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>steam url
>games you're looking to play
>games you don't want to play
no trannies
no furries
be a decent human being
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i just got back to play tf2 and it's filled to the brim with bots, what do? also giv hat pleas (played back in 2012 then got another account 2014 and this account 2015 im bad with passwords)
let it go bro.....
Still stream TF2?
just streamed the other day for fun
Accept my friend request!
nice cats artwork
Thank you gamer!
i mostly play team fortress 2, dota 2, and overwatch 2

TF2, Lethal Company, Starbound, L42, Portal 2..
stop playing tf2 niggas

risk of rain 2, the binding of isaac online (when it comes back), and some other games
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>fps, survival games like Rust, mmos
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Any Monster Hunter bros
Or really anything if I can be convinced to play/buy it
NA bros favored since anywhere else gives me bad ping
always the same faggots here and my intuition tells me that they are bad business
post yours then faggot
yours then faggot
I was playing monster hunter and grim dawn with an anon for a few weeks and then one day while I was working and a bit tipsy because I program best when I'm drinking he messaged me out of the blue and I said something like
>I'm drunk sorry, go away
Because I didn't want to say anything stupid to him then when I went and looked for him in my friends list the next day he was gone, and when I re-added him to try and find out what happened and possibly explain if necessary he rejected the friend request.
Feels bad man
cs go even after cs2?
tranny furry evil
umm dbd tf2 umm i wanna try new games
Thats shitty anon. Did you still want to try and meet people? I'm down to play those.
Yeah sure, here's a fren code
Would anyone be interested in adding me who’s a noob too? Got my gaming rig a few weeks ago and still learning MnK. My games right now that I’m playing is TF2, L4D2, Stellaris, and Helldivers 2. I’ll check back in the morning to see if anyone’s interested and l’ll drop my steam.
I don't get this profile, are you showing off your ellaborate disguise skills or are you just fucking illiterate?
sure post your steam.
Here ya go homos
>most of the new two digit seasonal slop that comes out

I play grand chase mainly, will play some other ones upon request. like smite, gunz, minecraft, mtg, divine knockout, runescape etcetera.

My library suspended after win10 migration

Steam is for faggs
>My library suspended after win10 migration
>Steam is for faggs
huh? i change OS all the time how does that even happen
looking for europeans to play hell let loose with, anyone interested?
any south americans looking to play shit together?
Sure im down, with mic?
yeah add me on steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/wdawwdaawd/
im also interested in this, will add you
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I don't really use steam that often, but I would like some friends :D
I started off playing CoD in middle school on console, and then tf2 and csgo in highschool on my PC. Then I got into league and I didn't use steam that much afterwards. I probably spend more time playing chess on my computer than I do actually playing video games. I'm just kind of burnt out. Really I just want to increase my friend count and trade items. I don't have anyone to chat with so I can't show off my steam client animated stickers.
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Forgot to mention that I'm NA PST, in case anyone wants to play games together. Really I want to get better at fighting games, and if someone could teach me how to get better at Fantasy Strike that would be cool.
Why is everyone I've added from these threads 30+ years old and refuses to play anything?
social anxiety
i played a map game once with someone from here, i took the initiative and invited him first but he never bothered inviting me for the second game lol
That has been basically all my experiences here. I'd get to play with someone twice here at most before they would stop messaging or responding to any messages forever. I'm stuck playing with normalfags who refuse to play any games that isn't that one specific popular game they put 1k+ hours into.
>That has been basically all my experiences here. I'd get to play with someone twice here at most before they would stop messaging or responding to any messages forever.
most here are turbo autists with insane social anxiety overthinking wether they are engaging or not, just stop thinking and play the game man.
i've been playing alone since my friend group broke down like 4 years ago, i haven't clicked with anyone else ever since, it doesn't help that my spoken english is kinda bad.
Come at me all niggers, ill take you all on, and your faggot girlfriends too
>posted one hour ago
Huh? i hope you don't mind turkoids.
That does sound shitty. I wouldn't take it too personally but I understand how you would feel bad about that. How far along are you in GD? What are your hours like?
Try playing things other than shooters. Every time a MP thread pops up, it's always 18-25 year olds wanting to play shooters.
>That does sound shitty. I wouldn't take it too personally but I understand how you would feel bad about that. How far along are you in GD? What are your hours like?
I think I've finished the main campaign and two of the expansions so far. I've got 99 hours but it doesn't really feel like it.
I wish I had a cute tranny gamer gf
>any south americans looking to play shit together
Kind of, I'm so worn out of bad past experiences that I'm dropping gaming altogether
What do you have in mind, fellow latinxbro?
Anyone who uses steam like social media is a tranny
Can relate, thought I had something going with two anons from /vm/ but they ghosted me ever since
coop games i have collecting dust in my steam library:
Six days in fallujah
Monster Hunter Rise
We could play map games or gates of hell if you're interested in RTS
What i'm currently play every day now is hunt showdown
what's a social media
There is only two story content expansions. There's a Crucible expansion which is like a Horde mode where you fight waves of enemies, and three 'Loyalist' packs that were requested over the years by fans for more ways to support Crate.
Do you prefer playing alone or with others in GD? It's much a game built to run different character builds as you slowly accumulate gear drops.
I miss when Steam groups were made for multiplayer games, way before tranny-spamming newfags ever heard of 4chan. The commonality has dropped since the early 2010s.
>There is only two story content expansions
Oh. I just know I haven't done the bit with the three evil gods you pick.
I like the game more in multiplayer, I think.
Where the fucking gamers at?

don't be a degenerate faggot please. We got two events coming up for UT2004 ad Sven co-op.

>Anyone who uses Discord like social media is a tranny*
Fixed it for you
server full of fags and trannies. do not recommend
you are a fag and a tranny.
Been on that server, people on there do play games but you have to play whatever really specific autistic game with under 500 steam reviews people are playing at any time.
Anyone here play Borderlands?
I am bored. I made the mistake of buying Baldur's Gate 3 a while back. Couldn't finish it. I hear it's more fun playing with friends, but I don't have any to play this game with. Anybody want to join me?
https://steamcommunity.com/id/shiftwenjoyer/ tf2, CS, r6s feel free to add if youre interested in dicking around on those games
then pick a game for us to play and stop waiting for others to hold your hand.
here's an event today for unreal tournament 2004

>MOBA, battle royale - absolutely loathe these genres.
Any north american gamers here who play stuff like 7 Days To Die or any of that? Or failing that anyone here who keeps as terrible hours as i do that wants to game?
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hell let loose, risk of rain 2, barony, helldivers 2 (but im new to it & pls dont add if this is the only game we have in common)

chill vibes. i work nights so please be up super late as well :)))))
https://steamcommunity.com/id/realsentientpotato/ i play a lot of 7 Days To Die and I'm looking to possibly play some hitman 3, project zomboid, borderlands, and even insurgency sandstorm. I can't game usually in multiplayer with voice chat until 8:30 PM EST due to circumstances out of my control but I'd love to game with y'all.

Team fortress 2, serious sam fusion, project zomboid.

Happy to play anything that isnt the shit my gf plays!

femanons can hit me up too ;)
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I just want more people on my friends list. Also please give me steam profile awards.

Man, and here I was thinking that I had someone I could play l4d2 with.
posted twice. my bad
>Friend farming and profile award farming.
Fuck off and leave these threads for people who actually want to play games
You can play games without steam friends. Part of having friends on steam is the persistent socializing that lasts longer than whatever lobby or matchmaking system you're using, if you just want to play games. How about you fuckoff, you autistic socially inept retard.
This board is "video games multiplayer" not "trooncord socializing".
>Steam friends thread

FRIENDS. You fucking sperg.
>kewl, someone to play TF2 and Zombo...
>77h and 15h respectively
Seconding this. Usual discord bullshit, just the other end of the horseshoe. Oh, that and getting fucking advertisement pings for some douche's print shop that's completely unrelated to anything /vm/.

Games I'd like friends to play with:
Terraria (I'd prefer to play with people that know nothing about the game, like me)
Mother Russia Bleeds
Minecraft (Modded, but vanilla would be fine too)
Serious Sam 2
Streets of Rage
Fight N' Rage
Don't Starve Together (same with terraria)
Borderlands 2 and TPS
Retro games (PS1, SNES, Genesis, N64)

My computer is shit, so please don't add if you want to play something like Helldivers 2.
>tabletop games aren't vm

gas yourself fag
people on the internet are faggots never get too invested into anyone that is purely internet only communication
Yes, tabletop games are not videogames, they'd be a /tg/ thing, reddit spacer-kun.
What's your steam? My fren and I started playing again (we played lots on 360)
>he doesn't get invited to play betrayal on TTS.
make friends loser.
I don't think this website is a good fit for you, nice quads though. I think you're looking for more of a high school friend group.
I don't think life is a good fit for you.
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i mostly play flash games and obscure point'n'clicks. i'm looking for a friend that likes equally weird games. topics like politics and art also interest me.
for multiplayer, i would rather play some basic party stuff like skribbl and jackbox. L4D2 and TF2 also good, almost whatever i have i'll play with you except Dota. i got a wife but almost noone else to play with.
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/speedos123/
discord: speedos
Crazy how when people start to form a community in a discord server they become weirdo high school jock level elitist bullies. Hopefully you grow out of it by the time you're 30.
does this mean your over 30 and still retarded?
I forgot Gamercat existed. This just unlocked a memory for me.
>You are about to block all communication with Kiwin.
So I know not to deal with farming faggots.
Tabletop Simulator is /vm/. That's why the thread has been able to persist for, god it's had to been years at this point, without having to have a discord to play games on demand. Tabletop print shop shit, on the other hand, isn't video games. Plus, getting advertisements to buy shit from someone at all is just inexcusable.
Looking mainly for people to play War Thunder with. I'm pretty bad and would like someone to teach me more. I can offer Quake advice in return, should you be interested. USE region for War Thunder servers. I would also be down to play +R with anyone who has it. Do not add me to play Dota 2, please.
would you look at this, a fellow /vr/ monke
whatever bitch pick a game and my 4chuds will fuck you up in it. I've already gathered 90% of the best gamers on 4chan and you aren't one of them.
anyone plays company of heroes 2 ?
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>steam url

>games you're looking to play
TF2 ,quake 1, quake live CoD black ops, dead rising 2, tony hawks pro skater 1+2, half-life 1 deathmatch, doom 2

no wimps
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alright nigs I'll advertise again

I need the ur2k4 gamers, I need the DRG gamers, I need the halo gamers, I need the vermintide gamers, I need the monster hunter gamers, but most of all I need the HOMM3 gamers

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>steam url
>games you're looking to play
7 days to die(only played for a couple of minutes)
srb2kart(never played)
ss13(never played)
Barotrauma (never played)
Borderlands GOTY (never played)
Broforce (completed it but didnt really like it but am interested in trying some coop)
Chivalry 2 (havent played in a long time. I remember getting bored of it)
Conan Exiles (never played)
Dayz (hated it but im willing to give it another try if im playing with someone else)
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Dead Rising 3
Door Kickers (never played)
Door Kickers Action Squad (never played)
Gmod (ttt preferably vanilla or something like darkrp. Most servers suck nowadays.)
Green Hell (completed the solo campaign but interested in trying out coop)
Insurgency Sandstorm (never played)
Killing Floor (not 2)
Payday 2 (have not played in a long time. Not sure whether im completely bored of it or not)
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (didnt really like it but im willing to give it another try)
Stranded Deep (tried it several times and its a shit game but might be fun coop)
Trine (already completed but interested in trying coop)
Trine 2 (already completed but interested in trying coop)
>games you don't want to play
Any Valve game
Any game where you have to dedicate your life to it like Rust. I just want to play some fun ass games.
I got the event for you then nigga

mm your profile private, nigga
mmm you molest children, don't ya nigga
mmhm mmhm mmhm
there's a thread for it on /vm/, anon
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>Reddit Armory
>Reddit L4D2 Versus Group
that's correct. /vm/ is doing an event with their server next weekend.
update; add me if u wanna play rainbow 6 siege.. i dont have it on steam, it's on ubisoft, but there's crossplay
Added him but he removed me the next day
hi moff
>it's always 18-25 year olds wanting to play shooters
MP threads are different. There's not exactly a glut of non-shooter games that support over 4 players, work well across distances, and are both free and easy to setup. Even then, shaving off that 5+ requirement for a little man on man action in a thread like this doesn't exactly open the door to that many more options.
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>want to play
Deep Rock Galactic
Lethal Company
Elite Dangerous
Helldivers 2
Microvolts Recharged
Quake 3 arena
Risk of rain 2
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dota 2, but we only queue europe
l4d2, but only to mic spam, or else its too boring
literally any rts game (i have company of heroes 2)
i have doom eternal, unrailed, cod of duty
or whatever other game which seems content-pilled
im also into trackmania, (genshin), gcn netplay, minecraft, and maybe hearthstone i'm still checking it out
also if ratchet and clank 3 uya netplay sounds based, it might be worth to see if those servers are still up
>except dota
lol lmao
Sorry its just more of a solo queue game for me.
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It takes a thread like this to make me realize how few things I actually want to play with people anymore.
Same, but I think a lot of the games posted here are just bad.
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IDK, I play whatever I feel like playing. I do play a bunch of fighting game too. But not shown in the pic
Also interested in playing Sven Coop
>claiming a discord server to be the board's server
i can tell you are a bunch of insufferable faggots
bet you wouldn't say that to my face in ut2k4 bombing run you stupid fucking nigger. think you can just talk to people like that? I'd dunk on your ass so hard in that game you'll never play an unreal engine game again.
>discord tranny trying to act tough
and yet you are too scared to show up. might want to change your tampon bitch
>bet you wouldn't say that to my face in ut2k4
I know I sure wouldn't, but that's because the admin is a lazy ass that has to constantly get other people to host game sessions, and since that person is usually a euro, those kinds of pings quickly start to make UT unplayable for anyone across the pond. Might as well send your shock combos in the damn mail.
I'd say it to your face just to get you to play Bombing Run with me. Used to love that game mode
well then you make events. if you are so unlazy faggot

Wanted to add you for Don't Starve Together but can't find you
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Sure, sounds like fun, mostly playing CoD or Destiny 2 these days as far as multiplayer goes, but can reinstall games as I feel like
>come in and do my job for me
lol, lmao
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how do u make an event
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>steam url
>games you're looking to play
helldivers 2
war thunder (mainly tanks)
darktide (sadly i dont play ratclick :^C)
killing floor 2
What BRs in war thunder? Any trees you wanna start?
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im an absolute shitter
>5.7 germany
>3.3 russia
i actually wanna start either the french tree or the bri'ish tree even tho i know everyone sleeps on the sweedes
i get on and off of this game because sometimes i get frustrated after getting no kills in 3 matches in a row or getting cas'd right after a kill but such is the nature of war thunder i guess
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you are complaining about me asking other people to make events, when you are doing the same thing by asking me to make an event.

how do you reconcile this position?
It's pretty simple: I'm not the one trying to advertise a session or a place to play the game without actually having the means to facilitate that session with people in this region. To shittalk on the matter but then not be able to back it up and actually deliver a session, well that's ridiculous.

And I'm also simply pointing that out. Based on your replies in this thread, I wouldn't want to play with you anyways; I'm just saying that someone trying to organize something should actually be able to organize it to completion, or to not be such a silly billy when they still need to ask people to help them do basic setup.
wall of text. just say you are shit at ut2k4 next time and change your pussy pad.
this is why no one joins your server, and those who do want to leave
I like to think I'm pretty okay at the game. I just don't like you, and you're taking ample opportunity to prove that I'm right not to
cool that's why we have 20 people for ut2k4 retard. sounds like you got banned for your pussy leaking too much.
silly billy? of course you're a hydefag normie
You fucking suck at the game dude. last time we played you got absolutely dunked on. my skaarj balls swung right into your face on the winning slam dunk
I never joined, althoughbeit.
Euros are not people. Implying such is your worst act of shitposting so far
how many frens so far
Any loli enjoyers here?
Thinking about getting Hunt Showdown or most of the dlcs for Vermintide 2. Not sure which to get.
Eh fuck it.
My friend code/full url cause the name was already taken somehow and steam is being anal about setting a custom url.
I like fightan's, shootan's, cuhrayzees, or anything that has multiplayer.
or free.
I like the idea of playing games with people. But damn, I played tf2 and terraria with friends over a decade ago now. I'm not even 30 yet. It was fun for its time, but how is there not a better option by now? Now I just keep my Steam and Discord on invisible / offline. I have more hours on chess.com than steam now. It's all so monotonous and unappealing.
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I like shootans, coops, and strategy
friend code incase 141194952
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Play UT2K4 or else.

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kogasatopia player stay away
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if only I could video games
with friends even
dude just play ut2k4 quit being a coward, are you guys that scared of boomers?
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interesend in yo gi oh (dl,md) and retro vidya. Feel free to add fren
>3.4 hours past 2 weeks
I can't keep up with old games, the standard of play is too high and if I wanted to get shit on I'd just go play apex legends or some shit
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Anyone up for stationeers? Factorio? Any engineering games other than minecraft please.
none if us have played in like a decade.
Extremely based taste in games.

I enjoy Squad, Hell Let Loose, and Left 4 Dead 2

I don't care for life, and I hate playing that.
(nothing changed, gave up once again and returned to singleplayer games)
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any dudes that likes Risk of Rain 1 and 2. or perhaps TF2?
hi catherine
how many hours you have in tf2?
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"615" + like 2k hours on my old account. I still suck at the game, granted im super casual

join the group then join the group chat. we play source games also some members have deadlock access. dark and darker is a game we play too


dont join, there are a couple of pedophiles in that group
good enough, add me if u want but I cant play right now because of a surgery

age of consent theory is a /pol discussion
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Mostly play FPS games
Thinking about picking up Sea of Thieves but who knows
feels very weird to see someone with a PM pfp having generic taste
What is it with every single person have 2k hours in the most generic games? It's always TF2/Dota/Rust/GTA5 and like zero singleplayer games. Especially TF2 that game is really not that interesting, it's so strange to me that people have thousands of hours in it.
NTA but what do you expect someone with that to play? Random niche shit #4102?
and where is your example of 2k hours in some shitty game like binding of isaac?
If you have 2k hours in any game, ever, your brain is defective. You are a rat in a cage pressing buttons.
Depends on how long the game's been released but I generally agree. If you put 1,000 hours into a single game over the span of like, two years, you are either autistic or you forgot to close the fucking game
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terraria calamity, barotrauma, project zomboid, rabbit & steel

no competitive games
Yeah it tends to be like that. Most people that played LobCo/Library of Ruina were people that played niche, specific stuff, so my logic is that they would probably play lesser known shit.
Finalmente um BR com gosto bom.
if youre such a casual fag you cant sink 2k into a complex game like dota you dont deserve to call yourself sentient for you lack brainpower required to compete on such a battlefield.
>im le gamer but not like that you guys!
please put on the programmer socks you prissy faggot
31/male/netherlands - EU

im looking for gamers willing to play something, anything that isnt super known or super generic.
!!! euros only please thank you. !!!
steamcommunity: MainframeHQ
Discord: mainframehq
t. worthless neet
>31/male/netherlands - EU
this faggot thinks this is a dating thread, fuck off
you think these things are only relevant for dating
low iq.
is /soc/ brainrot, every retard in there post like that

Interested in playing hoi4 multiplayer. kinda new to mp but have like 1200 hours in game. not interested in the cringe role play but just the actual game itself so no pretending to be the president of France and negotiating treaties autism please. Other than that, just interested in strategy games to play with people. I have most of the total wars I have gates of hell and men at war assault squad 2. I have most other paradox games and I'm open to other strategy games. If anyone has a hoi4 group or like a discord, that would be great
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>get added
>try to check what games they have, so we can play
>it's private
The only useful part is location for ping reasons, the rest makes you look like a discord creep.
Could be worse, you could add someone to play a specific game and they could just ignore you.
not gay or a furry or anything but ultrakill is actually a decent game, any normal ppl play it?
I do enjoy it, just didn't try the secret level yet. Also it's a pretty popular game so i'd imagine it's statistically impossible to only have faggots and furries as players.
iirc there's a secret level for every layer, ik 0-S is a spooky thing, 4-S is a crash bandicoot parody and 5-S is a fishing minigame thing
if you get the jaket mod they have public multiplayer, it's buggy as shit but also fun
there's also the prime levels but those aren't really secrets
Yeah i meant the newest one, on violence. Iirc is the one you need to lure a mob to burn an entrance. But i didn't knew it had MP. I'll try it later but Dusk, which is another game made by newblood interactive is already spastic as fuck with just bunny hops for me so ULTRAKILL might be too much for my ass.
oh yeah, you need to get streetcleaners to burn the rubble in the mausoleum thing in 7-3 (it's hinted at in the book that drops after the Big Johninator fight where it says you need fire hot enough to melt metal )
also, the multiplayer isn't pvp for the most part, 95% if the time it's either co-op cyber grind or campaign, or sandbox with cheats enabled and 5 people spamming thousands of sisyphuses lmao
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> 95% if the time it's either co-op cyber grind or campaign
oh that doesn't sound bad actually. I was just a bit averse to the idea that it would be pvp were i'd have to dodge explosions and be mindful of the enemy parrying my own bullets. That would be hell.
i need someone to finish portal 2 coop
forgot to send my friend code
How about we make a steam group?

No need for anything gay like a discord. Just an old fashioned steam group.
You all can obviously share any discord chat rooms you like once in the steam group, but for now, let's just make a steam group for /VM/
We can all then interact and befriend each other, set up game events etc.
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I made a group, based on my own suggestion here.

I do not have a lot of free time to manage the group, so I am happy to make a lot of officers if you want to be one.

It's gonna be really simple as far as I'm concerned.
Join it, make discussions, invite to games, make events, and invite to discord groups if you like.
But whatever you do, the idea is that it is a safe landing space and it requires a lot less commitment from the more socially anxious types here as compared to adding people as friends.

Get to know one another in a slightly less anonymous manner and choose with whom you'd like to game with.
It's a little odl school for you younger nerds, but I think you'll like it.

theres no reason to have a group, anons come here just to find a player 2. Also, >basedjak
Jesus you guys are insufferable. no wonder so many in this thread are crying about being dumped by other anons.
and you realize the basedjak is satire, right?
4chan is so fucking gay anymore.
You guys have ZERO self referential humor anymore.
>and you realize the basedjak is satire, right?
It wasn't. Go back.
>You guys have ZERO self referential humor anymore.
All the more reason to use age old tourist jaks, right?
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I'd rather not post my profile but in case any South Americanons are still here and want to play with someone, these are some of the MP games that I still play from time to time:
>cs 1.6 / source
>Ghost Recon
>Darkest Hour
>Swat 4
>CoD 1/ UO / COD 2
I can confidently carry on both CS if you don't like losing that much, though I rather play and banter for fun.
You're a fat faggot and you jerk to tranny porn.
You Will Never Be A Woman.
>get called out for being an underage tourist
>respond by acting like an underage tourist
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>makes group
>gets bullied into deleting it
dude i wanted to join wtf, also people who bully people for grouping up and making their own tribe must be lonely as hell
hes a shartyfag tho
what does it mean mason
If you wanna join a steam group there are plenty to choose from. This thread is for people who just want to find someone to play games with
Old school?
massive obnoxious newfag
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and you're the big bad oldfag gigachad right?
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i want to finally get done with elden ring, so I'd like to try seamless coop with someone else because the game isn't that interesting to me. (no I don't own skibiditree dlc, but if there is a way to pirate it and play online i'd be down for that)
also the idea of playing old shit like NES/SNES/Genesis/Mame games online might be ok, but most of the times I tried it there were latency issues (south latam) and settting retroarch up for MP seems even a bigger hassle.
Forgot to mention that in ER I'm in the Mountaintop of the Giants, dropped it just after beating Castle Sol
Level 120 STR+FTH build, right around Fire Giant.
(pic unrelated)
mountaintop of the giants sucks it gets good again after that
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I want to play a Group Ironman with some bros that won't pussy out after 2 weeks
Its so hard to find boys though
world or rise?
not into rise
seamless coop has it's own save files anon

anything goes

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