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I'm a developer of a hardcode multiplayer turn based strategy game. I'm a big fan of Xcom and Xenonauts but was always dissapointed how there's no game in the genre that does multiplayer well, so i made my own. Currently 2 years in development and probably a few more years to go.

The game features:
-Full modding support(all units and abilities are editable)
-Map editor
-AI without pre-defined behaviours that adapts to abilities and seamlessly uses modded content
-Deterministic combat with no RNG, based on supression and risk-reward core with abilities exposing units to be supressed

The game does have functional ai, but the primary focus is 1v1 multiplayer matches. I'm currenltly ramping up playtesting of the game and right now looking to have 1 on 1 playtesting sessions to address UX issues. And in a months (or two) time start open playtesting.

I'd try it if you posted a build in thread for me to dick around with a buddy, but you didn't so I won't
I'm gonna bump your thread since I would love to see more Xcom style games, but actually good.
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I'll be posting a build here soon since a lot of people seem to hate discord
You gotta understand that /vm/ still has some of the older 4chan crowd. I personally have no problems with discord but most anons here are gonna want to stay anons.

Aesthetically I think your game looks fairly good, though the character models seem to blend together with the background/terrain just a bit much.
Maybe some sharper or more bold outlines could help them? And honestly I'd make the guns way bigger and more visible, that way you can have an easier time telling what they are
how soon is soon? this was 4 days ago
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>joined the disctroon
>can't download the game
i hate dickord fags, internet was a mistake
X-com PVP? Very interested
Still have fond memories of UFO2000 when it was still alive / being developed.
I feel there is genuinely a niche for this kind of thing if someone only manages to do it well.
Not joining your discord however.
Thank you, I'll take a look at it, but I have another question, could you answer that for me too, please.
Can you explain to me as a dev, when the true next gen games will appear?
Somehow the graphics aren't really at NextGen level yet, I think. Still looks good, just a little prettier. But the certain astonishment / amazement graphic is missing.
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I would consider what unreal 5 is doing quite nextgen
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This is a Singleplayer only playtest in order to test for stability, crashes, bugs and the AI itself.

You can report any crashes by sending log files from Logs and ServerLogs(singplayer games are hosted on a local server).
Send crashes and bugs into the discord: https://discord.gg/vxA5G4MugE
or if you dont like or dont have discord you can alternatively send them into this bug report form: https://forms.gle/iCLibbXusEgk4ceT7

After playing the game i'd apriciate any feedback negative or positive in the discord above
or this feedback form: https://forms.gle/2cnfxHjCxcBSrU9R9 (this is a different form from above!)

DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/file/8B5knDSI#uB8ARcJWTVC1LP_WG1n-_zjOUy9kLFs0b4ioFZBskg8

make sure to read the readme inside for tutorial/instructions
Looks neat, I'll try to play tonirrow
Now it's up on itch: https://etetstudios.itch.io/etet
>no rng
interesting, when's the multi update
Hopeing to get it ready by the end of april. It's techincally already there i just gotta polish up the menus, lobby settings and such since they're really finicky development UIs right now.
>hardcore multiplayer x-com like
Will it be 1v1 with each person controlling a whole team? Or will it be 4v4 (or however many units you intend on doing) with each player controlling a personal unit?
1v1, whole team
bump for cool thread
Is this still a thing?
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Progress is happening. I've cooked up a video showcasing the last 2 years of progress.
I'm on track to post a multiplayer build by the start of may and host a tournament by the start of june.
This thread might get archived so follow either on itch or discord.

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New patch. Should be way more playable now.
bump waiting for multiplayer for the multiplayer board

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