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Bored of current minecraft, missed when you were playing in 2011? Try out b1.7.3!

>Aren't older Minecraft versions vulnerable to some exploits?
You're likely thinking of log4j which only affected versions above release 1.7 (https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)
>This version isn't as refined as i remember!
Try out some of the suggested mods in the link below

>Server IP
>Client Setup Guide
didnt this shit die months ago
why revive it if you're gonna abandon it again
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still here
can i have soem gibs
do beta niggers really?
Everything is griefed
Is it dead?
Looks like it. The biggest problem is that it isn't really moderated, so it's basically a pseudo anarchy server.
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Library is mostly broken. When did 4chan add two captchas?
>upside down pyramid
satanism. satanic. bbc worship and total despair
Colonel here....

I forgot my password as it's been months. Is there a way you could reset it for me?

Im gonna try to brute force my way in but it might take ab it
Nice settlement I stumbled upon. All the best to whoever built it, gotta be one of the last few ungriefed places.
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img broke 1st time idk
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This how b1.7.3 looks like on my modpack.
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cool house
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What is leather used for in this version? It isn't needed for bookshelves so is it only needed for armor?
Just armor.
cloudflare captcha has been around since christmas or so. maybe as part of the 4chan-4channel merger
Aether when?
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2 weeks
is this that one server? can I just log back in with my dude?? that would be rather rad.
the stuff I left on my character is gone
this leaves me feeling very dismayed.
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where loha45
new janny ruined server patching sand dupe
Sand duping is for trannies, real men use general block duplication.
I hate release niggers desu
landing on planet nigger 5
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Sneedvilleā„¢ welcomes refugees from spawn. If anyone wants to move into a more remote area ask about Sneedvilleā„¢ on the server.
Whoever griefed my house is a nigger. Just wanted to state that.
Odoyle rules!
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i'm assuming the server isn't ever getting the aether mod?
2 more weeks
oh shit OP finally returned
fuck i forgot my password
password found
my island remains undiscovered
post a world download before you disappear again
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no clue if it is yours but i found a cool base
not mine, i went pretty far out (by b1.7.3 standards)
Must be quite far off then, a lot of stuff got griefed, even the "cool place" I screenshotted some time ago.
>remember me! *breathes fire*
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do any dupe exploits work in this version? everything i've tried from the minecraft wiki seems to be patched.
bump & viaproxy users are trannies
Dupe machine may work but to build it I'd need a lot of sticky pistons. Currently have only 8 or so.
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/g/ server on the wii? /g/ server on the wii.
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I noticed that the existing texture-packs that backport textures from the alpha versions get rid of the water/lava textures so they become invisible, here's a quick fix if anyone's interested.
Based, truly. Post more of this.
i apparently forgot my password
so are these the original textures of b1.7.3? i remember someone saying that the lava had a distinct appearance
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looking good sar
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rebuilt this structure
dont know how it looked before so made some assumptions
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i'm glad the server is back
although no mobs can make exploring mines boring and nights harmless, the server seems semi-peaceful now?

other than that, good stuff
any glitches to get bedrock?
i'm aware on how to destroy it but there doesn't seem to be anyone with knowledge to obtain it
I have a world save from before the grief which includes this house if you want to cross-reference.
pls send
it sucks, nothing is how I remember it, there's giant things everywhere, and my inventory has been stripped of everything I collected. also where is aether dimension.
inventory seems to have been lost but chests still have everything
Link will expire in 3 days but I can post a new one if anyone still wants it after that.
I had everything on me so it couldn't be found and stolen.
and if you died...?
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bump we still onnit
what is the password?
im retarded I forgot i've already joined it sometime back
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nice, my little shitty hut is still standing
I was logged off bro, god damn.
i meant as in what your plan would be if you died carrying all your shit around instead of storing it
I store it somewhere while I play, I take the most valuable stuff into my inventory and log off. It wasn't rocket science. Simply not having my stuff anymore when I was so careful really pisses me off.
Thanks, I built that. I'm surprised it went so long without being griefed. Unfortunately it's been destroyed. Probably because of this post lmao.
It's preserved on that world save I posted earlier though.
Link ded. I'll just rebuild, it was a very lazy grief.
No, but cracked. Also literally dead, 0 players
I've been playing every couple of days. I might be better off playing singleplayer but at least the world is quite nice
Losing my stuff through some kind of negligence on part of the server host killed all my desire to play.
you not storing any of your shit isn't OP's fault
It was on my character you fucking dingus, what do you mean not storing it?
Not leaving it in a chest to become stolen?
In a highly griefed server?
are you on crack?

My shit got erased for no fucking reason.
you easily could have just moved away from spawn where people wouldn't find it
nice builds guys
i forgot my password too :(
server's down :(
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servers down?
How is the /g/ server these days? How's it compare to other chan mc servers? I haven't been on in a while.
Oh nvm it's down. Is this fully ded?
at least we got a world download
bump. server is still running. r u sure ur running b1.7.3 and not release 1.7.3
what did you have that was so special? i feel like the most valuable block in beta is the mossy stone
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> Fully greifed
> No players
> Already died 4 times
Why even keep it up??
Probably autism. They should reset.
reset or delete
nice handywork
autism will prevail
Vintage story is so much harder to grief. Especially with firespread off and claims on.
vgh... so favstian
fuck off shill
it's part of the architecture now
best b1.7.3 server running right now
Does this still get played? The land seems to have suffered from evil.
that happens sometimes, it either gets cleaned up by someone or just becomes part of the landscape
i'll connect later today
I cleaned up a little bit, I hope I didn't destroy anything
that must have been a minimum of 40,000 blocks
very impressive
im building something, somewhere
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skelly spawner at -217, 63, 2114
bad idea announcing it
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infdev better thoughbeit
this is my favorite server
mine too
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Alright, I think it's time for me to move on.
I spent like 50 hours on this server, gonna post some screenshots of things I made.
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There's also some secrets to be found if anyone cares.
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you have to "/register <password>" and make a password.
Then "/login <password>" with the same password
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Fuck, I lost my password. I tried every single possible combination of what it could have been and it does not want to let me in. If I'm gonna play, I'll have to play on a different account.
Update: for some reason I seem to remember the password I put on the Herobrine account.
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Update update: I managed to find my password only to find that all my items are gone >:(
you didn't read what we said about anything not in chests being lost?
I skimmed through it I guess, but I didn't pay much attention and I'm really tired today.
kek, someone lit the fireplace
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Owner-san has turned on mob-spawning again.
kikes burnt my house
0 players online lol
Everyone here has a bunch of strange weird ass names, obviously bunch of liberal feminists & gay homosexual lesbian agitators.

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