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We Are Back Edition

Dev stream #10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kIecKDGIiI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest News
https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp (with active codes)

>Interactive Map (with named-enemy spawn location/requirements)

>Adventure Board

>Class skills and modifier values
JP: https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%82%A4%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%82%B9%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC
EN: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkk5srzgue3Z6F8vRv6Nw4Gw5yE4bfgGPpSsnH5whd0 (outdated)

>Imajinn List
EN: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X7TF04KpyHmpnXiIXKR8e5RyNBKt6yn5B997mdwdunA
JP: https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp/index.php?%E6%9C%80%E7%B5%82%E8%A3%85%E5%82%99%E4%BE%8B%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A8%E3%82%81

>EXRush Guide
JP: https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5%E3%83%90%E3%83%88%E3%83%AB

>Translation Overlay Tool

>Benchmark Tool / Character Creation

>How to play as gaijin

>50 Blue Protocol Tips written by Anon

>Recommended B-Imajinns and α+β skills (WIP)

>/bpg/ Teams
サバイバーズ | SVRS | ET7JKFXL
チャイラバーズ | PxDO | EK13YHX7
the na release is going to be dead on arrival
screencap this post
Man, I don't even know where to start since I've been out of it since the last chapter.
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>outdated dev stream
>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
kek based
finish story to easily get to 60, spam iirc the last 3 normal missions (picrel) for e-imajinns and weapons, +5 the electricity weapon at the crafting bench, +5 the good e-imajinns (see imajinn list in OP) with the imajinn npc, spam 異観!巨塔の遺跡 until you +5 the lvl 60 fire weapon. you're done.
Damn they're just shoving dungeons everywhere now. I'm probably missing a shit ton lol
no need to farm 亡国の工廠, just the 2 other. unless you want the skyfish imajinn with defense.
also, they nerfed the advanced missions, so you might be fine without +5'ing everything.
It will be hot for a month or so and then many will drop it when they realize there's nothing to really do at the endgame. Leveling your first class was legitimately fun but people are gonna expect something like mythic+ or savage fights to keep them interested and then be like "well what's the point then lol" when they realize there's nothing like that in BP.
Does this game have mods for better hands yet?
anon, we barely have any players...
>still 22 days for the next patch
goddamnit, i can skip this month, come back halfway through next month and still collect everything from the next pass. no wonder matchmaking is deader than usual. there's something wrong with your online game if even the sweaties who have already finished the pass aren't playing it daily anymore.
kinda lamentable on how the suits decide on what content to put, there is barely new stuff for SSfags as well. Would be nice if they added board games you can watch your toon play with others during dead weeks.
>finished pass and got the 2k bpp outfit and the other top+bottom set
>new boards done
>golden fox is just a distant dream and a fucking meme anyways that I wouldn't use even if I got it
>new adv dungeon feels like a chore with the codes
I guess I don't need to log in for the next month
>queue exrush
>3 axes 3 bows
>retards dying left and right in early waves so i kite the dog to a corner to keep those niggers safe
>gobu wave (no other boss), so i kite the dog away again
>not a single sleep arrow throughout the run
>an axes shows up and starts hitting it
>i spam the axes sticker and the "leave it to me" sticker + gesture.
>no good, he thinks he's doing us a favor for a faster clear.
>nappos spawn, he instantly dies and takes the rest with him
>next queue (after 8 fucking minutes) looks much better
>niggers don't focus on nappos and get wiped
>2 runs later, 4 players
every day matchmaking keeps getting worse and taking longer... i just wanted to use my 3 tickets but even that i might stop doing.
i have like 6300 ex coins and still no golden fox. seeing the state of ex runs, i assume most people have also given up on it already. the costume has lost some of its appeal now that we have more free options, and might feel more like a badge of shame for wasting so much time on it.
8 months and the devs still have no fucking idea what to do with this kusoge. they tried making the game harder for the loud minority, but that's obviously not the target audience for a casual dress-up/social gacha game. then they nerf the dungeons but it's no use, people aren't coming back and the loud minority is left screeching as they always do. i doubt the new chapter and bocchi will save this dumpster fire and might only worsen the matchmaking.
You'd think when the golden fox is their bait for endgame players to keep playing the game, they could put something a little better. But these retards are dead set on making sure the only freely farmable mount is recolors of the same fucking fox mount
Global wen?
If the casual audience is their majority, then they could at least add more shit to the shop instead of making tails disappear for over a year.
you will fomo and you will like it.
Modern MMO's will always be doomed to this crap. They would make more money if people could just buy the clothes they want. Not counting the dumb $200+ pity crap
>more money
but companies moved to gacha for that reason...
No one says they should prioritize money, just that there's no reason not to improve a system when it would make more money.
Probably Bamco suits want to kill off BP but the dev team and AGS are trying to reign them back.
It is also probably the nipjeet code it came with made it a nightmare to implement more shit like a bigger store and sore lack of community activities.
Since I haven't seen this posted in the previous thread, here's a damage sim for anyone who cares.
Are there even any dps checks aside from the ex rush sealed ogre right now? I'm not seeing much point in having 11% float right now over 13% ogre.
Banned thread:
anyone pre-farming a +5 lvl60 fire weapon for bocchi, or is everyone waiting to see if
makes it unusable?
yea, no point in using float atm.
>13% ogre
13% ogre is like 10x rarer than 11% float. I already gave up trying to get high % ogre weapons because they literally don't fucking drop
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teaser page was updated some time ago.
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whats this fujo-looking girl reading?
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>i happen to be an expert on this topic
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>when she sees your pp
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she's... kinda hot...
Do we have a global release date?
no lmao
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Bandai is probably gonna bait you with bunny suits or even pasties or something but just letting you know, don't put any more money into this game.

The chance global gets cancelled at this point is not small.
>short-term roadmap
so, the next roadmap will be the EoS roadmap.
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>game shows an event banner
>"wow, never seen this before, gotta be something big!"
>see picrel
no way the game is doing poorly when they're still giving shit as gifts... r-right?!
It might truly be owari da this time... JP EOS and global cancelled
lmao what a hoot
Why launch chapter 5 then when bamco wants to make mobages ?
Focus on quality games ? bullshit.
Detailed video explaining the massive unprofitability last quarter.

Apparently Bandai Namco also wrote off ¥21 billion ($140 million) of forecasted earnings due to low revenue from "Blue Protocol".
It's a fucking shame, because the core of the game really makes you wish it was good or at least became good, but bamco truly has no idea how to actively support an MMO or monetize it in a way that doesn't make people want to fuck off immediately.
Sega even killed PSO2 to help out, and it still wasn't enough.
>release dress-up online game
>but banners last on avg 32 fucking days
what were they thinking?
What if ags announces a release date for the eop version and an eos date in the same post?
soon to be gone.
not sure if i should be happy they're gonna bait us with even sexier bikinis just before EoS... if we last until then.
Did amazon kill this game yet?
They don't need to, Bamco is already in the process of doing it for them
I miss the 1st day of this games release and the thread bros... Now its just a ticking EoS timebomb.
100% deserved downfall for banning half of the playerbase in the first days
hopefully shitmazon games sinks with them
JP only anons. What is your opinion on the game right now?
A turning point for the game soon, I guess. Bamco might probably wise up (ramp up desperation) and pump more content in-game to preserve what few numbers they have.
They have tencent acquiring mobile rights, so EoS this soon will be a very questionable decision.
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Anyone else planning to also play the mobile version?
Maybe? Depends on if the game actually runs reasonably well on mobile.
>half of the playerbase
The overestimation of relevance is always hilarious
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this solves nothing...
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>adding a feature that requires gacha items
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time to show everyone your char's vagina bones right before mission starts!
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at least the mount looks funny.
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>dps meter
lmao they should just fix the battlescore requirements instead of making us kick people.
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>they had to change how connect coupon works because friend lists are full of ppl who stopped playing (now up to 200 quitters)
Blue Protocol is literally made for Japanese (me).
The game will eos before I get good Charlotte and Electra lewds
>mounts include: brooms, hoverboards, and idol stages
not like this, foxbros... the AIs are taking our jobs...
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season pass ends in a few days. reminder to do the needful.
ex continues to be a high hurdle for the average nip
>round 1
grinds down to goblin and fox
finally pried the rapey duo apart, 1 against the fox, 5 to deal with the gobbo, should be well, righ-
2 fainted gebokus, 3 fainted gebokus. 3 casualties against solo goblin king.
>round 2:
Ogre Kuma wombo combo
them 2 proceeded to flirt in the background...
Good idea bamco, now I can find those nipfucks who ruin ex even faster
>solo gobu
as a ballfag, sometimes idk if it's better to leave 1 or 2 adds alive in low-dps parties, to have something to hit when the boss goes zipping around which makes us lose the combo gauge. not having lifesteal since back when he was still almost full health is kinda painful desu...
and i've noticed that most people who kite the fox away from the group usually don't hug the wall (staying between the wall and the fox), so that the wall blocks most of his projectiles and the waves don't go towards the group. not doing that is almost the same as if he were attacking the group.
>flirt in the background
archers/mages who don't converge deserve to be raped (by me if girls).
as a ball i stun the kuma and succ him towards the ogre.
as a shield, i taunt the ogre asap no matter what, even if we're at opposite ends of the map, so it ignores the other fags, then stun kuma-san so he doesn't move while the ogre is rushing towards us and i can bind them together. the problem i have with shield is that sometimes, maybe due to high ping, the ogre will get binded way past the bindslashB/bear and screw the set up.
>find those nipfucks who ruin ex even faster
Kickvote needs to be available within that screen.
Any stream summary?
check swiki before asking for anything, it has pretty much every info you'll ever need for the game and you'll avoid retarded shills like >>1186925
I'm back to the game because it's eosing soon (maybe) so I should play as much as I can before I can't anymore
still using VPS, idk if it's still save but if I get banned o well
are there any active teams? i'm guessing no, survivors only has a few people that still log though idk how bad the game got so idk if theres even any reason to login daily
>nips dying to ex- Borwam golem
You effing jump the stone fucker's farts when it decides to fart and circle it like an angry cock when it throws rocks at you. Just back away when your element bar is almost full , HOLY NIP.

Still seeing player queue lower dungeons like 産屋 and 巨塔,their respective explorations still has dozens grinding and farming mini bosses.
Here approaching 9 months and messing with xhunter occasionally out of spite and the game still lets me in. They probably still ban if no VPS but you have plebbits reporting Asia areas are facing less prejudice logging in bare.
As for guild, SVRS at least has a handful of active players and there are discord guilds like 緋.
Cool, thanks.
you're safe with OP's method and there's no reason to login daily after getting the season pass costume, which should've happened weeks ago.
Yup. That's what I'm using. For the costume, I *just* got back so I'm out of time to get it for sure, but oh well
>error 280-08

is it over for me bros
not a ban error.
Ice shard buff might actually be a nerf because more people will use it now. I fucking hate it when casters/lancers knock enemies the fuck away after a heavy/aegis collected them.
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bros...i want to go back
I got lazy and forgot to max my season pass. It's over.
you might still be able to get and complete the next one for free if you have some spare orbs.
Only pantsu can save this game now...
>now you pay through amazon
coming soon for play through amazon ?
>2024年2月28日8:00 ~ 16:30(予定)
today's maintenance starts earlier than usual. soon we'll have 24hr maintenances...
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Why don't they post the patch notes and let us pre-load during maintenance so there's something to do/talk and give the game some traction?
it isn't much but you can find what they plan to do today on the wiki front page.
As for traction ...man, either shimooka running bots or nips are bored to the bone but like the game so much they can farm the exploration boss for DAYS. Most of the nips hours you can expect a stampede towards the boss whenever the notification comes up.
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>elevated stage so people can stare at their puffy vulvas
>but front viewers can`t see shit when them aidorus move a bit to the back
who came up with that?
>remove named-enemy day/night spawn requirement
>now we cant just teleport to it when it's about to spawn
>gotta wait or kill shit hoping it spawns like a fucking retard
thanks, shimooka!
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come throw silver nappos off cliffs with me, anons.
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is it whale hunting season yet?
forgot the greentext
>upgrading mounts needs one of the same color
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the fuck i do with all this now?
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based ballfags double suiciding with the nappos
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>new beta skill from doing the daily normal mission
Fucking kek, too easy
What went wrong with this game?
It was supposed to be THE anime MMO...
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Was there another moderately big story update?
There was one a few days ago
Bwos I love Lalaforte so much that I want to gag her and mating press
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>gotta farm 15k more
no fucking way...
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anon forgot his game open...
i will to lalarape her too.
>verification not required
Any payers here, or does everyone just use the free orbs for upgrading the season pass?
>silver nappo spawn rate will be lowered to fix server issues
anons, i hope all your classes are 70 already.
free orbs. you didn't spend the free orbs you got from the last pass right? that's what they want people to do by accident (after switching the 100% discount to 180 orbs) so they have to buy the pass lol
haven't gotten a single orb yet because i just got back into the game again, lol
also what do people run on sword & shield, there's a second skill bar now but there doesn't seem to be that many good skills to fill a whole second bar
welp, then you might need to swap because it takes like 3 months to go from 0 to 180 orbs without freebies (never ever). iirc safest method is buying webmoney codes off the webz and use it on bp or however it works. ive never done it, so someone else might be able to guide you on that better.
most shield skills are useful so it's actually starved for skill slots. they either have to go full support or have some dps (not optimal, but needed when solo/field-leveling).
>blow beat
essential for grouping.
>bind slash
essential for binding groups.
>enhance circle
essential for buffing.
>shield charge
to stun bosses, especially when they're doing annoying attacks. RIP mass-stunning, they fixed it.
to separate a boss from a group when needed (not this ex-rush). gives superarmor so you can rez retards who die.
>celest pillar
builds elemental gauge and deals decent dmg if there's a group. use it after activating taunt to take aoe aggro. might be superseded by hate collect, idk.
>hate collect
havent used it extensively, but should be good for taking aggro from scattered mobs, and/or a group. recovers hp or reduces dmg taken when hp is full. worse uptime than taunt+pillar, but only takes 1 slot and has different effects (heals but no armor, front-loaded dmg but doesn't build ele gauge?).
increases survivability, combine with taunt's super armor and you can rez others without a care.
to block ranged attacks, especially some annoying aoe attacks from bosses (boar/fox/golem bosses upwards spits). or drop it on top of a ded retard to rez without getting hit.
>shield dash
great to bring scattered enemies to a group, but i think high ping might fuck it up. good for time-attacks and defense mission's crystals. funny way to run during missions. left/right normal attacks can sorta slowly work as a budget sunrise charge to carry 1 (uno) enemy.
>crescent light
deals good dmg.
>sunrise charge
good for leveling.
uuh, maybe somewhat useless since you can regen shield gauge with back attack? i think there was some meme afk build with fortress+rampart early on.
Thanks. I'm still pretty early (just hit 40ish) so nothing looks particularly useful because there's no point in taunting or anything this early, everything just dies really quickly
oh, idk how shields play early game... maybe blow beat, bind slash, crescent light, pillar, shield charge, collect, sunrise, regen? you'll definitely need the dmg to clear the story.
as for the pass, there's a welcome back campaign giving 150 orbs total after 7 daily logins. see if you have, or is about to get the 30 orbs form the daily normal logins, to know if you can get the pass for free. idk if there are any bonus quests or something else that give orbs...
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yes i'm missing 1 or 2 of the old hidden quests (or 0 if it counts event quests because i think i skipped one), the nips haven't found the fourth from the current patch either.
for 3 of the new hidden quests:
>red ! luggage in 月隠しの幽谷 just south to the teleported, before the big area
>red ! over a box in arterliese's middle pier ()
>talk to some guards near the teleport in bernhardt castle (not sure if there's an order but iirc first one i talked to had a katakana name and the other 2 kanji)
>started a few days after I came back
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why are we still here? just to suffer?
i have finally figured it out! i just need to get bursted shortly before the challenge or tank all the fire/dark attacks hoping it overrides lightning enough to make it so getting hit by lightning wont change it again. i may not be a genius!
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>bp.incin,net/map not updated
>google sheet skills not updated

english sources all ded ? we struggle alone now ?
Wonder if it's safe trying amazon pay? I don't remember if people here have been banned for using gaijin payment methods, but amazon technically doesn't go through the game, right? It uses japanese amazon accounts too. It's not like you're not allowed to play the game as a gaijin that lives in Japan so they wouldn't ban you for gaijin payment methods... right?
there's https://bp-data.net to replace incin
Amazon Pay isn't a single global platform. I assume the worst that can happen is your transaction getting declined or your payment method getting denied from the get-go. It's not worth the effort of setting up an account to save a few bucks after the foreign transaction fees unless you plan on frequent whaling.
I already have a jp amazon account I buy stuff from so it should be fine unless if you need more than that
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Please report back if you do end up testing it
I'll probably not just because the outfit in this season pass seems pretty boring so I'll probably wait for the next one
>guaranteed spot for crafting material is underwater
fuck this tide shit.
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this is bugged btw. it has to be crafted, and individually. don't craft 2 or you'll lose the mats.
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dont forget to claim your lvl60 exceed flam items by tomorrow
why does the demidragon raid stop moving completely after a while
is there really no better way to get glory coins? i get like 150 per run which is terribly slow considering there's an 1 hour time limit and you need 70k+ for a full set, though i g thats my fault for dropping the game
do the defense tower raid outside of the first town. the npc standing by the gate near the scarecrows will give the mission.
rate is around 1-2k/run.
it's been really laggy for me ever since the new update so i guess that might be it
>aegis stun charge doesn't go through targets anymore
>it just stops at the first enemy hit
What the fuck I hate this nerf, this was one of my favorite things to do
nips can't into netcode.
Isn't this game made by amazon? You get what you deserve.
amazon is just the global publisher the game is made by bandai which is not any better in any case
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despesuicido beta any good? wiki doesn't have the modifiers...
nah no suicide no good
you may now sudoku without shame.
i'll miss it. but we can now blow beat after bindslashing without binding enemies at odd spots like before. lose some win some, can't make the least played class too good else people will start playing it.
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last one found.
>npc at ラウラーベン's cliff west of the teleport (north of the graveyard), but you need to come from シュタール's teleport.
and it seems the current quest count is 447?
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reminder to do your weeklies. for some reason the menu is defaulting to next week's, which obviously empty for now.
holy shit bamco or AGS, fix the fucking servers.
The rust bucket nappo spawned and 2 of the party members dced and can't get in for the entirety of the fight...

Sincerely hope you two get yours eventually, nipbwos
afk farm in the first area if the island map. bunch of ppl afk with the lightning turret there. the session gets fucked when it has to register too many hits so the more active ppl there are, the more likely ppl will get dced. and do the bare minimum when it spawns to help keep the session from getting overloaded, unless he isnt getting frozen at all.
>failing the the ex-challenge releases 3 hellfires and then two iron arm doggomans
>party proceeds to shit their pants in literal fright
I chose that spot since it is close to the gillman(?) mini boss
My game tends to freeze with when i see 20 or so spraying attacks. Next time farming something like this I am just do mins and watch.
you can win ex earlier if you kill the main boss at the same time as (maybe even before) the mecha mooks that spawn after the first challenge (soldiers). so it's kinda better to delay the 1st challenge as much as possible without failing it while hitting the boss (leave 1 gunner half-alive?), then maybe have an archer put 1+ of the mecha mooks to sleep (dont ask me how that works, archer=supahacka?), or a shield/ball keep it stunned/binded/aggrod/succ'd but lose dps, then drag him when the boss is about to die.
to freely sweep the floor making the challenge piss easy, ballfags should either get forcefully bursted with anti-para equipped or build enough fire/dark gauge to become immune to paralyze during the challenge(s, but i think it's hard to do it for the 1st one). some dpsers might want to use the light weapon to kill the challenge's small fries faster, but that's an investment not everyone wants/needs to make and idk if it kills the boss down faster than fire. an anon went with fire and we accidentally did the skip fine.
>over a week since the new patch
>swiki still hasnt completed the pages for all new skills nor exrush
its over. soon we wont have even japanese sources.
>kill the main boss at the same time as (maybe even before) the mecha mooks
ok, i can now confirm it only works by killing both at the same time
I miss dead protocol
can you get the 2k season points outfit without having the premium pass?
idk but try calc'ing it. something like
>multiply remaining days (42) by amount of exp you can get from dailies. add that to your current points
>divide remaining days by 7, round up the result (because we get a "week" with like 4~5 days at the end) and multiply it by the amount of weekly exp you can get. add result to your current points
>add the points from unfinished season quests.
>"use" all those point to reach lvl100 (costs 100 per level) and see how much you got left
but isn't the current 2k costume fugly anyways? even the accessories don't seem to be worth it...
point reward diff is big last i remember. you won't get it without the premium daily/weekly quests. plus you need to hit rank 100 season pass to buy the outfit in the first place. you can't progress after some level 60 or 80 without the premium pass.
failed ex-challenge again
>TS is a desperado shitter and went down screaming from flame clad ogres
>tries to ress but all of us busy shitting pants from fear
>pass the challenge but WEAKLINGS NEEDS TO DIE SO WE CAME
>retards vs flame chads bungaloo (+ uno useless BA, just copy that loli BA, she is helping YOU ARE NOT)
>can't kill BASED RED GOD fast enough
>God of lazers comes out, high 5s the former and beams a geboku to crunchy status
isn't it just killing 9 mobs, excluding the boss ? Why are they (party nippers) making this so hard ?
your parties's ballfags must be absolute retards like me to fail the challenges. other than that, i've noticed some things while leisurely sweeping the floor:
>party focusing on the melee soldiers instead of the ranged ones: the melees group up literally for free while the gunners don't.
>party using all their stun/interruption/sleep/bind/etc early on so the boss is free to rape us during challenges. i auto-pilot so i'm often to blame for this.
>mages and lancers scattering enemies everywhere. those 9 lazer balls that i gracefully collected (lie)? our dpsers are now hitting only 3~4 instead and i have to collect them again. please don't litter the floor...
>mages and archers too far from the main party, making ranged enemies spread even further away from the party and harder to collect (i succ gunners very slowly because they try to run away).
>worst of all, the party trusting me and focusing on the boss while waiting me to bring the enemies over. sorry, this loli janitor is having seizures after her shield broke.
EX rush 3 is way easier than the previous ones we had. Finally got around to doing it, went with spellcaster and just spammed charged grenade.
it's piss easy, but ppl are stupid so shit happens.
>found out that someone was streaming on my tower clear
nyooo~ now history will always remember how hard i got carried...
Have they released an outfit that doesn't look like shit yet? I'm legit afraid of what this years swimsuits are going to look like and neko tails aren't back? It's been 9 months.
I don't think they will burqafy swimsuits simply of Snoy. They already have a string bikini out so probably something more innocent for the lolis. Bamco may be retard stupid but at least they are not visibly pozzed.
>spam thunder mine for hours
>do rushbattle for no reason
these events keep getting worse by the day...
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idk what to do with these anymore.
good news, they confirmed it's a bug!
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>2 out of 14 days gone (14%)
>only 11 to 13%
assuming most ppl already spent coins from bonus quests, did banco overestimate their playerbase again? ex will be unplayable for a while since these coins can only be earned from farming rush (boring and pointless) and ex.
>tfw you can't roll revivals with gacha tickets
Are these irl goods? Or some in game thing I’ve missed?
I want to breed Lalaforte
bro, just use your hard pities for BPP!
>no feste option
not my idols
why did this game fail?
Thread next door explains everything.
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reluctantly doing my part, but
>voltage meter didn't jump
i doubt we are getting the stickers/tickets unless shimooka rigged it to auto-complete by the end.
>first time doing new tower, lets try with mage first
>no smasher or aegis, 3 mages
>fuck lets try aegis then
>4 archers
>what about lancer
>no smasher or aegis again, and 3 lancers so kept getting the sigil bug
Is it so hard to create a waiting room for random parties where we can swap weapons before readying up
there is always the party tab but no one ever uses it
it feels like you will have better luck praying to match into a premade and fitting their group before half filling anything through the party recruitment board
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go smasher, barely anyone wants to be a janny for free.
>bunny suit
>no pits
why advertise in-game the one people want but then sell this trash?
anyways, i'm taking an indefinite break (probably forever) once i finish the season pass next week. i had fun suffering with you all and i'll miss my bwos.
I just want body type 3 (uoh) to be in global. I'll buy whatever they put out if they bring that back..
Those designs... Is shimooka trying to nourish idol culture in BP further ?
Now if he will make the actual bunny suits freebies
I hate playing smasher, it's currently my last class to level and the only class board left that I haven't gotten the enemy and mission branches done. I managed to clear with mage in the end though, don't know if it was a premade or not, none of them were in the same team. 1 aegis, 2 mages, 2 archers, and a lancer, didn't even need a twin striker
>"Bunny costumes"
>Long sleeves
>Covered shoulders
>Puffy shorts
My disappointment is immeasurable.
where's rideru
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>go gather 180 of this seashell mat
i really love gathering! crafting mats in the event shops return fucking when?
i love playing with balls, it's the most braindead class to play efficiently this ex, just need to hold a key to sweep the floor and occasionally do something else.
>my last class to level
silver nappo event is ending next week. it's now or never.
Dead since last year
Bwos why have the gacha costumes been so bad recently?
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>22% golem shield
Do shield bros even do enough damage to warrant switching off of fire weapons and slotting in bravery plugs? I keep seeing all the ex rush randoms doing this.
I don't like this thread. Each time I see this girl in the catalog I feel like I could just
not worth it anyways. you'll be farming again next week for exsp.
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>thighs ! navels ! cleavage !
Halloween and Noelle has pits, shimooka.
OTOH, the new Sudden Death mode looks somewhat novel. BA and Aegis should do well here, they have speed upgrades from betas along with their class mechanics.
>sudden death
rampart user aegisbros, it's finally our turn...
they look so bad
Second and second last one are the only decent looking ones
All time low and only going lower
>dynamic skindentation
what a waste of good tech.
1st (red) is kinda sexo though. is that an open chest i see? i like 4th's shorts+zettai, but doesnt it look just like the free shorts?
It does seem 1,3 and 6 does have open cleavage thanks to her yellow skin color which the rest lacks. The shorts are quite common sight, with variations from the mage set to the free urban ones. Not missing out much unless you like the stockings.
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3 and 6 are covered, this one is not. we get some side(inner?)boobs
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banner's almost over and i'm still wondering wtf this is...
it looks like a kite...
>"bunny" suits next banner
>but the bunny tails are on the current banner
uuuh, do they want us to fomo the bpp tails or risk getting a bunny suit that doesn't match the free tails?
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stop it lalaforte, why are you smiling at me like that?
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Millene won
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Faked to keep goodwill with the remaining players.
>pose changed again
i regret not checking the page more often
Yeah these kind of things are usually rigged even in other games
The voltage % are fake, but my lust for Lalaforte is real
she'll be known as lalafrail once anon is done with her.
How we get from
crispy smooth servers, overloaded event channels and rampant bannings
buggy servers, lonely channels and devs doing all they can to preserve players.
waiting for the nappo event to end this week to see if the servers unshit themselves
is it time for meme dps builds to shine?
>crispy smooth servers
it's been shite since launch, but back then we didn't have 8 skill slots to spam aoe attacks.
Why do they keep releasing shit outfits and taking away good ones? The summer event is going to have hijabs.
JP ended up being an unsalvageable flop. They're kissing up to Amazon and "western" standards in the hopes that global will save it (it won't lol)
PS5 version is very censored and at this point it's easier to just make Sony compliant outfits
What's up?
it would be saved if I had something to do instead of the boring loop of farm boards for imagines that get invalidated by the next loop.
do you plan to come back?
Don't come back to the skinner-box. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Nips alone don't mind the "spend the price of 3 AAA games for skimpy clothes" gacha. Bamco is probably end up going low effort mode and keeping the lights up on BP for their 2k something player base and see the game self destruct everywhere else.
Bwos what's a good imagine with anti bind?
there's the farmable one from last patch.
No, I don't see any reason to. I might check on the game once in a while but they still have the "WHITE PIGGU GO HOME" mentality makes even that annoying to do.
>new fusion material is consumed even on failure
Which stupid nigger at bamco came up with this shit. There goes any hope of my collection of all future +5 imajins and weapons
Next month prices almost double on current IPv4 instances.
It's over...
very sad, but true.
let's sekuhara again sometime.
For the very few who still care, they are doing a login a day a gacha tix from tomorrow until the 14th.
Thanks anon, always love me some gacha tickets
With rerun gachas confirmed to be for paying customers only and future outfits looking to likely be all shit like the recent ones, feels like gacha tickets don't have as much value anymore
At least tix is free and the content is free, they are doing the least mtx to keep the broken lights on. I will give them a small ups since they are Bamco and they are stupid. If it finally fails, that's because the devs are not horny enough.

Do we have some SVRS still lurking here ?
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huh, what did they change?
it's like they want this game to fail lol
Some bug? I didn't notice any problems merging imajins or weapons recently. I also checked the usual sites and couldn't find any mentions or topics about it.
yea, i was wondering wtf he was talking about
but with the addition of mount caravan, i fully expect that going from +5 to +10 will consume at least the fodder on failure.
It just got added this update, the new dungeons now drop 3 per run. Upgrading the new level 65 imajins and lvl70 earth weapon now consumes these on top of the luna even on failure. Considering how you can occasionally go 10+ fails in a row on the last upgrade, that's over 10 runs worth of fusion material wasted at once
That was the case for the level 70 light and 65 imajins from last patch already.
I suspect its to make the success tickets more appealing, but 20 up to 26, big fucking woop.
Checked. Bamco says start farming plugs and high weapon rolls if you want to continue your +5 collection.
Oh, didn't notice it was from last update, was completely focused on leveling and neglected getting the previous set of imajins upgraded. I ran out of fusion materials a few times this update though which is when I noticed it, they get eaten up very quickly unless you're lucky and 1 tap almost every +5
every board has the pedophile general
where are the leaks
nvm it's wedding dresses and something else...
this must mean marriage is coming too
The new class is revealed.
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Yep, kinda boring, looks like another easy skip.
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hell again in 2 more weeks
go to yt video
>dislikes hidden
>likes also hidden
>comments disabled
damn, but class looks cool tho
I can't believe bamco gave up
The costumes becoming shit after PS5 is no coincidence. They are all Sony-safe boring shit now.
i like this actually, pso2 vibes
is there anything similar to BP to play while we wait for global release? some sorta aniem mmo/rpg with good character customisation and coop?
No lmao
if you take away character customization there's gbf relink
Can't believe this game is almost a year
bpg dying before the game itself, at least it held better than the guilds..

Even reddit is holding much more interest, not surprising since BP is a normiecore OAR.
Probably because the people left in this thread are the ones actually playing the game and are already disillusioned by it. Reddit has a lot of global only people that still hold some kind of expectation for the game. Ignorance truly is bliss
>no more future roadmaps
>bimonthly streams instead of monthly
>early leaked june bride outfits actually set for june
>anniversary in 2 more months
>housing soon™
>beat performer and dungeon qol
already feels like first anni will be the start of the real long term maint mode
Tower of Fantasy
Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Why do they all look like shit now. I haven't rolled on anything in months.
bp's a huge success and doesn't need money.
why they even thinking of housing, the game needs a decent endgame loop
yeah it's another dead end unless the devs spin some value into it
maybe furniture with stats but the game really feels too nice to take the gook mmo path
is this MMO? i heckin love MMOs
No, devs are too embarrassed to call this an MMO so it's a social game according to them
>PoS game that still has stragglers in exploration 6 patches ago on a JST morning
>live has only 6k viewers !
>town is still packed on sunday when they should be playing something else !

The question is, is Blue Protocol even made for 10k players above ? I feel it even suffers with < 3k.
Oh so this is where the /vg/ thread went
Is the gameplay fun? Im willing to give this a try if the gameplay is fun. Also is this a gatcha?
action combat gameplay. cosmetic gacha.
Can someone post the season 5 outfit? I think I completely missed that time period.
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did you guys at least get an anon to hold hands with before we died?
Not someone from here but yeah. And then he ghosted me for some reason, making me even less likely to come back to the game. I don't regret it though.
It is what it is anon. At least you have the memories.
like having sex for the first time
3 random strangers who added me afterwards
a few anons who quickly remembered something they had to do and warped away
held hands with a random who quit within a week
First time FPS dipped below 60 in a normal mission with all effects on. Beat Performer is OP.
EOS status?
Amazon status?
>EOS status?
My guess is they're going for a least 1 year of service before giving up. Maybe they think they can pull a miraculous comeback like Blue Archive did but this game doesn't have the same soul and refuses to cater to straight horny men
>Amazon status?
Lol never
>doesn't have the same soul
"None whatsoever" is not a high bar, I'd say BP is definitely above it.
Reckon BP has at least 1 year or 2 left unless they change course, which they are trying.
Still need to add more stylish pantsu, rather than just "that loli wears teal/pink/mauve underneath."
It's a social game so where are the SOCIAL ACTIVITIES?
So how are the teams going?
What do you mean?
Sex update soon bwo, trust in the plan
So body type 3 (uoh) coming back yet, or is this game still dogshit?
Just play jp. Game is still dogshit but whoever did the character modelling was a genius and carried the game
When I can play it without having to jump through hoops, sure.
lol then you're never playing it. You're better off not playing it anyways, at least the game can live on as a pretty memory that way
Amazon status?
At this point it's anyone's guess. I was expecting global to be out by now and I'm actually wondering if they're just going to axe the global release because of how badly this game bombed in Japan.
They'll probably release the game with founders packs for early access to cash out on uninformed mutts and then just drip feed the content every monthly update bamco put out just like they did with Lost Shart.
mmm im still playing global there needs to be an mmo thats not just rush to endgame and pay2win
at least here there won't be crazy power differences between players i think everyone is more or less on equal footing at max level
Nah I think global needs pay2win to survive. It's about the type of customers you are dealing with. Westerners don't breathe gambling with virtually zero returns the same way Japanese users do.
isn't that the antithesis to western gamers ? Imagine paying to push battlescore and rush imajinns/weapons to +5, then pay further to reroll the main stat, coupled with fashion step-up ? Battlepass becomes only paid orbs ?
One of BP's main attraction is the lack of monetization. They probably just go back to their gacha if that full retard happens.
i miss the eieious...
nyan is the new eieiou
I'm more of a moudame guy myself
It's so hecking over bwos
rip, much potential wasted. quit this game after a few months but what I really hated or disliked about the gameplay is how it seemed to rely on elemental burst or whatever, dont know if thats still the case but it was such a lame mechanic that kinda made your character power seemed weak in comparison
Pretty grim but unsurprising and this probably also explains the radio silence from Amazon too. If they had launched the game overseas in the same state that it was in when JP launched it would have been 100% DoA. Still though even if they delay manage to launch later what would they even do to make it better? Did they ever add any promising content at all?
>Did they ever add any promising content at all?
It's actually amazing how much talent this dev team has for making the most unfun content imaginable. Defense mode ended up being a pvp mode disguised as coop content where people compete for points, and it's detrimental to everyone's rewards if your team is too good. Sudden death blows, they made "high difficulty" content in the most unfun way possible. New EX rush 3 isn't as interesting to do for fun anymore because of how piss easy it is compared to EX rush 2. I guess it's because they want it to be more casual friendly, and then locking the harder one behind premade parties, which screws over casuals that just want to match and not have to worry about premades. The most fun I had was unironically the 上下水 dungeon when it came out despite being a shitshow with such a high failure rate
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She looks somewhat indifferent to her game's anniversary...
She is smiling. Positive vibes!
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>1st anniversary
>Fishing event
Yup, they gave up. No, I'm not marrying my sunk cost.
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>Ask Satoshi to model a horse to match our wedding gasha, and give it some ornaments so it's not bland.
>Get an armored horse
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Hello bepogee it's been a while since i played this game. How's the game nowadays? Is the anti-gaijin measure is still in place? I miss my daugtheru.
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Same game. Same anti-gaijin measures.
It might be best now to forget that the game is 1 year old and start waiting on China Protocol if you don't mind censorship. China will get a completely different game with remade environments and classes based on the pics.
As long as I can make S size female I'll actually consider dropping JP protocol for chink protocol
Do we have any more details on the mobile remake?
>same 4 screenshots
>same published week on most articles (Mar 2024)
>no website yet

Tencent has a couple games coming out and 1 is that Tarisland MMO. Assuming this does not suffer the parent's fate, probably end of the year ?
>same 4 screenshots
post them!
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Season pass will be bought exclusively with rose orbs starting June, it will only last 30 days too.

Its over.
>paid orbs only
About damn time. Having to empty my entire orb stock before expiration just because the free orbs get spent first was incredibly shit.
I completely missed specifying that yeah its paid orbs.
>128 Paid Rose Orbs monthly
>RIP Free infinite monthly pass
>RIP Season store
Yeah it's over.
This is why a lack of monetization can't be seen as a main attraction. It vanishes as the clock ticks down on live service games.
Sounds like an improvement to me, never liked being expected to engage with that FOMO shit as a f2p.
i'm gonna FOMO more
can this game be played? is there any value in doing so?
Do you think the western release will save BP or will it be shut down shortly after it flops in the west?
it is a game like any other and you know by trying it, then you either find it fun or you move on to the next.
Japan is doing solid. It may not net Bamco the amount they liked but towns are packed at all times.
lmao nice anniversary.
What's the best/safest current method to play?
first step is learning to read the OP
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Are you telling me that I should assume that everything there is updated?
1st anniversary update teaser site dropped
>took 7 hours to beat ex sp solo with aegis
>literally 2 seconds left on the clock
Holy shit I never want to do this garbage again
the method in OP still works
Reminder to check the shop for the daily goody box, it doesn't automatically get sent to your mailbox.
I'm still hype for western release. The network test played just like the jp betas
2 more weeks...
there won't be a western release
JP is already close to dead
>JP is already close to dead
Do you play the game? i feel like the only people who say this dont even play, city is always crowded in multipe hangout spots, queues are super fast, almost everyone is using the latest gacha clothes, there's also a decent social media engagement, so im wondering who decided the game is considered almost dead.
I do agree with you that there wont be a western release, but it's not because of this concept that the game is dead or close to.
Anon almost nobody plays JP outside of JP people due to the strict banning at the start, so they're just talking out their ass.
It's definitely fallen off and a lot of the queues struggle after people have done their dailies or imagine farms. The culture around taking pics in the towns is still strong, but they don't actually play.
>best answer is from your combined answer
city is crowded but imho this patch isn't worth farming when 80 is close and big update is 3 weeks away. What current activity is left to either farming extra imajinns (def, close/range resist) for SP and beta farming fills always in 2 minutes tops.
It might just be me but I see a trickle of new coomers.
got banned at the beginning and thinking about coming back, do u guys play in one eng guild or something? pretty sure JP are still on gaijin hunt if u queue with randoms or something
Both guilds died from boredom, japs largely don't care about foreign bodies at this point.
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so is the english release of this game just fucked? check their website and last announcement/news of any kind was last year, we are already halfway thru this year and jp already had their first anniversary.
Yes. If you follow jp, they have 2 main message boards and morale is at an all time low right now on both. It's not the game's fault, it's just that it was cursed with the most incompetent devs to exist
i'm convinced this fishing event is the endgame japan wanted
sasuga godly fishing nation
major cooking update when
did anyone watch the stream?
I watched it
>all those "QoL" to identify other people's gear/powerlevel
social game? more like social pressure game.
>must be wearing gold nappo hat gold fox mount legendary rated weapon +700 flame dragon summon enhancement active variant arena party exclusive clothing with photos of both you and your friends and teammates all wearing TASA crowns together having the time of your lives posing while holding hands with all party challenge badges on your profile card +1 photo must feature you in the latest gacha clothing performing x dance emote
what did i miss?
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I love Lalaforte so much bwos
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so how long until EoS?
the final twist of the knife
Uncertain, like the article says
>An industry professional has commented that the kind of losses we are seeing with Bandai Namco Online are likely a case of the developers inflating development costs by making, scrapping and remaking large-scale projects to improve them – which subsequent sales are not able to make up for.
There's no way they could have expect blue protocol to perform well enough on its first year after its awful dev cycle. They will probably give it 1 or 2 more years, but im pretty sure this will EoS after that, this devs are clueless and still havent started working on an endgame loop, instead they wasted time on a housing system. The last roadmap also looks pretty grim.
Would probably help if they released the game outside of JP instead of sitting on it for over a year for absolutely no reason, what are they even waiting for? Whatever possible benefit they think they're getting by delaying isn't making up for losing a year or mores worth of income
>this profit was propped up by its Toy and Hobby sector and Amusement sector
>games most affected
>english site adds Blupro being blamed as the leaky faucet while gamebiz reports a 110m yen net profit
Yea, let's kill off blupro.
>devs are clueless
should've sticked to their initial coomer/casual audience instead of spreading thin.
Did they bring back swimsuits or did the sony mandate fuck skins still? Feels like I haven't had a skin I liked since last halloween.
>field spawns random boobytrapped chests that crash the game when you try to open them
sasuga shimooka
Free selection box from the 1st aniv banner. No new swimsuits yet.
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All they had to do was simply make a good game. It can't be that hard.
What do I even do now? I'm lvl50 and I heard there's legendary weapons now?
sounds like the game needs its own yoshiP
What's he gonna do, turn it into a shitty WoW clone?
He's gonna add the same 4.5 fights every 7 months and add an 18 minute gauntlet of Simon says in the middle of those 7 months and be praised as a lord and savior of mmos.
no he's gonna do that AND get lucky with a massive content creator sending an exodus their way.

anyway what I mean is that they should get a director with strong enough conviction to put this game back on track with an actual identity this time, both content wise and visuals wise.
and yet theres not a single MMO on the market that has surpassed it (please make one I'm tired of shit getting more and more monotonous for the 5% of content that need to have absolutely zero variance in the damage calculations for them to work)
Haven't logged in for a couple weeks, decided to log in for anniversary update and just dump my saved up pulls and orbs. Needed a reason to finally quit and thought I'd just let my RNG decide for me
>anniversary step up that supposedly "has everything" in fact doesn't have everything
>no swimsuits, no mage outfits, no witch outfits
>current ninja gacha is garbage
Looks like it was literally over before it even started
Not like it matters now but I got jack shit, goodbye Blue Protocol, I'm finally free after a whole year
All the outfits turned to shit after the console ports.
Sega's dumpster fire doesn't seem to have that issue.
Plenty of MMOs surpassed it in terms of being good MMOs, if you only care about player count then sure but not like player count matters in an 8 player game.
But the ninja outfits are cool and even have leotard crotch...
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honestly they aren't half bad and a little more intricate compared to the older costumes. The past banners are kinda tailored for exhibitionists as well.
I don't even care about endgame or replayability anymore, when are they gonna fix the shitty netcode. Tired of seeing everything desynced and its the same shit playing from japan, so not a ping issue.
I can't remember what it was like to play without lag anymore
timestop is so fucking back

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