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>What is this?
A 15 year old byond game that can easily be found via googling the terms "dragon universe byond"
There are guide discords that the game links but I am not here for you to join those

>What do I do?
You pick from a list of almost any race, with some being locked behind mechanics. Open pvp is everywhere so it's up to you to make your adventure of getting stronger, making friends, and building a base, and drilling every planet in the galaxy for your own profit

You can also consider this a strategy game with the builds and many types of characters you can create. You can often consider a few characters you make throwaway such as if you invest in a few permanent buffs and then want to try different ones

Just have fun with it

>What's the catch?
There are almost no rules and you can be killed, robbed, and even raped. Ruthless majin gangs roam the streets
We at /vm/ can band together to place our foothold in the sandbox

>How do I participate
Post progress in thread. Once we get a base up we can buy telewatches and using the code "vm" we can instantly travel to each other

>Is this game any good
for the pvp it's shit or be shitted on. Most people are cool but you'll always have to deal with some superspergs that try to kill anyone. You can throw people in jail or bind people to hell if you're tired of dealing with them, and also have many methods to escape and hide if you're just not ready to be mauled in live combat yet

for pvm there's many NPC quest. While NPCs don't freely roam the land anymore to reduce lag many can be spawned for specific quest such as bounty hunter, or specific locations for special challenges

>Can you jump in late?
This game runs on rubberbanding and catch up mechanics to where it's nearly plug and play, but admittedly not as much as it was when it was a simpler game. you can jump in any day and get around 90% of the top guy's battle power within a 30-60 minute session
>What should I focus on as a noob?
Some common things you'll want to start doing is
-Obtaining and mastering flight, will use a ton of energy at first
-maxing your stats by training until your stats cap, only energy will softcap and still be increasable until its eventual hardcap
-lean a few moves and try to set your hotkeys
-learn where quest locations are as they can be very rewarding
-training under gravity as your gravity mastery affects your gains

this game is very rough to go in raw alone, you may get stuck, confused, and not really have any explanation for things when alone. There's very little for ingame tutorials and most knowledge is passed by word of mouth

>Are there any races I should avoid
Only extremely gimmicky race is android, as your power is directly tied to your (ingame) money. This is a double edged sword but easy to maintain once you become an economychad
Majins are a race that cannot train with their friends for more muscle unless they're fat buu, and must gain most of their battlepower by absorbing

>How do I buy items
Press M, find money on ground or do quest

>How do I learn moves
Press X

>How do I hide?
Use H after buying power control to power down, and G to power back up. If you're under 10% of your max power you won't be sensed on the radar

>How do I use the chats?
v, b, n are the hotkeys but you can use the command bar like in SS13. These hotkeys can be changed in hotkeys

>How do I change settings?
Press Esc is one way, and under your tabs you'll have one for other misc settings as well

>How do I get energy back?
K is the default for meditate which lets you heal and recharge faster, also earns you minor amounts of power if you unlock meditate level 2 for cheap

>How do I fly?
R, but you must be at full energy for your first flight
doc, what did you put inside this dose?
Server just wiped earlier today 1/26. Perfect time to make a new character. Host is saying this wipe is intended to be long so it might go on for around a month or more
Once I revert to an egg I must bury myself underground for three years
There my form matures.
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Finally grown with a power level of nearly 2000
I'll be around if replied to anytime from 8pm EST to 4am EST, can help power you up and practice fighting
>namekians can fuse
>namekians can set counterparts like piccolo kami
>namekians can stretch their arms across the entire map
>can lay an egg that's instantly as strong as you
>have passives where they're stronger in groups scaling per namekian
I'm thinking it's piccolo gang time
Which race is namekian? I don't see it listed
Puranto, I went warrior class but idk the differences
I have 80,000,000 power in DBZ Dragon Universe
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Someone forcefed me LSD and now there's shit everywhere
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holy shit anyone remember dragon bal zeta?
I've been spamming kamis water and then the desert gravity chamber, gives op gains if you can survive long enough to get the reward
>Be demon
>Get diamo rank on login and it gives me a bunch of free skills
>Go around the afterlife fucking up all the people who are afk
>Absorbing their power and getting decently strong
>This guy sees me do it and starts lunging at me
>I fight him but he's spamming all these giant energy balls and kills me
>Notice I get a skill called imitate, use it and get a perfect match of his name and look
>Get an idea
>Fly around heaven to the not afk people and, punch every strong person in the face and kill their weak friends in front of them who try and flee
>Everyone in heaven is pissed, jump back bellow the clouds back into hell and reverse my disguise
>The guy I was pretending to be happened to be roaming hell at the time
>Everyone descends from the clouds and starts gangbanging him
>I fly up to watch the fight end, it was 8v1
>Everyone is chill after the main target was neutralized so I walk up and ask if I can absorb him
>Go over and assimilate his power into mine as he's on the floor screaming
>My new friends tell me they'll take care of him if they see him again
Dare I say, devilish
Thanks doc.
Does anyone have mystic? I can teach you majin for it
Sure meet me at heavens checkpoint in the king kai gym
I'm playing a namekian named Hammer
How do I stop people from stealing my shit? I saved up 10m for a dragon radar and it got stolen by some frieza looking dude
Use the "Launch's Bandana" item from Roshi and you can protect items permanently from theft and death
Save up some skillpoints and use telepathy to speak to me ingame if you're playing btw
My character is "Joe Smell"
How do you get Lunch's panties?
Chilling with some boys in the time chamber

Dragonball wish for panties
We got some notoriety going on now, looks like it's the Joe Smell Saga

And on a rampage we go, Joe smell is taking on the galaxy
>Training with guy
>Miku logs in, sees us, leaves
>Refuses to elaborate
what server are you guys on?
i'm trying to host my own server, but i can't find the files for it anywhere.
I don't remember the exact rules for self hosting/testing. That might have to be a discord question. It's gone back and forth between anyone can host and private hosting so idk if any restrictions are real or just hurdles
As for playing most people play the main server, side servers are for when the main server gets too far into god ki for anyone to give a fuck anymore, testing, or when you're bullied out of the main server
Right now I see a bunch of servers but everything aside from PvP and RP are dead
Is there still a dragonball /v/ discord? I'm not in it anymore...
I'm not sure, the ingame has its own discord link but I haven't made a discord for /v/ or /vm/ for this game personally.
We could move to something like that down the line but there's ingame methods of communication + the thread while the group isn't too big yet
I've built a few minibases but nothing meant to be shared yet, you can telepathy me ingame too but I won't be free til 5 more hours today
Was building a base for us but it got smashed by Beowulf along with him smashing all of my planet drills. Me and others met ingame have come to the only conclusion, total Beowulf death
The promised land is here for us /vm/, we have a base to train in and protect
To get there land on either planet desert or jungle and there is a cave conjoining the two. Within that cave is a building with two doors, and "vm" will be the password to enter. If you want to make your presence known, coming to base is also an option. You can also instantly teleport there by buying a telewatch and using the same password
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Yo gym is ight white boy
I can't find the game in the list on the launcher
I spawned, walked around a bit and then just got killed, no idea what I'm doing.
That's the average experience. I'm working today for 9 more hours but I can show you the ropes after since there's not much for ingame tutorials. What's your character name?
Still no first supersaiyan? I thought it would be yesterday I'm already seeing people hit 1m BP
Our gym keeps getting blown up fuck. We gotta get more skilled to fight these people off
If you didn't quit from playing alone post your name in the thread and I should still be around. This is a social game, you won't really know what to do going in blind unless you read everything
The old 8ch db/v/ server still exists. dead as shit though.
Was it for just general dragonball or specific games?
db/v/ specifically. started out as a DU server, then the custom finale fork (double dose), now mostly dead. The game server is still up too but rarely has activity.
just realized i still have some random shit saved.
Damn I see what I missed out on then. These types of games had more communities back then when there was less competition but at least the one guy in charge currently is doing everything in his power to keep things fresh after they've stagnated for a while
I never got to play too much Finale, is that the one with the city, buildings, and safezones?
Dragonball finale was an ancient codebase. Not sure what it looked like before the work started on it, we kept playing DU for like a year while it was cooking. What we got was arguably better than DU under tens but probably not as good as DU as it is now. Nev is working on a newer version you can check out if you search "nevistus dragonball climax double dose". The server is under dragonball climax on the hub but as i said it is dead as shit.
God I miss drone AI. It broke and people were abusing drone AI in the way of your story as well where it would fight as if you were a NPC and in control at the same time giving you the power of 2 fighters
You could be some rich asshole with an army of robots fetching money and genociding whoever
The game now has more variety to grinding and isn't only absorb-race focused but some people miss the way things used to be with how much it's changed as well but I'm glad that unlike the other dbz games they kept the sandbox cutthroat nature with no safe zones and random ass individual stat grinds that aren't just stat builds and battle power
The one dbz game I was talking about earlier had me on a treadmill and lifting weights in a safe zone with a bunch of snowflake characters with the term AFK above their head and it was the most visually unappealing shit ever looking like an anime chatroom instead of a brawl anywhere hellscape, not sure which byond game that was but I didn't like it very much and it seemed even more confusing with an ugly interface
Lil Slugger here
Where do we meet when the gym is blown up? I've been grinding in the dojo but idk how to build a house
Press M to build after getting some money rocks off the ground. Roofs are the walls people can't go through and doors are under decor. You can right click the walls to upgrade their health and if you need to make your walls stronger use the command "stat focus" to toggle knowledge on meditation and wall strength will scale with your knowledge when you meditate for it
you guys on the big server or one of the smaller ones?
Big one, drop your name and I can fly to you
I'm a kai so i'm in heaven lol
I was given cardinal rank though which is cool? I guess
I want to at least give it a try, it looks interesting. I downloaded the byond engine but when I click to join the game on the site it just takes me back to the download page. What am I doing wrong here? How do I open the game lol
You might have to open it in the byond launcher itself rather than the webpage. Our base is usually in the desert or jungle cave but it's blasted open right now so feel free to make outpost wherever
We got the gym back up with the ki jammer and extra protection
Post your name if you're joining and need help getting to the base. You can go on either the desert or jungle planets to get there as they have a connected cave system and the door password is "vm"
Not even 30 minutes and the planet explodes while the walls are still hardening
Nature is healing at the gym. It will be repaired in approx 2 hours
I won't be super active for the next few days but I will help anyone who reaches out
We just hit first super saiyan today
>Part of the base is on planet jungle
>The other half is planet desert
>Someone on jungle side talks
>Desert area people can't hear it despite being in line of sight
love how janky this is with that one weird area
>Spawn in as demon don't know what to do
>Roaming hell, some other demon guy starts training me and raising my power
>Sell my soul to him, he raises my power more
>Some guy starts fucking with my master, attack him and try to defend
>Get my ass handed to me, master has to grab me and run
>Master teaches me all these special moves and tells me to hotkey them
>We go and ambush the guy again, this time use Debora's move stone spit
>Me and my master keep spamming demon spit on this guy turning him into stone
>While he's frozen my master shoots a huge wave of fire instantly killing the guy
>He was the main villain and we got a ton of rewards for killing that player
Didn't expect to get the hang of things so fast
Fucking nice man
This is the best thread on this board
What planet do I join? Can I change later?
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>One guy going Broly spamming baseball bat running glass cannon
>Makes one guy go nuclear because he doesn't know how to counter it
Nice, name? I haven't seen any new faces lately from /vm/
Most of us are in Puranto/namek alignment. You get a bonus for killing other planet civilians so picking the least popular planet is good
which download is the right one?
i found a bunch of downloads but some are not available to download
This one
thanks dude
so the one on gamejolt is fake?
I think it's real too. Just avoid anything by Khun and you're in the clear. Post your char after you make and I can find you pretty quickly
i am LuLu a fem majin
i met some dude who killed people for me so i could absorb him but i died and lost my spot
im in hell
i went afk and came back to a log in screen guess this is a sign to take myself to bed
when i come back on, we are going to turn bad guys into candy
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>A small group is online at once, together we train and absorb others as a cell and majin force of terror
>After a while notice someone opened the time chamber, it'll be open for 60 more seconds is posted in global chat
>The group chain grabs each other and we haul ass barely making it in
>Spend a bit in the time chamber and get massive gains
>We're swole and powerful now, notice a Great Ape invasion has started on a planet
>The group starts Monkey Madness, kill all apes
>We isolate a monkey and 3v1 it, they knock you back a ton and hit you with them AI combos
>Have to throw down a heal tube and occasionally drag each others KOed bodies to them
>Ape keeps trying to big bang crush us so I have to use explosive wave to free our allies
>This goes smoothly and after a long fight we manage to down one monkey
>While attempting to move on to our next monkey we accidentally aggro a Boss Super Buu and 4 other monkeys
>An incomprehensible fight breaks out, not only are there all the enemies but their after images and our after images make things even more confusing, aim is no longer a factor
>We get destroyed, but not before I open a portal to hell throwing the boss and one monkey in to defuse the situation
>We get the fuck out of there and call it a day after returning to base
Honorable progress mentions
>Pure has the highest Desert Gravity score noticed in the group so far of ~4 minutes
>The group has mastered instant transmission, using it enough times to use it as fast as possible
>New telewatch bases have been set up, Pure even made us an outpost where we're drilling a planet for passive cash
>Variety of moves have been acquired by the group, and our majin LuLu can copy moves that we may not have by just seeing someone who has that move, including the Fusion Dance
>LuLu is able to always keep BP high even when afk due to being able to leave majin goo in tricky places to absorb for them
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Gym is going pretty well. We made a line on the floor to represent area that can't be talked over
any good ways to get strong solo?
also how do i set the base as my spawn?
ps: how do i get rid of this halo
Master gravity first to get good gains. Other than that you wanna focus on getting your HBTC/static BP as high as your soul BP on a medical scan by doing the time chamber.
You can use other peoples time chamber keys by placing a teleport near the time chamber so when it's open for 60 seconds you can run in behind them.
Sacred water is also a nice static booster, and terms of easiest to hardest would be the following
desert gravity > bonus for killing opposing planet > korins quest > bounty missions > babas/sisters tourney at roshis > z fighter challenge > cell challenge > minibosses and invaders > major bosses > the weird new heaven and hell challenges
for the halo be alive or reset overlays
For setting spawns you can click any spawn sparkle to set there as long as it's a spawn, closest to the base would either be the desert or jungle spawn
I accidentally pressed the "leave planet" button thinking it'd let me space travel, but instead I just lost access to my bank account. What the fuck.
are there any quick ki blasts that i can spam that screw their movement?
i cant believe the server reset during the final round of the tournament
i feel like i had a 2 percent chance of winning
You can rejoin your planet at space controls, I forget the exact coordinates but something like 111, 333 in space
blast options can add spread and stun to normal ki blast
It's a tie for now, you had me on the ropes with a sliver of hp left
Finale was better than this bullshit
i also had a sliver of hp left
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>Join team pvp event
>It's 5 of us vs 1 guy, LMAO
>His power level is super weak too, we instantly nuke him
>It doesn't end
>Put on my scouter
>There's a Gamma Android on the blue team too
>He's wrecking everyone's shit
>I can barely even dent him what the fuck
>He wins 3 rounds in a row solo carrying his team
when the teacher joins the losing team in gym class
some people on scanner scoping out the base doors on the left jungle airlock be careful
Lil tired today still, will be free more once Wednesday and Thursday rolls around and then I'll join a bunch of tourneys to know who I can beat easily and who gives me a hard time. Now that they added instant transmission blocking back it's no big deal if someone picks up your energy signature now since they have to hunt you down the old fashion way
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I'll come join you lads tomorrow or later this week. It's been years since I played DU but it cant be that different.
What was/is different?
Joined yesterday and couldn't figure how to do shit, get anywhere or fight anything but the ooc chat is fucking hilarious
WASD is the movement keys, spacebar does a basic punch by default. Left clicking things near you will interact, left clicking places far away will instant teleport you there. On the right side you can find a lot of text and buttons, one of them is "hotkey options" or something like that and it will let you set controls for everything else.
If you know SS13 or other BYOND games you can manage this one, in fact it's slightly easier to control than SS13 because there's no hand-body-inventory system and the inventory is just a bog standard abstract grid
Yeah I have played SS13 so I know how to navigate the game the problem is more to do with spawning in space and not knowing where the planets are, figuring how to get a telewatch and doing shit in general, the place is empty as far as I can see.
nta, but I'm a bit more free to teach tomorrow if you need, otherwise there will probably be others in the thread on too. Since you said space I'm guessing you're a majin or a bojack, but post your race and name for guidance as different races have different item cost. The planets move around in space randomly but some are empty like Ice where the main planets that matter are earth, vegeta, and namek.

To get around better in space you'll wanna buy or be given a nav system, which can be upgraded to unlock more planets, but since majins have the lowest int stat all tech made by them cost 10x more
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I have fond memories of db/v/, they were special times.
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I'm a Bojack and I rammed my head against the wall far enough to get an achievement to get a few mil resources and get some training weights, name is Forger in game I'll keep fucking around
>Baloo(Ionlikenobodyfr): why u call me a apple store robbing nigger? @Angel
>Angel(Theangel23): sometimes u lose your temper
i know when i started my keybinds were FUCKED
i had to sit for a bit and set everything up
good thing i spawned in space so that i was able to at least figure out how to bind before i was beat up
We're still fucking around in the gym between missions if you wanted to swing by. We're usually on around this time
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More like Alien Rodger kek
The tree of might temporary boost goes away when you log back in RIP, must be for the main villain only to keep them plot relevant
Was fucking around and this guy was not afk for once. He's always great for free absorbs in checkpoint
>Game reboots right as I'm stealing this guys wish
Hope I got my wish, I paid 50% activity and it might not have gone through
will clearing the cache delete my character?
im trying to come but my watch is lagging
i am restarting my game
sometimes when i absorb people it makes me forget a random move
If you're super buu form you can steal moves where it gives you a menu every absorb but it can change out every time you absorb, but sometimes it makes you forget those moves even if you owned them if they're what you picked
don't thin so, maybe if you're on a guest account but if you're on a byond account it wouldn't
im thinking of going for kid buu, that play style seems to fit my zoner build
BP/knowledge softcap went up today and owner disabled NPCs due to lag
not gonna lie sometimes i miss telepathic messages when i am fighting or if there is too much going on in chat and then i feel bad abt replying so late
i think i encountered a bug where if i die by gravity instead of respawning i get stuck in a suspended state where my body is splattered all over the base
but when i log back in, it spawns me in the desert and none of my hud loads and none of my gadgets work
one night we wont end the night with us getting rocked by one dude

>Our group of evil villains slowly started making a name for ourselves in the tournament scene, having all the battle power we need we still are contesting to be the most skilled of skilled
>Through killing bosses and planet invaders we have acquired a large amount of wealth and artifacts
>One of our own becomes the main villain of a saga again, and together we work to blow up planet Vegeta that all the saiyans use to train after invading it for money
>The group then learns how to raid bases, the 4 of us gather around this one guys house and smash our way in while he screams
>The ground then stumbles upon ancient Drone AI technology that was thought to be lost or forbidden, no longer normally purchasable
>Through troubleshooting got the damned thing to work
>Play with the robot, watch it attack people and pick up cash
>Realize we can clone it infinitely, our only limit is our vast wealth
>Now that /vm/ has placed a stable foothold in this world we will begin plans to construct the perfect robot for a truly world dominating army
how are we villians if we only kill other villians?
The other villains are lowly deuteragonists that exist to make the so called heroes feel like bad asses before the twist where the real final boss appears.
By killing other villains we deprive the heroes from work, thereby becoming the villains. The gig economy hit the galaxy real bad.
is this the same exact jewel that is in rpg maker games?
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him bugging in OOC chat ws hilarious last night
It's a villain eat villain world. I also noticed we're only playing villain races at the moment
>We got
a majin
2 cells
a bojack, potentially another one on the way
and a frieza

With all the stolen/old assets this game uses, more than likely
is there a way to increase individual stats?
Yeah but the system is a lil weird
You have your 3 stats that don't level traditionally (energy, regen, recov) and then all your combat stats, where the combat ones all share a pool of points that eventually cap, where they may visually go up with your battlepower sometimes but stay the same behind the scenes
You can lower your stats with genetic computer or devil mat, and raise a specific stat using the "stat focus" command and picking a stat you want to only get points in, or decrease if using that stat on a devil mat
do gene computer for bio androids and devil mat for majins and demons?
All work for all, except pure androids can't use genetics computer except for mindswapping
base got raided, slummy dropped all the shit in the final realm
new base in purto
do we know who raided our base?
we should jump him tonight once we have at least four ppl online
Haven't seen this one in ages. The race list is difficult to parse given some of the names are very unfamiliar.
Yeah some of them are new but it populates the list by most chosen so you can assume the ones at the bottoms are stinkers or too niche

yasai = saiyan
puranto = namek
onion lad = garlic jr
I think that's it for the copywrite speech though.
If you post your name we could always use some new help in this war we found ourselves in
Hadn't actually started. It was late so I just looked over the race list before picking. Though I'll admit Saibaman was a race made me want to go it for shits and giggles. I'm surprised Hit is Niche/awful given how he tends to be bullshit in other things.
Saiba is definitely a shits and giggles race. Their specialty is explosions and throwing acid everywhere, but they innately take way more damage than other races making them hard to play but get bonus movespeed to help
While they aren't top tier you do get fun abilities like planting your saibaman seed to respawn in any spot you plant rather than dying and going to heaven unless your invisible seed is found and destroyed (1 use per revive, no cooldowns/cost, can be replanted anytime anywhere)
As for hit desu I don't know how they work, I don't intrinsically think they're bad I think they just might not be picked
Hit player here, I haven't been on for a few days but their unique skills are gated by very high SP costs, they've got like six or seven time based skills and the cheapest is ~35 and the most expensive ones go beyond 100.
Yeah next time I head on I'll go Saiba. I heard there's a wrestling style and Saiba apparently do well with Grapples so that'll be interesting to learn with.

If nothing else it'll teach me to dodge before I die. Though I was also curious about Shadow Dragons and Onion Lad
As long as you're playing on the pvp server skill points aren't really a big issue.
You can get hundreds fast by auto attacking a person, or if you're alone a simulation (those things that look like calculators spawn them when clicked or bumped)
Some methods of training like the Train verb where you punch the air are complete garbage and actually a detriment since Train eats activity meter now, it's mainly there for when you just start and need a few initial SP
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>We build a prototype robot and have some success and then expand our drone army project
>An army was raised and quickly the crew figured out that robots are retarded and far from their former glory, but still violent and useful
>Following orders, /vm/s robots flew far and wide collecting money wherever they saw fit, robbing select players we like to call "the ops", and smashing their way into bases
>They did such a good job at base smashing they won an achievement for it
>Needing to fund more robots the groups start smashing into bases raiding for some cash
>Eventually our ops show up, we fight them and they use cowardly tactics to retreat via their allies jumping in when they were the ones starting shit
>After the first skirmish we go to fight some bosses and the boss destroys the floor
>One of us forgets to block instant transmission, we get locked on and jumped after being weakened by a boss
>The /vm/ gang gets sent to jail, vengeance was sworn as we knew our robot army would give them hell
>Little did we know, the robots were divided and conquered, overnerfed to where they aren't as effective unless swarming and success wouldn't be as easy as it seems
>As a final measure the ops blew up our gym with a nuclear bomb, burning all of our cash in the wind
>With the nuclear age upon us /vm/ forced to retreat and like a band of unkillable roaches two new bases are made, along with our many outposts
Where are said many outposts at this point?
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i missed a lot
>dont log in for one day
>i logged in to see pic related
i swear on sensei i will absorb whoever did this to our base
damn we used to be a threat, but we are quickly turning into the pilaf gang- joke villians
we need to focus on gaining strength
can we make our own techniques?
i wanna make an evil containment wave but for idiots
Not in that manner, but you can make goofy combos like your max strength friend grabs an enemy and teleports them down a long hall where your max ki friend fires a final flash down it
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Guru's stinky base
brapped on hard
I lost the fucking turban, I think I dropped when meaning to unequip in a chaotic fight because one moment it's there and the next it's gone without ever getting KOed
Don't know how effective it is but acid and explosions everywhere just feels great.
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>Walk into heaven
>There's CUM everywhere... what?
>This guy runs up to me and a prompt pops up
I'll be on in an hour or two. We need to get back into tourneys to practice on our skills, we can't be criminals and fools at the same time.
what is the path to getting strong?
Having friends with focusin and focusin revert will get you stronger from the start than anything else. otherwise grind with someone much stronger than you and you naturally leech some of their power, and focusin does this at a much faster rate up to 80% of their relative BP
so focusin is a training buff?
Yes, but it only lasts a few minutes and you'll need a few if you're really weak
you gain BP relative to what you currently are, and then it gets capped by the servers current cap. leeching is from fighting stronger people and this helps you faster than doing normal training like simulations. With focusin it lets you do that much faster which helps you snowball but it works by giving you the gains of people in your vision so you still gotta hang with some strong dudes or do it right before a tourney. We got the stuff if you need it and the move to revert the bad side effects is pretty easy to teach
saibaman, whenever you are back on, train with lulu so she can teach you a move that lets you explode whatever you click on
More explosions are good.
They fucked our shit again, we grabbed the artifacts and money and hauled ass
Didn't get out in time. Got punched repeatedly.
Just got back to everyone goin to bed, sorry I had such a busy night I was eyeballing that great ape invasion. We should do those invasions again as long as it's not a shenron invasion, the nova shenrons flames are hell
Haha imagine if i had put all those credits you guys gave me in a Bank before acidentally using charge,resulting in the Bank and all my drills exploding,boy it would sure be a shame if this hypothetycal scenario was true lol hahahahah.
oh man, I used to host this game way back on double/v/
Just grab some more money from us, it grows on trees. When we were in the desert base we accumulated 2 billion passively
We absolutely need more people drilling with their own drills
That ship we were in is spU's btw
is DU in such dire straights that NiteX has to advertise here? lmao
can someone come pick me up in hell with earth gone i have nowhere to respawn to.
in hell now wya
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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.

Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal…

...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.
i know it was their base first, but i still do not trust them
we should not talk about private things in front of them, otherwise it will lead to our downfall
they have no reason not to tell others our secrets etc
>We should do those invasions again
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BIG VAMPIRE COCK IN THE GOON CAVE (your robo wife is flirting with me zeze)
excuse me sirs, i was wondering if there are any futas in this game?
You can upload your own icons, so if you wanna find a futa one and if you are determined enough it is possible as there are no rules. I saw a dude in a cringe alastor model in hell and I killed him a few times.
but that is great news
i will absorb everyone with my massive futa cock
seeing that shit swanging as we fight will debuff them mentally due to excessive psychic damage
For some reason the game logged me in as some shitty sayan,it must be because my account is guest,im aonna take a break from this game to avoid Burn out and come back next week,and create an actual account this time and start over.
-zeze the robussy violator
Also someone murdered wife and destroied all my drills lmao
Btw i had an idea for an evil plan but please dont do it before im back
>create blank robot body(has around 100 BP on creation)
>k.o strong guy
>mindswap into the robot
>mind swap into the victims body
>Drop him in hell while he is stuck as a shit robot that cant fly
>keep his body
Body swap without concent cost 1 billion if enabled and can't be done on anyone who reincarnated once, but I like your line of thinking and have a ton of alternate proposals
>give them cyber bp which averages out with their main bp, but in the amount instead of 100 you put 0.00000001
>put a stun chip in them so you can shock collar them if they get rowdy
>forcefeed them LSD (diarrhea virus is still disabled sadly)
>give them modules that fuck with their build until death or uninstall

And when you said it put you in a shitty saiyan are you "Star" in the base right now?
We also have a telepad that says "pops" that isn't on the vm frequency that is unexplained, wanted to see if anyone here could account for it
What about brain transplants?i dont know how those work,also 1b is pretty cheap depending on who youre bodysnatching.dont remember the name of the account and im on my phone now,also CHANGE THE BANK PASSWORD i was able to guess it before you guys told me,if someone discovers the tele frequency they can withdraw all our money.
Oh its BILLION i read it as million yeah your idea is better
The thread bank?
Yeah we got a bank in the base for anyone who needs money
True, we could have secure secondary banks around the galaxy as a backup with a secret level 2 code we speak of privately
Sorry bout not being on today. Dball breaker just dropped its next season.
I put a dragon radar and dragon radar blueprint in the bank. If you want a radar with wish orbs pre-scanned, you can use the blueprint to print a new one for yourself and put the blueprint back in the bank
but really im gonna take a break from this game,its taking too much of my time,coming back wednesday.
also how tf this server runs so smooth? i live in Brazil and i never saw someone lag teleporting around or actions coming out minutes after the input
i got my first win against goku black and zamasu
why does it feel like console gamers cant box?
they all get melted when they get the super transpheres
I just double checked and forced body swap is currently disabled
I did it Pure, I raided that ship we've had our eye on. It gave us a power orb that will increase our gains if we're near it, I hid it in the walls. You'll see the battle power mod change when near it. I also grabbed some artifacts. I strongly encourage everyone here to take a pick in the artifact vault as we will likely get counter-raided and we better perm what we want while we have it
All it took to get in was a nuke when they were offline, I don't know what was blown up in the explosion but afterwards I was able to scrap a bunch of their wall upgraders. Lastly I left some robots in to kill anyone who tries to re-enter the ship to help fumigate it (they will kill anyone who doesn't have our coded robotics tool)
He's malding
Very malding. Dude's just straight up mad at the internet
Star afking with the ops? Does anyone know if star is from here or some rando that somehow got in.
wtf you guys killed guru?
who is star?
Guru got beat by Jr's and is still malding about it.
so guru is a jobber now?
I haven't heard guru complain it's just his dick rider complaining on his behalf because he's the saltiest on the server
The guy complaining is the same guy who last wipe abused no IT blocking to IT and makosen everyone constantly and he's pissing that his glass cannon build gets owned by cell jrs
Ah thought it was Guru complaining. I just remember someone annoyed by things.
"Joe" here, I'm almost done reincarnating my alt into my new baby-tsujin side character. I think we've grown in skill a lot and we should try entering in the tourneys all at once again and see who can come out on top. Right now we're all tweaking our builds, and I'm gonna try my secondary character as well so I'm not only relying on jrs
As an incentive I will offer up one of my personal artifacts to the person who can consistently adapt and rise on top as we're all relatively equal in power and have easy access to the time chamber
Winner gets either
>Time Ring for bonus true age
>Granola eye scope for bonus accuracy and crit chance on all attacks
Due to potential burnout with the current group, I suggest we schedule a day and it also gives us prep time for picking our builds. Any suggestions on best available times?
sorry about not being on for these past few days i was not home :c
any news on what went on?
im available all the time at the usual time
Planet vegeta as a whole got a buff
>Increased gains while training in gym, it's become a hot spot again
>new goku quest in gym for increased catchup gains
>core got a buff to actually be good, after 3 minutes you get catchup gains every minute
About time we got another update about getting players out of their base
Gotta train like Tien in full NEETdom. Far away from everyone else in secluded places.
Our base got owned by some fag using an invisible icon, reported him to the owners but idk if they'll do anything. Unsure how he got in but I have a feeling the password may have become compromised
zeze is back! what i missed?
shit's temporarily FUBARed, we just gotta reclaim the ship and see what may or may not have gotten stolen. Our bank and ship pad got smashed in the earlier escapade. If you're still a droid you can catch back up by meditating for very high knowledge
Was wondering why I was dead and couldn't get back in. Makes sense now.
We got the ship back. The bank got smashed but all the artifacts are ok and in our possession. Remember to grab any you want before they're gone
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I don't know what's going on or why I am naked or why I'm in lava but somebody busted a nut on me and now I'm here
I couldn't find you in the afterlife or on the main planets, you got a name so I can find you and teach?
Finishing my last dailies to get the final korins passives I needed. Looks like Nite is changing something with stage 2 to make it better
Stage 2 should be in a few days permitted he finishes and lets us access it, so expect slight modifications to your power in fights
i told you you could not trust those fake ass galactic patrolmen
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Besides beating up my schizo imaginary friends in the earth cave how do I get more powerful? I tried Korin's stuff but couldn't figure out how to target the teleporting energy blasting clone of myself and I'm not sure if there are consequences to dying.
Heheh, now those were the days. Shame I never got to do my autistic SMT ripoff rp.
Though db/v/ is still sorta alive, in that nev's working on his own take on a db byond game and Iro's getting ready to at least help run one from what I know.
It was real primitive, from what I recall while King was doing shit with it.
No real consequence other than you lose energy in the mortal realm and can't do certain skills/items
Earth NPCs and quest are pretty mid level in terms of game knowledge needed to actually win. Planet Braal/Vegeta (currently named Planet of the Apes or some shit but the red one) has a new GT goku quest in the gym that gives great gains for newbies.
>Module tab
Be very careful with installed modules. While some are admittedly good for combat, some can be detrimental and are good build learning tools to experiment with. However modules KILL your gains, they're divided by some drastic number or something and it's like you're getting 10x less when modules are installed, including noncombat ones like antigravity or BP scanner. Same for cyber BP so they're good for niche scenarios like when you know you're gonna need them for a fight or when you're in the top 10% BP so gains stop mattering
>other easy ways to get gains
Always join every boss rush, some places use catchup mechanics too. The core got buffed recently (temporarily disabled but I think re-enabeld) to give big catch up gains every minute after 3 minutes. If you're aligned with a planet you can get gains from killing people in different planets as long as they're at least 25%ish of your strength. Daily quest are good and the gravity chamber in the desert is easy and consistent when you get used to it.
Enter the time chamber any time you can as it also gives massive catchup gains, and you'll need time chamber BP as well when you're already caught up
Alright thanks,
I only had the air breathing one installed as a kind of test. I wasn't sure what the limit was if one even existed and couldn't figure out how to uninstall it not really a problem now since I died in the core and it seems gone now. Does the module thing affect androids?
>If you're aligned with a planet
How do I do that? I think I was aligned with earth but I pressed leave planet thinking it was how I could fly elsewhere before I realized the space pods existed.
>time chamber
What exactly am I supposed to do in there? I went in the other day when somebody else used a key but all I did was drink some water in a pot and fight my split self but didn't notice any significant increases to BP gains compared to cavemaxxing.
androids are hardcapped to 1 natural BP and the rest is cyber BP so they face no downsides in that manner. Baby Tsujins also seem to be a weird race that can use modules and still be considered "natural" and use natural only skills like regenerate but they already are affected by decreased gains as they're expected to body swap instead
>Planet alignment
The planet controls are somewhere in space, around 111,333ish or go northwest from spacejail at 250,250. You can also say fuck planets and join the galactic patrol instead by collecting bounties and having no alignment while being good
>how train time chamber
Time chamber just got a recent rework so it now serves two purposes
1. gives you catch up gains if you're underleveled, spar stronger people there or the simulations
2. gives you HBTC BP, which turns into regular BP overtime. You won't get much HBTC bp if you're still catching up as it converts to regular BP fast but you can see this by using a medical scan, and it caps around your soul BP (which is your relative x racial mod)
Basically you wanna spam the time chamber until your HBTC bp on the medical scanner is pretty high and eventually wish for youth on the dragonballs when you're near your decline age to restore your health after HBTC abuse
congrats, if you train and use the HBTC you can be pretty much a top BP fighter
toriyama died you guys
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>Fly through braal gym
>See someone uploaded a picture and left a 626x (max possible) gravity machine in the gym
>Get two time rings
>Wear them until 2 true age years
>They don't stack
There goes ringmaxxing
Someone named CodeBonfire was fucking with our boy Zero and Zero managed to send him to hell, told us he tried to jump him for no reason. I ran up to Code for a double dose, stole 120m and a time chamber key in the name of our brother, they'll know not ever to fuck with our kind
Bosses seem to be bugged right now. Stage 2 is being stalled by the host as he's working on something but I'd strongly encourage anyone curious about bosses to fight them now
Every boss I've seen is 2% my BP and they've been giving great rewards for the efforts. They might be strong again once stage 2 rolls around so if you wanna roll around in boss loot now is the time. I wouldn't expect us to stay in stage 1 for but a few days looking at the current BP and host might force it when he finishes
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RIP Toriyama
Anyone discovered some good ki combos? I saw some people doing stuff with explosion but I'm also seeing stuff like sokidan to stun and followed up by makosen or kienzen
Kaia and flash kick seem to be pretty good starters too but I'm not sure how to get the big combos going until I can buy stuff like ki mines
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We've been having security breaches out the ass today so I decided to look further into what was going on.
Telewatches can be buggy so if people are able to teleport to you, double check your frequency and relog if someone not on your frequency can jump to you
I did some further investigation and it looks like someone though it funny to place an invisible cloaked telepad within our base. Since I couldn't confirm it was an ally and the suspicious name I destroyed the pad and we will soon be moving some of our loot to a safer area due to all these potential attacks
motherfuckers, whoever did this did 100% on purpose to fuck us over,i dont thing alek or or bonhomme are the perps,the highest suspicion is bizz.
Even worse, our base got raided and they blasted in stealing our training orb. Those fuckers, we barely used it anyways because you guys have been real men on the field doing bosses and events. They won't know what they have coming when we build up an experienced and knowledgeable force
It's also been reported that Star is still banging with the people who raided us. I don't think anyone was dumb enough to tell star our code but they should be known as a high risk but not KOS. Star is no longer in the clover league by their choice (they left or reincarnated) and are not allowed to chill in base
We got raided using the bug where people slide while beaming so they bypassed our ki jammers before they could doorhack through the weakened walls but they didn't raid everything. We may need to try and make a more secured base which could be a massive project but lead to great success. The largest cave system we could secure would be on planet ice but due to the extreme size we would need multiple people to assist in adding a layer of wall but using our insane money gaining power we can secure something stronger than ever if pushed as far as we're being pushed now
You're fucking kidding me, again? We need to question what every nigga in this ship is doing because I do not know who keeps making these bizarre pads
Star is an asshole anyway,found her in king kays gym killing and sorbing noobs with 0 percent my bp.
Maybe the two sayans i rescued from hell are the ones?its either them or bizz. Change the codes for good measure.
Wrestler bot can help with that.
She also kept chasing me all over heaven and i kept running away,and then she started again when i returned to revive some guys for a quest,this repeated around 3 times,had to send her a tele message telling her to fuck off and go annoy someone else
I found the turtle shell we lost forever ago I think. there was one unstealable in the corner of our ship that was just really hard to see
Star is supposed to be a saiyan or something I thought, are you sure that's not another race using imitate? If you sense them you can find out if their race says majin or something
yeah did not think about that, also not gonna be able to play 2day,work stuff.
>Some dude built a whole ass hotel complex on planet ice and is renting rooms
Fucking wild. I might buy into this for extra security depending on how secure I can guarantee that room to be (if I can build inside or not)
probably because it's also hosted in hue hue land since most DBZ fans are hues or mexican
Stage 2 finally hit. The wiki has a lot of details but I rolled mortal path since it seemed like the simplest one for my melee build

Most everyone is on the same BP level again and I feel like the owner is gonna speed things up. I'd expect a wipe by next month but finally it's time to try out stage 2 again
I found a huge bug with T-injectors and your lifespan. Let's just say wishing for youth won't be needed anymore while we have this
Base rebuilt and moved the checkpoint bank to the base. It has a ki jammer and it's in the desert/jungle cave
To the guy who logged out while taking damage, your char was left in for 2 minutes and the gravity crushed yo ass
What does explosive wave do?
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This. I think.
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Iro is still a CUNT, and he is no Saul Goodman.
Some dude busted some of the walls to our teles and banks. It looks like someone has banks radared and is on a robbing spree. We can mitigate this a little bit by getting a ship back or putting our banks near ki jammers that can't be circumvented by blasting 51 tiles away 1 tile out of the jammed range
Yeah some of our stuff got robbed, I had no idea the ki jammers blocked the radar tracking. What is the best way to build bases? Ki jammers in a separate location x tiles away kind of a deal? Or built into the base?
Also on that note what is the best method to attack other bases should drill wars be a thing? Just the missile spam?
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wouldnt it be nasty if they updated the png file to be actual cum?
idk i just checked it and it has 85 players at 5am, thats really good. i havent seen it that good in a decade. i estimate that means during the day it has at least twice that 170+
awww i forgot he died
yeah charge, missiles, and beams do good damage. I've heard people also trying to use multi hitting moves like kienzen but idk if you're supposed to rub it against the wall or what
There's not really a melee equivalent but it doesn't need force to damage walls, even 0 force builds can do all the same
Also ki jammers won't block radars, that's a different radar jammer but upgraded radars get through jamming and cloaking if the owner spends the money. Barrier against broke raders though
The best way to build bases if if we all add our own layer and I did that to some of your drills. Another is try to aim for tight spaces that are harder to raid without using bugs to ki in ki jammed areas or nukes. Some short examples are the puranto and arconia caves, the hell to heaven cave, and pretty much anything you can cover in a 50x50 grid or a few if more than one jammer is needed
Other than that, an autist with an hour and some alts can always melee down a wall if they really want to. When spamming moves like auto attacks or charge blast it's always good to have an extreme speed buff to try to mitigate cooldowns as much as possible

We can also start sending out cash gathering and drill raiding robots again. If we're all in the same league we're supposed to be able to program them to not attack fellow league members. Sadly robots are super easy to tear apart now so regular rebuilding will be required
Still trying ki, anyone with a high tourney rank know how to use it? I'm trying dirty fireworks and it does high damage but I can't get my opponents to be still enough to blast
>Have 200k relative ascended BP
>Been doin jack shit all week
>Time chamber opens and one of the top stongest dude is there, top BP is around 370k, the dude around was 350k
>Go in with 100% activity meter and spar the strong guy there
>Due to time chamber catchup gains I shoot up to 340k relative and become in the top 15 just for showing up
This time chamber buff kicks ass
you can upload files manually ingame, I've even seen porn
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Where did Roshi go? You can interact with his house but he's gone
How do you use the dragonballs once you get them?
Drop them on the ground. Right click and hit "wish". at least that's how it worked last time I played DU.
Owner jacked up god BP rate so people can enjoy god paths now, Wipe is coming to a close if anyone wanted to any final build checks/play with items
If you can afford a launch bandana take any of the artifacts we got to try them out, I got em stored on my alt if you wanna ask for one until we can get the base to stop exploding
I dont visit this board often and just found this
looks cool, is it too late to hop in? also, how's activity? as in both players from here and in general
I've seen around 100 players in the server and around 2-4 different board members playing counting myself since I started a couple weeks ago seen here: >>1201201
I would say give it a shot see if you like it worst case scenario you just uninstall byond.
As for advice I recommend a melee build as there is a pvp guide for it in the discord that gives you a list of moves you can use along with a fighting style. I haven't yet figured out how Ki users are supposed to battle npc's as they seem immune to beam damage, the regular blasts do next to nothing, and they don't trigger many of the other abilities like ki mines.
You definitely want to get into contact with us asap as we have money and teleportation pads that can get you to all the different activities quickly plus we can help you skip past some of the earn your skills grind. I NEETED around in a cave for a bit to try the game and didn't accomplish much I'd advise against doing that and just bite the social bullet.
There is a wipe coming eventually >>1215040
but I haven't been around long enough to know when its going to be I'd learn how to do the training, economy, and building that before it happens.
Lastly this is a PvP heavy sandbox most of the fun is in fighting I'd go in expecting that.
byond isn't a problem, already play ss13 anyway
that's pretty low, maybe try advertising or something on other boards? since there's a wipe it might be a good idea to do that when it happens
can't you just copypaste it here or something?
think I'll give it a shot anyway, any tips for character creation so I don't fuck up? can I delete and restart from scratch if I do fuck up, or do I need to do bullshit like making an alt account? qrd on what each race does?
>character creation
I can't really recommend anything for character creation as I'm still figuring that out myself I just chose the beginner option stuff. Do know you can remake your character at any time, redo the stats you picked in character creation for money, and even brain swap to change race. I use my ss13 account and click the logout button if I need an alt.
I 100% agree with you its fucking gay. I made a pastebin of the basic melee pvp guide here: https://pastebin.com/cDxyw5Sa

>qrd on what each race does?
Most of the racial stuff is two separate posts in the discord so its tedious to copy paste I'll try to put some stuff down though.

Android = Uses money and robotics tools to give themselves power (based on strongest person's power level on server) which is nice because money is easy to get. Means very little grinding.
Human - supposed to be all arounders but they kinda feel like they need cybernetics to be viable so expect a mix of android and organic gameplay.
Yasai - Saiyans, they seem to be good all arounders from the ones I've fought you will be given choices between low class/regular/ elite, They have slightly different passives which are things like faster SSJ transformation/more skill points/higher power level. Bad at building bases due to low int but that might be correctable.
Half-Yasai - half-Saiyans good all arounders/hybrids they get an aimed stun and have transformations
Kai = good at ki.

There are lots more but these are off the top of my head.
It's only late in one aspect that you may not reincarnate once before this wipe ends but that's not a dealbreaker from actually playing, everything else you can do on par of everyone else. The competitiveness really dies down later in the wipes though so things will be a lot more chill now than the cutthroat they were before, but I'd strongly recommend joining tournaments after you get yourself a decent amount of skills and hotkeys selected
Thought about trying other boards but with the time I have available /v/ would be too fast before we can get a community backbone to help support the influx of new players and make sure everything stays secure through trust
It is pretty gay that a lot of info is locked in the discord but the changelog is always in game.
Alt accounts are nice but not required, you can wipe your char at anytime
I'd also recommend being social as fuck, due to there being not many ingame tutorials you will need to rely on the others around you to train/teach you basics. Finding help while in heaven is a great spot because it's somewhere most everyone ends up after dying
I'm not saying advertise your clan to get recruits or whatever on /v/, just shilling the game itself in the occasional ss13/db threads, i mean i didnt even KNOW it existed until like 4 hours ago
can worry about vetting players and inviting into the sekrit club later once there's players at all
hell, they might form their own faction separate from /vm/, you never know
wow holy shit this is far more than i expected
i already feel like am going to suck dick at the pvp
do I have to join a planet's tribe?
also what does being a vampire mean cuz i got that after making my character
It's optional, can be changed by a structure in space around 111,333ish. Planet level gives you some maxed increase in special points but you can also get the same max from earning achievements instead
There is a human-vampire race but what you have is the vampire status effect. Solar flare harms you and a sunlight generator nukes you, silver swords give you more damage but you get a static multiplier to power. I think it's like 1.25x or something your power for free if you get your vampire hunger to 100% you transform again and it becomes 1.5x
You should lose vampirism on death but I think as a troll I wished for it to not disappear on death last night so it all depends on if someone undid it or not with another dragonball wish
I just got off work if you want a quick guide, what's your ingame name?
i made a bio-android called raktabija, i just disconnected though, was getting way too late
fucked around the map and got beaten up repeatedly by piccolo, then some frieza looking guy unlocked my potential
did figure out how to do some stuff through fucking with menus, but I think I made my sprite invisible or it bugged out somehow and got no idea how to undo
by the way, how do I leave the planet?
>I think I made my sprite invisible or it bugged out somehow and got no idea how to undo
In the "Other" tab there should be a reset icon option.
>how do I leave the planet
Leaving planets is primarily done via 3 different methods telepads being the easiest when set up.

1. Using the build menu (M) you go to the science tab, go down to space pod, single click to check the cost + get a description of what the thing is, double click it to pay, press e to enter it, then left click it to begin launching it into space. I think its 550k in resources. You should have an AIR MASK, and a fully upgraded nav computer as planets migrate around the space map randomly.
2. Using Telepads. If you or somebody you know has constructed a telepad and you have the same code as the telepad you can teleport to it across planets using a telewatch (which drops on death unless you use Launch's bandana on it).
3. Making a wish on the dragon balls to acquire a space flight ability which lets you take off into space using energy.

>How do I get resources?
You could...
enter boss rush events when they happen for ~44mil.
Run around the planet looking for rocks to pick up with T. This gets you like 55k higher or lower per rock depending on its color.
Dig up resources using the dig for resources hotkey "u" by default. You get more if you equip a shovel/hand drill.
Automine the resources of a planet with a drill. These resources are limited though depending on how upgraded your drill is, how many other drills are on planet, and if a resource destroyer is on the planet.
ok, I tried resetting icon and I think I'm stuck in larva form now
As a bio your icon will change when you transform
An easy way to do so is buy robotics tools, knock someone out, E to use tools to upgrade them into a cyborg and absorb them for an easy transformation. You can always revert later if needed
alright gotta figure how to go back to imperfect from larva then
also I don't know how to telepathy
just got a prompt to pick a path between mortal, angel and destroyer
what do these do?
how do I leave hell
there's a cave around 60,80 or something similar that leads back to checkpoint. I just got off work and can show you the cool bio combos after a shower if you're back on in an hour
nah I'm already done
looks like we have opposute timezones, that sucks
Usually free on Wednesdays and Thurs if not out with company, plenty of randos are willing to teach new people too since you're able to get jumped at any second
Tourneys are worth it for exposure so you see what combos seem to be the most consistent and doable without being killed and looted in the process
about that, which of these events that give you popups to join don't get me killed? and is there a penalty for dying beyond going to heaven/hell?
The Desert Base has fallen
>Thief bust in
>Doesn't steal artifacts
>Doesn't scrap everything in sight
>Doesn't loot bank of time chamber keys and other junk
>Doesn't smash the ki jammer
>Doesn't try to make a fake wall to break in again later
>Empties our bank account and dips
Kindest thief ever I suppose and nobody came in and looted after them. It could have been a lot worse
Worst part is the ki jammer was off so it was probably my fault this has happened in the first place but I thought I re-enabled it. I'll make up for it by bounty hunting and installing new drills to regain our cash, and can also help teach you guys about base security where each of our walls can be a security layer
im interested but I only like playing games where i can cause people to mald when they fight me
whats the build for me?
People malded a lot at me using cell and spamming kids
Anything involving outlasting seems to be super annoying, the regeneration skills is great for dragging battles out
Anything that freezes opponents in place like alien time freeze, demon spit, or half saiyan galatic donut and hits them with a fuckhuge attack can be pretty annoying
Demons can make a portal that sends people to hell at almost anywhere where you're also stronger
There's a really cheaty makyo/onion lad build too involving using regenerate when the makyo star is out for infinite energy but I don't know EXACTLY how to build it other than the general sense of how
I also hear the Uub race is super annoying with all the screwed movement attacks they use
Theres a lot more small things but they pick up with game knowledge
Forgot to add baby tsujin is a really fun race for pissing people off. If you KO them or find them KOed you can jump in their body and take them on a joyride for 5 minutes while also leeching their power to copy it. There's nothing stopping you from dumping the body when you're done either if you want to dump them in the core of planet vegeta where they'll die to explosions, and like majins they can use the skills of 4 other races while also copying a passive of your chosing
Events seem to pay off best after you have a good chunk of HBTC BP
I found doing stuff like goku, gravity, and sisters tourney I was getting almost double the BP when I still had some HBTC bp in me still because it converts some to your regular BP
I found out the move KIAI is really useful for both melee and ki builds
It stuns your opponent pretty badly and knocks them back a lil on pressing it alone and can be charged to be more effective
I'm gonna build us a combat arena so we can learn how to fight while not being out in the open
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Made a new combat arena on Ice planet named Ice Arena. There's no ki jammers and it's about as big as a screens so it's a little tight but this will be our first testing ring
Now we can test ki moves in the safety of our arena
sorry joe,lost my fan to a baby called joe if you find him make sure to rape him back and get my fan back he has a black colored skin.
i used launchs panties but for some reason they where not unstealable when i died,oh well
We'll get that whis staff next time. I'm off the next 2 days but may be away from home. If I get on early afternoon I'm down to try the arena to test builds and skills
Me too, taking a break again to avoid investing too much time on bing bing wahoo.
Now is probably the best time to join all events. Only new people joining the tourneys since we're wiping soon anyways so even if a pro decides to join you still get a lot from winning matches or getting runner up to the finals
There's going to be a wipe in an uncertain time between this week and next week so I'll be paying attention to this thread to see when the wipe happens. Things do get wilder at the start but it's in a fun way, but we won't have all the safety nets we currently have as easily.
In the mean time I'll be afking in the dojo with my character for anyone who wants to practice combat. I almost have a ki guide down for both pvp and NPCs
How are bounties supposed to work? I tried to take one but I think it said I had to be galactic patrol. I want to test what ki moves work on ideally really weak NPCs.
Also are the world bosses soloable or are they supposed to be group content?
The bounty system had more features tacked on overtime so it's a little confusing

First one is player set bounties, anyone can claim these
Second one that shows a bunch of people are for galactic patrol for karma where the more murderous get a higher bounty
NPC bounties are at the quest you start at 250,250 in space at the red glowing NPC starting mercenary quest. He will give you a quest tab (that disappears on relog, so don't) where 5 NPCs of varying strength will spawn
To claim them you have to buy the microwave looking bounty computer and have you and the victim be adjacent to the computer by 1 tile. Pick the capture bounty mission or something and they should be captured and you get cash. Alternatively you can let the dummy heal and keep using it indefinitely
Desert Base was raided and everything scrapped but nothing busted in. This plus seeing unknown people on the telewatch code makes me believe a regular player may be observing this thread and our code compromised. Next wipe we will have additional security with the code only being DMed to appropriate parties, or we will have several codes such as a public and private tier. They may have used a doorhacker after weaking the walls to 20% but a security upgrade is long overdo anyways
Thankfully they left our bank alone but scrapping even the telepad was a bit obnoxious of them
Bosses depends, they are usually considered group content to drag your buddy to a regen. 2-4 people is ideal but sometimes the player BP eclipses the boss BP due to buggy code and you can one shot bosses after reboots and should check what % power the boss spawns with as I've seen anywhere between 12-999
Minibosses are always less HP. Both are worth killing and drop base upgrades that we could use to protect our bases more often
We got talking with a pro and trying a few things the other few nights and I find this to be an effective list of ki moves vs NPCs

Since you will be doing a lot of refiring speed is pretty important to ki users and should be considered high-very high and be running an energy mod of at least 2x

-attack barrier, hold it down and ram into enemies
-scattershot (if it can hit)
-spreadshot retreat is homing ki blast
-ki blast spam (no really, it's the auto attack of ki)
-charge blast (if it hits)
-various special skills such as dirty fireworks, consecutive blast, blazing storm have wide spread and/or homing properties
-spin blast if alone, maybe you have a hard time hitting the boss but this fires ki EVERYWHERE, better the higher your speed tier is for cooldown reduction
-regeneration skill to regenerate while blasting in place
-KIAI and fake blast to slow/stun, seems less effective on NPCs but always good on players
-any beam that isn't a charge and fire in a straight line and instead is a homing/piercing beam such as "Full power death beam" or special beam cannons can hit NPCS unlike the beam-lock type beams. Telling the difference is a bit confusing with the names but use the examine skill to find which one
-Chasing Ball, from a dragonball wish summons homing ki attacks for you
-Genocide if alone, as it fires homing ki blast semi slowly from far away. Fires at EVERYONE on the map

There's probably a bit more but these work

Avoid anything beam related on NPCs
keinzen and sokidan are good vs players but shit on NPCs
I'm reading something about ki discharge being good vs bosses breaking their energy that's usually at 300%. You'd think it would be ki dampener by the way the descriptions are worded but people are saying it's the discharge one or to get both. Might be worth testing
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Our training base is being raided while most everybody is offline. I got the names of the guys doing it but I'm not powerful or good enough to stop em. I saved the bio generator but couldn't do anything else about it aside from smash the radioactive waste, upgrade the walls and make them dense as they slowly beamed in.
Fuck I was out shopping. I'm waiting for wipe so we can all start fresh. Even with constant boss grinding protecting your base in god ki era feels impossible currently without botspam
What names and ckeys did you find? You can use the "Who" commands like typical byond games
I miss turrets to protect bases, I hope they get brought back next wipe
Should we try /v/ on the day of wipe? We would need a few guys who know what we're doing since I may be stuck at work
Just found this thread and holy shit the memories are just rushing back.
I remember playing this years and years ago, just running around confused as fuck but laughing my ass off at everything. I don't remember specifics but I remember ending up in Hell for what seemed like forever and picking fights with everything I saw. Then I rerolled and was born as someone's baby, but they were hoping for someone else to take that role and more or less told me to fuck off because I was the wrong person.
I might hop in for some laughs, don't see myself doing more than a few sessions with it though if that. But glad to see it's still around after it seemed most anime games got nuked from BYOND.
Server is wiping at 3pm EST today.
Couldn't show today, had a bad case of food poisoning
actually had the same type of problem and was out for last week because of being sick so this is actually great timing
I don't think I liked bio-droid much, so wanna make a majin now, anything I should know? I know physical is apparently better since ki damage gets nerfed or somethingm but I never managed to hit anyone with a physical skill once, meanwhile beams were pretty good
I was here most of today, but didn't do much besides AFK and code as nobody else was on. Apparently the in game guides were updated so check those out in the ESC menu. Can't tell you anything else besides the new player's pvp guide for melee was linked earlier in a pastebin. No clue on majins besides the fact they must absorb to grow in power they cannot train (unless you are fat buu).
oh yeah about that there's apparently a bunch of alternative/rare res? I've seen them around but they didn't show on the list
is it like a rng chance, or donation stuff?
made a frrsh character, where is everyone?
im here
on king kais gym just started again today got killed by a goo trap in vegeta fitness lol
I made a super majin called Bob
how to get stronger without training? Can't really absorb anyone since everybody's stronger already
majins are good at leeching power, even if you get dabbed on you will power up fast
yeah but I'm still weaker no? can't eat someone that's stronger than me, I'm not that good at the game yet
By leeching he means fighting someone stronger and getting defeated.
so, is there like a base or something?
Sorry gang, OP here still recovering from the food poisoning. 4chan mobile is a bitch and never lets me post and have been away from home
I think you can still gain a lot from tournaments as a majin. Alternatively AFKs in checkpoint are easy picks
I'll make a character tomorrow and assist in constructing one if there's not already one but we can reuse the old watch code
I'm going ki this run and something aside from bio like I did on joe smell, not sure on the race just yet
res is either rocks if it's map spawn or a bag if it's from a NPC or player death/dropped
I meant to type races
Donation is possible but both doesn't guarantee you'll get one and the special race you get is always randomized via any obtaining method. You always get 1 special race to choose from, so it's encouraged to trade with others. Free way to get it is Z-points to buy true age and you get a chance to be a special race after 50 true age, or a normal race with 10 bonus stat points. Events, daily quest, and tourneys will get you there fast and they even added it as a dragonball wish this wipe so I wouldn't really pay money for that gamble
okay, but what I wanted to know was which are the races and how you get them
just create new characters over and over?
normally I'd point to the discord or take a screenshot but this wipe the owner added it to the game now
use the settings button in the top right or ESC key and use the view guides button and it tells you racial stats and passives
I still think we should take this chance and advertise on /v/ to draw players now that we're just after wipe
I'd like to but do we have enough teachers retained from last wipe to help? My main issue is work schedule prevents me from being too active of a teacher until late hours on EST timezone
I ended up making a baby tsujin again this wipe after being unable to decide between alien and frost lord. Went with the name "Baby Joe" til I can think of a better one
What's more important achievement points or z points?
i think just telling them how to get to the base and where to read the guides is enough, anyone already there can bother with the teaching part for anything that isn't on the in-game guides
also worth mentioning that you can always make a new character if your furst one sucks, i spent like 2 hours on my first just triple checking everything online before i found out i couldve just rolled defaults then made a new one once i knew what each stats and races actually did
I was able to set up some stuff real fast, you can as well if you wanna double our efforts. I got 3 drills I plopped down, bought a telewatch and made a pad under the code for vm on each of them
Walls aren't upgraded to tier 2 yet
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Drilled space, base is soon
Okay so I tried the game over the weekend but got extremely bored fast by how much of an afk game it is and how long it seems to take to do anything, constantly getting stuck on planets without a ship or being killed on sight by other players. With my measly powerlevel I couldn't beat a single opponent and died many times. I assume I just don't know the trick to raising BP and resources faster, but even if did obtain strength, what would I do with it? Seems like the kind of game where people just kill eachother, get salty and talk trash. What do you actually do in this?
I understand it's a sandbox and I need to make my own fun from it in a way, but I failed to see what that could be.
The thread is full of tips but did you approach anyone to teach you? It's a social game on an autism platform so someone holding your hand or even doing an activity with you instead of playing alone makes it a way better experience.
>What do you actually do with power?
The game does leave it pretty open ended with less RP tools like spacestation 13 has though there are always some silly sci-items like LSD and landmines, but yea you either play as mega fucktard, keeper of order, or a guy people leaves alone because you're chill with everyone. I really like the coop and base building where you can make a pretty nice area to be chill and the tournament scene is a lot less salty than PVP.
Unfortunately if you're out in the open you are always gonna be a sitting duck for a dude to merk so it's best to align yourself with someone who can allow you indoors, while also having outpost on planets for easy travel once you get a telewatch and make your items not drop on death

The best news for you though is the strength grind ends up becoming a knowledge check rather than an actual grind, but 9/10 times it involves grinding with others if you're not doing your quest
What other things were you getting "stuck" on? Some spawns are more unfortunate than others
gonna be busy for tomorrow and the day after, but after that I should be free
pls don't let this die
it looks grindy at first but honestly it's pretty fucking fast if you know what you're doing and have a little luck
>The thread is full of tips but did you approach anyone to teach you
No, but I did read several posts from here, without which I would've probably quit in 5 minutes instead of playing the game for several hours, so I thank you kind anons for that.
I also took a look at many of the ingame guides and those helped.
My session pretty much went like this:
>Spawn on Earth as a Shadow Dragon after rerolling a couple times, select to spawn in the gym
>try to train in the gym but constantly getting interrupted by people spawncamping and killing me
>spend half an hour trying to figure out how to revive because I fell down to hell because I was clueless until I found a guide about it
>fed up with getting camped at the gym, so I start flying around picking up resources, eventually getting enough to make a spaceship and nav system, and used an air mask I found from a dead body
>Leave Earth and end up on some other planet I don't remember which
>Set up my own mini-gym in a cave and mine for resources while punching a punching bag
>it's secluded enough that nobody is bothering me and I start making progress, eventually getting training weights and gravity, but my BP gain is still so slow
>get bored and hop back in my pod to explore space a bit, end up on some planet that's mostly water, this was extremely foolish because I got trapped here without enough resources to make another ship for quite a while
>someone rolls up on me while I'm afk and murders me, then while I'm waiting to respawn some bored dude beats the fuck out of me and I fall down to hell
>get fed up and log off, having lost progress from dying, and losing 2 ships
>overall my BP was only ~5000 and I'm pretty sure a farmer with a gun could kill me
So yeah, I guess I'm just stuck knowing how to best raise my BP. Also I'm wondering how do you get more skill points?
ok I can't really comment in detail right now but I just wanna say I started like 3 days ago and I'm still only in the 4000 BP
Kino story. I still always recommend NPC bounty missions for cash since they're easy to start and abandon if something comes up
Punching bag along with meditation and train are laughably bad for gains, they just exist with individual niches, but they offer more in terms of stat gain and skill points than actual BP.
The most underrated Gym when the braal gym is a hellscape is also the king kai gym in checkpoint after you die. People are always there, you're all dead with nothing to worry about, do, or lose. Bonus it has invisible healing pulse machines there you can endlessly punch a dude or a AI simulation in the face and within 5-10 minutes you'll catch up to whoever you're punchings power. Usually if you meet a really strong dude there they'll likely be willing to teach you stuff about moves if they think you're new so you'll gain more than BP, but allies and skills
For normal skillpoints punching someone in a gym will cap you out pretty fast, and AI sim when in lack of anyone else. Shadow spar in lack of anything else to grind skill points but that's very key intensive vs what it gives
I see, so I want to punch a dude or AI, not the shitty punching bag. I didn't know about the King Kai gym either. I was hesitant to speak up or reach out to other players since I wanted to figure things out a bit on my own first, and was also I guess afraid because many of the players I had encountered thus far were either aggro or afk.
Getting on and making a base for us. Who up? As a baby I can benefit from our teams racial moves I think, but not sure which are stealable
won't be able to connect today or tomorrow but should be free after
how do you rape
>be old enough to use the Mate skill (HBTC can rush age)
>have a dick (otherwise you'll lay an egg)
>face KOed opponent and mate
I built a base in Heaven but nobody has made their presence in the thread known recently so I'm just chilling for now. Doing some dailies to get some achievement points today to get a few bonus passives
can't right now, but I'm free tomorrow
any tips to getting stronger without absorbing or training as super majin?
With how janky this game can be and how often things change I'd try several things
>try training with others anyways, it may or may not give you leech
>if not, try training amongst your own race, this worked for majins the one time I tried them
>korins and babas sister tournament as those NPCs will scale with you
but probably the best bet overall I'd try now is
>set your spawn to braal by clicking the sparkly spawn icon on the spot of your choosing then run into the core near the south east of the map. This place is super deadly and you can only heal by killing core demons, or luring them into explosions while they die onscreen (if you knock them away offscreen you won't get a heal)
Also it's worth joining any FFA, battle royale, boss rush, or any other "group" event as those always give the best participation rewards and lump you in a room with a bunch of people where majin sight can copy any non-racial move you potentially don't have
is there a list of where npcs and quests are because fuck exploring every single corner of each planet only to accept a quest im not supossed to do yet and get sent back to heaven
not really a list but they appear as a pink dot on the minimap (sometimes bugged if you're using a scouter instead of sense). If you find one you like you might as well reset your spawn by it but here's a quick rundown

>desert has gravity
>earth has babas, cell, korin, korins sacred water (lethal but fine to do w death regen or immortality)
>heaven has hunt the majin, it's bugged so you win the second the majin does his mystic rubber ball attack at you and you can bail if it says you win
>demon trials in hell, this shits impossible don't expect much
>braal/vegeta has GT goku and core
>space has bounty mission
That's all I can think of right now unless any new ones were added. Gravity and babas tourney at the roshi house on earth are pretty entry level. Core is good too but it's lethal. GT goku is always good but I heard in the past hour that people were griefing people trying to do that quest
There's also your daily quest which is under your Settings button in the top right or ESC key, then hitting D to jump to Daily Quest and it sends a chat of them and your progress. There's also a special feats and accomplishments list in settings as well which has special task like kill 300 core demons, or win 10 tourneys that give you the rewards as you do it rather than at the end
Upgraded the base in Heaven and added
-an extra large tournament ring to better simulate real arenas, size is 50x50
-3 boarding rooms for us to have our own personal banks as well. Each room is 12x12 in size so you can make your own wall within and still have enough room to decorate.
Achievement points you need to spend for buffs but a lot of z point stuff is optional
wouldnt a base in heaven be super fucking dangerous? can't anyone who tries to raid and dies just immediately walk back to the front door? never have died while dead so idk how it works
In a sense yes. I picked heaven for the moment so if we're dead we can go to it regardless but when someone really wants in your base they seem to be able to get in anyways. The main thing preventing people from raiding your base is that it can take time and nobody checks heaven too often due to how empty it is compared to checkpoint and hell
We'll probably have a more secure cave-based base in a while but one of the nice things about heaven is it can't have the planet it rest on be blown up. I also encourage us to have our own individual drills as well so it'll be harder for our funding to get cut. Base management is pretty easy once you figure how it works
>Modules get a nerf to your max powerup right as I was trying to build a module tsujin gimmick
>All because everyone and their mother kept using auto repair near the end of the wipe
Hope it's not overtuned or that it's off off on tsujins who have an innate module to be baby
arent those guys exempt? i thought modules only had negatives for non-synthetics and that androids and such were exempt of penalties
We'll find out, it's popular enough of a race where it'll get fixed if people complain
I made a telewatch, is the password still vm?
Yeah we're reusing the old one still
Another big factor is how "Hot" a base is
since items can be radared, the more valuable shit that you have stashed in your base the more people will want to raid it
Items that are considered hot and of raiding interest are like
>Floor littered with special items
>Space ships (the big kind)
>Power orbs
If they go after anything less valuable like biogens or gravity call them poor. Some things like dragonballs weaken nearby walls so they cannot be stashed. This can also be a hilarious double edged sword by you having a dragonball in your pocket and beaming down local walls 5x faster

In fact some niggas tryna break in right now so I'm just gonna sit by the wall and keep it healed then move everything if I gotta bail
please dont kill me god damn it dude I just got there
I made the long awaited HBTC teleports for us now. Now we can be at max gains by chilling in base and jumping into the time chamber whenever someone else opens the door
Our base is in heaven in the south west corner (heaven entrance is on a north west road from the death respawn). Anyone can walk in with the door code and let us know you're us. A nice thing about the heaven base is you can go straight there after dying
oh it's fucking over
Used to play Roleplaying servers of this back in the day, back when it was (old) Finale. Weird to see them all gone, used to get like 40 players consistently.
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man even though my power level is higher, I'm still dogshit at combat
which skills are best to use? damage is irrelevant if I can't hit shit
I made a sparring arena but it got blown through at the moment. I'm finally off work after doing overtime so I'm gonna grind bounties. Once i get a streak the bonus it gives will make it profitable for if I need to do it any other time.
We need to practice combos by copying what other players do, or my favorite method is making a hotkey row of 1-0 and mashing them at earliest off cooldown
Bounty is a good way to test moves, and also use the "dojo" command to dojo a NPC at any kind. I find Eis and Piccolo to be easier than average for some reason but it may be build dependent
Dojo gives a daily bonus as well if you're able to win vs npcs and is tied to achievements
Also the pros know this game is difficult. Asking in OOC might get one guy nice enough to tell you what moves slap, it's worth asking a tough rando for help if he's not already trying to kill you
please be real
>Can't kill my korin clone with ki without cheating by flying by a biogen
>Have no problem fighting a miniboss with ki only needing to rest a brief moment
Miniboss farming for time chamber keys is OP, they're not hard to take down at all and they can give base forcefield packs
I rebuilt the base and got us enough money to get by. I'd highly recommend visiting your planets bank for any planet you're aligned in and storing some money + respawning there. Planet banks can only be robbed from planet raids and can be handy for storing small amounts of cash for when you want a telewatch
I also made a new narutra shenron alt because they can dig and I wanted both a ki character and a str character, along with one who can train more naturally than a baby can. Will see if it's hot garbage or actually kinda fun with its strength based skills and the ability to dig
Still down to teach people combat and combos around 10/11pmEST and give people free catchup BP if they wanna afk in base
If you're afking in base for now, try to keep your power hidden under 10% so we're not targeted
bob here, ive given up on pvp
what are some good skills/builds for killing npcs
or at least for tanking shit so I'm annoying as fuck to kill, might as well put that death regeneration to use plus I've heard there's ways to make it faster
Try the build we talked about where you want about
2-3x energy - energy is important as it gives energy and stamina. You can heal rapidly by hotkeying the regenerate skill so change your energy depending on how much you plan to regenerate health. It also controls your power up cap where powering up is effectively using your BP as a stat multiplier
divide evenlyish around
you can neglect durability and resist since you're a majin and will be banking on reflex instead of direct damage tanking due you getting natural debuffs to those stats
with regen and recover you want to invest points in either one or the other. Majins don't get many stat points to work with until they special reincarnate but they do get innate multipliers to their regen and recovery stat, so in this context I'd put maybe a few in recovery
After that you wanna make a custom buff to enhance your stats further
debuff strength and regeneration, those stat points are better allocated into energy to power up more and have more stamina, you'll mostly be regenerating by using the active skill anyways. It's pretty good to have a 1.5x energy buff in a lot of cases, then take from other stats and adjust accordingly to get a good stat rating for things like force and speed
Using a devil mat focus your strength and meditate on it until your strength hits 0. As a majin this has no consequences since you can be immune to grabs, then switch back to balance and redistribute the stat points back into the others for better overall stats

You'll find killing minibosses to be the most rewarding after you get combos landed on NPCs

For ways to fight bosses with ki, majins will be able to use a variety of racial skills they can try via absorb and then this applies
for spamming ki blast, I like to set my blast refire rate to 0.5 as that's a good mix of speed and power where it's not blasting too fast where they do nothing but still spreads and hits pretty well.
Join the planet Salada and spawn in the gym. The planet bank is in the top left by GT goku and after you box goku you can store your money for easy profits and then jump in the core for bonus gains
Just stored 30m in the bank so now being robbed doesn't suck so much
NPCs can also wreck your shit just as hard as players as well. The most powerful NPCs aside from main bosses are usually planet invaders, dojo, Cell games, and korins so those should not be considered easy challenges
Babas tourney is an alternative for prison bounty missions to fighting NPCs
I'd also not fully rule out PVP due to all the valuable information you can get from it. There's always the top 10% who know what they're doing and lurk around forever, but aside from that it's also 30% who kinda know what they're doing and the other 60% are completely clueless. With the new feature of seeing who can join tournaments, I wouldn't rule them out since you can at least see if chad thundercock is gonna join and teach you a lesson, and you chose to sit out or join a tournament where all the strong people are busy and it's just other randos you may have beaten before
Extreme strength baseball bat sounds OP with knockback damage. If you stacked speed on it you could combo succession someone like they're a pinball
I got a time ring from roshi, time to get jacked
I heard that maju guy say put 5x into energy and the rest into recovery for majins where powering up makes up for minimal stats and energy for days
joined and got to top 10 on the bp scoreboard in like an hour with killette's help
now i just need to learn how to fight and im gonna wreck
if energy affects the max powerup and that powerup means battle power why not just put everything into energy and anger and just get like 1000% power? that should close the stat gap, no? i saw theres bonuses for hitting extreme rating on a stat, but the highest I've gotten is very high in a single one so doesn't seem worth it
Anger used to be kinda good but I think there's not much stat points to dump into it to where your race needs an anger gimmick to justify it. Maybe I'm sleeping on it if you give it a go. Energy has some diminishing returns but at the same times it does so much that it might be worth it anyways like you say. Some things like shield scale harder with energy and you can always still use custom buff to play with stats so experiment around and see if it's worth. I would also keep in mind recovery helps your power up cap and speed as well
Looks like some wiseguy blasted in to loot but not destroy our drills using a doorhacker.
Since our heaven base keeps getting blown up I have re-established control in the desert caves. There's no floor tiling yet so keep instant transmission blocked and power hidden but the ki is jammed and we have a bank. Soon we can blow some of our money on security robots after we get everyone in the league so they don't teamkill
I should be off the next 2 days, 17's been fucking our shit up so I'm gonna get us trained
man if only I had any idea about how to get stronger as majin, at best I get catch-up bonuses and adaptation, but all this means I'm always one step below
I got owned earlier, it's Nightmare no wonder he's awful. We're gonna need scouters if we don't want androids to jump us
every time I get killed the first thing I make is a scouter, they're so handy
they have radios too, I think, could also set them to the same frequency as the base so we can use them to chat without telepathy or having the whole server hear us
I thought about suggesting we all use a scouter code but I quickly realized that'd be a bad idea the second one of us dies with it on and our enemy hears us. League chat kinda does the same thing but it's annoying how it can only be seen in the All chat tab and not IC
Anyone else in the league? Reply if you need an invite
IGN: Nose
You'd be surprised how often "catchup gains" really means "get rocketed to first place for being active". Majins also get a high bp mod and static bp along with their absorbs to help them keep up but if you do time chamber + quest/events/tourneys there's nothing stopping you from getting in the top 20 but skill is always the real thing to worry about
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>Training in planet fitness with some guys
>Everyone is doing GT goku
>Stop paying attention for a minute and GT goku keeps knocking me out
>A guy sees this and puts me in a healing tube, now GT goku is knocking me out every second because you're more vulnerable in a heal tube
>After 5 minutes goku despawns and I succeed the quest somehow
>Freeza decides now is a good time to kill one of us off
>Picks at random and sends a homing instakill deathball and we all watch this dude get nuked
The gym kicks ass
There's bonuses for running other tiers as well for certain ones. There's probably bonuses for all but they might not be posted but I made this build going off the known ones for my ki character
Hey SPR did you buy all the frost lord skills yet? I wanted to try some out
If on a ki build you use spin blast with explosive blast in a corner or tunnel it will shred nearby opponents health. This might be the quickest way for ki to kill bosses
Got my first boss drop. Looks like it's just x-ray goggles. Gonna keep grinding until I get some of the cool stuff I'm seeing like rocket launcher and machine gun
Gonna be available to teach anyone who needs help with combat skill. Last day off til next week, will be available until around 9pm EST
is there an easy way to navigate from planet to planet without farming resources and building a ship every single time
how do I make enoigh of those z coins so I can get the thingy that makes you not drop one of your items on death so I can use it on the telewatch
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>Get main villain
>Decide to blow up Arconia for an objective, nobody cares about Arconia
>Somebody cares, Legend starts fighting me as a cyborg
>No scouter as usual, have to scramble to make one midbattle and continue to fight him
>Use my new skill I got from Majin Bob, mystic ball attack
>Turn into an invulnerable majin ball and gain a ton of speed
>This takes my body away and replaces it with a majin icon for my invulnerability
>Since I'm away I'm considered off planet, my planet destruction immediately fails since I used this move
>Dude I'm fighting fucks off since he got his reward for stopping me
Majin skills amirite
they're so stupid, they randomly break tournaments if you use them during the fight until the server reboots
about that, how does the baby invasion works? any situation where it's better than normal majin absorbing a guy? wonder how much can I exploit now that I have both
Baby can get 4 of nearly any move from multiple different races and borrow one of their passives
Majin can get moves from 1 race
They're supposed to be different but they're pretty similar seeming now when you compare baby and super buu. I wanted to think supers can get more moves but they seem about the same. Then there's also the special race pure majin which is similar to super buu but they can get all moves from absorbing, but they share a cooldown.
The big tradeoffs are
-high int at 1
-can use modules with less(unsure? modules just got nerfed) downsides
-can joyride in bodies to leech or force invasion to leech + kill
-has severe debuff from training sources, but can catch up with events and time chamber if you cannot body swap for any reason
-Can rape, has penis
-Can restore their youth by becoming young but this drastically lowers their static and relative BP. Unsure the difference between this skill and regular reincarnation honestly

-imitate skill
-has an innate 33% debuff to res and dura making people consider reflex and powering up more important on them
-in trade off they get a direct multiplier to their regen and recov stats along with passives to heal and the regenerate skill
-lowest int tied with LSSJ at 0.1
-immune to those green radiation clouds (bios and demons get this too)
-its unique racial moves are already really good on top of whatever else you get
-cannot be grabbed against their will (can liquify out even at 0 strength)
-has a unique "splatter" form of death regen where people have to kill the pieces. Wishing for immortality makes this faster temporarily until you die for real and go to heaven
-even harder training debuff where you get no gains, must absorb but can still gain from niche sources like other majins. Can sill be rewarded from events and time chamber
-Cannot rape, lays eggs
-I think they get bleed resist or something idk they get so much it's hard to keep track
-Majin sight to steal rare non-racial skills
oh and how do you get pure majin? ive heard something about reincarnating while old, but idk how old or if its guaranteed or random chance
>Sit on my ass doing nothing but occasionally swapping between meditating for power and knowledge, no tourneys, alt punching, GT goku, or anything fancy
>Get bored and unlock my potential
>Suddenly people telepathying me wanting to spar
>What? but I haven't been doing anything, check power level
>Top tier for doing nothing at all
Unlock potential is broken

you gotta get your true age to 50. Best bet is fruit drops from boss drops, or farming Z points and trading them for 3 years of true age repeatedly. It's not guaranteed as you get 1 random special race if you get one at all, more age guarantees a chance along with korin passives. Then you'll wanna decide if the special race sounds cool enough to trade for a pure majin or you can pick majin again and be a majin with +10 stat points, extra energy, and extra stamina (not applicable to special races)
>korin passives
whuh? the fuck is that>
Your quest and random achievements give you achievement points. Talk to korin on earth an he lets you spend them. Most passives cost around 1000-1500 achievement points. They're definitely worth doing
the dojo verb farms achievement points quick since so many involve dojo. Once you can beat dojo consistently you should move up to cell and you should be super good in pvp tourneys by then
what the fuck, I never knew this
Another game changer is usually people rush to buy either a time ring or champions belt from Roshi. Time ring is 20% bonus true age from passive aging and champ belt is bonus BP and 20% bonus z points and achievement points
ki is op fr fr
despite jumping without knowing much the game has been really fun
>saiyan spawn, leave the cave
>foolishy enter a portal, end in a burned place with a constant meteor shower, black mobs slowly approaching
>die and enter the other world
>explore around and fall to hell
>lot of cash in the ground, im a millionare now
>hit look-a-like declares war and kills me

after that it was training and getting skills at the vegeta gym, with some spars with the local monkeys. also fighting a cooler look-a-like named David who keep killing everybody
so besides the ultra divine water, time chamber, gym sparring, core, gravity and doing the tournaments, is there other methods to boost bp
I've also seen there's other quests but idk if I can beat them as I am right now or if they're worth it, I tried the hell one once and got disintegrated in 5 seconds
Quest are very worth it because they help get you points with Korin on earth and gains. They're not created equal and some quest like winning 3 tournaments can sometimes be impossible but they're randomly assigned once or twice a day, and you get another small bonus if you complete them all.
The core on planet braal is pretty brutal and is mostly useful for questing or catching up but falls off later. If you're melee you wanna hotkey and spam block when they're about to hit while using your melee moves, or if they're too strong you can kite them around and they will die from explosions. For ki you wanna use charge blast, beam, or makosen for your best bet on killing core demons
If you wanna check your relative BP you can use a medical scan or the command "check relative BP high scores" to see who has the highest relative
The other two are your soul (a multiplier on your relative) and your static/hbtc and you want that number to be as close to your soul as possible as it's counted as bonus BP
explained it a good bit earlier in the thread but aside from what you're already doing I'd only really add on trying challenges like the NPC or pvp Dojo, getting your potential unlocked, and every time after a decent change in power you wanna wish for power on the dragonballs as well for lots of static
If you've been doing all that already your BP is probably fine and in the 80% percentile, you just wanna work on your skill, getting moves, and working out combos
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Someone built this really nice piece in public on Earth
I just got my ass KOed by a penis beam
Ascension level BP has hit. Some people used it to break a few of our walls but the Desert Base stayed strong. Now that we got past that hill it's time to decorate it so we're not living on dirt.
>Ascension level BP
what doed this mean exactly
Supersaiyan 1 unlocked and all other races get a multiplier once they hit their racial BP printed on a medscan. Idk if it comes with other stuff like reincarnating does, I think it's just a multiplier
dude theyre inside our base
nice statue sprite
About to special reincarnate my Baby soon. Gonna go the race again it was fun unless it gives me a really sick special race I can't turn down
>accidentally click on the spawn point next to King Kai in the afterlife
>instantly sets it as my spawn with no confirmation
>reviving just sends me back to King Kai now
>don't have any form of teleportation
uhh bros did I just die for real?
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the grind never stops. some kind souls taught me cool skills (even kaioken, mystic and etc) and i actually reached ssj while sparring. hit my bp gains cap, looking for better ways to train
what stuff should I spend the special points on? dont want to fuck up my build or whatever
skills, I can absorb and use them, so what about the other options?
passives are always pretty good like stun resist and higher power up cap. For skills they're kind of a grab bag and I'm not familiar with a bunch so I'd read the damage type and try them out. Anything homing is always nice. Every character is a throwaway character especially if it's not a reincarnation yet, but you can always get a good idea of the direction you want to steer it in, and refunding special skills only cost 250 z points now
There's a portal near the bottom right of heaven that leads to Earth but also most people will help you escape if you ask and they're capable
>bottom right
FUCK I remembered them being under the waterfall on the left-ish bit and felt owned when nothing was there
thanks anon
I checked our drills and was able to gather 500m untapped cash before the drills got raided. Now we're half billionaires
Still afking in the time chamber overtime to try to age up. Getting high age can be a bitch but I'm already 120
I got to reincarnate but it didn't offer me any special races. Says I get 50% more energy and 30% more stamina as I age now so that's gonna be fun. Went with tsujin again because I liked galactic donut and don't wanna play half saiyan right now and liked the modules
I also fucked up the group by not passing ownership to my alt before reincarnating so I'll make a new clover to invite anyone to
help me understand something about this game.
do you need to be "the strongest" to enjoy this game? or can you just enjoy "number go up" and be fine that you arent in the top 10% strongest?
Nah getting strong is just something to do. The core loop itself gets boring after a while when it comes to the grind itself and it's very much a make your own fun game. Being strong allows you to kill people easier and getting into fights in public is fun. You can make friends or find a rival who you beat each others ass on sight and your gangs start scrapping. You can also like in ss13, chose how much of a dick you wanna be. You can knock people out, you can kill them, or you could even keep them alive and torture them making them scream in OOC with brain damage, drugged by LSD and being shocked by you spamming your stun control button after you stun chip them. If you're bored being good having helped a lot of people and want to be a central focus of the story just be evil as possible for a while and if you're really evil + have high BP you can even be made main villain in the sagas tab and get bonus objectives like blowing up planets or planting the tree of might
There's also fucking around with different races and finding out which playstyle you like. I find it pretty nice to have a ki and a melee character each even though I barely touch the other I already have it as backup if I get bored of one style
Some Bio-Android tried to eat my friend while I was sparring with him so I punched his head off and he got pissy because "It's the only way I get strong.". Was I actually in the wrong or was he just being a stupid baby?
Punch em harder for being a lil bitch about it. Either they find someone weaker or ask nicely.
He's being a big baby. With the new quest and event systems it looks like anyone can get good gains from them. Absorb gains are the same type of catch up gains quest and all the other stuff is anyways so he can do those or if he needs to absorb to transform he can git gud, ask, or find an afk in heaven
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most normal BYOND community
some cunt bio-android killed me, teleported to the afterlife and is infinitely camping me in the afterlife, he knocked me out dragged me to hell and is surrounding me with his clones who knock me out the second I wake up until I revive then he kills me again.

Yeah I think that's enough for today.
how do I find you guys and train with you? Still learning the game BP's at around 59 mil.
earlier anon here, I haven't been on the last 2 days but I got on and now play as "Joefection". It's 4am but I threw together something on the Desert planet at 30,150 with the aim of this being a sharable base
The public doors on the south side use the password "noobgym"
while we also have doors that respond to our secret password "vm"
do not let people know vm but anyone we can trust can know noobgym.
Since our numbers are lacking currently we can home our allies in here this way without the conflict of bringing them in our more serious and protected bases
I will furnish the place a bit later but as of now the walls should be hardening and it should be secure as of tomorrow. The aim of it being in Desert is so we can get our GT goku in at braal and get the fuck out of that chaos and have our own nice gym on desert where there's also the gravity quest on a 15 minute cooldown,
zeze here im coming back eventually,maybe next week just got tired of the game but i can feel the hype coming back,also quasimorph is now good so im playing that for now because i paid for it when it was a bullshit simulator.
yknow, everyones gonna know the pass is vm if you post it here
we need an alternative you only share through telepathy or someshit for the real important stuff
made a small base in the mountains, it was destroyed within 5 hours lmao.

learned a lot about how base building works though.
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forgot pic
Gonna be away and likely won't have internet for a few days
Nice decor skills. Be sure to disable instant transmission in your settings, sometimes people can teleport on cliffs and water if you're adjacent
Thanks! yeah I disabled IT but it was destroyed while I was offline, funnily enough all the decor was still there but they destroyed every wall and machine, psycho stuff.
bob here, was busy this entire week, will be back by next weekend
Joe here, didn't lose connection after all. We need to remake a league to see who's online better again. Does anyone not in the league need in? If so post your names and it will prevent any future killbots made by us from targeting you even if you wanna stay living on your own
What does radiation do I keep getting it from green clouds
think i burned out, dont feel like continuing playing
You and me both, haven't done shit since reincarnating.
It started out fun when we had a big crowd but between work being too busy to take the time to help newbies, and /vm/ being a dead board I think we may have better luck in the future trying /v/. It's just too hard to make stories without a decent amount of active players where we can actually hold power
I have the classic DU host files, from the literal LAST update made by Tens of DU, before Nite ever did anything. Is this a good thing or am I the only one who likes that version of DU better? We could host it but I have no job so I can't because I have no money. However, I would make one of the best hosts because I'm actually not going to even play the game and I just want to make people enjoy it, I'm not on a personal power trip.
There was a point in time where all races had access to self destruct (an instant final explosion), and a time where a 20 minute cooldown was added, then it got removed from most races . Do you know which your version follows?
i think its the 20 minute cooldown version but still all races can get it
tried ss14 for the first time

why did they implement every single shitty change made by oranges and his cucks? shitty as in 90% of players agreed it was bad and yet ss14 trannies copied it

was hoping for a classic sandbox ss13 experience, got a weird version of modern tg
>shitty change made by oranges and his cucks
Like what ? The botany nerfs ? Nanite removal ? Taser nerf ?
OP here, I refuse to touch ss14 because how offbrand it is. Being taken over by tg fags and not having any real safe haven is awful. Then there's many things where the mechanics aren't fundamentally the same such as no body blocking that just make me feel like I'm playing a worse game. ss14 would have to introduce some fucking amazing unique features and even while some are cool there's no in depth modes or features from what I always hear. I've been playing /vg/station a bit recently and I think I'll stick with what works, I'd even try some of the ss13 different distros before touching 14
Don't forget to wish your mom a Happy Mothers Day /vm/, the gains from it will be endless
>Server hit god ki after over month and a half then got wiped in 8 days
Guess nobody gave a fuck by then.
Should we do a discord to organize a wipe when enough of us feel like playing again? We'd primarily use the thread for discussion and questions where the discord is for roles such as active/retired or for alternative tutorials/image guides
Bio jrs got reworked, looks like I'm obligated to play and see if they're still busted or useless with this 30 second lifespan and cap of 4 I'm seeing
Working on visual guides right now, is there anything specific anyone wants info on in an image?
What Strength and Ki boosts.
Discord made, still working on some channels and rules that will help prioritize the thread but make some spammy things like move tutor request easier in discord

New wipe yesterday. Might actually play this one by being a bum and only focusing on tourneys but want to try a different race. Gonna run frostlord ki based, any tips?
Made a Ki based frostlord since it seems to be a popular race. Gonna post the best combos once I get a good grip on them
You guys still here? I read the thread and I got the impression the game is hilarious
How are you supposed to fight anything in this?
I'm still around and I have a weakish character that I still need to hit some key goals on. There's 3 types of players, learn them and pick your fights wisely
>Chad wannabes
>Clueless noobs
Anyone with a low powerlevel or who looks foolish when fighting is a good beginning training partner. I'm available at odd hours from 10pm est to 4am est if you need extra help. Name, race, and what are you tryna do?
>saiyan walks up to a dude with supersaiyan
>asks him "Can I spar" and the SSJ says yes
>SSJ turns on his auto attack and pulps the saiyan in 1 hit splattering him into a shower of blood because he forgot to turn lethals off

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