functional addition
>first people say seats doesn't work
>hotfix moves the pillows to 'decorative'
>will eventually actually be functional
>not until patch 4... assuming there's nothing that blocks the update

Man, I don't even buy that shit on the bazaar but that's just ridiculous. What in the ever loving fuck is going on in their Carolina studio? It sure as fuck ain't the Oslo people anymore.

God I can't wait until next week when Enshrouded comes out. How bad is it that I'm looking forward to something from those czech bastards at Keen.
play on oblivion if you want monkey pvp with dnd themes
play on tempting fate if you want to monkey pvp but with conan lore
play on scarlet cage/chains if you wanna coom
Any of them that don't require a discord and a fucking 3 page job application?
I don't think there isn't a conan let alone roleplay server that isn't from 2004 that doesn't require a discord account. The four I listed all have easy sign ins with chains/scarlet cage just being a character/kink fill out sheet and you're in. Hell, chains doesn't really care about the discord part as you'll just be kicked in case the server is full for those who are registered. I loathe the 3 job app shit like gtaworld but from what I remember places like halcyon, tales of tamriel and tyranny do that autistic 'write me a 5 page backstory, 20 character pics to see if you're 'immersive' :^] and a whitelist of why you're allowed to play so I get that yucky shit.
try halcyon, you just need to choose name race class profession for whitelist, no real application required. it's dnd based. also probably most active/populated server right now.
The power of flesh is stronger than the power of steel, Conan.
>add hotfix
>combat still the same
so do crafter thralls ever visit the bar?
I keep trying to play this game when the pass comes out but I keep getting bored. I need the stimulation of a new map.
As the system currently works, no. It might happen in the future because of their planned changes to how thralls work in general. They plan on getting rid of the 'crafting thrall as bench item' system and instead using the new kind of 'ghost' placement system that is seen on doors/archer posts/tavern seats. Crafting thralls once broken aren't actual npcs but rather an item. They aren't placeable in the world like fighter thralls currently are.

Downside for their plan - you can't stockpile niggas. Upside - you'll be able to dress up all your crafting thralls?
>Upside - you'll be able to dress up all your crafting thralls?
The original goal, and you can still see hints of this with how gods work, is that your base would be a very spread out city-fortress with thralls that walk around and interact and do stuff. I assume that adding new rooms with more interactivity is part of this. Like I noticed when I was placing my tavern thrall that if I moved near a door green placement options appeared for thralls at the door that looked like they were guarding. I assume that's something they haven't implemented yet.
Who knows, maybe down the line we'll have a barracks for thralls and they'll have patrol routes.
yeah, that's the 'ghost placement' system. It was first introduced with the last chapter - the archer posts I mentioned use the same system. They were originally meant to come along with the door guards but they held it back for this chapter. It's also the same system used for putting the barkeep on a tavern.

They're currently putting that system on all the other crafting benches so ostensibly crafting thralls won't be any different than fighters mechanically. As it is now once you break a crafter their just an item. Nothing but an icon for the bench with a tagged on art asset you can't interact with. Soon they'll be like normal thralls that you take from the wheel and put in the world then you'll just move them to the workbench. They'll actually 'be' there and you can interact with them rather than just essentially being an image.
>Upside - you'll be able to dress up all your crafting thralls?
can already do this with mods, but it will be nice for non-modders.
"City life" was something that was planned for the full release, but it didn't make it. I'm happy if it finally gets implemented and we can do much more with our settlements. Making them feel more alive is a good start.
I love this game, I just want to build spires for the spider God
Post some goddamn builds you faggots, I need ideas.
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Y'all niggas better vote for Kush ispired bazaar content instead of another lame medieval Europe set.
fuck the bazaar
Was just playing Valheim and picked up Conan Exiles over the weekend. Is there a /v server? Would like to play some PvE with some bros and do some building and explore the world.
Yeah, all of that shit can blow my fucking ding dong. I usually join just long enough to make a couple friends and just play on my server with them after.
From desert, go to the sorcerers cave, get the book of korak as well as all of the loot, next to the city to buy spiced pork, then north to harvest black ice and obsidian. Takes 4 hours, and you can grab star metal weapons in mounds of dead.
Which isn't playing the game. At least killing, exploring, and journeys were playing the game. Can also speedshot by using the gather resource spell in the crystal cave, but leveling and progression shouldn't be reduced to target farming a specific thing that you must do once you feel like leveling at all.
The point of the game isn't reaching level 60. The game starts after the level cap. Naturally you'd want that to be efficient.
Hence the complaint that every form of gaining xp normally has been nerfed.
>The game starts after the level cap
nothing changes at lvl 60.
It's when you can make epic weapons/armors for yourself and thralls, which is like a +400% boost to your combat capabilities. It opens up the entire world and removes any real hurdles, like being able to kill Red Mother without any risk of your thrall dying. You can of course do anything before that point too, it's just much harder or takes much longer simple due to numbers.
Been working on a Greek themed port:

technically you are correct, but I just can't be bothered with the "boss fights" in this game.
Unnamed City's bosses are to me the only worthwhile ones because Fragments can be used to give yourself infinite feat points, so you can learn all the recipes. After that there's no real point, of course. In previous patches, Red Mother's torch was very useful and the xp from them was great for leveling thralls. There's also reason to hit up the bird bosses for black blood tools.
really nice
This is pretty nice. Good scale. I hope we get more boat and water stuff soon.
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Twitch drop going on right now for a... folding screen? Not sure if it's worth it, but hey, it's free and sitting minimized in the background isn't anything tedious.
How do I farm the shit out of ironstone? cause I need like 50 iron for a thrall wheel and 30 iron for a sword plus another 25 iron for the thrall feeder and it took about 2 hours just to get enough to make 50 ingots. I'm brand new btw, playing singleplayer, completely blind to all the mechanics except for the stuff I've been able to figure it out in the starting area (sit in a tree to fight hyenas)

One of the NPCs said theres cities full of exiles and I went to the western city (it looked like a legit city on the map) trying to maybe find somewhere I could just BUY the iron but it was full of skeletons and I realized then that the cities thing was a lie
That guy means the city to the north west of the unnamed city (the one with skeletons) and the nordheimer town in the north. Also you can find shitload of ironstone in the central desert where the darfari live.
I've been crossing the river and running around the central desert and I haven't found more than maybe 10 ironstone veins. Everything else is just hyenas and alligators
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Since you're in blind, I'm not sure what you've experienced. Here's some basics
>Although regular stone nodes can drop ironstone, there are specific iron nodes you want to be farming instead.
>Certain resources need the appropriate tier of tool to get the full amount. A stone pick will only give 1-2 ironestone from an iron node (instead of the normal 6 it's supposed to), but an iron pick will give the full 8 it's supposed to.
Just from the latter point, making an iron pick is your highest priority once you want iron. (I might be wrong on iron giving the full amount. Maybe that needs at least steel-tier, but iron picks give insane amounts more ironstone from iron nodes than stone picks do).
>There are areas of extremely high iron node density, shown in pic related. One swoop through the low lvl red one with an iron pick can give you 1k-2k ironstone. The "high lvl" one has about the same amount, but it's more convenient for a high lvl player for reasons.
The blue areas have plenty of nodes for me to make a base near, and I just hit them up in passing whenever I'm heading out or returning from a further adventure if I settle down near them. Other anons can no doubt point out dozens of similar blue areas that are good for settling, or you can just find your own. If you don't want to chain yourself to an area with decent iron, just knowing about the two red zones are enough for you to hit up when needed to have more than enough.
ahh I've been pretty much following the river this whole time, thanks for the map that helps a lot
When I'm starting a new char, one tip I learned was to not return until I had at least 160 ironstone. That gives 80 iron bars, which is enough for the blacksmith bench (50) and an iron pick (30). Then I can head out for real amounts of iron.
bottom red spot is the best natural progression from the start.
Always build my first base there.

I built a fort in the low lvl red circle and I took the massive trek west to find the city, once I got there I got to speak to Conan himself and he told me absolutely nothing of value.

I was thinking of just making thralls and raiding cannibals until I feel high level enough to go further north but honestly I'm kinda losing my way here. I might join an online server and attempt to meet my very own Subotai but I feel like theres more to do but its just "hiding" from me
>and he told me absolutely nothing of value.
Sort of, but they are vague hints on places to go, and one person named in a questline. Unfortunately all of her notes are scattered all over the fucking place but one of them is in Sepermeru
From what I've experienced of this game so far, that stuff sounds super high level. Map rooms and sorcery and shit? I haven't discovered steel and I still don't even have a horse to ride on. Travelling to the city alone was rough and all I had to do was follow a river and cross a desert. I feel like I'm supposed to have friends with me
Well yeah its a co-op survivalslop game. Also i'm too lazy to fuck around with horses and shit I just walk everywhere.
You'd be surprised at the dumb shit you can get to with just being sneaky and some good old autism. Map room I think you can legit just tiptoe into at level 1 and then hoof it back to the bar to jerk off your corruption back to zero.
>supposed to have friends
Content is balanced around solo play, but not for someone right out the box. You'll want heavy armor, max vitality, a thrall in heavy armor, etc. Everything increases your combat potential exponentially. At bare minimum, try getting a thrall and putting a full set of any heavy armor on him or her. That takes the heat off you, which is a major relief. Don't get too attached to the thrall though, because as a new player you're going to learn the hard way what kind of situations will kill your thralls and what won't.
this games soloable its actually kinda fun, not lately because they keep breaking and changing everything.
Though they did make all the loot in the game much better.
when/what is the new chapter
AoW Ch4. Chapters release roughly 3 months after the previous chapter, some somewhen around March 15th. As for what it entails, we know a couple of minor things (finishing off the promised AoW content that couldn't fit in Ch3) plus bug fixing. It's been so long since that stream I've forgotten what those minor things were. The most telling quote about Ch4 was "Once we move on from an Age, everything about that Age is left as-is, so we wanted one more chapter to really polish off the Age of War content and make sure we leave it in a good state." There's no clue yet if it'll include any surprise content like the tavern system was for Ch3.
probably getting executions and niggas trying to rob the big treasure when you are carrying it back.
>he doesn't watch every oldcraig video on the day it's posted
Do any of you play on a decent PvP server? Trying to get back into the game and don't want to waste my time on a bad server.
Dead thread. Dead game.
This is pretty average speed for /vm/ threads to be honest
Nah nigga this is dead af
We're 15 days until the next scheduled content update, 2.5 months since last any content, the tail end of one of the worst patches the game has ever had which was broken on release and not fixed for 1.5 months in a """hot"""fix. We are 2 weeks past the time the next patch was supposed to be announced, and 1 week past the time the devstream preview for the next patch was supposed to be out.

The thread is dead as fuck right now, but that's because there hasn't been a word about the next thing yet. Just wait for news about the next patch, the beta for it, the devstream, etc. which should rejuvenate the thread.
>We're 15 days until the next scheduled content update,
ugh does this mean a new fucking battlepass? I hate this fomo bullshit so much why'd they have to add it
I just totally disregard it.
i play officials until I realize how boring the game is to play alone.
I'm thinking about coming back for solo PvP and trying ceronesthes' claimless rat base idea to stay hidden.
Might throw up a pvp server. 2x, fri/sat night (EST) raiding, no or very few mods. Really I just want to play on a fresh map and check out all the new content I've missed in Age of War and I'd rather there be a chance to interact/fight with other people than just playing singleplayer.
Just make sure you logout in the desert far away from your base, will help prevent ESP'ers from finding your stuff from your healthbar across the map. ESP clients can still highlight placeables, but they're less likely to check somewhere that doesn't have a body in it.
Don't be discouraged if it winds up being empty, getting a pvp server rolling is really difficult, just isn't much of a population for it at the moment. Even the pvp servers that have been around a long time struggle to keep players in. Hopefully the drop of the next chapter will boost the playercount a bit.
>Hopefully the drop of the next chapter will boost the playercount a bit.
Not him. I'm putting my hopes in the next Age. This one felt like "tweaks and fixes," and nothing about it really felt new. I want something that really shakes up the content, although we're probably too late in the game's life for that.
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Whelp, news finally dropped. Looks like Ch4 is probably going to be late, unless they only run the beta for 2 weeks (8th to 22nd).
>Now, something old and hungry awakens.
At least there's going to be some kind of new content.
They're probably getting ready to all in on dune.
I'm gonna drop the server tomorrow. Maybe the new chapter hype will get some people to come back and join.
if they stop content updates a cracked version can't come soon enough.
Chapter 4 patch notes are up. Looking good. https://forums.funcom.com/t/age-of-war-chapter-4-public-beta-patch-notes-7-march-2024/251094
I'll try it. I got to install the game to keep up my fomo either way.
Is there no way to customise crafters with Tot custom?
I don't remember if there's a way, but I personally always run Edit Appearance alongside ToTCustom for that purpose. For the record, ToTC and RA both apply a skin over the real model that replaces it, while Edit Appearance (and IQOL) directly edit the models themselves. You probably don't need to know why that difference matters but it can be handy to know when running into weird graphical glitches, especially with ToTC. Also, when removing your mods EA and IQOLs edits will remain in an unmodded game, while ToTC's will revert to the prior appearance.

Anyways, Edit Appearance
like ToTC it let's you edit appearances and armor skins, as well as (I think) warpaints. And they work together no problem, at least when using EA on crafters. I think using EA on yourself or a fighter thrall won't show anything because ToTC is replacing your true appearance.
>Fixed an issue which allowed characters to use tools on nodes that are intended to be picked up by hand
>**Exception: Sickles can still be used on bushes
>The Sword of Crom now properly deals damage to all enemy types, even when held by Thralls
It's not in the notes, but they added a toggle that has your character's attack direction follow your camera facing. It's not instant like before, but the crybabies on the FC forum seem placated.
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I'll go back to doing that I geuss, thanks! I like to keep mod bloat low whenever possible in my games.
Are the 'improved' variants more efficient or just faster?
I hate this spic faggot so much
Anyone interested in a PvP Siptah server on the beta build? Siptah got 2 raidable camps and it has the event enabled as well. Could be fun for a change of pace from EL then we could wipe and go back to EL for Ch4 launch. Or stick with Siptah whatever.
Is there a way to clear preplaced structures in admin mode? Having a hard time finding a spot that doesn't have a Dafari camp right outside it.
Any 4chan approved servers?
I just want a vanilla-ish PvP experience with no undermeshers and a chance to call someone a faggot (if they're being a faggot).
I think my ideal server would be a vanilla-ish server where you stay in character, but just play normally. No paragraphs of RP or dice rolling, but also people making a character and playing as them.
Also PvP sex mods so people can get bonked over the head and taken as sex slaves.
>I think my ideal server would be a vanilla-ish server
>where you stay in character, but just play normally.
>No paragraphs of RP or dice rolling, but also people making a character and playing as them.
>Also PvP sex mods so people can get bonked over the head and taken as sex slaves.
There have been two or three attempts to get one going. I think they tend to be too hardcore.
This game really does have one of the whiniest playerbases. Everyone liked to pretend that conan was the hardcore survival game on the market, but the microsecond they made bosses actually track the player so they can hit more than once an hour, it's been endless crying ever since. With conan's I-frames it's not difficult at all to just cheese every boss with rollspam, not that anyone would know it from listening to the CoMmUnItY.
Every time
Anyone play on Blood and Sand? Seems like a pretty chill RP PvP server. No mods and their rules aren't overbearing.
nm they seem to be running it on a toaster. haven't seen AI this delayed in years.
A man cannot change his nature.
>make event all about the god of bestiality
>force players to strip naked in event fights
>final boss and recruitable follower is a giant bara anthro bear
>because it's so fucking huge you have to stare directly at its crotch to interact with it
what did they mean by this
u wot? Derketo is the beastiality god.

Not Gerbal Sag
because it looks stupid having bosses snap to your direction.
The way bosses were many updates ago was plenty hard
It looks silly, but I disagree strongly that the bosses were plenty hard before. Before they snapped to the player, almost every single boss in the game could be defeated by just walking to the left or right - and that's not an exaggeration, I seriously mean EVERY boss save for a few. That's atrocious. The chances of actually getting hit were so low even a noob could walk up to any boss and just bleed them out with daggers.

Even now, you only have to dodge SOME attacks. It might look sillier, but the bosses were a complete joke before. Hell, that's not even talking about how much fighter thralls used to trivialize every fight. "doing" a boss for most of the playerbase meant sicking your tiemos onto it and alt tabbing for a minute or so. And besides, people aren't complaining about how the bosses look, they're all complaining the bosses are too hard - which is silly, since most of them had their healthpools gutted.
>The way bosses were many updates ago was plenty hard
i remember back in alpha they were hard
yeah if you were agility spec, they still had some "your dead" attacks that caught noob casuals by surprise.
What they should have done is just upped the damage.
It wasn't a problem for me since i always run a don't get hit build but i loved the risk.
That WAS what was cool about Conan, risk/reward like the potential to stumble upon an enemy that could kill you and you'd drop your stuff.
i don't think the enemies snapping to you was even intentional, it looks like a bug, same as how they now walk side ways at you.
Its a bug from them trying to change how the player moves lol shit needs to go away and revert back to the og combat
>official pvp servers are 4x harvest
lmao wtf is this? did funcom just give up?
>Bosses were too easy because they could never hit you
>What they should have done is increase the damage!
It doesn't matter how hard they hit if they never hit you. There was no risk in the way it used to be unless you had installed the game 5 minutes ago or never played any other game in your life.

Hell, years and years ago you didn't even have to dodge, could just hold up a shield an chug herbal teas and haunch to heal through every encounter in the game. If we're going as far back as alpha release, the bosses were only tough back then because the combat was runescape-tier stand in place and mash left click, it was archaic not difficult.
>That WAS what was cool about Conan
I'm confused, if the ability to get smoked by a boss when unprepared is a good thing (which, I agree btw), isn't having them track players a bit better to land hits a better way of ensuring that? Oldschool bosses were a meme
With sorcery you can farm really fast if you need to. I think they just gave up when they added mass harvest, yes. They also experimented with adding farming thralls.
You can farm really fast normally on 1x once you get higher tier tools. 4x is retarded
they dont hit you because... if you are a good player you learn their routines.
Still there is randomness and a chance of a difficult attack, like teleporting aoe sword swings, flake breath, spin to win dragons, getting hit with chill.
The point is to a noob, they will get their ass kicked all the time by increased dmg.
Now currently the combat which is obviously bugged, you tickle a skeleton boss from behind, he 180s instantaneously and deletes a quarter of your hp and interrupts your combo.
This isnt fun, it in fact encourages "cheese" tactics. Instead of learning routines and tactics.
in Alpha rocknoses used to be hard. thats how different the game is now.
Dregs boss was hard and could actually easily kill you, you needed a shield to block its attacks.
Now the Dreg boss which used to body slam at you, just body slams away from you like a dumby.

Also the hardest enemies in the game are a bunch of minibosses that just ignore armour and do lots of damage.
With the current combat they now snap to you making them ridiculous
all the dungeons after Dregs, Witchqueen and Black Keep come off as mmo tier. Instead of adventure game kino
I vaguely remember the game being really hard in early access. I would build platforms in random places just to survive hyenas. Also used to get heatstroke near the Summoning place.
That last dev stream convinced me to finally give up on this game. They're just phoning it in at this point. Couldn't even prepare an outline for the stream let alone notes on what to say and do. These are supposed to be professionals speaking directly to their customers and they treat it like some casual stream. The game is almost certainly on life support and their only concern for it is how many pennies they can milk out of the ERP whales while they finish Dune.
I feel like they'll be back when DUNC isn't as big a hit as they hoped.
I know this is pessimism central but their Dunc actually looks very promising.
We may benefit from that as Conan players
I mean, best case scenario for us in particular is for it to not succeed. We want it to do well enough not to stress funcom for cash, but not so well that they decide to focus all their development budget on it instead of us.
best case scenario they update Conan to ue5 and implement stuff they learned in Dunc into Conan
I'm just worried that if it does somehow become the FOTM and make bank, funcom will just move everyone to the dunc team permanently and leave Conan the sort of skeleton crew we suspect it's had during dunc's development.
Probably if it makes bank, they will take it as a sign to make Conan Exiles 2.
>best case scenario they update Conan to ue5
That sounds like a worst case scenario to me, i'd be locked out of playing the game.
same I imagine itd be a proper conan exiles 2 though, would look gorgeous.
>Thinks roleplayers make up even a fraction of a percent that the pve console crowd makes
lmaoing @ ur life
I started playing V Rising again after 1.0 was announced and man it feels good to play an actually polished game.
The only reason the game used to be hard for people was because it was new - the minute people figured out how to play, everything got cheesed. Remember people luring world bosses onto stairs and demolishing the stairs so they'd die to fall damage? We're REALLY romanticizing the way the game used to be here. The way the game is now, it's unbelievably easy to just dodge every boss attack, the iframes are more forgiving than any other game I've played with a similar combat system. If anything this encourages you to learn boss patterns MORE than the way it used to be - let's not pretend 'bringing a shield to the dregs' was some kind of mind blowing difficulty barrier that was impassable in days on by. Even back in the day, people knew the dregs was a meme. Block the spit, wait for him to jump and beat his ass - compared to any other game on the market, conan's bosses have always been a pushover. The only time the combat was ever "difficult" was when the combat was runescape tier and dodging was impossible so every boss fight was a stat check.
I knew you'd say that. Nope you are full of shit. As the other anon said the hyenas outside the Unnamed city were hard, as soon as you got past the walls you were hit with the corruption debuff as well as fighting even more difficult undead.
It was objectively more challenging.
>Nope you are full of shit
I played from day 1, I don't care what YOUR experience was, the combat was "challenging" because it was shit. If having to equip a shield is what blows your mind and fills you with nostalgia, you're retarded.
>your experience is heckin subjective!
stfu you retarded moron and go away.
Anyone else unable to enjoy the vanilla game anymore? I find myself just playing on RP servers now filled with normies, and strangely enough, desperate middle aged house wives.
Currently on Crossroads D&D RP.
I loved CE when it first came out. Went back to it a few weeks ago and it was literally unplayable because of lag - even offline, in single-player mode.
What the hell happened?
Funcom. Don't forget to pre-order Dune!
can I play this without crafting as a single player game?
Should I buy this game before the sale is over? I want to explore and PvE in multiplayer, (doubt I can make someone on my friend list play this with me).
$12 is pretty good for the amount of content you get out of the game, i wouldn't pay full price for this shit though
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>bought the aesir building set for the cool walls last chapter
>next BP includes the cool walls with a slightly different color
oh wow
for me
>missed the Stygian set
>they put it up in a bundle
>miss that too
Can they just stop with the limited time stuff, every time i look away from the game they put up stuff i want
Where is the pass up?
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We saw a couple of pages in the devstream preview from a week or two ago. I was rewatching it and noticed the building pieces. I visibly saw Zingaran Camp Foundation, Zingaran Camp Wall (the tall slope wall), and Zingaran Camp Curved Wall (the tall wall outer corner). I didn't yet see the inverted corner wall, but I imagine it's there too. They didn't preview the entire BP.

Actually, I'll just screenshot an example. Pic related.
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And the outer corner.
finally they put build pieces in the pass lmao. They should have been doing that earlier.

Also Zingaran have the hottest booba
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next chapter i will Aguirre
Unlike the aesir stuff I don't think you'll be able to put walls on this one, I could be wrong but the aesir walls are still the goat. Wish funcom could stop making a million shades of wood, none of my shit looks like it belongs together.
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I'm of the belief that it's going to be a 1:1 reskin of the vanir walls, using copy/pasted info sheets because that's the easiest way to implement anything. My wonder is if they will also be curved ceiling pieces to fit the corners like vanir has. I imagine not though, because they only showed square ceilings against it.
people still play age of conan, enough to keep the servers on at least
i tried to get into AoC, got upset at how it felt like a dead mmo and didnt want to risk buying in and wasting my time. I pretty much wished for them to just release a single player version of Conan
Then they announced Conan exiles and ive been playing ever since.
AOC is so old and unmaintained I never managed to get it to run. That's the era of dead wow clone mmos and best left forgotten anyway.
>Don't you UNDERSTAND? I had to - god forgive me for bringing up my PTSD - equip a SHIELD! AAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SAVE ME NIGGERMAN
You wouldn't happen to be a game journalist would you?
I downloaded and started it last night. I'm a bit behind, I guess.
I want to try it again, now.
I'm looking for adventure and RP. Doubt I'll find RP though.
>my server finally has regulars
It’s all going to be fine bros. Also I recently found a shieldwright.
>crom coins bug is here again
>13gb patch
uh oh

uh oh
>updating day 1 in a crumbcom game
I bought Exiles. Fugg :DD
you have mental health issues. You actually called objective fact, that the game WAS harder, "subjective". While posting your subjective opinion no one gives a fuck about, that you didn't find it hard.
You are actually advocating for EASIER games while acting like you are supporting harder games. While i am asking for and supporting the game being harder like it was, How the fuck that is "game journalist" tier you causal little cunt no one knows. no fucking clue what is up with lying dumb shits like yourself but you need to kys pronto.
Btw i just dodge rolled the Dreg boss.

tl;dr you are a dumb nigger
Do I have to play the game to max out Battle ass now instead of using admin panel?
I haven't installed yet, but IIRC, it's the same in that you can admin your way through it, but there's only three challenges a week and you need 8 weeks to complete it. So there will a longer time commitment of coming back to finish it, instead of just daily for 3 weeks and then you're done for 3 months.
Yeah you basically get 3 challenges a week that give big pass exp.
Then the rest is from just doing stuff. You can passively get pass exp by just having workbenches process materials for example.
Or you can go dungeoning while you do that.
I think its pretty cool
Correcting myself (>>1241962) now that I've jumped in, enemies spawned via admin panel do not count anymore for the weekly challenges. However, you can still use admin mode, creative mode, server settings, etc. to help yourself, but the actual kills have to be mobs in the world. For example, I had both
>Defeat 5 World Bosses
>Defeat 5 Giant Creatures
Spawning the boss crocs from the admin panel and killing them did nothing. However, teleporting to each of the 4 boss crocs in the world and one-shotting them with x10 damage (settings) sword of crom (admin spawned), in creative mode, with infinite stamina and godmode toggled on, all counted. It took about 1 minute to teleport and kill 5 bosses, and it completed the task.

My last challenge was
>Kill 3 Demonic Creatures.
This one was a pain because I teleported to Unnamed City to kill bat demons and the bat boss (didn't count), teleported to jhil caves for harpies (didn't count), teleported to sorcery cave to kill demonic shalebacks (didn't count), ran noob river looking for boss shalebacks (found none), ran the tri-rivers looking for alpha crocs (found none), and teleported to the 30+ rocknose pit looking for one corrupt one (found none). After about 15 minutes of floundering, I finally found success in the ice giant rocknose kings in G11, of which there are 6 close together. They counted.

So you don't actually have to play to max the BP. Also if >>1242012 is right then you can shave down the 8 weeks of weeklies by just playing and getting passive XP. I also noticed I got more than the expected 7500 XP in my little blitz through today (I ended at lvl 9 with 140 xp left over, ie 8140 XP total).
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The Lost Dungeon expanded set is great. Not worth $20 by any means, but it has basically every type of building piece now, making it the most complete set in the game.
>regular ceiling pieces, curved ceilings, foundation ceilings, hatch ceiling, transparent ceiling (grate), ceiling corner piece
>pillar and quarter pillars
>stairs and spiral stairs
>regular wall (+several decor walls), window walls (+decor), foundation wall, curved wall, curved window wall, curved foundation wall, doorways, curved doorway (!), foundation doorway, transparent walls (grate), transparent doorway (grate), 2-block high doorway
>fence, curved fence, crenelated fence, curved crenelated fence (!)
>Missing: wedge foundation, stair corners, wedge ceiling, roof pieces, awnings, gate, gateframe
Just being mostly complete including the new piece types makes me like it, but the extra like the decor walls and the tunnel pieces has me loving it.

Final verdict: 20-fucking-dollars? Compared to $4 DLC packs? Not worth it at all.
Yeah demonic creatures are the elite versions of regular mobs.
Whats confusing is sone where one skulls, that no longer have the skull.
Lions count
I think the dark rhino in the same savannah counts.
The mini biped greater rocknoses count.

I'm not sure if they got rid of the glowing eye enemies, i didn't notice any when playing
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>Yeah demonic creatures are the elite versions of regular mobs.
Yeah, I know, but they tricked me by having a picture of a bat demon/harpy to throw me off. Even though neither of those have a chance of alpha spawns.
it threw me off too, i thought the first kill i got was the bat boss. So i returned to kill bats because they are explicitly referred to as demons lol

Though i heard the tower of the bat boss counts.
>So there will a longer time commitment of coming back to finish it
I don't like this.
>I feel like the game was harder, that makes it objectively true
No. Your opinion about the difficulty is subjective, and I disagreed with your opinion. Further, I didn't think the game was very hard, while you apparently do. If I believe what you believe to be 'hard' is actually not, how in ANY way does that mean that I want video games to be EASIER? Doesn't that make YOU the shitter? The mental gymnastics here are unreal. Just admit you're bad at video games and stop pretending.
its not my opinion or feeling you fucking moron. Its objective fact the game was harder. You had an example given to you how the game was harder.
Stop replying. No one gives a fuck about your wrong opinion and you advocating for the game to be easier.
You are an idiot.
>being this mentally ill
you need to be over 18 to use this site you dumb nigger.
>the ice giant rocknose kings in G11
thanks for the tip
In hindsight, the change that lets you get XP from playing makes rushing a pass way easier now.
>10 xp per regular kill (must be naturally spawned)
>30 xp per 1-skull boss
>75 xp per 3-skull boss
>2 xp per harvested node (sorcery harvest doesn't count)
>1 xp per spell cast
Kill xp is all you need. Go admin and just go ham everywhere that has high density enemies/bosses. And that's just if you want to rush. If you're playing normally, regular Unnamed City runs for fragments will give huge amounts of pass XP. The undead commander fight (with the skeleton army) gives 195 xp alone. Both dragon bosses + 5 dragonlings gives 300xp. Flame weeb and 6 adds gives 135. Bat demon and Brute give 150 together. That's 780xp for my basic loop. You can get a whole BP level by also killing the wight boss and some more adds, PER loop.

Also, picking the collapsed wall in the silver mine gives 176xp, just from getting stone in the way I usually do (not to mention the kill xp on the way). I really like this change, both for rushing and for non-rushing the BP.
Crafting works too
I just spawned like 5000 hides and set server crafting time to 0.1 and set it to go. You get 5 exp per completed craft.
Only on some. The patch notes say none from "automatic crafting stations" like the furnace. Before reading this, I had just tested crafting with the smelting iron, using the construction hammer, handcrafting twine, etc. on a new char and didn't get anything, so I had assumed it only for things like weapons and armor.

Also, there seems to be a hidden (daily? weekly?) cap to how many points you can get. I stopped receiving points once hitting BP lvl 16 with 109xp this morning. Gonna try again tomorrow to see if the limit is daily or weekly. Reading online, someone said the cap is 8k so I'll test that too. If it's a daily limit, that means we can blast out the pass in just one single week.
For some odd reason I can not get Exiles to boot now. Stops responding post intro loading screen.
That's an error I got from a mod conflict in the past, assuming you mean the intro cinematic before the main menu. The game starts loading all the data including mods right when the cinematic starts, and you can't get to the main menu until it's done loading. If it crashes before you see the main menu, then mod conflict.
Exiles is a good game, just don't buy the dlc.
>advocating for the game to be easier
When did I ever do that? This whole conversation started when YOU complained that the current tracking made bosses too difficult. I'm going to repeat that since it doesn't seem to sink in. YOU are the one complaining that the game is too hard and that bosses are too able to kill players, but you're saying I'M advocating for the game to be easier? Jesus fucking christ, I feel like I'm talking to a mental patient. I'm seriously challenging you to find one of my posts where I advocated for the game to be easier.
can you two spergs arguing about difficulty just give eachother a handjob and fuck off already you've been at this for literally an entire month straight
I see, thank you.
The crafting/combat exp seems to be daily
Just loaded it up and getting points despite weekly reset being 15 hours away
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I confirmed that too this morning, where I got up to lvl 26 with 109xp. There's a daily 8k cap. However, I don't know when the actual daily cap resets. I did it this morning 1 hour before the daily reset (1 day and 1 hour until weekly reset). Now it's the next "day" with 15 hours until next reset but I can't gain any xp. Maybe it's midnight in my computer's time.

>I'm not sure if they got rid of the glowing eye enemies, i didn't notice any when playing
It took until just now to see my first since the patch, but alpha creatures are still in. I found two alpha hyenas at this spawn at the same time.
>BP lvl 16 with 109xp
Meant lvl 18*. I took a screen cap of my xp before playing this morning and it was 18, and went up 8 levels to 26.
>I don't know when the actual daily cap resets.
I just checked and I'm getting xp again right now, which is 1700 local time and "Challenges reset in 11h 59m" Funcom time. I don't know if this is the exact reset time because I didn't check 10m ago, but it's somewhere between 15h and 12h funcom time.
Thats what you are doing, you retard

My position - please return the game to the older more challenging survival difficulty in alpha

Your position - dude it wasnt hard just keep the game how it is, waahayy im a ginormous flaggot retard

My position is so fucking clear you are deliberately not getting it to try and torpedo criticism of the games difficulty.
the desert should be bigger
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Twitch drops for a warpaint is out now, until the 23rd.
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More importantly, the Blood Crystal claws are finally coming out on the 30th.
I'm nearly at two hours played and can not get into modded or vanilla servers. I'm pretty sad.
As in you physically can't connect? Or are you saying that you're just not enjoying the game?
i feel that, i play on a family shared account and servers keep turning on an anti family sharing filter after hours of progress i get locked out of servers
>join our discord!
new server
>download mods restart game
>join our discord use the same name!
new server, gotta restart again
>this server does not allow family sharing accounts
Physically. I can get to the server browser, join server, download mods and it crashes and restarts the game. I do think I'll enjoy the game if I can get into it. Love Conan and roleplaying massively.
Sounds rough, Anon.
Have you noticed any specific mod it crashes on? Could try manually aquiring it from the workshop first, I think that works. But also we just had a major update so mods aren't exactly playing nicely right now.
No clue. I have zero mods and just grab them from the server list in game.
That's strange, I know its a little finicky about having to restart the game to apply mods before connecting. This is also happening on vanilla servers though?
It did the time I tried. Might be worth trying post update today.
>Sounds rough, Anon.
yeah i'm giving up on it i quit, i met some nice people on it CE but they also didn't seem to like my presence. story of my fucking life lmao

it crashes while its downloading the mods? thats a new one to me, check you have enough space in your hardrive or something
>PvP/PvK servers are complete cancer
>PvE server are "dont do this dont use that (i've encountered a server where T3 building pieces was forbidden to use)"
>RP servers are filled with ERPing wierdos
stick to SP then, i guess
pretty much, mp in online games has been ruined. If you are lucky enough to have friends to play with you are very fortunate
The worst part is RP servers have mods that add magic systems and turn it into an entirely different game with quests and bounty boards. But they are policed by control freaks that want to force everyone to RP the way THEY want you to.
God forbid something would "ruin immersion", my man you are playing a videogame. Its one thing to do creative writing with other people its another to demand complete "realism" at all times. It takes one look at a well run D&D campaign to see that you are not supposed to be doing mushrooms and believing you really are your stupid OC.
These people have chronic psychosis.
>act like the characters in the movies
>erp = ban
how you like my rules?
>new battle pass is nearly impossible to progress without paying
So it begins. The enshittification.
I finished it in 1 week without paying. It is the easiest it's ever been. What do you mean?
same, it was my first battlepass and i was making lots of iron and steel reinforcements anyway. people having a sook are the types that just log on to their mega bases once per week
you get 8000 points a day, thats 8 tiers per day not counting the weeklies
you can finish the tier in a single week through 7 days of dailies and 1 weekly, or 8 days of dailies only.

admin mode spawn you a huge pile of crafting items and set server craft time to 0.1 and just dump a shitload of padded cloths or some shit until you stop gaining points
I've switched over to the savage wilds map so I use my old exiled lands save as a cheat save to quickly level the pass. Make a couple of campaign armorer benches, load them down with max materials for making any of the epic armor padding, reduce the crafting time multiplier to as low as it will go and then make a bunch of padding until you get all your daily levels in, takes less than 5 minutes once you have everything setup. You could also not even bother and just do your weeklies which should get you to the cap no problem until the next pass drops. This is actually much less of a pain to level compared to before with the only downside being that you can't do it all in one day.
im waiting
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>got the easiest set of weeklies possible
>so close to finishing the goypass that it doesn't matter
Thanks, you too.
>demonic wolves
don't exist

don't be an anti-shemite
Nah. Let me guess, gotta join your discord too.
where would you find guaranteed demonic wolves and boars?
>so close to finishing the goypass that it doesn't matter
Do any of us actually play the game.
i mean the goypass sucked out all will I had to just play casually because if im not grinding the goypass then im missing out and then after grinding the goypass my will to actually play the game has left so I dont play again until next season when im required to
Bottom right corner of H8 on the exiled lands for the boar. Middle-right of I wanna say E9 for the wolves but it's not a guarantee, I just keep teleporting in and out for them to respawn.
The new pass is so easy you can now powergrind it in five minutes a day if you are so inclined.
> my will to actually play the game has lef
I never managed to play solo anyway, with or without the pass. It's a very painful game once you start getting into needing high tier thralls or refined resources.
>kill tortured king
hes still bugged for several seasons and spawns on top of the chamber
>kill werewolf, twice!
entire dungeon is bugged and ridiculously easy. All the human npcs die to one hit for me and the last boss didnt equip his claws and attempted to fist fight me.
I wish they didn't turn the game into this GAAS/seaons/cash shop bullshit.
Why I refuse to play this anymore.
I wanted a decent single player game, not this time exclusive bullshit.
>turn into
You should say "add" instead. It's not like the base game has been impacted by the additions. If you never open the shop or BP tabs, it's still the same game it was when the second season pass ended in 2020 (the DLC model before the battlepass/shop), just with more QOL like the attribute revamp we got with Age of Sorcery. They were always revamping stuff even before the chapter model (the Momentum Update being the worst of them), so that's not unique to now.

If you treat the game as done and finished after the second season pass, then the game has lost nothing and you can enjoy the random content updates like Kurak dungeon and destructible NPC camps. If you buy/bought the battlepass one time as your final Conan purchase, then for that $10 you would also have gotten several DLC packs worth of content with more on the way, with each update adding more cosmetics to the basket. I truly hate the shop so I pretend it doesn't exist, and I hate the FOMO part of the BP so I won't give any excuses for that shit, but I think the game is in a good place if you completely ignore the BP/shop, and I also appreciate the constant goodies I'm still getting from the BP I purchased one time 2 years ago.

Best of all? Once the game is truly dead, it'll be cracked and all those ridiculously priced/gated cosmetics will be included for free. So the more the merrier.
>Best of all? Once the game is truly dead, it'll be cracked and all those ridiculously priced/gated cosmetics will be included for free. So the more the merrier.
I hope so, but that's only if that stuff is not locked by some remote server or something.
Still sucks because I actually payed money for this game. Yet now I don't even want to play it due to GAAS bullshit or at best I will likely have to wait for years to pirate it (after buying, lmao) to not have to deal with that bullshit.
I was fine with DLCs, but time exclusive mxt shit is just way too much. I don't want it to be some mmo bullshit, I mostly played it SP with mods anyway.
the problem is they keep changing the core game and breaking stuff
>gutted survival
>gutted immersion
>made it super casual friendly
>gutted difficulty
>gutted combat
>gutted thralls
>gutted dungeons
>that's only if that stuff is not locked by some remote server or something.
It's not, because players who don't own it have to be able to see and interact with it when other players do (or even when NPCs do, like the Khitan Headhunters who use the shop headhunter clothes). The system is a matter of permissions, which is controlled by your Funcom account that you automatically log into whenever you enter the main menu. If you fail to login (ie, internet outage), you lose permission to all the twitch/BP/shop stuff that you owned, but they'll still be there in your game/inventory/storage/etc. You just can't loot/use them. That also means that cracking it is as easy as spoofing the permissions, which in theory shouldn't be hard but I'm not a cracker.

That's not unique to the chapter system. They were always reiterating the wheel in all the years before AoS Ch1. The only time I ever went "This is so bad I'm dropping this game" was the Momentum Update, which happened right after the Pets Update (where they gave thralls levels and double HP at lvl 0 compared to before the update). I don't know if you recall, with the Momentum Update removing hitstun every fight was you and an enemy exchanging equal blows without any stagger or interruptions, but you had 300hp and they had 1200hp making it literally impossible to win, and you could only hide behind your 9000hp thrall to fight for you. That was also when they moved daggers from "dancer only" to RNG anyone can have, and bleed lasted 15 seconds so getting touched twice meant running away for 15 seconds every time you took a hit. No bandages were in the game then. It was just a bad time all around. Don't forget also they added an update where thralls had to eat or else you'd lose them (I think Pets?). The game changed all the time regardless of before or after the chapter system. Roll dodge change was also before AoS. It's not always better or worse, just always changing.
Does Siptah have a goal for the player or is it purely a sandbox?
It's been a while since I played it but I don't recall it having an "ending" like the exiled lands. I do remember being massively disappointed when I finally entered the tower at the center of the island but I kinda hyped myself up a little bit to be fair.
>had a theory that the AoS would lead to a new world map that was a wasteland on another world. Basically part of the exile lands would be sucked into this new plane and we could enter it.
Made the keystone, used it and watched my character walk away forever...there really isn't that much to do in the game, I guess because Funcom would rather fish for whales with FOMO microtransactions than add actual content.
>want to buy the stygian set
>miss it
>want to buy the dungeon set
>miss it
just put everything up holy shit for the love of crom
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Man, I mentioned it was up back in>>1242367. Now, the bazaar is one thing, but DO NOT miss the current twitch drop. Blood Crystal claws are finally up.
i got them, they are freakin awesome. Sundering and bleed and high dmg and ap
They tried to cash in on the BR trend and it didn’t go well for them
Theres nothing to really do besides dungeon dive and they’ve given up on trying to do anything with it
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I just installed this for the first time what mods do I need
are you sure they weren't talking about black ice specifically? it's a notorious server killer, lags like crazy, almost all conan servers run a script on reset that turns all black ice structures into standard t3.
i only have two installed
- player light remover
- barbarian hairs
Not him but wow this explains a lot
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what should I be putting attribute points into
Vit gives you the most (x4 hp, as opposed to x2 damage from str or agi). Expertise is nice for any and all harvesting/building purposes (EXP15 perk doubles harvest rates, and EXP20 lets you ignore encumbrance completely). Auth is my favorite once I have a follower worth using.

For a new char I usually go for VIT5 first, then everything into EXP until EXP20. At that point I can go all-in on building my base, flushing it out, upgrading, etc. From there, it depends on how far I've progressed by lvl 25. If I'm starting a map network, I'll grab a good thrall and go AUTH to 20 with heavy armor for both of us. If I'm lagging behind, I'll push up VIT and ignore armor, continuing with whatever I was pursuing that made me lag behind my usual progress (usually some kind of meme base in a random corner I've never built at before).
max vit, to get glutton for punishment
expertise up to the third perk

Grit up to the first perk

Now it really depends if you want to str/dex/thralls which you dump all your remaining stats into

Agility has the movement speed perk which is nice.
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is there a mod for crafting stations to pull items from chests?
What is wrong with black ice?
Not him, but I'm assuming complex geometry from each of the crystals. Normally it's just textures and bumpmaps on flat surfaces, but black ice gets a bunch of actually modeled crystals each worth dozens of other building pieces in geometry.
I haven't played in a little over a year, but I ran a fairly successful vanilla 70 slot PvP server for half a year.
Did 24/7 PvP with 10-10 weekend raiding.
No rules outside of no cheating (undermesh, etc).

Curious how many here would be interested in playing if I rented a server for the summer (maybe indefinitely if people wanted to donate; I'd upload server files if I ever quit again and people had donated).
This isn't a promise, just putting out feelers if there is enough interest for a /vm/ server
>prob advert on /v/ and /vg/ as well

If there is interest, I'd prefer to keep it pretty vanilla, but I'm also curious what others think.
24/7 PvP is non-negotiable IMO.
Raiding I prefer to have, but could be convinced otherwise.
I'd be down but probably quit the first time someone bombs my shitshack while im offline because I can't into raid schedules
you should force people to join your discord to read the rules
I'd be interested in joining. But I'm a newb who's never done PVP or raiding.
Please don't do this >>1281644
>no rules outside of no cheating
prepare for vault/foundation spam and clans putting down 5000 yeti statues and blocking terrain, access to npcs and recipes and thralls.
>This isn't a promise, just putting out feelers if there is enough interest for a /vm/ server
There isn't. There have been like 10 /vm/ servers and they all get like 3-5 players max for a month then shut down. Now if you're gonna advertise it elsewhere and just let us say nigger then maybe it has potential.
the radium torches are also the best because they dont affect fps
probably all the stupid spikes yeah
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i want to get into this game again but the amount of lag every server has is just unbearable
i sure hope this server tech funcom keeps babbling on about lives up to the hype
i want to try mp but im afraid its just sweaty pvpers and filthy erpers
Depends on the server but in the years I’ve played neither have been an issue
Szeth counts as a demonic animal
All skull healthbar humans count as demonic animals.
has the history tab in the server browser ever worked for you? I started to play with the 3.0 patch so 2 years ago and NEVER EVER saw that working
Where should I put my main base at?
I believe the history tab still has to repopulate the entire server list so you're still waiting for it to actually show up before the history even catches it to list
anywhere near metal and an obelisk for map travel and getting back, i have no about isle of siptah if you're on that map tho.
beneath the tower of the bat but im personally looking for new places and i feel in the middle of Sepemuru, Silver mine and Warmakers sanctuary might be a good spot. As you have access to everything in a short distance.
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Me and my brother play together but the host tether is terrible. Is this a bad deal? Is there something else we can do? We could host it ourselfs but i'm not sure if any of our computers are strong enough. Thanks!
If you're playing the game your computer is more than powerful enough to host a dedicated server.
the new battlepass model means you finish it early. Now i guess they have a new grind but i want the next Age now.
I bet it will be Age of Gods
religion/avatar revamp?
The map looks nice and the environment is comfier, but indeed.
yeah, seems likely. The current chapter being god themed and how we were supposed to fight gods in purges
farting build
RIP tsw
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What feats should I focus on first?
What a good location for a second base in the jungle?
Survival has pretty much the only essential ones. Also, fluid press so you can respec whenever.

Depends on what you're there for. If just aesthetics, tree houses are amazing. If you're wondering about practical spots for tranny stones, two good locations are the bottom corner of pirate bay (where one of the jhebbal sag bosses are) for easy access to the traders and another anywhere in the lemurian city to make it easier to grind gorillas and ape-men.
theres a really elevated spot called the canopy lookout or something in the middle, looks really good, basically flat ground on top of a mountain
>remove chest piece
>look up
>see inside of skull
is there a 4chan server for this game
it would be filled up with erping retards
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game started crashing randomly all of a sudden
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what server is everyone playing on?
Would anyone hazard a guess as to why immersive armor weapon and armor feats aren't showing up in the knowledge tab. The transmog one is there though, very weird, did they change something?
I would have rather played a pve co op game with a solid singleplayer. The survival part is fine, but i just don't like how they made it.
If they had made this more singleplayer/co op focused, it would probably be one of the best RPGs.
because they are cosmetic only now I think
I'd prefer it that way but Funcom is just crap at making games
There was. It, like every other server for conan exiles that isn't explicitly an erotic roleplaying server, was dead as fuck and went nowhere.
and thats a good thing!
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when is the next content update
Last was 04-02, so 90 days later is 07-02. The previous update was delayed several weeks longer than the 90 days though, so this one could potentially be as well. I'd guess around 07-20.
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Whelp, just one day later and new update info just dropped.
>1) Chapters are now 6 months, with a small update happening halfway at the 3-month mark
>2) news of next Age won't come until August
>3) completely removing BP from future chapters

Expanding on that, in their words:
>1) This cadence [of three months] is not quite our sweet spot; where we are completely happy with the quality, the quantity, and the type of content we are releasing. To find this sweet spot, we’re extending Chapter updates to roughly every six months, and adding a smaller update between each. Today’s update is the first of these. We believe this will give us the time we want to fully flesh out the Chapter updates, along with the opportunity to add smaller updates between, including things such as new and returning events (with cosmetic rewards), quality of life improvements, and bug fixes.
As for today's update, it has:
>DBNO system finally (was planned for AoSCh3 but delayed to next Age, now out when next age was supposed to drop)
>"New" event, with new rewards comparable to Sacred Hunt's
>new bazaar items
That's it, and that sets the tone of what the future 3-month "mid-Chjapter content updates" will be like.

>2) The team is progressing well on the next Age, and while we do not have a release date just yet, we can’t wait to share more info with you all in August. We will be bringing some brand new major features which have a ton of potential to expand upon for future updates, and which integrate well with existing features added in the Age of War, making the world feel even more alive and cohesive.
>3) As the nature of Conan Exiles and its development cycle has evolved, we have over time reached the conclusion that the time put into creating a new and engaging Battle Pass for each Chapter can be better spent spread across several other areas of development. These include both the Chapter content, and now the updates between as well, with various activities and rewards. In short, a part of the work previously put into the Battle Pass will now be felt in free content updates and rewards overall.
And a really big emphasis on """part""" of the BP's work will become free content, meaning we are losing a massive chunk of free cosmetics every update for those who bought the BP once years ago. Obviously the majority of that is going to the Bazaar now, their real money-maker. I'd like to be proven wrong, but they have been cold about adding new permanent content since the chapter system began. The last was Kurak's armor, from AoSCh3 four content updates ago. In that same time, they'd produced several hundred Bazaar items. That's the tone they set and what I expect. Maybe we'll see a single armor set and a few weapons per update now (instead of 3 sets + 5-10 weapons +3 pets +...), or even worse, lock it behind temporary events.
Such a shame. If you'd have told me all those years ago that one day this game would have a battle pass and only get new content via mods and that it would only retain players through busted ass shitty pvp and erping I'd have called you crazy. I'm still salty over them never implementing a proper sandstorm and purge as they were initially pitched. This game has turned into the sims for chain smoking boomer chicks.
>3) completely removing BP from future chapters
Based but i'm sure they'll find another way to force engagement monetization
of course they will. BP was one time fee and easy to complete in offline mode. What ever comes is most likely to not going to be as cost or time effective. Calling the change "based" is retarded.
Any good E/RP servers? Looking to play with a girlfriend...
I'm all down for not having fomo chores to complete which kills my will to play the game regularly. The only question is how much worse will the alternative be.
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if I die with followers will they ever return to base or do I have to go grab them
There's a recall option in the follower tab, where they'll walk back to the last place you manually placed them via Guard. You have to wait something like 10 or 15 minutes after the thrall's last time being in combat to use it, but so long as no player is in that area to load the AI, the thrall will be completely safe during the wait and during return travel.

You can, of course, go grab them too if you want. Again, they'll be safe until the area gets loaded by a player.
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open beta when?
I feel similarly. The only reason I got as much time out of the game that I did was because of the climbing update and mods/maps. I dunno why but when climbing was first introduced it blew my mind, I hadn't played in a long while before then so it was like an entirely new game for me. I wish they'd have leaned more into the solo/coop experience, it feels like the game is constantly hamstrung at the technical level because they have to compensate so much for the game having to run on a server even when playing offline. I recall them mentioning over the years how, when they couldn't do something, it was due to the performance hit all of the servers would take. In retrospect, I wish I were more aware of survival games like rust and ark back then because if I had known this game was to be of a similar style I would have been less receptive to the initial sales pitch. Like the retard that I am, I also bought soulmask and it suffers a similar issue in that it's almost entirely built to be played with a group (though conan has become much less so in recent updates, as far as pve combat goes) but at least the tribesman mechanic is more fleshed out and even as robotic as it is, it easily beats conans static thralls. That said, even it has its own host of issues, chief among them being that it's overwhelmingly punishing but in the worst way possible; your time, but I'm getting off topic.
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I started playing this game last month and love it why does everyone hate it now
Nobody who has played the game enough to also browse this thread on an off-board like /vm/ dislikes the game. It's mostly frustration at the content updates not delivering what they expected, in combination with playing this game for years and hundreds of hours and craving a change.

Personally, Conan is one of my top games, and my hours-played reflects that. I'm just a little burnt out for now and am waiting for an actual change to increase my desire to play, rather than just some one-and-done content like the over-tuned PVE seige or event reruns. My only gameplay complaint right now is that they shafted pets when they doubled thrall damage and then cut all follower damage in half to compensate, without caring that pets didn't get the double damage thralls did before the -50% nerf hit them. Now with the exception of 1 or 2 types, pets are completely worthless, and I hate that. DBNO does't change the fact that they're getting D because they're paperweights.
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Meant to attach pic.
Did they mention mod tools?
Or nudity?
>chain smoking boomer chicks
where did this meme come from lmao
There's a lot of older women that play the game, it's like second life. It's a boomer IP so I guess it isn't that surprising but I'm still a bit taken aback at just how many women play this game.
I don't smoke and I'm a millennial
I'm curious about this for chain smoking boomer chicks. I like the bored BDSM hags. What's the go to erp servers?

This is speculation on my part, but most roleplay environments today are very tailored to the younger zoomer-oriented aesthetic/culture - think final fantasy or modern wow or critical roll. So if you were more of that western GOT-y fantasy vibe of the 2000s and 2010s your choice is either adapt, stop roleplaying, flock to second life or somewhere more - I don't want to say conservative but less futanari trans LGBT prettyboys. Knew a lesbian who tried NWN and was offput by how it was a lot of, let's say, less-LGBT-y people there. Likewise in something like XIV I'll come across the rare once in a blue moon mother or boomer who'll vent about the absolute dogshit partners they have (ERP or otherwise) available. Imagine being a woman interested in a conventional masculine man and you can think about how miserable your prospects would be. I'd bet in Conan it's a lot more easy to find options.

I wish I could have gotten into exiles sincerely, not just coomer-y, because Conan is a favorite setting of mine. But it never really stuck with me. As an RPfag part of the issue being it's all so spread out the chance of finding someone in the wilds is minimal. I'll try their dune game since dune is also a favored setting of mine but until they get modded in space elves I don't really think of dune as a coom setting. Even though it literally had canonical coom-kunoichi.
There's not a lot of conan lore servers beyond Tempting Fate, Mortal Memories, The Exiled and The Bonded Ones. From my experience it ranges smack dab in the middle of 25 as I've seen a ton of younger people just getting into the scene and older folks who like roleplaying.
>It's mostly frustration at the content updates not delivering what they expected,
I'm glad it got updates at all but they're clearly about to go all in on whaling. At best future updates will include more ways to play dress up and use cosmetics. It's not actually impossible they port it to ue5 just to take advantage of whales more but it's very unlikely. Sad that another game takes the live service pill, but I can't blame them for liking money.
Same here, but that doesn't change what I said.
I have zero interest in both the dune ip and the upcoming game but from what I've heard others say it's looking like the game is going to adopt fallout 76's way of doing things which means no private servers and no mods.
literally dead on arrival with no mods
even FO76 has client side mods for UI/visuals/map etc
I've never been into dune and funcom is garbage so I wasn't going to buy it anyway but maybe the name is so big they will make bank who knows, I personally hope they go bankrupt(again) though.
I don't care much for dune but science fiction is nice and like it or not funcom are the only people who make pvp survival games that come even remotely close to being polished.
If they actually let modders touch outfits from dlc they would likely make more money.
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Why the fuck would I ever buy dlc when the devs don't put basic shit like this in the game?
Since there will no longer be any battle passes do you guys have any recommendations on what to spend my leftover 1200 crom coins on?
I'd hold it in case they cave to whiners and bring the battlepass back. Otherwise just whatever shows up that tickles your fancy.
That stormglass set always looked nice to me. Shits all overpriced though.
Loverslab has a topic on that.
>This game has turned into the sims for chain smoking boomer chicks.
Based. Started playing because it's sims with brutality.
Same (started playing last week).
Seems like the problem is some autists don't realize that after playing 1k hours and getting all dopamine they could, they simply should move on to another game.
Some don't like funcom tweaking shit that doesn't need to be changed, or missing the mark on something that did; how many times have they changed stamina? Others believe things aren't changed enough. Everyone gets pissed when they focus on monetization over anything else with continuously more predatory models: dlc packs -> battlepass -> bazaar. Basically, people like conan despite the devs being funcom. It's honestly amazing how predictable you can track their activity of hitting on a great idea, making a strong first impression, fumbling it early on, letting it languish for a few years, then making a series of mistakes that finally bury it.
thank god the game has mods, no reason to buy the dlcs or touch that shithole pass
it feels very much like shitesda, mediocre/bad game but gets propped up by player mods.
apparently no mods or singleplayer and it's going more of a forced online psuedo mmo/rust style of gameplay

DoA for sure
>people like conan despite the devs being funcom
So Funcom created great product?
Yes. Did you not read? Funcom did something good. Then, in true funcom fashion, they fucked it up.
It's a literal crime they let the anarchy online IP just sit and rot.
A modern day AO would print money with how many people are hungry for a good MMO.
>A modern day AO would print money
This is getting off topic but how? I played both back in the day and recently, any sort of modernizing would take all of the appeal away. It's waaaay too complicated to appeal in any large capacity without reducing it down to nothing. MMO's are dead, it's impossible to make a "good" mmo now. The only people that are dissatisfied with how mmo's are now are people 30+ who are outside of the market that games are attempting to appeal to now. The only reasons the older mmo's worked out so well was that their jewish monetization of keeping you subscribed as long as possible had the unintended side effect of making the worlds more immersive because just like real life we all had to rely on each other to get anything done. Now all the money is to be made by making everything piss easy, """free""" and microtransactions/battle passes/dailies to keep everyone hooked on a skinner box that isn't even trying to pretend to be otherwise because the generation that these games are marketed to were born into it without knowing better.
new to conan exiles and to conan lore in general. let me get this straight, basically the Gods in the game are:

>Crom (chad)
>Derketo (bipolar)
>Jhebbal Sag (animal)
>Mitra (jesus)
>Set (snake)
>Ymir (nordic)
>Yog (lovecraft)
>Zath (spiders)

how accurate is this
Yeah close enough I guess.
don't be disingenous, by modern I mean nonshit tier graphics and animations literally the same overall game just with modern tech.
MMO's also aren't dumb you fucking moron.
Derketo = Patron deity of ERP servers
Anything cool going on or game just dead? Been thinking about installing it again to build and maybe check out what is going on in private/public servers again
Nobody here plays on pubbie servers anyway so we wouldn't know
Derketo is the goddess of sluttery (inc bestiality) and death but the devs toned it down on game texts
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Freya was my Conan waifu, even when her default face was ugly as sin.
>living towns
You have to respect the game is getting every feature they promised, just really slowly.
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Devstream Recap
[Part 1]
>rolled out "crafters are part of the world," meaning you can now fight with them, dress them, name them, etc.
>living settlement system -- crafter thralls have (pretend) needs that they will satisfy like eating and sleeping, roaming your base in a simulation of living lives. Purely cosmetic, they don't actually have to eat or anything
>as thralls, crafters count toward thrall limit and can be killed
>benches no longer need crafter thralls present; you can pick the bonus from any relevant thrall within 50m of the bench
>when attacked (like a purge), crafters tend to flee or cower instead of fighting back
>combat thralls (fighter/archer/dancer/bearer) untouched, not part of living settlement system. They'll stay where you placed them and will always fight.
[Part 2]
>new thrall type added: Companions
>companions have fully-voiced questlines you have to work through before you can recruit them
>different stages of the quests give the final companion bonuses via unique special perks, with different choices in the quest changing which perks (of two options per stage, I think. They said "A or B perks")
>currently only two companions added, new Liu Fei and updated Freya, with more to be added in future patches
>if a recruited companion dies even after DBNO, you have to redo the questline to recruit
>questline stages are time-gated, only allowing one stage per day. No mention on how that works in offline singleplayer
>special perks are not combat orientated, ie "you won't see a perk like +penetration"
>recruited companions will comment on stuff in the world as they follow you
>will not be romancable (despite the dev concept beginning as romance companions)
>completing companion questlines also reward you new items, which they commented on as the replacement freebies replacing the now-gone battlepass
Then, of course, lots of new Bazaar stuff.
Oh, and also part of [Part 1]
>added Siptah-style prisoner cages to camps around Exiled Lands where you can rescue new thralls, including crafting thralls, including Bartender (no longer purge-exclusive)
>purge crafting thralls can now also be found in the cages after a purge
>>special perks are not combat orientated, ie "you won't see a perk like +penetration"
Wait, amending this. The perks are combat orientated, just not a stat increase. The full quote:
>Balance-wise they're not tuned to be turbo-thralls. They will have standard high-tier thrall power gains, but the perks that they get are another source of power. So ultimately they probably will be a bit stronger than normal thralls, but it's due to the additional little bonuses they give through the perks that they get... Which are not statistical, they are mechanical perks. It's not like Freya gets +5% penetration. It's something that ties to the theme of the story you do.
>now-gone battlepass
I am pretty pissed my forever pass wasn't forever.
I wonder if modders will be able to get sex mods to function with thrall needs.
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I absolutely hate that they announced the next chapter a week (or more!) before releasing it to public beta. They used to drop the beta hours before the stream itself. Now when my hype is at its highest I can't play, and by the time I can play (which I doubt will even be next Thursday) I'll have already moved onto something else instead.
im sorry to inform you about this anon but you have terminal brainrot
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will there be a vm server for age of heroes
>Age of Heroes Public Beta: Moved to Aug 29
>Dunc is totally not affecting CE development :^)
hope Funcom dies and some autists buy rights to Conan
>buy rights to Conan
Conan is public domain. There is already a comic out called the cimmerian. It's very legally grey because we live in a corporate hellscape but you can do it if you live outside america.
Public domain outside of USA. The first story "The Phoenix on the Sword" enters public domain in America in 2028. The only greyness here is that if you want to make something using the IP, you can only release it outside the US, unless you get an agreement with Funcom (iirc, they are the total holders right now for everything Conan in the US). And in 2028, as only the first tale will enter the public, you won't be able to reference say "The Tower of the Elephant" in 2028. Copyright law also allows you to go further and copyright specific incarnates of a public character. For example, Disney has successfully claimed their later-made red-shirt Winnie the Pooh, despite the IP being public.

All that said, despite Conan being owned by Cabinet Group, which was purchased by Funcom in 2021, there is another group called Conan Properties International LLC which claims to own the IP and is sending out cease-and-desists to those publishing in nations where it is fully legal. For example, UK's IP law is 70 years from death of the author, so public since 2006. But the 2024 UK online comic series by John Allison was taken down despite being perfectly legal, giving the quote
>While to the best of my understanding, Conan The Barbarian is in the public domain in the UK (where I live and work), I do not have the time or the energy to contest this.
>there is another group called Conan Properties International LLC
Ah, I looked this up. Conan Properties International (CPI LLC) is owned by Cabinet Entertainment, which is owned by Cabinet Group, which was bought by Funcom via Tencent in 2021.
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vm server never ever
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have you seen this thread, why would you want to play with any of these people?
>We are grateful for your patience while we are in the midst of our preparations for the release of the new: Age of Heroes. However, due to some blocking issues discovered earlier today, we’ve decided to push the Public Beta once again.

The new target date is now September 5th. We hope that these issues will be resolved in time to improve everyone’s experience during the beta testing.
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The sorcery update that let me put whatever the hell I want on thralls without sacrificing functionality was worth it for all the other bullshit they added.
>all the other bullshit they added.
The AoSCh1 was one of my favorites period. That's the one that included the stats overhaul and added the construction hammer instead of a billion individual inventory-crafted pieces - in addition to sorcery and gear illusions. With Authority, pets were finally useful and it actually felt balanced having War Party or Well-Trained. I honestly miss it. The "double thrall damage but not pets, then nerf all thrall and pet damage by -50% to compensate" update in AoW wiped out the usefulness of half the followers, and "pet damage is no longer tied to wild mob damage" update also made all non-Greater pets utterly useless (for example, a regular croc Well-Trained with 30 base strength deals ~30 damage, while a Greater croc with the same deals ~200 damage). Even then, Greater pets still being useful is because of a bug in the code that bypasses their assigned damage values and uses the wild mob value instead.
I always try to get back into this game but keeping up with all the different mat locations and nabbing thralls makes me not want to bother
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>all the different mat locations
Is there a lot? I have >1000 hours and know the map like the back of my hand, so I can't really put myself in your shoes anymore. To me, the only important materials are
>black ice
>thick hide
That is enough to get you top-tier epic weapons (perfected hardened steel) and heavy armor, which you can easily beat the game with (even an epic weapon with any light armor is enough to beat the game), with starter benches. Then you can choose to get T3 benches and epic heavy armors if you really want, for a bit more damage mitigation, but you don't have to. That's when I feel it takes some thought to figure out recipes, like finding good sources of gold, silver, and ichor for alchemical base (gold/silver are not intuitive at all), but once you have those down, I feel like that's it. That crafts you anything in epic tier, and the variety resources like blood crystal, obsidian, khari steel, star metal, dragonbone, etc. are all the same tier with slightly different bonuses, so you don't need them at all and can target hunt them if you do specifically want them - or just loot legendaries from bosses, which are better anyways than worrying about crafting.
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i will never understand why they did not make a material build set based on the city so we can expand it or build in it without it looking stupid
if there is a mod for it let me know please
That would be nice but I doubt they will. It took them forever to get thralls to work properly for devious desires as the main focus of that mod has always been about erp and bdsm and if not them then I couldn't see anyone else stepping up.
how often does shit return in the bazaar shop?
I want that pictish dancer outfit and no one runs a site to show whats for sale each day so logging in to see it never up sucks
About once a year. I'm joking, but there's actually no answer. As more items enter the store, it gets increasingly more difficult to return something specific that you want, plus there's no guarantee of a fixed rotation to ensure all items are shown equally through rotation. One guy on the Conan forums has been continuously complaining for almost a year about a certain item that has never come back since its debut. All you can really do is log in at whatever the fastest rotating item is (Pictish Dancer is a minor set, so it can be with the bottom row/side bar stuff), whether that's once per day or 3 days or whatever. I don't know the rotation refresh timers because I don't use the shop.
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>Age of Heroes Public Beta: Moved again?!
>Exiles, we are moving the Public beta again but this time is for the better! On September 3rd we’ll bring the awaited Age of Heroes Chapter 1 to all Public Beta servers! This time, it’s for real. I promise!
so dumb

no idea why these faggots decided to use the shitty fortnite store format

usually with shitty stores like this by the time the item I want is back I've moved on or im taking a break from the game, fuck funcom
It's out! Here's the Public Beta patch notes
(Spoiler: there's zero surprises in it, just the things already covered)

Downloading the beta now. I can't fucking wait. Between the settlement and new jailer camps around the map, the game should finally feel different enough to justify another playthrough after a 2-chapter wait.
nah i cant play without mods need at least improved quality of life for nonshit sliders
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You should try just dropping in your favorites. Most mods work fine between updates (except like Devious Desires, which breaks to a sneeze). For your sake, I copy/pasted IQoL from the workshop folder into beta's mod folder, and it seems to work fine. All the hud indicators are fine, and editing the thrall version of crafters also seems to work fine (although I had to unequip/reequip a piece of armor once for the new appearance to snap into place).
ah cool but eh i'll wait, I got plenty to play right now anyway not starving for jank combat that badly and I'm sure the settlement stuff will be in a much better place when it officially releases
even better so when modders work on it too
Is this game worth it for small scale servers? Last time I played it there was nothing to do but raid and gather thralls.
>no idea why these faggots decided to use the shitty fortnite store format
So that you don't have time to think about how you don't really need a reskin of the blacksmith's bench. They want you to go "hmm, that blacksmith's bench looks pretty cool, but it's only going to be on the store for a day, better nab it now"
But you're right, I play games in bursts and if I miss something then it's nothing major since I won't be playing again for another few months at a minimum
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Age of Heroes spoilers. I finally finished Freya's questline.

I had absolutely no idea what to expect with "Your choices during the quest influence her final perks," since there were basically no choices to make. So I was pretty eager to open her up once she was finally recruited. I can see now the choices were in the actual literal actions, not the dialogue. What I got I expect everyone will get, since it's basically the default for "Let her do her scripted triggers, don't let her die." The only one others might have gotten differently is killing her in the Hulda fight, rather than truncheoning her like I did.

Based on the perks, it seems the three choices were
>When hunting animals, FREYA deals the most damage.
>When hunting animals, YOU deal the most damage.

>At the forge, DON'T let Freya die.
>At the forge, LET Freya die. (I assume)

>During possession, KO Freya.
>During possession, KILL Freya.

I'm curious what the other perks are, since my choices were basically the "succeed" state and the others would be "fail" states. They could be worse considering, but maybe they'll be different with a potential of being better? In the meanwhile, based on these perks I wonder what kind of weapon choice can be made to exploit it.

Time to start my second Freya, using all the dick dialogue choices and fail states. I hate the fucking 6-8 hour delay between quest stages though. It's not tied to game time. I think it's the server's system time?
>I think it's the server's system time?
After a quick test, I found it's tied to Funcom time, like the Bazaar or battle pass refresh times. That's truly unfortunate.
thralls were a mistake, i would prefer to have perks like this for the player instead
this game is about homemakeing and dress up how embarassing.
While their 'monetization expert' likely had a hand in that - the other part is probably also just their sheer laziness and just using some sort of store template Epic already had for UE.

Never underestimate Funcom's ability to find the cheapest and laziest way to implement something.
I'm also new to the game, but after getting through the midgame in singleplayer, I am honestly just confused about some of the choices they made.
Some things just serve no obvious purpose and seem entirely like optional fluff.
Farming, making lategame tools instead of killing that bird repeatedly for black blood tools, most of the potions, knowledge cost balancing when its possible to get infinite knowledge points eventually, legendary weapons that deal less damage than craftable weapons, etc.
I did enjoy the progression from stone to steel, and hardened steel felt like a very attainable ending there, but then it is flat out easier to get star metal from looting random enemies than actually finding a meteor in the wild, let alone hauling steel successfully into the volcano to work some obsidian. It was funny having my first star metal ore come from the free battlepass siege balls they gave out free.
Obviously stuff like religion and siege equipment are there for multiplayer, but there is a lot that just feels unfinished or tacked on.
The farming thing is the worst though. Why bother with all that when you have to go get more seeds eventually anyway?
It has that issue where basically skill grind is just inferior to combat grind at most stages of the game.
I still like it, but it does have its flaws from a gameplay standpoint, let alone any sort of technical issues I am sure exist.
>The farming thing is the worst though. Why bother with all that when you have to go get more seeds eventually anyway?
So most of this is similiar but farming especially can be brought back to how this really just started as a kind of ark ripoff without them knowing how to use unreal properly so a lot of stuff just didn't go anywhere.
They probably planned to have thralls farm for food that they eat. Probably. But in the end thralls just ended up as things you place while they probably envisioned something like what palworld has where they would wander your base and take care of jobs.
the entire game was original just the desert map and the focus was stone -> hardend steel
thats when the game was most alive and kino
now its filled with garbage bloat, shitty battle passes and once you get out of the desert you don't really keep following a nice upgrade path anymore you can just rush lege bosses etc and get max tools/weps with minimal effort if you know what your doing
game now has a low as fuck population and its sad

the mods are amazing though and if the game didnt have mod support the population would be so low it wouldn't even show how many people are playing on the main steam page due to it being in like the double digits lol
7k players in game as I wrote this.
The cave of sinners + summoning place cover like 90% of your thrall needs and have several t4 thralls, only really lacking other gods' priests and maybe an archer I guess. though there are lots of combat ones over in the black hand ship.
Still don't really know which names are best vs others, but it gets you in the position to wander basically anywhere without danger.
Most mats are best acquired through looting skeletons and chests in the Unnamed City or dungeons aside from ichor, which you get from picking bugs like scorpions in the Unnamed City.
Ores are pretty straightforward. Lots of coal outside the Summoning Place, iron in the hills southeast of the Unnamed City, brimstone in the cave of sinners, black ice is obviously in the Temple of Frost, obsidian in the volcano, and star metal is best acquired through killing nords. There's also tons of ore spots in the highlands, but I don't like how sandstone looks there, so I don't like to build near there.
Crystal can be found in large amounts in the Cave of Degenerates (imp cave) between the iron hills and the Unnamed City, as well as the Hanuman cave (also imps) down near spawn.
If it wasn't obvious, the Unnamed City is possibly the richest area in the game, and you can't really go wrong farming there.
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Ive never played Conan Exiles-
Should i be excited for the Dune MMO?
No, dune is gay.
Do you not think Conan is very good then?
It's fine. Dune is just a way worse setting and story overall. Barbarian in a desert is pretty self explanatory. Dune adds a bunch of faggot shit nobody cares about in the mix for no reason.
The problem with the developers is that that have to "win" me with a product for me to be interested. They start well below par, so it takes a lot of enticement. Conan has that, so it just barely passed. Not shying from authentically creating the feeling a barbarian game should have with slave-taking, full nudity, in a survival-crafter environment where you carve out your own empire with blood and stone, with a top-tier art direction to keep it feeling authentic, all came together to hit "just enough that I'll give Funcom this money."

Dune doesn't have that yet. I'm far less interested in the setting, I am FAR less interested in a higher multiplayer focus (the thing Funcom is worst at). With little appeal yet all the promise of poor coding, poor support, and poor design inherent to the devs, Dune hasn't even entered my list of things to keep an eye on. Maybe I'll be surprised down the line. I certainly hope so; I love good games. But they have to "win" me first as a customer.
most people like the game mostly because they like conan not because they like funcom
that should give you a hint as to what you can expect with dune
>bad netcode
>bad gameplay
>annoying microtransactions
and as far as dune goes, not only is it a shit setting only hipsters ever claimed to love but the game already has a lot of vehicles and things you would never see in the actual setting and they stated its an alternative dune universe so expect it not to stay true to the source material at all

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