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It's fucking over, isn't it
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Sham is my wife!
Well, OJ had a good run, I guess.
you guys are a bunch of fuckin babies lmao
I made a lobby
I was about to go have lunch. I'll join in a bit if you're still there
Ok, I will wait for you.
The lobby is still open if someone wants to play
TWO more!
It's never been more over........
Have any of you guys tried Astral Party? There's a demo on Steam as part of their upcoming games thing. There's only 1 map and a fairly limited card pool in the demo, but the couple games I played of it were fun enough.
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copypaste from next fest thread
aside from the expected lack of polish from an unfinished game (information presented is shoddy, translation incomplete, lack of SFX, no in-game chat, the UI is clearly built for mobile devices).
As for the comparison with 100%, it only goes skin deep.
>It's a race game to complete objectives and stop at a home tile to level up. 3 norma instead of 5, and you can change the thresholds if you want longer games
>the collectible resource is both sparingly given out and showered onto the players, less consistent ways to progress your gamestate.
>there is no deck at all, instead there are shops that let you purchase cards for 1 time use.
>all characters have an activated and passive ability
>combat: there is no counterattacking. Battle cards are attacker only or defender only. they give you additional dice with the roll range depending on the strength of the card. You can play multiple cards at once to stack
>when you bully someone, you don't stop at their tile, you keep walking
>being KO outside of combat still costs you half your stars
>when someone gets to the final level, the boss spawns. But instead of boss panels, there's a shared home panel that the boss spawns at and chases the lead player. I've never been able to KO her because she has 40 damn health
>also there is no set board pathing, you can go in whatever direction as long as you do not turn around on the spot
>no characters have unique music, get used to the same loop
>there are a bunch of panels that cause so many random effects that strategy just kind of goes out the window, not even 100% OJ has a fucking Bowser Revolution equivalent in the random pool of events that can trigger
>40 minutes for a game, compared to OJ's 20
It's different ENOUGH for me to consider them separate game experiences, even if the inspiration is clearly worn on its sleeve. Imagine you just want to play the Mario Party boards instead of all of those meddlesome minigames between each round
Several of those points are just outright wrong. But the chinks who made it aren't paying me so I don't care enough to correct them.
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Too. fucking. slow. Games take too long.
The crying nun character is also kinda broken.
>super makes you immune from damage for 1 turn
>in the game where assaulting your opponent for money is the main source of income
I like the tiddies though.
What took them 6 years to half-remake- no not even remake, port some doujin game that was probably originally made by couple of dudes in 2 years of after-work spare time?
Please understand, remaking in Unity hard.
with jews, you lose
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Someone up for games? I feel like playing 1 or 2.
>not "with juice"
god I fucking love playing dad kai
Just played one game.
IT TAKES A FUCKING ETERNITY FOR ONE GAME TO END (It took 70 minutes for this one game to end).
Characters have no voices
No chat.
The UI is messy as shit, it looks like clown vomit (Which it's obviously meant to be played on a mobile device and not on PC).
The tutorial is incredibly barebones and barely explains anything at all.
You can barely tell what happens during a match because there's no previous explanation of what anything actually means.
It feels like everything is playing against Castle because no one can counter attack.
Cards that give random values of attack/def are an incredibly stupid and retarded game design choice.
I couldn't choose a character, I joined a game with a character given to me at random and it took me several rounds to find out what every other character was meant to do (Actives and passives).
>it took me several rounds to find out what every other character was meant to do (Actives and passives).
nta, they explain this in the tutorial, you just have to click on their icon on the left
LOBBY: 100%Jewce
PW: rage
Why are they doing a Christmas event in fucking February?
Chinese Christmas!
>oh shit we haven't ran this christmas event in several years while also having ideas for a new one next year
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they said they'd rerun a christmas event after the story event that took the december timeslot so they did exactly what they said they'd do.
christmas joy will be administered until you become joyous
They should copy the Nobeta Patreon and start selling official lewds, then they'll be rolling in the dough.
Aru you hussy stay away from that married man!
They could have had a kid outside of marriage.
where new community card pack
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Chill out anon, it's only been 6 months since the contest winners were announced. Don't want the hard working staff to overload themselves, do you? Come take your 5th version of the same exact Christmas event with nothing added coming 2 months late and be happy about it.
Astral Party is gonna be such a garbage ass fucking game that I'm gonna be extremely pissed when it overtakes OJ's playerbase (not that it takes much but still)
He's such a fucking grifter, I hope he becomes homeless
seriously, all these DLCs, and real world patreon cash grabs (overpriced low quality chink plushes) and they still threaten layoffs and closure?

Maybe you shouldn't have gone out for sushi every fucking day, Jakke, lmao
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They weren't going to shut down or lay people off.
It's not really going to do anything. Games take too long and winning doesn't feel particularly satisfying it mostly comes down on whether the dragon decides you lose the game or just sleeps
>>1174685 shit just keeps not adding up for me on this. it took them 6 years to port a game made in like 2002 that they have the literal source code for and they allocated so much manpower that they couldnt work on 100oj only in the last year?
theres a "low overhead" and theyre in such bad straits that they have to ebeg for cash despite being a live service game and over hundreds of dlc... but "things arent so bad and one year in the red wont kill us"?...
what the fuck are they doing?
>what the fuck are they doing?
jewing it up
The patreon doesn't make any sense to me either but any business should be able to survive a single year being in the red. What matters is how far in the red and what is done to remedy it between reducing costs (employee pay isn't the only cost center) and increasing revenue.
well yeah, being a year in the red is pretty normal for any business, i just dont know how its simultaneously a bad enough situation that opening up a patreon and begging for free money was the best idea they had but also its "not a big deal"? it's baffling
It looks like its being used as a platform to post in-dev content that otherwise would be forever kept internal or barred from sharing by NDAs. Maybe they'd expand it to encompass more inside information.
I checked numbers, and as a revenue stream it's less than $10k/yr if the current count stays consistent. Keep in mind thats lower than minimum wage in burgerland so that's not really providing revenue so much as it is just lessening the burden very slightly. Applying for a business loan would be a faster way to inject funds if they have genuine money concerns.
It both is and isn't about the money, at this point I think the real hitch is that they should be looking to want to have more other products to localize, rather than any apparent issues with 100% specifically.
What's the best character to clear Tomomo Hell?
I imagine he's asking because he wants to unlock her. Just lower the difficulty to faceroll the victory.
If youre going back for extreme mode victory, tomomo and fernet both work to bruteforce a win, but you still have to get exceptionally lucky to not just crumple since all 3 enemies have the single objective of making you lose.
Why is OJ so dead nowadays? I thought we’d hit big but it seems it didn’t
Honestly I think just lack of exposure. I don't think too many people know about Orange Juice
I really feel like a Switch port could've definitely turned things around. Give it a local play mode where people can gather around and all play in person (even though people would see each other's cards) and I think it could've really had a renaissance.

Also the general population is just allergic to anime girls. That doesn't help.
Brown nips?
Our community needs more topless OJs
>It's only meant as an additional revenue stream
There it is. He wants more money for trips to Japan to eat sushi and fuck whores. And the worst part is, people are actually paypigging for it.
Just start making more lobbies?
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I hate mondays

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Thanks for the games!
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Fruitbat really said "Here bro, thanks for playing this dude a lot when he was broken"
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TWO more!
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midweek juice

I haven't played in years and don't really remember how, how bad am I going to get raped if I play?
the dice don't discriminate
it probably won't take you long to get back on track
people tend to mostly play older characters anyway
the "worst" thing you can do is be overaggressive and die a lot which actually only makes the game funnier for everyone because you may end up winning a gamble an experienced player wouldn't otherwise take
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I'll come IN
I'll draw more fishtits
I officially request pinker nips.
Oh no, she went into her orca phase!
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Thanks for the games!
based. What's the point of being am minor celebrity if you can't use your adoring fans as a bank account?
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Is there some people playing 100% Orange Juice this Friday Night?
did kai really impregnate poppo and make ellie?
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it was another ploy for her to take kai's wallet.
Nanako shouldn't have given her the Netflix password
I fucking hate seagulls
I don't know what this has anything to do with Netflix
What is the best setup to steamroll trough the single player campaign?
Play Tomomo and deck all expensive cards. Tomomo's stats are OP and the CPUs just use cards at random so they'll bankrupt themselves playing Sealed Guardian over and over.
either fernet and healing cards or tomomo and whatever. Various campaign maps are large so you can also use star gain characters as the ai is quite bad at hunting you down
100%Goth Kae
I wasn't focusing on the last game because I was sketching this...
It's okay, I was busy tabbed out to youtube and /e/ so I wasn't focusing either. Still won tho
Thanks for the games!
Cool stag beetle
I'm waiting to get approved by the 100% /v/ Juice group chat... who has the authority to approve or not that I can join?
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I forgot it got set to private in order to stop spam bots from flooding us with phising links. It'd have to be Raytex, Sjams, or Sadhoe then. You might want to PM Raytex since I'm not sure if they really look at the group anymore and I'm not sure if the other two are even still alive.
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these boobs too small for kae
Draw Dr Doom Ellie doing a foot dive
I'm still not approved the /v/ group chat...
How do I make a taunt with no text message?
play a character that has no voice lines
I saw some people doing it with regular characters.
Do you have voices muted?
NTA, but I do have voices (well, character voices) muted, and I still see text popups on taunts all the time.
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Is that what it looks like in the arcade? I forgot you could play the mini-games there.
I've never been using community groups before on steam...
I'm new to using the /v/ group, where do I announce a lobby being made?
In the comments tabs?
press the big button on the right saying "enter chat room"
I saw this today for the first time so to every other anon out there, this anon isn't crazy. No idea how to do it though.
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i just opened taunt customization for the first time ever (because i don't use them) and there is a button right fucking there
don't forget to save
I choose to believe that's a more recent addition, both because it makes me feel better, and because in the years since they've added taunts I have literally never seen a blank taunt from a character with a voice before. So strange I see it for the first time right after an anon mentions it.
yeah it certainly wasn't there in the initial taunt release
I try to click it but nothing happens...
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prove it
When is the new event?
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huh nothing happens
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PW: rage
rip Lobby
I remade the lobby with the same name as>>1195746
How old is Kai now?
Old enough to mate with a hamster.
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sex with dragons
haha time to stuff 3 contests of cuteness into my chicken deck
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Wtf is this shit? I can't unlock DLC with creamapi or what?
simple solution is delete the game folder, reinstall, reapply creamapi. updates bust it up sometimes
Does this really work? Surely I won't get vac banned for trying right?
>haven't played the game in like 6 months
>try to boot it back up
>change windows back to windowed like how i typically have it
>game crashes while still having it running in the background until i force it to close via steam.

Is it actually over?
That should be fixed now some driver issue iirc
>new card pack drops
>launch game
>blow stars on it until it's 100% done
>close game
see yall next event I guess
Shut up and put out some new content fags
That much wait for 6 (SIX) new cards
LOBBY: 100% Ananas Juice
PW: rage
*100%Ananas Juice
Marc pls
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too much math for cuteness
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here just have this on hand
starbreaker and mio need a +8 modifier to their cuteness
give me the qrd
I bought this game years ago and never had a chance to play with friends because they owned it long before I did. what's happening, its getting paywalled?
nothing happens
publisher is greedy so he made a patreon so people pay him money for doing nothing
They were making a unity version to port the game to consoles but then unity shit itself. The actual situation isn't really known since there has been relatively little news about anything before this. They have presumably been doing this for a few years as OJ had a fairly long period of repeat events/small updates and everything is speculation.
it's not really anything that matters to a new player, just stuff related to funding future development/updates which weren't that frequent to begin with
Stat changes also apply to contest of cuteness. For example, Kiriko can buff herself up to 8 if she drops to 2 max HP through battle card usage.
I suppose that is one thing I didn't account for
oh well, who would be insane enough to drop themselves to max 2 as kiriko in the first place
Glass cannon murder hobo Kiriko is an underrated strat
>couldn't choose a character
that was demo only, now you can choose. Also can't play because servers are a burning dumpster.
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idk it feels to me like something that might work once every 20 matches, and even then you're unlikely to win either
I got that while running the game normally, don't sweat about it.
>Star Breaker
Your math sucks
Reika has -2 HP and +1 EVD compared to Starb, which make exactly the difference of 3.
>we need more money but we're not going to cut off all the unnecessary detritus leeching off of us, we just need more of YOUR money
don't blame me nigga, blame the card
math that doesn't have mio beating everyone in cuteness is incorrect
Watty should be cuter still!
LOBBY: 100%AppleJuice
PW: rage
Peat confirmed for just as cute as the Cuties
In practice even slightly cuter half the time (due to Cuties' passive).
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How do you feel about them wanting to change how the Norma select looks?
it does look cool
If it's not Hono art I don't want it.
Marc shouldn't be on there, because Marc isn't good at anything
say this to her face, not online, motherfucker
Marc is literally the most efficient at gathering wins
where can i find marc
In the hit video game Flying Red Barrel: The Diary of a Little Aviator
that's crazy
Raping Peat with a strap-on in her sex dungeon
new game pls
oh hell, wrong place wrong post
I'm happy that anime pedophile games aren't super profitable.
Mira is a guy?
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Mira is 2 people. One was rendered braindead, the other was made into a vegetable. They took the brain out of the paralyzed girl and put it inside the body of the braindead man.
It's like mecha but with reploid brains. Also pic related is relevant to Mira.
Such a mood whiplash between 100%OJ and the other games.
make a lobby
Cute girls without animal ears
I thought it was an April's Fool but I'm surprised at the lore
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I wonder which of these are meant to be hints for future content
The character gimmicks if tweaked a bit to not be such jokes could be real. Sumuka especially if she works like Woolly in Bounty Hunt where she has high defense and hp but always takes an extra damage when hurt

Also that season 3, while a little soon, would make sense. They're gonna need a new storyline soon. I expect that we'll get the bounty hunt rework in may for the 10th anniversary of steam along with previous bounty hunt event reruns and then they'll move on with some new plot
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The entire story of sora is varying ways of saying "war is hell"
>self-sacrifice by pulling a Prokhorenko
>no arms past the elbow, actively hunts down non-combatants
>became an amputee because sora defected
>killed over and over until she lost her mind and kill everyone else
All in the name of muh sky
I really hope there's no Season 3. Season 2 took forever to end and I'm very tired of the feeling this is becoming "FBF's game". I hope things can stay smaller scale for a while.

All in the name of pudding
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I think it's pretty clear FBF is putting all their effort onto this considering how they tried to port it to Unity and now they're instead trying to improve various aspects of the current Orange Juice instead. I'm sure they're probably still trying to find some way to port the game to consoles

I like Orange Juice and I'm always glad to see new content. They just gotta figure out what to do regarding the fact that they've used up basically every character from the source materials.
Still waiting on Suguri-P
pls respond
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Genre: chicken music
Death Chicken music
>They just gotta figure out what to do regarding the fact that they've used up basically every *female* character from the source materials.
There are plenty of QP Kiss characters.
Black chicken music
That'd be rap tho
seethe chud, you'll pay us and you'll like it.
still have big poppo and moss golem to make playable yet that can take up half a year.
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Shota Nanako........
QP (Heat)
Peat doesn't have an alt yet, perfect opportunity to make Flying Red Barrel the Second: Blue Crow Edition and have him be a bonus character.
They're more likely to put a vtuber in as a new character at this point as a way of advertising, though.
Have we figured out the meta for the playable coop bosses yet?
How much of an insufferable faggot do you need to be to try to min-max in a gimmick mode that you arent even certain to be playing?
chicken, coach or star devourer, chicken gets constant accel hyper, coach has a combination of huge health and stat boosts from hyper. star devourer winning when they get 200 stars without needing to home is really good but their stats and other abilities and hyper are terrible
QP because she's brown.
Cute girls with animal ears
pls respond
WAN more again!
2% Pineapple juice

TWO more!
WAN more!
have any of you got creamapi to work with this on linux?
it's not working for me using the same process that works on windows and with other games on linux. the DLLs and config are in the right place, the game just acts as if creamapi isn't there and only registers the DLC i own.
From what I've played, Ropochi is bretty gud due to her incredible statline, with downsides that are manageable.

Big Johnathan is a complete menace; his ability to just absolutely fucking clap anyone about to do a norma check as well as reposition is fearsome in addition to having a decent statline.

On the other side of things, Summer Beast is probably the worst of the bunch. She has to take several fights and not die with a statline not suited for tanking in order to set up her hyper. Insta revive is nice but not worth losing your entire hype stack.

M10 Robot is just mediocre. His statline is okay but his hyper is almost pointless and his passive ability is detrimental.
What is the best april fools mode and why is it dynamis dice
Bomberjam is pretty cool too. Dynamis Dice should be an official mode or at least a gift card or something.

shopaholic is objectively the best mode

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