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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
I wish more competent people played reforger but right now almost every server that isn't just the Conflict mode has like 100+ mods to download just because someone wanted their specific variant of an AR-15 in the game. Loads of people still play Arma 3 though.
I played OFP regularly when it was new and spent a decade with Arma 2/OA and Arma 3 but burnt out. I had hoped Reforger would have rekindled that interest but it's just not what I wanted out of it.
I want to say I'll jump in when Arma 4 turns up but I don't know at this point
No, just Squad for a more streamlined experience.
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Yeah, are you looking for an A3 unit?
What do you have?
I was OP, a PMC unit also advertised in replies if that fits looks more interesting to you
I play. Empire unit. Stormtroopers shit all over milsim nerds. I only fire gigantic red tracers because my balls are massive.
How do I switch the vehicle control in reforger to mouse controls? I can't stand the WASD shit, I want my smooth mouse steering back.
I spent all my KOTH money on the lynx, only to realize I was too low level to buy any decent scopes. I save up and rank up and eventually get whatever the 4x-11x one was, only to realize I didn't get the APDS lynx. I suffer
Vanilla arma 3 weapons are good and nothing can and ever will change my mind.
they're fine
>mfw zoomer don't like playing arma because it's not action pack like COD or Fornite
It's over boomer bros...
>he unironically uses the MX
On 4chan at least.
Operate with Emerald Clover Division
90% of my arma play time is playing green army men with the editor. The other 10% is playing solo antistasi optre over multiple maps and pretending the Human-covenant war never happened and that the URF and UNSC have been fighting for 30 years with the URF slowly winning the frontier planets.
Only Arma 2 with some russians.
Is it fun?
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Ops are tonight.
Is anyone playing?
bump for more arma players
Playing Arma 3 with /a3g/ was so fucking comfy.
Most people just don't like shitty severs based around a handfull of irl crippled vets and 40 year old men on the mic playing SpawnCamp Flight sim the game™ while banning for "offensive ukraine jokes". The last good arma server was Anzu's Wargame evo blue, because atleast they legitimately gave a shit about trying to make a fun environment, not "I'm a desperate kike who needs to dominate at every aspect"
>download squad again since last year jan
>i'd heard about the ico but only hear it was ass by idiots and good by idiots
>time to see what it's actually about
>spawn into the training grounds to test out the m4 on us army
>walk up, let the aim settle for the 3.9 years it takes for the character to realise the little red 'dot' is what he's meant to be aiming with
>tap one round and the gun kicks so fucking hard i don't have an example to give
>recoiling like 50.bmg
>full auto is more or less unusable at anything more than 5 meters
>spend 15 minutes fighting with the new and human design epic games servers system
>"at least the ico said the lone wolf idiots are gone"
>3 locked squads, two open
>both have SL's as marksmen and people not saying shit
the ico only proved that the reason people DO work in a team in arma 3, pr and other such games is because people who want that specific brand of autism will just play arma 3 and pr. Squad tried to force people who didn't want to play in a team play in a team, and it didn't work. Not only did it not work, but they fucked up the most direct part of the gameplay, shooting, just to pretend 'if you shoot bad you have to work with other people!' when in reality it just changed the classes the lone wolves pick. Instead of marksman and GL, they just pick marksman and HMG now.
Blows my mind that it's been 10 years. I could never get into A3 like I could when 2 and OA were new.
>saturday nights playing unsung
Any A3 solo missions worth playing?
There's ops tonight.
I don't believe you.
Complete fucking retard here having never played Arma before, is it possible to join and play? how many player manuals must i read to become a decent noob operator?
Yes. Play the first few levels of the campaign to get familiar with the controls and/or change them to your liking.
Get in the ops
But how do you become proficient at flying in this game?
Open the editor and spawn a plane/chopper and fly the thing until you are good.
fly gud
Just play ArmA.
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That's what he gets for using 3rd person like a scum.
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If you're on EU time, go for Emerald Clover. No enlistment process. PMC unit, runs ops Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
If you're on US time join Honey Badger. Althist 90s USMC unit, ops are on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Get the Howitzers ready!
Does anyone still play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM07Xfumx8A ? Is it good/fun?
What are your guys thoughts on adding suppression to Reforger? Most people seem to hate the idea overall but I think that's just a skill issue

would end the pavement dance, which totally takes away from the realism the game goes for in multiplayer
It's a necessity.
Why is ARMA so dead?
[insert "it isn't dead, people are just busy playing instead of posting" cope here]
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Why don't you fags hold any ops on east coast times
Just operate already
Arma platform was live and showing off more Reforger.
>mfw zoomers like playing Arma 3 because it's not action packed like UT or Quake
It's over boomer bros...
What was there to even show off?
we playin reforger bro new update rules and its only getting better
What server bro?
What new updates?
90% of fucking servers is RP shit and most servers have 3rd person enabled. BI is so incompetent at making games, just the fact that Arma 4 will be on consoles means that it will be a massive flop. Reforger is already a giant fail.
Also nobody wants to deal with joining a unit or an op they can only play at certain times its bullshit. In Squad you just join a server whenever and you're good. Arma is garbage.
Conflict mode in Reforger is basicaly Squad but more hardcore and open world. Honestly a good compromise between hardcore Arma and the casual Squad.
I'd play Arma 3 if it wasn't the most clunky, unoptimized piece of shit ever released. Imagine my disappointment when I bought the game years ago for my 1660 Ti Super and Ryzen 7 4800HS only to find out I'd usually get under 80 frames per second and all the way down to 40 frames at any given moment due to the enormous map sizes and player count.

I swear, if any of you in here can tell me any tricks or mods that would optimize Arma 3, I'd reinstall the game in a heartbeat. But I tried most of EVERYTHING (Minus installing mods), and nothing ever fixed the game for me baka
just join a unit or an op you can only play at certain times
> Uh this outdated mil-sim is SUPPOSED to run like shit, chud!!!
Lol. Dying game that's not even the best in it's genre currently, and Reforger is most likely gonna suck ass as well. Smell you later, homos
why the fuck can you not save a single player mission on reforger??
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Havent played in ages, and even then it was only to complete the campaign. I'd like to actually play with other people but the idea of re learning all the controls seems slightly daunting.
It's not so bad. Most things are just ace interacting anyways which all context sensitive and easy one press.
I mostly only play the one first person only koth server that is left. Codeforugaming us4 I think. Though recently it got ruined because you can't fly redneck pawnee anymore. Sometimes I have a pretty good time on the invade and annex servers because I am kothlet and don't know how to join actual groups that host their own missions.

Arma3 is definitely dying. Alot of old gamemodes are gone now and replaced with shitty 3rd person RP servers.
Though it has been dying forever now and very slowly. It will still be clinging to life for several more years.
As long as there are smaller groups playing their own things it'll be fine. Not too mention people still constantly adding new mods.
Should I get Reforger if I enjoy casual stuff like invade & annex or playing around in the editor? I tried it on launch but it was beyond broken, couldn't get into servers or play on one for more than 10 minutes before being kicked off.

Is it better now? I have a bit of an Arma itch and I do want to play with my green army toy soldiers in the editor.
Nope. It's less shit, but still shit. You're better off playing Squad or whatever the fuck and waiting for ARMA 4 which'll probably come out next year or so desu.
I bought it and played for a bit and the game feels alright and I like where they're going with it, except for the obvious console babby UI stuff. It ran okay, probably better than Arma 3, but my PC isn't up to snuff so I only got around 45 - 50 fps with medium on most and ultra on some settings. Could barely hear what people were saying on mic either, audio kept cutting out and there was a bunch of network desync which I find strange as I had around 20ms ping.

It's still not there like you said. I sent in a refund request and hopefully they refund it, again. Just gonna wait for Arma 4 I think. A shame, I like the theme of this game much more than Arma 3 and it's near future stuff.
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nta but are the servers just fucking garbage or do the slavniggers have some kind of adamantium body armor on them? i kept hitting these fags on a conflict server today and all it did was produce some sparks and niggers immediately turning around and nuking me with a single hit.
It's just the servers being shit, especially if you're playing on one of the 128 ones like that one PBS server. The only armor that's actually worth using is the 6b3 which can tank 5.56 at 100m but nothing stops shit up close which is why I normally run nothing but a helmet to keep supply cost low.
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Soviets get shit like the BTR, scoped .50 cal and a few other stuff but they got completely shafted when it came to small arms and personal armor (just like IRL). The 6b3 is the best armor in the game in terms of protection but is heavy as fuck and has absolute dogshit storage. Meanwhile the US has all it's small arms which are outright superior stat-wise to the Soviets and have the pasgt vests which are the second best in the game and the objectively superior pasgt helmet and ALICE webbing.
Yeap, still launches the game from time to tome for some public Warlord shennanigans with friends, and some moddéd games for a small group (Dynamic recon and MCC3 are just insane great tools to set a simple randomized mission)
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arma and star citizen autists should really unite and do some ops together. The overlap is damn near 1:1
so slavnigger armor just sparkling and the retard noscoping me when he gets hit isnt bohemia incompetence as far as stats go but bohemia incompetence network wise?
that and everyone using overall shit servers including the official ones.
man what a shame. this could be genuinely the first non jank bohemia multiplayer game but they choose to be cheap niggers about it.
You're hitting their guns retard that's why it's sparking. Just like in Arma 3 in the newer updates.
cool. didnt know you can hit their guns when shooting them in the back.
Skill issue
Arma 3 still gets content
It's hard to play Arma 3 after experiencing Reforger's performance and character controls/interactions.
Is the CDLC good?
Just fucking buy it goy
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Hope we get the mortars and flares next update. Can't wait to spam fire Morton from Goat Bay

ACE mod officially in Reforger

So it's finally playable?
Play Arma tonight.
Ops of the arma variety?
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i remember hating this gay & retarded pseudorealistic mod after a while.
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I really want to play ARMA but I don't want to deal with 3's engine. Is anyone doing anything interesting with Reforger aside from the ACE mod that was just posted? I'm a big invade&annex PvE guy.
>artificial difficulty and made up mechanics + jank = realism
as expected of a dumb nigger who never went outside
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I played 1 and 2, some dlc, and maybe 6 hours of multiplayer total between them in the stone age. Never saw the point in A3 since it would be more of the same and the multiplayer community looks just like GMOD's (all 13 year olds and their twitch/youtube influencer masters). But the Antistasi mod looks really fun, you guys have anything to share about it? Is it OK solo? Do I need friends or join some random server to enjoy it? Would it be worth buying the game on sale just for that?
I had an amazing time on an official Vietnam 67 Reforger server tonight as a random pubbie. Hard Invade & Annex vibes but it was all PvP.
>it ain't me starts playing
Bloated shit

any groups around that run fun meme ops and not "I totally almost enlisted bro" wank fests? My old gaming group just fucking died recently and I've missed the stupid Arma ops we used to run.
Reforger is easily the most pick up and play so idk why you'd shut it down just because it's inferior to Arma 3 in some ways. The new engine makes up for it.
Just play Arma 3.
What's the best mod for Arma?
do these groups allow nigger to be spammed over comms? asking for a friend
>over a hundred hours in I&A co-op
>still a filthy casual who relies on ENVGs and nightstalker scopes for the built in rangefinder
I'll never be like the cool tacticool guys at this rate
Yes actually.
Often too
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To defrost myself from a one year break because I had an arma ip coming up cause I felt like it, I decided to boot arma up and play some koth. I then discovered antistasi. Gabagool.
Before this I had about 10 hours played. About 2 or 3 month later I have 185. Oh god
It'll keep rising
>only 185
Operate today.
Which CDLCs are good?
Western Sahara
No WW2?
stupidly unoptimized with little content, the new dlc as well is over priced for what you get
yeah, spearhead isn't really worth it (yet). asset quality is good, but you get way less than what you could with mods.
hopefully they will follow the SOG route and continue to add in more content.
skill issue
Is there any reason not to run m60/pkm in reforger conflict rn?
>Lightweight for what it offers
>Can effectively disable every vehicle in the game including the btr and upcoming lav
Nope. It's another 'MGs are Assault Rifles with 200 round magazines' type of game.
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>arma is a realistic military simulator
>also one of the few shooter games with close to zero recoil when firing any gun at all regardless of size
always found this funny
>having noodle arms
someone please host an old style koth but with navid removed and first person, maybe some fun things like littlebirds with a couple rockets and 1000 round of 7.62 minigun. I am only one "nigger" away from being permabanned from these stupid eurotranny servers...

please god
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>anon admits to being a weak bitch
post video of you hip firing an M249 with impeccable accuracy while moving at a brisk jogging pace right now
saws really arent that hard to use. you can fire them from the shoulder relatively easy.
>while moving at a brisk jogging pace
There you have just pointed out the real problem. Not recoil, but movement having practically no impact on weapon handling and accuracy. You can sprint, zig-zag and strafe left and right all without any inertia and instantly land accurate shots after you stop.
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Arma 3 is supposed to have slightly future guns that is why it has stuff like the caseless 6.5.
Vidrel seems about as same a SPMG 308
Where can I learn communication?
>On YouTube
>In a unit's training program
>Playing with said unit
>On MP servers
Join the army
Use your mouth to make sound ezpz.
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There's gotta be a better way...
Join the Navy
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the classic standard for arma voip: https://ttp3.dslyecxi.com/communication/

Things like element names and other particulars will change based on who you play with, but the basic ideas are typically universally transferable.
Operate. Friday. Night.
I don't like playing ArmA because it runs like shit even with 10 years advancement of new tech, the UI is abysmal and stuck in 2003, the shitty DLC mongering, and the fact that every server is populated by /k/ ultra autismos and old men
zoom zoom
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Maybe Call of Duty is more your speed.
Haven't played arma 3 in a while, but i will buy reforger soon since it looks like it's turning out good. I switched to Squad because animations are smoother, effects better, and overall i find it more immersive compared to arma.
>it looks like it's turning out good.
Apparently the game is better now and it's worth playing, at least thats what people saying. Also i cant stand how clunky arma 3 is, the enfusion engine used in dayz and in reforger is much better.
have you guys tried the 420th invade and annex server? I picked it up recently and it is the most fun I have had in years of arma tryharding.
Reforger update soon boys what do you think they'll be adding?
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Operate tonight
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I used to play dayz mod a long time ago and started going through the old videos. It was a lot of fun back then playing with a huge 15 man group. I've never played with a group that big in any game since. Rust with maybe 8 people at one point, but it wasn't ever like DayZ mod.
>only 8 people
It sounds like a lot, but wed see the koreans in rust sometimes have like 20-30 people rotating out of a single base. We never lost our dayz base on a 100 man constantly full server over a year and we lasted 3 rotations of patches on the rust server when it glitched out twice and didnt reset us. All of it was rough.
Is there a scenario where you can say "Arma II is better than III because of this"?
Arma 2 had a more tight-knit community and was overall better for it
>Buy reforger
>Literally every server is playing ukraine war slop instead of cold war kino
I only play on the PBS server because of this. Just wish it had less russian trolls tho. Hopefully the next update increases the player count on officials aswell then again they are probably gonna stay the same so the servers don't catch fire with AI driving and whatnot.
Is there a gamemode you can just pick up for coordinated pvp play? Conflict just seems like a shitty, oversized version of battlefield.
there's only conflict for vanilla tho some modded servers run koth
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Such wasted potential.
Arma 4 will fix it.
arma refunder*
Arma reforger looks like shit compared to what i imagined arma 4 to be like. I thought i even remember Bohemia promising an engine that would have deformable micro-terrain that would form crators from shelling etc. I will wait another 10 years till I have that and destroyable buildings.
Why can't they just release VBS to us as ARMA 4?
>they're on VBS 4 now
Shit I only got to use the first version when I was in, it was only marginally better than OFP.
By now there could be features you never even thought of.
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It's ok, we'll get it watered down into arma 4 10 years from now.
Because VBS is very simulationy and just as jank. VBS is designed to train troops, meaning that their perfect recreation of an APC is going to be driven by someone who has reproduction APC controls in front of them.
Why don't they make a good gamemode for arma that actually utilizes all those milsim mechanics? I cannot understand it. Why the fuck is every retard just on some fucking awful sandbox server.
When power grids and manually placed bases come in. Once those arrive recon etc will be alot more important. Next week we are getting AI driving mortars and rocket pods so I guess we're getting the game changing shit next year.
Update news?
Is it next week yet?
How would you liberate Philistina?
Kick out the philistines.
Why not just play DCS at that point?
>playing DCS
it exists, it's called milsim
That's what you get for playing koth you casual
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Reforger went from being a shitty little over-priced tech demo into a genuinely fun mini-arma that's actually worth the price. 350 hours in and I still don't really feel burnt out yet.
Is there anything going on in Reforger or any community servers you guys recommend? I’ve been playing Conflict driving supply trucks around the map but I want something like >>1197002 where there’s coordinated ops between fellow autists. I tried that 2nd Battalion whatever the fuck but there’s too many kids in there
>350 hours in and I still don't really feel burnt out yet.
Thats just because the Arma formula does that. Why would I pay for it when A3 has mods for most eras and geographic locations?
anyone know of a mod with black MOE furniture?
RHS I think have some
If it's a matter of 'why should I play this OVER arma 3', you shouldn't. Arma 3 is still the superior product in terms of modding quality and potential play avenues. That being said, reforger is far more stable and well made code wise. I have a 4060, 3600x and 32gb of ram, I normally chunk out to 30 fps on the lowest settings (except for shadows and object which were the highest cause of render/derender shit) with about 40 players and 50-70 AI at a time. Reforger BARELY drops below 60 fps on medium-high settings with easily 120 AI at a time with a full server of 100 cunts. The only issues I have with it is you can tell they simplified quite a few things for the xbox fags, but most of it is easily ignored. I would say as it is now, reforger is much better for casual play, jump in, shoot cunts on a couple of the modded servers and leave. Arma 3 is still much better with milsim stuff with many more mods to pick from that are also of much higher quality. I'd only buy reforger just to play the 'future' of arma shit BI have been on about, I wouldn't buy it as an arma 3 replacement.
It's difficult because the Xbox players are usually high as fuck, a child, or an idiot that shoots you because they can't tell friend from foe. I haven't found anyone doing actual scenarios or events though, it's always been a locked server for members only but we're still just playing the GameMaster/Zeus mode.
>Xbox players are usually high as fuck
This, holy shit everytime I try to strike a conversation with a player during transport some guy will be high from weed. Why are Xbox owner stoners?
Well they have the stock but not the handguard.
>download the reforger experimental
>ai driving is actually not bad now
>dare I say even good
Actual W for BI
How rare
truth (fact)
I don't believe you, post proofs
Bohemia stays winning
Reforger is a literal console game for low IQ retards. DayZ standalone saved DayZ and bohemia are hoping the xboxfags do the same for ArmA.
>trusting xboxfags
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>trying out that reforger ai driving
>listening to music, Theocarcy 'I am' comes on
>sparks a thought about the concept of contemplating god
>google it
>see a quote saying that god has already exposed himself through the miracle that is both nature and the human body
>shit sticks with me for like an hour as I'm making this AI drive me back and forth across everon
>tell my friend in VC I think I'm having a crisis of faith
>we discuss it for a couple minutes
>and the actual fucking second he says 'why doesn't he just expose himself as real far more clearly" the ai slams on the brakes
>gets out as if hes in combat
>and above him I see that cross on the hill
>21 fps
this is the exact reason i dont play these modded the fuck out mil sims.
Skill issue
It's a disease called "TikTok Brain."
Many such cases!
Just wait until their favorite twitch streamer plays it
They'll start pretending they always liked it
I already see some twitch streamer streaming reforger. I suspect that's why the game is full of stoner and literall kids now.
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arma3chads we win again
>an idiot that shoots you because they can't tell friend from foe.
Literally happened to me an hour ago. Fucking retard couldn't differentiate between a dude wearing LIME GREEN KLMK and AI using fuckin alpenflage. These retards were watching me shoot at AI too and I even warned them I was attscking ahead. Have a genuine loathing for these people that only a few on xbox can mend.
Recent example
>play reforger public servers
>stoners, kids and retards
>play arma 3 public servers
>stoners, kids and retards
>play private reforger servers
>experience improved by 100%
>play private arma 3 servers
>experience improved by 100%
In other news, water is still wet, fire is still hot and anon is still gay
What unit to join tho?
Specifically Reforger. Bored of A3 and reforger scratches the itch that only cold war rearmed and the original can fix
Why are Arma 3 servers the same two game modes?
The game is tailored for a Squad gamemode but somehow people prefer to roleplay as cops and drug dealers like what?
Do I need to join a regiment for that? Are there any regiments that fight other regiments sorta like in War of Rights? Or do they just host operations against AI?
Most arma group do PvE if you are looking for PvP wait for Friday Night Fight
Hadn't played Arma for years
>pick up reforger on sale
>play official server (its okay)
>play modded server
>game downloads everything for you, no extra launchers or bullshit
>go opfor
>ambush supply lines and troop transports
>find out you can grab their radios
>blufor crying about finding me
>i already moved to a new spot
Holy shit boys it is as relaxing as fishing when waiting for someone to roll by. Nailing a vehicle with an rpg and popping the occupants a couple times sending them back to respawn is addictive.
FUCK YOU stop being an effective guerrilla you fag, charge in with seven helicopters to an AO six minutes away like the rest of us
Hope they add tripwire mines in the future for more anti-personell options. You can use explosive charges in exp and just hide them in every bush but that requires you to stick around and remote detonate them.
I've seen a couple of the more 'no show no tell' stuff BI is doing with future updates and you'll be happy in the future for no specific reason regarding your post wink wink
I found MoiDawg on the large Ukraine/Russian conflict map that everyone is playing like 2-3 weeks ago. Someone fixed his position in the middle of town so I was sneaking around saying "MoiDawg, come out you nigger" constantly in local voice chat. The other Blufor around him kept trying to find me and kill me for saying nigger so much. I'm not even this type of person normally; it's when I encounter twitch streamers I just go full degenerate for some reason.
I find it funny that Squad intended to fix this, as it is an issue that plagues milsims and milsim-adjacent shooters, but they went pants-on-head retarded and overtuned it to hell. Arma 2 was the last game I played that made me feel like I need to be conscious of my stamina so I could remain accurate.
The players that desperately want to be in a stream or youtube video with them will completely change what they're doing specifically in the interest in showing up on a video. It often ruins the game for everyone involved. I became a master at stream sniping when dayz came out as a mod for arma2. Go get them anon.
>but they went pants-on-head retarded and overtuned it to hell.
Not really, and even if, I prefer the overtuned solution to none at all, as it still manages to achieve the overall more realistic gameplay and firefights.
However, they didn't just increase the impact movement has on sway, but also tuned up the recoil and added suppression. All 3 things combined is what some people find overwhelming.

Personally, I'm fine with the sway and think suppression could be a little stronger, but they should tone down the recoil, especially for un-deployed machine-guns.

On top of that there is the technical issue with low FPS increasing your sway. I play between 60-90 fps, so it feels fine to me.
Reforger is a better Squad experience than Squad itself.
Anyone playing A3 Antistasi?
>Anyone playing A3
But can Arma 3 do this?
It doesn't need to.
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>Western Sahara
This is a good one, solely because of the Sefrou-Ramal terrain. It's great with Antistasi, even solo. BI's garbage engine cannot handle cities or even small towns, it was built for empty deserts and forests.

I wish they focused on single player instead of multiplayer with Reforger. I guess that's what Arma 4 will be in 2034.
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Alot of people still are
I don't know why, but the game just isn't that popular on 4chan
Too much autism
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And I say not enough.
People on 4chan are turbo autist and can't function with other people especially when there some type of top to bottom leadership. They will rather frag the dude in charge or do whatever than following orders like a good soldier.
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yes sir, just watched a 9 year old tutorial on youtube of /a3g/ teaching me how to use the t72's i captured yesterday from ChDKZ
Any cool light modded CTI/Zeus servers?
arma requires social skills beyond the average 4chan autismo
You mean simply opening your mouth with a mic on?
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Do you have more hours than the devs?
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This game is so goddamn huge
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i need to clean out my unused mods sometime
List good servers.
Potheads have been there since the game came out. It’s just the Xbox crowd which is full of dudebros and normalfags. It also happens to be why servers are so loud nowadays, you get a convoy going and every vehicle has at least one dude talking about his time in the military or an argument he had with his wife
Not really. I mean, yeah, if you get tasked by the GM to lead a squad, it can ruin the moment fast, but being a nameless grunt and occasionally giving out callouts and confirmations is hardly a challenge even for me. Even if you’re the quiet one that doesn’t talk much, people will still like you if you stick around long enough. There’s something about Arma that just builds camaraderie like that. It’s extremely niche, so you have to make friends where you can find them
Even opening their mouths is already a challenge.
Why do I need levels to buy vehicles on Reforger? This is retarded
ECD still exists?
I checked /vg/ and it doesn't seem like it anymore.
Reforger is the main game anyways now.
Vehicles are a privilege not a right.
Yes it still does exists just gave up on /vg/.
Just ask them.
There's no activity, discussions, or descriptions. Nothing is active there and only one comment that says nothing.
It's probably all in the chat like in /milsim/
It's over.
While you uphold some stupid moral about vehicles being a privilege the most populated gamemode has minimum combined arms gameplay and it's dull.
The lack of vehicles in Reforger is so fucking dissapointing and there are no plans for tracked vics either. The only new additions we're gonna get are rocket pods for existing helos, a lav and a brdm that's just a smol btr. The fact we don't even have boats seems like such a missed opportunity since all the major bases are around the coast.
Will they ever fix the vehicles to be more handleable?
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turns out that number doesn't actually include workshop
tons of miserable 40yo potheads with terrible lives play reforger on xbox its insane lollllll
all Xbox owners are either 30+ or black
>But but reforger is still good just preorder arma 4 already goy
But there's a new update now.
I can't find the Arma3 general but i've got some questions.. is the game still alive now? i've never played it before and it's on a massive sale
Yeah, it is, and it flares up during sales.
I'm looking for mods centered around The Troubles. Anyone know any map or faction models?
Arma is on sale.
Buy all of the Arma now it's on sale.
Mostly just on Koth and shitty Life servers.

The only real quality I've servers left are the Invade and Annex servers.

Mostly people have moved on to Reforger for multi-player.
can i run this game well on an i5 7500 and a 1070?
i heard that the system requirements not the steam page are inaccurate so i wanna make sure before i buy
>running Arma e well

No one can


Reforger was just beginning to be someone what playable as a sleeping aid and then the update went and flipped the mods upside down. I'm going back to A3 until this is worked out
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reforger reminds me of why I hate people
reforger still runs like shit tho
Computer issue
>join server on reforger
>required mods automatically download without even touching a mod page
When will this be added to Arma 3?
Work on my machine.
does clover actually play still?
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Cold War >GWOT > Modern day globohomo shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Future
Armaverse future is better than modern day garbage
Small drones were a mistake
In arma they aren't as prominent, so it's ok
Haven't heard a thing. They're dead, Jim.
Have you bought all of arma yet?
>no queue system, every server is either full or empty
>server crashes or server fps drops to 4 fps, making it basically impossible to stay on a server for more than 2 hours
>braindead consolenigs don't even bother to do logi-runs and talk in platoon chat 24/7 as if they were on discord
>vehicles flip over as easily as a leaf in the wind, somehow become rock solid as soon as they're flipped over
>throwing a grenade, seeing it land far away, then explode as the grenade position apparently didn't update from your hand
>no mortars, armored vehicles, attack helicopters, planes
>barely any guns at all
Cool game BI...
Yes I did.

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